Danny - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - He was her worst enemy and would be until the end of time. But little does April Robinson know that when her life takes a sudden turn the person she thought she would hate forever suddenly changes.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

I went back to school a few days later. A few very difficult things have been going on since the police found us in the underground room. The first thing was the trip to the doctor's office. I have a broken wrist, and my ankle was close to being sprained, but it is doing okay. Danny has a broken leg, and a cut on the back of his head. Then we had to work on the court thing. There is going to be a trial, but so far there is not a whole lot of things that are going out. The trial is supposed to not be for a long time. The last thing that has happened is Danny and I. We actually got back on Friday. Danny and I have been spending literally every waking hour together. I can't believe how close we have gotten.

Since we kissed in the car, there has been a difference between us. I know that I don't hate him now, and that is a major surprise. I always thought that I would hate Daniel Cutler to the end of the world, but now I think that my feelings have changed. I mean, we have spent most of our days sitting on the couch in my living room. We have talked to everyone. Each other, the police, the FBI, the lawyers. Everyone.

When Danny's parents came to pick him up, I was really surprised about how things went. It turns out that his parents really did not feel the way he had said. They had been truly worried, and while they didn't look thoroughly excited, I think that they were extremely happy that he was back. I remember seeing them in the foyer, and them hugging him as though they hadn't seen him in ten years. His mother was crying, and his dad was almost there. I felt like I was going to.

Danny and I didn't kiss again, even though I think that we maybe both wanted to. We held hands, with our fingers laced together, and our legs touching each other on the sofa. Instead of being on opposite sides and staring at opposite walls like usual, thing were better. I would curl up the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket, and feel his arm around me, while I rested my head on his lap, and we stared at the television.

I felt we were growing closer each day.

Maddie, Brad, and Scott come and visit me on Sunday. Maddie and I hug for what seems like an eternity, both crying. I hug Brad, and hug and kiss Scott. I feel weird doing it though. Maddie and I hug again. "I thought I would never see you again!" we sob. A totally overexhagerated reunion, but we feel the need for it. For some reason, there is a distance between Scott and I. For some reason I have difficulties kissing him a lot and stuff. I keep thinking about Danny.

Oh my gosh! You and Danny are not going out! I have to practically yell to myself every day to keep me under control about my torn feelings with Danny and Scott.

I go back to school on Monday, with my life a complete wreck. Danny came by while Scott and I were hanging out and things were really weird. I just tried to keep things clear by telling them both that I had some stuff to do for school, and to just go on home.

I went upstairs, and cried.

At school, things were much better. People were coming up to me, and checking to make sure that I was doing well, and to welcome me back. I got more hugs and kisses then I could count from everyone under the sun. Even the librarian, the hundred year old grouch, welcomed me back.

I returned to being what I had been before the kidnapping as soon as possible. I kind of froze myself, and threw myself back into the world of being one of the most popular girls in school. At homeroom, Danny and I didn't look at each other once. It felt weird, not to get a smile or a glare, just nothing. It felt horrible, I wished that I could undo everything.

During one of my frees, I went to the library to print out a copy of the Constitution for history, and I found Danny up there as well.

The only free computer was the one that was next to him. I sat down, not looking over, and opened up Google, and typed in "constitution." I tried to not look at Danny. But something made me have to glance over at him. Maybe it was the fact that I felt his eyes boring into the side of my head. I glanced over, and found him glancing over as well. I looked at his computer screen. He was looking up newspaper articles on kidnappings.

I printed out the Constitution, and went over and got it out of the printer tray. I went back to the computer and found a note typed into a word processing document.

"April: I don't know why we did what we did, or what exactly happened between us. I do know one thing though, and that is that it can't go on like this. We have to make up our minds, are we friends or are we enemies. We have to figure this out. I mean, I don't feel that I can be your friend, simply because of the ... Yeah. But I also don't want to be your enemy, because I loved it when we could talk to each other, and get along well. Please April, I need to know the answer. -Danny"

I looked over at the chair next to me, found it empty.

I put my head down on my arms and cried.

I feel like I am in a daze, and I can't think or do anything really at all. The only thing that I can do is think about Danny and Scott and try to focus on my friends. I never thought that this kind of thing would leave such a big impression on me.

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