Missed Call - Cover

Missed Call

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 13: I Loved You With a Fire Red

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13: I Loved You With a Fire Red - Lauren's world comes crashing down when Natalie tries to come between her and Luke. As the missed calls, text messages and voicemails pile up, can she forgive him?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic  

They all left two hours later. We had had breakfast, sat around chatting as all girls do, and promised to meet up the next night to go out. Just a night with the girls.

So I went upstairs, and finished watching my total-chick-flick-crap movies.

I was in a bad mood, once again. I knew they were right. They were my best friends, and always had my back. They always had the best advice. Where the fuck was Henry?

And then I realized. He had been due home on Rachel's birthday. Was he there? Had I been so wrapped up in my problems that I had not even noticed that my brother was home from college?

I went up to his room, and sure enough, there he was. Sound asleep. I had missed my brother coming home!

So I sat downstairs in the kitchen, talking to Brooke until he came downstairs. He had circles under his eyes, and he kept yawning.

The second he appeared, I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck.

"Henry! I'm so happy you're home!"

"Laur ... I've been home since Thursday."

"I know ... I just ... some things have been going on."

"Spill..." he said, taking a seat next to me at our bar-ish thing. It was in the kitchen, a high table-ish thing with little bar stools. More like a little island in the middle. He got up again to pour himself some coffee.

"Luke and I kind of broke up."

"No way!"


"What happened? Last time I checked, you guys were perfect."

"Yeah, perfect ... whatever." Brooke left to go change some sheets in the guest rooms, and I told him the whole story before she got back. I got my cell phone, and let him read and listen to all the messages.

"Lauren, you need to talk to the guy. It sounds like he's pretty desperate to explain to you. Why don't you listen?"

"I can't believe you're taking his side!" I could have blown up at my brother, but he calmed me down.

"Lauren, shut up and sit down." I sat, and stopped talking. "I'm not taking his side or anyone's. I'm just telling you from a guy's point of view that he really needs to talk to you. No guy would go through this much if they didn't really care about you."

"You think so?"

He nodded, "I know so. Take it from a guy."

I nodded.

That night, my parents insisted that we go to the Country Club for the Sunday Cookout. Every Sunday night during summer, the club had a cookout in the back of the main building, where there was a big open area. Hot dogs, hamburgers, a sundae bar ... It was really cute.

And my parents were forcing us all to go. Henry's first time at the club in god knows how long.

And I, of course, had to look good. Who knew who would be there.

So I went upstairs, showered, blow dried my hair, and got ready. I wore a tan theory skirt, and a white halter top. I looked pretty, but at the same time, good. I wore white heeled sandals, and carried a white purse. I looked adorable. I pulled some hair back with a clip, and did my makeup.

When I was done, I looked beautiful. Sorry for the lack of modesty, but let me tell you that I looked very pretty. I put on a simple silver necklace, from which hung an 'L' like the ones from Tiffany.

My parents were ready to go, and Henry was just coming out of his room as I headed down the stairs. We were ready. It was beautiful outside, perfect weather. The sun was just starting its descent to the horizon, and we were in the car on our way.

"Remind me why I let Mom and Dad drag me to this?" I asked Henry an hour later.

"Because, it's family tradition, we have done this every Sunday during every summer since I can remember ... probably your whole life."

"You're right."

Everyone was there. The entire gang, Natalie and her brat pack, Luke and his family, Nick and his family. For once, I wished we didn't all belonged to the same Beverly Hills Country Club.

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