A Slow Process
by niteowluk99
Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99
Erotica Sex Story: The story of a man and woman and his desire to be cuckolded and her learning of larger cocks to be had.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Consensual Coercion Gay BiSexual CrossDressing Fiction Slut Wife Wimp Husband Cuckold Wife Watching DomSub Humiliation .
This story begins way back in the mists of time, in 1980 to be exact. A young virgin of seventeen called Kathleen met and married a man of 18 called John. Her anticipation of the romance of her honeymoon and wedding night in particular was quickly dashed when alone at last she and her new husband undressed.
John was less than adequately endowed with a two and a half inch cock which when extremely aroused measured a measly four inches. But no to an innocent virgin who knew no better, this was what all men had to offer. Her luck did not change when John took her virginity either; for she had secretly hoped for hours of fucking and in reality all she got barely ten minutes from beginning to him rolling over and falling asleep.
Still knowing no better she never complained, in fact for ten years she assumed this was the norm, until one day in the ladies loo at an office where she worked as a temporary secretary she over heard two females talking. One was telling the other about this guy she had been out with the night before and delighted in declaring when they went to his bedroom and he dropped his slacks, he displayed an eight in cock which was not even hard yet and when it was it was almost ten inches long and as thick as her wrist. Further more she described how he had made her knee and suck him for thirty minutes not caring if she choked on his cock or not.
By now Kathleen or Kath was rubbing her cunt to orgasm as she listened intently to the voices outside her cubicle. The woman was now telling her friend that he fucked her in several different positions for over an hour without cumming and when he did cum he spurted gallons of spunk over her face and tits. Kath had to bite her lip to stop from screaming out at this moment for her orgasm swept through her body. Not just her normal orgasm but this one started deep inside her brain and sent electric shocks to every nerve in her body before massing in her clit.
She could not believe what she had heard and decided to try to find out if such things were true. Instantly she took the decision to get John to buy her a computer so she could check out some of the sites she had heard existed on the internet. Oh course she would have to play it cool as to why she wanted the computer but she was sure she could handle that.
That night she was surprise how well John had taken the demand for a computer, for additional home work from her job she had declared. Well this was not exactly a lie for the additional homework was job related as she had been given the idea that there were monster cocks out there from girls at work. John was almost as pleased as Kath was about the introduction of a pc to their home for he too had heard of wife cams where he could watch women undressing and playing with themselves to an untold audience over the internet.
That night, Kath's dreams were the wettest she had ever experienced and it was centred around her being made to suck a large thick cock and having it deliver its torrents of spunk over her tits. By the weekend they had their computer and on the Sunday night whilst John was at his parents, she began to explore the internet.
She found several sites which showed various sized cocks and the one which stuck in her mind showed white women taking large black cocks whilst their husbands were forced to watch. Initially this disgusted her, for how could a man allow his wife to take another man's cock especially a large black one when he supposedly loved her.
She also found some adverts for sex shops and the sort of toys the sold, she toyed with the idea of buying on line a six inch rubber cock, just to see what it would feel like in her hand and as it was not a real cock it could hardly be classed as being unfaithful if she gave in to the temptation to slip it into her cunt, now could it! Instead she went to a store in the next town where she would not be known and selected one off the shelf.
She purchased a six inch model which was one inch in diameter and shaped like a pink prick, she chose this because after ten years of a small cock she did not know if she could handle a massively large one. For six months she hid her toy and used it only when she knew John would not be around. But as usual fate sometimes has a way of conspiring against your wishes. One day when she thought John would be working till well after seven pm, she took her toy to bed. It was two thirty in the afternoon and she stripped off completely. Her 38D tits ached for the feel of her rubber friend as it buzzed to life and increased her excitement.
Soon she was on her knees on the bed with her arse to the bedroom door, one hand gripping her rubber toy as she probed her cunt with it, her free hand snaked around her arse and pressed against her anal ring. She was unaware of her husband's presence, for having feigned a migraine at work he had hoped to find time alone to check out some amateur web cams he had managed to find web addresses for. When he entered his home he had heard these strange noises coming from upstairs and upon investigating he had seen his wife's lewd display through the part open bed room door. Instantly his tiny cock sprouted an erection and he fought the urge to barge in and stick it into his wife's arse. No instead he watched silently whilst stroking his aching cock.
As Kath now fucked her cunt with the rubber prick, and fingered her anal ring, she began moaning out John's name but surprisingly she was not begging him to use his big cock on her, no she was begging him to let her take big cocks from other men. Suddenly it hit John, his wife, was secretly wanting to get herself fucked by a big cocked guy and she wanted John to approve it. His mind whirled as he suddenly shot his load over his hand at the sudden implication of this. Without thinking he slipped away and as he crept down stairs he had the sudden impulse to lick his own hand clean, imagining it was some other guy's spunk. He thought this would disgust him but his cock sprang back to life and it really did not taste as bad as he thought it would.
Straightening his clothes as he left his house; at the end of the road he phoned home and told a panting Kath, he was not feeling very well so he was on his way home. Ten minutes later he was ringing his own door bell. Kath let him in and asked where his keys were, he lied that he had left then at work in his haste to get home because of this blinding headache. Entering the bedroom where so recently he witnessed Kath's pornographic sex act, was now respectable and no sign of her toy.
He lay down on the bed slightly aware of the musky smell of his wife's sex antics; his wife turned out the light and whispered that she was going to see her mother. With in ten minutes of her closing the front door, John was searching everywhere to find her toy with out any joy. Reluctantly gave up looking and instead went to the computer; as he booted it up he wondered where his wife got her toy and more importantly where she got the idea of buying such an item.
Curious he decided to check the coolie files and soon accessed the sites his wife had been looking at. He was fascinated when he saw the cuckold sites and happily wanked off as he imagined his wife taking on such a big cock as he was made to watch and then when he read an account of how a man was made to eat his wife's cunt after her lover had spunked up her; it really blew his stack.
Further investigation of this subject matter, led him to reading a particular story by an author on a story site and before he convinced himself against it, he sent feedback to the author including his feelings about the subject. He was not aware he had disclosed to the guy that he was so poorly endowed; but when he received a reply which indicated that his wife was unlucky to have to be lumbered with such a poor excuse for a cock, he was intrigued and began to enter into correspondence with this guy called Ray.
Following his new Master's instructions, John wanked into a glass and drank it pretending it was Ray's spunk and that he had actually wanked Ray's cock to get this thick white cream. John began opening up to this man he never really intended to meet; telling him of his inner most fantasises and indeed related the incident when he watched his wife fuck herself with the rubber prick shaped vibrator.
In the following email Ray suggested that John introduce Kath to the idea of being sexy enough to be chatted up and even suggested that he bet her that she would never dare to allow herself to be chatted up to the point of actually going to a hotel room with John and this other guy.
Two weeks later, John emailed Ray to say that Kath had taken the dare and was prepared to allow herself to be chatted up if the circumstances allowed. It was at this point Ray mentioned being in Wales for a week, in three weeks time, and could start that visit to Wales in Swansea on the Saturday before moving on to his real reason for visiting Wales on the Monday. Now john fell in and instantly agreed to meet Ray when he came to Wales, over the next few emails they sorted out the details of their plan.
So it was that three weeks later, Ray booked into the Premier Lodge, Swansea, walked down to the local internet café and sent John an email. John spoke to Kath and emailed back it was on. Later he sent the information Ray had demanded in order to make things work, including a recent picture of Kath.
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