A True Tale - Cover

A True Tale

Copyright© 2008 by acolodude

Chapter 15

The enemy dead were buried Dane was the last to die. The King’s army suffered only wounded not one soldier was killed. The few that were serious were taken care of by A’Na-Ya and Keal’s other cleric healers as they took care of the very few wounded Keal’s army took.

Dane had taken every man available from all the ships, when Keal and the King and some of both their forces checked on the ships, they found them abandoned, not even a small guard force.

Keal told King Thadeus Griffen he would be taking 1 Warship, 2 Cargo ships, 3 Troop transports and 1 Barge back to Farland’s ruler and explain the error of his ways. Thadeus laughed and said, “I have always wanted my own ship, but could not make my people pay for it. Keal laughed and said, “I’ll return these ships to add to your growing navy once I am done in Farland.

Keep them for your own navy unless you already have one?

I have access to many ships depending on the need; however, I too have not spent money on a fleet of my own. Thank you, these ships provide more than enough space to carry my forces with space to spare. Now I must find a place to keep them when I am not in need of them.

Allow me to shelter and protect them as if they were my own when you are not in need of them.


Late that evening, Keal’s fleet set sail for Farland.

It took close to a month to reach Farland, picking a small cove that allowed Keal to copy what Dane had done, using the barge to form a dock for the other ships to unload. Since they had arrived near sunset they were not noticed until the next morning when they were more than halfway unloaded. Of course, Keal had his defenses up first thing. So, when the military unit of 30 men road up, they were halted and challenged.

The officer a duke, claiming to be a field marshal, demanded to know where General Dane was and why we were there appearing to be an invading army.

Keal asked for the duke’s name, and said he was there to speak with whomever sent Dane.

Duke Hastings, Horacio Hasting Duke of Southland, King Oswald Lickersukenhein rules Farland. General Dane was sent to recoup tribute for the death of our diplomat.

Keal said, “Go tell lick or suck hinny to come talk with me about declaring war.”

Duke Hastings and all his men drew swords at the disrespectful way Keal had called their king’s name.

All 30 were dead with an arrow in their throat and through their heart. Only three fell from their horse.

Keal told Hastings to go and deliver his message if he had to find ‘lick or suck hinny’ he would just kill him.

Hastings rode off, and Keal sent out his scouts.

Mia Tia and A’Na-Ya changed into clothing appropriate for peasant girls, and Keal put his old man disguise on.

Giggling Tia said this should be fun.

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