Danny - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - He was her worst enemy and would be until the end of time. But little does April Robinson know that when her life takes a sudden turn the person she thought she would hate forever suddenly changes.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

I log online, and invite the girls into the chat. Maddie signs on late.

We start the chat. Screen names are as follows:
Me: Asizzle17
Maddie: CAcheer31089
Jessica: JessGal66
Charlotte: AngelFace000
Alexandra: DreamBabe22
Elizabeth: PopStar0098
Brittany: BrittBaby201
Taylor: Sunshine774
Lucy: BevHillGrl126
Samantha: QtLady505

The Chat:

CAcheer31089: hey you guys, thanks for coming to the chat
Asizzle17: yeah you guys, thanks for coming
DreamBabe22: no prob
JessGal66: sure
PopStar0098: can we make it fast though, i have a hair appointment to get to at three
QtLady505: i have to be somewhere later tonight though for a date, will it take that long?
BrittBaby201: oh shut up you guys!, our friend is in need!
BevHillGrl126: chill out you guys!
Sunshine774: seriously!
Sunshine774: April: whatever it is, we're here for you
AngelFace000: what is this about??
CAcheer31089: well you guys, we all heard about the kidnapping that took place
PopStar0098: the kidnapping that involved April & Danny Cutler!!!!!!!
CAcheer31089: you guys all need to shut up, okay?
CAcheer31089: april is going to share her story with all of you guys, but you have to promise not to write any responses except in e-mails once the chat is closed okay?
CAcheer31089: april is really touchy about this, and it really upsets her, so i need you guys to be willing to be helpful
Asizzle17: hello, i do still exist, i can speak for myself you know!
CAcheer31089: so speak for yourself. the stage is yours april
Asizzle17: okay, thanks
Asizzle17: well you guys, you all heard about the kidnapping that took place in which Danny Cutler and I were the victims.

The chat continued from there, with me telling them all that had happened, and the way that I felt about it all. They were all really supportive actually. I think that after I told them all that had happened, we were much closer.

I seriously felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

A few hours later, I was shocked when Danny signed online.

I immediately IMed him, and at the same time called my Dad's emergency cell phone number.

"Dad, you have to get over here. Danny is online!"

"I'll be right there, don't let him leave. Try to find out anything you can!"

"Okay! Love you, bye."

I hung up, and typed in my message "Danny! Where are you?! What happened?!"

I sent it, and almost immediately got a reply back.

DanTheMan17: april????
Asizzle17: danny!! where are you?? what happened???
DanTheMan17: i have no idea!!
DanTheMan17: i think i was kidnapped again, but i think this time the victims were me and my family. you were left out, thank god.
Asizzle17: danny, what's going on?? where are you?? tell me so i can get help!
DanTheMan17: i actually know where we are...
Asizzle17: where??? my dad and the police will be there asap
DanTheMan17: we just passed by the corner of palmer and houston...
Asizzle17: so you are on your pager??
DanTheMan17: yeah ... omg
Asizzle17: what?
DanTheMan17: we are stopping in front of your house!
Asizzle17: what?!
DanTheMan17: april! get out of there! they're going in!

I heard footsteps outside. I saved the chat as fast as possible, and hit print. It would print out, and hopefully Daddy would find it. I grabbed my cell phone, shoved it in my pocket, and watched the door.

It opened, and I allowed myself to be kidnapped, along with a piercing scream that literally shattered my own ear drums.

I slammed against Danny. I groped around, and grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"I'm here," I whispered into his ear. "It's okay." I felt him shaking.

I felt Danny shaking, and he never stopped. Sometimes it got worse, and then other times less. I started to get really scared, especially when I almost passed out or something. But the next thing I knew, I was thrown into darkness.

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