Danny - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - He was her worst enemy and would be until the end of time. But little does April Robinson know that when her life takes a sudden turn the person she thought she would hate forever suddenly changes.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

Three weeks into school, and something horrible happens.

School has been going great, and so far I have managed to steer clear from Danny, except from a few (actually a lot) of evil stares, and a glare when I show some kind of affection towards Scott. I know, I think it's weird too.

I am walking home from school on Wednesday afternoon after cheerleading practice when I notice a navy blue car coming very slowly down the street. My guess is that the driver is trying to find someone's house and is having trouble finding it.

I ignore it, and keep walking. Then the next thing I know, there the car is next to me, and the doors open, and I am grabbed.

I scream as a hand claps over my mouth, and pulls me into the car. I am blindfolded and an arm holds me still, with the hand still over my mouth. I hear an engine roar, and my guess would be that the car is speeding along.

I was wrong. That car that I thought had been looking for the right house had been looking for the right victim, or waiting for its victim to reach the right place. In this case the victim was me.

I realize that I was just kidnapped.

I feel a needle or something poke me in the arm, and I am washed into blackness.

I wake up. I guess I am still in the car, but I can't tell. I feel with my feet my backpack on the floor and my duffle bag next to it.

Suddenly, I am swung to the side, and am thrown against someone.

A moan escapes from them.

I realize that I don't have a gag or anything, thank god, but my hands are tied up. My feet are too. Oh god. This is more serious than anything.

I start freaking out. I don't think that whoever is next to me is one of the kidnappers, but maybe another person who was kidnapped. I start freaking out. Where are we going? What time is it? What is going on?

I start screaming, to feel a hand clap down on my mouth. I bite it, taste blood, hear a curse, and then am slapped. It sounds loud. A thing or person next to me says something. "What is happening? What is going on? Who else is here?"

I recognize the voice, but I can't pin point it to the person.

"Shut up kid."

A voice comes from the front of the car, and then we screech to a stop. The next thing I know, I am in blackness again.

I open my eyes to find myself tied up again, this time with a gag. I hear someone breathing. I try to move, but can't.

I hear the kidnapper again.

"Well, well, well. Looks like our little cheerleading princess is awake. And look who else is awake? Our little football star."

My mind freezes. Scott? But he was still in the locker room when I left, at least I thought he was, because his car was still in the parking lot. Was it him?

I am unblinded, and the gag is taken off.

"What is going on here?"

I realize where I am. I am in some storeroom of some sort. There is not a lot of light, but enough right around us. There is someone next to me.

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