A Perfect 10, Part 1 - Cover

A Perfect 10, Part 1

Copyright© 2008 by Akarge

Chapter 3

Sunday Morning
P-Day minus 5

“How are you feeling, Fred?”

“Good, but exhausted and a bit sore.”

“Well, two horny young women, twice each, yesterday afternoon, one surprisingly sex-wild middle-aged lady and then an oral ménage-a-trois with me and a thirteen year old in the evening, followed by your attempt to nail me to the mattress after they left last night ... A bit sore indeed!”

“Yeah, I thought we were going to have to call the paramedics for Robert when Gillian decided to do a sixty nine with him and then licked her mother clean after I had finished with her. Well, her sex drive is sure not going to drag her score down and neither is her aggressiveness. What have you got planned for today, our day of rest?”

“Day of rest! Ha! OK, first, I think I will list Gillian in my open slot as opposed to yours. That leaves two open slots for you and I want you to take both Kim and Candace. Candace’s husband is beating on them again. Fred, He is going to kill them if nothing is done. I can pump up her courage for a couple of days if we can get rid of him. Once we’re off world, they’ll heal up in a better environment. Hmph. Sounds weird to be labeling slavery as a better situation than marriage, but in this case it is!”

“Ok, I’ve looked at that situation as well. I have it all planned. His boss will send him on an emergency trip for their government contract tomorrow. Once he gets on base at Cheyenne Mountain, a certain security glitch will occur, causing him to be sequestered, strip searched, interrogated and held for days. The security officer in question knows some of what we are doing and will delay him until at least Saturday. The same security guy retires in two months and he and his family are on our larger recruitment list. We had to recruit him in advance or he would have re-upped and I promised not to take any active duty personnel. So, with our other picks that gives me a fifty-year-old man, a forty-year-old man and I have women at forty-two, forty, thirty-nine, thirty-four, thirty-three, twenty-five, seventeen, sixteen and fifteen. What have you got total?”

“Well, I’m taking Bill and Jennifer from next door, they are twenty-nine and twenty-eight, I think, with two kids. Then my cousin Artie is thirty-six, Aimee is thirty-seven and their girl Megan is eighteen. They have one other child. He’s twelve, I believe.”

“That reminds me. What idiot would name their kid Artie Johnson?” Fred smiled at his wife.

“A ‘Laugh In’ fan, of course! His mother was livid, but she was unconscious when her husband put the name on the birth certificate. To continue, Artie has been trying to get in our pants, that’s Becky’s and mine, since he was twelve. Aimee knows all about it. She made some complimentary remark about not blaming him for it while discretely checking Becky and I out a few years ago, so I have high hopes for her.

“Next, Carol was my roommate in college, so she has been thirty-nine for the last three years, same as me. She will be here Tuesday, by the way and she is staying here with us; right between us, I hope.

“And of course, you remember Miranda. We had a great time on that weekend together last summer and the two of us just about wore you out. She’s thirty-five, I think, but she has essentially already agreed to anything we want after just a few hints. Heck, I think if we asked her to join us and stay here on Earth she would seriously consider it. Then I want Carrie from work. She is thirty and there are two little ones.

“Basically, Miranda and Carol are gimees, but we need to actually recruit Artie’s family, Bill and Jennifer and Carrie. You will have to recruit the Knights, also Jo Rausch and her daughter Karen. Uhh, I guess Jo shouldn’t be too hard. She was part of our little circle in college. But I don’t know Karen very well. I haven’t seen them both for five years, since she was twelve. And then we have Kim and Candace after we get rid of Al.

“We’re scheduled to help with Susan’s family tonight and Don’s family tomorrow night. Luckily, Mike said that they had no problems with Angie and her mother yesterday and they have even volunteered to help with Richard and his mother and sister.”

Fred thought for a minute. “Ok. How does this sound, call up Bill and Jennifer, see if we can get them to come over this afternoon. Call Miranda and get her here at the same time, maybe a few minutes earlier. All three look great and are a bit younger than us, so if they agree, we can use them to help out with recruiting some of the others.

“Afterwards, we ask Miranda to stay here for the evening and we call the Knights. It will be Miranda, the Knights and the Bellows with Mike and Susan. That lets us downplay the incest if necessary. After that we have Miranda help out as much as she is willing.

