A Perfect 10, Part 1 - Cover

A Perfect 10, Part 1

Copyright© 2008 by Akarge

Chapter 6

Thursday 5 AM
P-Day - 1

OK, the twins are with cousin Artie. John is in the spare room with Miranda. Mike and Susan are with Megan. Jackie and Don are over with Candace and Kim. That leaves Carol and Aimee in the room. I have a girl on each side and one astride me, very actively astride me. That’s one too many girls. Open your eyes, Fred.


“I just ... umm, that’s nice. I figured it out last night. Uhhm, uhhm, uhhm.”

“What ... What did you figure out? Ohhh, please keep that up.”

“Al. You planned his security ‘glitch’. You kept him away for us to decide. So, this is your uhhm ... thank you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank yoouuu!”

“Its still night out, why is your alarm going off.” Aimee was, at best, semi-coherent when first waking.

“Army habits. Aimee, this is Candace. She will be in my Harem. Candace, Aimee will be in Sarah’s. Sarah, Rebecca and Artie are in the other room. Also, John, Megan, Mike, Susan and Miranda are here someplace. Both of you should feel free to stay here and introduce your-selves around. Everyone in the house is going and you can both sample to your heart’s content if you like. I have to get ready for work.”

“No. Not like that, you aren’t. Let me clean you two up!” Aimee crawled over, leaned in and started licking.

Thursday, 3 PM Fort Meade

“Boss, Janet is out here. She is sure jumping about something.”

“Hmm, smiles, Maggie? Or spitting fire.”

“Grin is more like it.”

“OK, Send her in, then lock the outside door, strip and join us.”

“You got it, Boss.” Fred could hear the smile over the phone line.

Janet walked in a minute later. “Janet, Maggie said you were pretty worked up. Good news from Gillian?”


“Great. That means this work is not wasted. Here’s her list back. Her last alternate won’t do. She will probably freak if any one mentions sex outside of marriage. The AI thinks she was abused someplace, but has seriously repressed the memories and her desires. She would crack up if she were in a Harem. I noticed that Gillian put her last and said last resort. Good instincts. Well, it looks like Robert is going to be giving her the big Birthday Present tonight. So, just so you don’t feel left out...” at this point Maggie walked in wearing just her smile. “ ... Maggie and I are going to help you celebrate.”

Thursday, 3:30 PM Fort Meade

“Sarah, Gillian got a 6.7 on her CAP test. You need another girl.”

“I’ve got it covered! We have three single girls on our back up lists. I will grab a guy and/or girl or two and go hunting. Lay Janet back and congratulate her for me.” Sarah smiled at the thought as she talked to Fred on the phone


“You partied while I could have been seducing teenaged women? See if I share any more with you!”

“Carrie, can you leave early?”

“Sure, Sarah. I put my notice in and I’m just marking time cleaning up little details. What’s up?”

“We need to go seduce an eighteen to twenty-year-old girl. We’ll take my car and pick up Mike and Susan. Well?”

“Hmmm. If I look upon her as just someone else who will distract the horny guys and girls from me, then that’s bad. If I look at her as another horny girl to help keep me happy, then that’s good. That’s a toss up.”

“How about you look at her as another person to help wash the dishes, change diapers and lick your pussy?”


“First stop is the grocery store. She works in the coffee shop. Her name is Coral. Nineteen years old with a cap of 4.5 with some intelligence, about average aggression and some sex drive. Likes kids, but is not necessarily a fantastic mother. She is about average in that regard. She is very lovely and has decent customer service skills, but I haven’t really had a chance to talk to her lately.” Sarah pulled into the parking lot, parked and they all got out. Carrie, Mike and Susan followed her to the store and into the coffee-shop next door.

“There she is. Let’s go get some lattes and see how she handles us.” The foursome approached a lovely light-brown complexioned girl, obviously African-American but with very European features. She looked a bit like Halle Berry.

“Hello, Sarah. I haven’t seen you in a while. What can I get for you?” Coral’s eyes were red as if she had been crying.

“Hello Coral. Oh, dear. What’s wrong, honey? You look like the roof caved in.”

“Sorry, I am such a crybaby today. They just let us know that they are converting my building to condos. I can’t afford 350k for a one-bedroom apartment, so I have to do some apartment hunting. The Swarm will be here in a couple of years and they are going Condo.”

“That does seem short-sighted. But you seem tougher than that. What else is wrong?”

“My boyfriend left me. I told him about the baby yesterday and last night he was gone when I got home.”

“Baby? Did you tell him that you were pregnant? Or something else?”

“Pregnant. I took the home test. Then I went to the doctor. Then I told him.”

“OK, so you lost a loser boyfriend. Don’t you think so, Mike?”

“Yup! An idiot. And obviously blind.”

“Thank you. Both of you, but I need to take your orders.”

“No one else is here, Dear. Here, get me my usual and whatever for the others. Get yourself something as well and then you’ll sit down and talk with us. No talk, No tip.” The sounds of the espresso machine covered the quiet talk of the foursome. They were still alone in the shop when she returned with the drinks.

“Thanks. Jill is on break for another five minutes before the big evening rush. I get weepy when I’m alone to think.”

“Coral, you seem to have a couple of problems. In order from least important to most, someplace to stay, lack of companionship, taking care of a pregnancy, then a baby, and the Swarm invasion. Sound right?”

“Yeah, but I would have put the place to stay higher than the lack of companionship.”

“Well, It’s certainly more critical in the near term, but in the long term, I think I am right. As it happens though, we can help you with all of your problems.”

“You have a room for rent? Need an Au Pair?”

“Kind of, for both questions, actually. Coral, if this store was suddenly blocked off from outside and some Marines were yelling about a pick-up, would you go with us?”

“What? A pick-up? Here?” Coral looked around quickly.

“No! Not here. Not now. I just need to know if you would want to come with us if we were picked up. Here is my card.”

“Wow, I haven’t ever seen one this high. The four of you are a group?”

“Actually, the four of us are part of three groups. Kids, show her. Mike here is my Son. Susan is his girlfriend. Carrie is one of the ladies in my Harem. I have two guys, married men with delightful wives who are also in my Harem. Some more women including one girl who is younger than you, uhhm, eighteen, I think. And we have seven kids coming with us. My husband has his own Harem. And we will be sharing. We can provide a place to stay, help with the baby, companionship and a way off the planet. Soon. Interested?”

“Oh, Yessss!” The word stretched out with the intensity of the answer.

“OK, You probably know the ground rules and we can go over the details later. But there are major sticking points we should cover. One is that there will be several guys and lots of girls. My husband, my two guys and his two guys for starters. Mike, Sharon’s dad and their teenaged friend Rickey are some of the rest. You still ok with this? Not all of them all the time, but those are who you might be with and probably with them all at one time or another.”

“Ok. I can deal with that. Uhh, I like sex!”

“Excellent, we do too. My daughter has a boyfriend and his dad. My twin Sister and her husband have two guys each, I think. My husband’s sister and her husband have one guy apiece. My niece and my nephew each have one. Their boyfriend and girlfriend each have one. I think that’s it. I may have lost count.”

“What are you guys doing, filling an entire colony with family?’ Coral was giggling, some of which was at the absurdity of the long list, but some was nervousness.

“No, just one large cul-de-sac of the colony. Fourteen households in twenty four habitat pods I think.”

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