Missed Call - Cover

Missed Call

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 12: but It's Nothing New

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 12: but It's Nothing New - Lauren's world comes crashing down when Natalie tries to come between her and Luke. As the missed calls, text messages and voicemails pile up, can she forgive him?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic  

I woke up the next morning with a migraine. And for no apparent reason ... I hadn't picked up drinking or smoking, or any of that the night before. So what was wrong with me?

I was tired. It was noon, and I was still tired. Probably because I had gone to bed at around three.

All the girls were still asleep.

I got up, and went over to my computer. I signed online for the fun of it, kind of bored because no one would be awake at this hour.

I was suddenly swept down memory lane. Luke was always the one person I could count on to be awake when I was. He had never gotten up past twelve thirty, just like me. It was kind of cute when we were going out, because we had the same sleeping patterns. I remembered once the day after a party, very similar to the one of the night before, we had sat online for an hour and a half, swapping stories, and talking about everything under the sun possible to talk about while our friends slept at our houses. It was very cute. And when I looked down, my hand was shaking so hard I could hardly hold the mouse.

Why did he always have this effect on me? I immediately put up an away message, and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, all that stuff people usually do in the morning. I changed, and went downstairs. I sat on the two little steps leading up to my front door. I had a house very similar to the one in Jumangi. It was really cool, and very modern. The best house possible. I had left my cell phone upstairs. I was becoming much less attached to that thing than I had been. I was actually able to walk around without it.

So I went back inside, stuck a ten dollar bill in my back jean pocket, and walked to Starbucks.

With my caramel frappachino, I felt invincible.

And then I remembered a quote from one of my best friend's yearbook pages. She and her twin brother both went to my school, and in the ads, they had made pages for each other, that were posted opposite each other. She had written in his note "sometimes I think I'm invincible, and then I realize it's because you always have my back."

That quote had made me cry. Luke and I had said that quote applied to us in some way. We thought we were on top of the world, but at the same time, it was because we had each other.

Fuck. I had to stop thinking about him as soon as possible.

And what better way than to find out you missed a call from Nick Davis?

Claudia handed me my phone as I arrived back in my room.

"Nick called."

"Did you answer?"

"Of course."


"He said to tell you to call him."

"Thanks," I tossed it onto the bed, next to a still sleeping Amanda.


"Well what?"

"Aren't you going to?"

"Going to what?"

"Call him! Duh!"

"Oh ... no, not right now."

"Why on earth not? He's hot!" Leave it to Claudia to talk about his hotness again.

"I will ... just not now."

I put a piece of paper down, then set down my cup. I sat at my desk, and stared at my buddy list.

"What's up?" she asked, knowing I was in a funk or something.

"I had a memory trip this morning."


I nodded.

"Aww, babe..." she hugged me. "So call Nick. And start a new memory lane!"

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