My Mother's Lover: Missing Chapter Found - Cover

My Mother's Lover: Missing Chapter Found

by Bondi Beach

Copyright© 2008 by Bondi Beach

Erotica Sex Story: Charlie and Ellen visit Lake Havelock with Jennifer and her father. This fan fiction is totally unsolicited by jackieoh, author of "My Mother's Lover," but she's told me she doesn't mind if I post it. If you like it, thank jackie for her story that inspired this one. If you don't like it, blame me, not her. You don't need to read jackie's story to enjoy this so-called missing chapter, but I recommend that you do read her story as soon as you can. You're in for a treat.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Voyeurism   .

A note from Charlie: This wasn't in my story earlier, because I didn't notice at first that several pages of my mother's diary were stuck together. I found them later.

Chapter 9.5: Lake Havelock


September 5, 1973

Well, on our last day at Havelock House Charlie and I learned that we aren't the only parent and child who show their affection for each other in a sensual manner. I'm still trying to understand what I saw, or perhaps I'm kidding myself: I understand it all too well.

I really don't know how much longer I can wait. Charlie is such a man now, and handsome and strong and sensitive. We are both very sensual people. I know he wants me, but I must admit that I don't know which frightens me more: that Charlie might change his mind, or that he might do what he's promised he will. I know I want him, but I accept that Charlie wants it to happen at the right moment.

On that warm September Sunday, Charlie and I, and Alan and his daughter, Jennifer, went on a short hike to Lake Havelock, which was part of the original Havelock property for which the house is named. It's a shallow lake, which means that at the end of the summer it's warm enough for short swims, but no one would call the water warm! What Charlie and I saw there...


I remember that day so well. I was confused by what had happened with Jennifer the evening before, when we watched Mom and Alan play bondage games that ended with Alan pumping into Mom as he bent her over the overstuffed chair. I didn't know what to feel: on the one hand he had been striking her sweet bottom earlier so firmly that his hand, and the little switch or whip he had, left marks, and I was angry that he was hurting my mother. On the other hand, I will admit it: I was aroused at the sight. Watching my mother pant and moan and seeing her clearly having a huge orgasm was a turn-on.

Part of my arousal was also because of Jennifer. As we caressed each other, she had wormed her way out of most of her clothes and told me to take her on the couch we were using to watch my mother and her father from behind a one-way glass. In fact, I was so aroused I forgot that we didn't have protection, but fortunately when Jennifer told me to pull out I did, and I spurted on her tummy and breasts. She didn't seem to mind.

Later that night I cuddled with my mother, and when she told me that she had had sex with Alan, I told her that I knew.

Sunday morning, we all decided to walk down to Lake Havelock, which was barely a half-mile or so away, to have a picnic lunch before Mom and I had to return home. At first, Jennifer and I walked together, sometimes holding hands, sometimes not, talking idly about really nothing at all. We didn't talk much about what had happened the night before. After awhile, we slowed and let Alan and my mother catch up to us. Alan went ahead with Jennifer, and I stayed back to walk alongside Mom.

"Mom, did you know that Jennifer and I saw you and Alan last night?"

"What?" She blushed. "I heard you say something last night while we cuddled, but I guess I was too sleepy to understand. What do you mean that you saw us?"

"Well, Jennifer showed me a service hallway that goes back to the room you and Alan were in. There's a locked door that lets you into a room right next door. We could see you through a window, but from your side it just looks like a mirror. Jennifer says she's watched her father there before, with other women, and since there's an old couch to sit on, I suppose she wasn't the first person to sit there and watch what goes on in that room."

My mother turned even redder, and suddenly I noticed her nipples were stiff under her light shirt and the smooth brassiere she wore.

"Did you ... did you ... umm ... what did you think?"

"It was very arousing, Mom, except when Alan hit you. That looked like it hurt." I knew, of course, from our own play that my mother liked to be spanked. "I wondered if he was hitting you too hard."

"Oh Charlie, dear." She stopped and hugged me. "It hurt, but in a good way. Thank you for being worried. But, you know, your old mom is a little tougher than she looks."

My arms were around her, and my hands slowly moved down to cup the luscious mounds snuggled into her jeans and the smooth silk panties I knew she wore underneath. I couldn't stop myself from squeezing gently. Mom winced.

"Easy kiddo, I'm still a little sore there."

"Sorry, Mom."

I smoothed the curves of her bottom lightly. She giggled.

"Come on, Alan and Jennifer are almost out of sight."

It wasn't long before we arrived at the lake. Alan and Jennifer had gotten there a little ahead of us, but they hadn't waited. After setting out the blankets they carried, water bottles and food, they were stripping.

"C'mon Charlie, Ellen. It's too warm not to swim!"

Alan was shedding his boxers while talking. I saw that he was half-hard, but not to the point of embarrassment. Jennifer finished undressing and her dad and I watched her smooth rear end as she ran into the water. Alan ran after her. I was hard. Mom looked at the bulge in my shorts and blushed, again.

"What do you think, Charlie? Shall we?"

I turned to her and kissed her and ran my hands again down to her butt.


I fumbled my shirt and shorts off, followed by my boxers. Mom moved more slowly, and once again I was stunned by her lush curves, her smooth soft breasts moving slightly in the brassiere as she stepped out of her shorts and shoes. Then she reached back to unsnap her bra.

With a real effort, I stopped watching my mother's luscious breasts swing free, and turned and ran into the water, where Alan and Jennifer were already swimming easily out into the lake. Do you ever worry about what's on the bottom? I certainly do, and I was nervous. But this lake had been a meadow a long time ago, and it was shallow and sandy, at least as far as I could see, and I quickly launched myself into a smooth dive (OK, I thought it was smooth, anyway) and paddled after Jennifer.

Well, you can guess how we spent our time. First there were water fights, then duels with Mom on Alan's shoulders, and Jennifer on mine. Although my earlier erection had gone down mostly, I was still half-hard as I watched Mom's breasts move and Jennifer's smaller ones jiggle as they pulled and splashed each other. I bet Alan was hard as well, but we were all laughing so much I have to confess that I didn't even worry about it.

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