“Tomorrow, we get the Rasmussens with Don, Jackie, Miranda and I may invite Mei Ling over also. Next is Tuesday for Carol. No, we will bring in Kim and Candace on Tuesday also, as they may need more time to decide. We don’t mention Friday, just ‘soon’. And we can have Jennifer and Bill on standby if they need some young chick or stud to help them decide. That leaves Wednesday for Artie and his family and Thursday for Carrie, Jo and Karen? How does that sound?”

“Hmm. Let’s invite Carrie today as well. I think she can get a sitter and that will give us more options for seducing the husbands while you and I work on the women.”

“You should have been a general. You already know how to divide and conquer.”

Monday Morning 5 AM
P-Day minus 4
Winthrop Home.

The pressure in his bladder growing, Fred blew some hair out of his face as he tried to get his left eyelid up. It was heavier hair than he was used to finding on his face in the morning. It was dark brown, thick and straight, not red, fine and curly. He was pinned in by, hopefully, female flesh. He opened the other eye and was looking into a nice nipple on a medium small breast. Yup, that’s definitely female. Hmmm. Miranda was a C cup and Sarah was a large B. Jackie was a chestnut brown and he did not think she had joined them anyway. That, he would have remembered. Caitlin was a light blonde and Jan a darker, honey blonde. This must be Rachel. “Rachel, honey. I need to get up now. Can you move over a bit?” The hair moved and he felt someone shifting their weight, but the breast and the weight on his chest never moved. “Caitlin? Jackie?” He moved his mouth forward and took a small nip.

“Oww! Hey!” Oh! It was Gail, Susan and Rachel’s mom.

“Sorry. I need to use the restroom, Gail. Can you help me get unburied? Uhh. I thought you and Jackson went home last night.” The pile started shifting as the dears uttered sleepy protests.

“We got to the door and talked, he went home to handle the kids. I stayed in case either Rachel or Susan had any problems with, uhh, the father-daughter situation, or with the mother-daughter situation for that matter. I know I do.” Gail had a worried look on her pretty face.

“Give me a few minutes and then we can talk. I have to get ready for work.” He used the facilities, then brushed his teeth and jumped in the shower. He was a bit surprised when Gail slipped in with him a couple of minutes later. “I hope you don’t want a repeat performance. I am totally wiped out.”

“Nope, but with four or five of us in that bed and I don’t know how many in Mike and Sharon’s I figured that hot water time was when you could get it. Here, let me scrub your back while I talk.” She soaped up a washcloth and started scrubbing up and down his spine and ribcage. “I feel guilty about what I did in there with Rachel. Not so much with Susan as she was instigating it. I know Jackson has not been that, uhh, enthused in a couple of years and I had a great time with you, Mike, Sarah, Stephen and all the rest, even with my girls, but I feel like I’ve let them down.”

“You saw that they both were enjoying themselves. Do you feel that you let them down because you put them in bed with your husband? Or with other men? Other women? Or with yourself? Or just because you enjoyed it?”

“All of the above. Well, mainly with Jackson and myself and our enjoyment of it.”

“That’s only natural. You have been living with a set of rules for forty years or so and you just violated them, big time. You know, intellectually, that this set of rules would endanger you and your family if you enforced them now, but you are conditioned. Look, I know exactly how you feel. I am arranging these little family ‘Test Drives’ and it does not bother me. It does not bother me that my son, Mike, was with his mother last night. Twice, I think. But the fact that I am probably sleeping with Jackie tonight scares the daylights out of me, regardless of my calm demeanor. Let me do your front. It’s always my favorite part of a dual shower. Are you rethinking of going with us? Or just angsting?”

“Angst and Woe.” She said it with a grin though. “I’ll be OK. It will just be weird for a bit.”

“OK, you should know that I when I checked your family’s scores, you all consistently scored high in sex drive and open-mindedness about sex. I doubt that any of you will have real problems with this in the long run. You should collect the girls, take them home and talk it over, though. Keep them home from school if you need to. I need to go get dressed, get my breakfast, coffee and meet my driver. Go back to bed and cuddle some more.”

Fort Meade

“Maggie, I have a list for the General. Is he in, or should I leave it with you?”

“Better leave it with me, Jason, He is in with the Director for now.”

“So, they gave you all you wanted, Fred?”

“Sir, they caved. It made my spine crawl. My last estimates show less than twenty-five million people currently off planet out of over six and a half billion. If I am outstandingly lucky, I can get one hundred thousand off before I run out of ships. Speaking of which, sir, here are my lists.”

“Ok, I knew about Janet, Maggie and Mei Ling. And a few security people are fine. Tell me your justification for these other guys. These are our bread and butter.”

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