Danny - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - He was her worst enemy and would be until the end of time. But little does April Robinson know that when her life takes a sudden turn the person she thought she would hate forever suddenly changes.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

I awake to someone shaking my shoulder.

I roll over, and open my eyes. My muscles scream in pain.

It's Danny. He looks horrible, and for the first time, my heart softens to see his black eye, and painful expression.

"April, wake up."

I sit up, holding my arm, it feels like it is broken. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Are you? I mean, you don't look it."

"What do you mean?"

"Get your mirror. You'll see for yourself. And my guess is that I look the same way. We both are pretty beaten up."

I nod, and slowly slip off the bed, standing up, then collapsing.

"Oh my god!" I moaned.


He helps me stand up.

"What is going on?" I remember the conversation from the night before. "Danny, what happened yesterday?! What did you tell them?!"

"Nothing. I think that the same thing happened to me that did to you. I was walking home from school, and then was grabbed. I heard them, the two guys, talking to each other. I heard them saying things like ‗look for one who looks wealthy' and ‗look for the cheerleader type, they are always really rich'. Okay? I think the main thing that is happening is that we are kidnapped for ransom."

"But that isn't possible! Who would kidnap us?" I can't believe it. I realize he still hasn't let go of my arm. We are sitting on the bed. "We have to get out of here!"

"I know damn it! I actually guessed that it was you when I heard the scream. You get used to cheerleaders screaming. Then, I know this sounds weird, but I could tell it was you by your smell. It's your shampoo I think, but that is how everyone knows when you are coming without seeing you first."


"I know, forget it, but in the mean time. What the hell are we going to do?"

"I don't know what the hell you are going to do, but I know what I'm going to! I am going to call my parents and the cops."

"And tell them what? We have no idea where we are!" the hatred returns. I don't like it.


I go over to my bag, and pull out my cell phone. I call Mom and Dad.

I have to walk around to find service.

"Mom! Dad! I've been kidnapped! Help! I don't know where we are! But we ended up in some warehouse or something, and now we are in this underground tunnel or something. Help! Please! We were kidnapped by two guys in a navy blue sadan. One of the guys is named Bud or something. Daniel Cutler is also here. Send help! Please!"

I hear voices outside, and quickly end the call and turn off the phone. I hide it in the pocket of my cheer skirt.

One of the kidnappers comes in. I think it's the one who is not named Bud.

"So, how are you guys doing?" he asks, slyly.

"Just fine, how are you?" I ask, being bitchy.

I sit on the bed next to Danny.

"Just fine. Now, I want to know some things, and I will get my answers, understand?"

I glance out of the corner of my eye at Danny. He nods, so I do too.

"Now, full names. First you," he points to me.

Danny is looking at me now. "April," is all I say.

"Now little lady, I asked for full didn't I? Now, I repeat, what is your full name?"

"April..." I glance at Danny. He looks afraid.



"April, that's my full name. I only have one name."

"Yeah, and I only have one eye! You better start talking sweetheart. Now remember, I have all the time in the world, but you may not."

I wonder at what he means by that.

I shake my head.

"Oh, won't talk now will you?"

He whips out a switchblade. "Maybe this can promote you," he flicks it open, revealing a sharp bright blade.

I shrink back. "Robinson."

"Thanks, I had a feeling that I wouldn't have any trouble with you." He turns to Danny. "Now you buddy. What is your full name?"

Danny just gives him the same evil stare he used to give me.

"Now punk," he pulls out the blade again.

Danny stays quiet.

"I said now," he says, walking near us.

Danny still doesn't say anything.

The next thing I know, I am being held. With an arm around me, and the sharp blade against my neck.

I grab the arm with both my hands to keep from being choked, trying to escape.

"Now punk, I will repeat the question. What is your full name?"

"Let her go!" he says, about to stand up. The kidnapper kicks him, and Danny falls back.

"Not until you tell me your full name. If you don't, the honey here gets it." the blade presses harder against my neck.

"Danny ... please!" I can hardly talk, for fear that any movement will send the blade through my neck.

The tears fall.

"Danny Cutler."

I fall to the ground in a heap, without a single mark on me from the knife.

I had you both scared there for a minute didn't I?

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