A True Tale - Cover

A True Tale

Copyright© 2008 by acolodude

Chapter 11

Everyone of Lord Kronk’s friends were in attendance for this grand meal to honor the diplomat, funny how his name was never spoken only referring to him as ‘your excellency’ as most had no reason to even address him directly. Before the meal drinks were served and everyone had arrived, Lord Kronk explained the events that were to take place this evening. The grand meal was ready and everyone was invited to take their seats. After the meal the Grand Storyteller would provide a wondrous tale for everyone’s enjoyment. After the story there would be a special surprise.

The meal was superb and once everyone was finished the table was cleared and everyone moved to the more comfortable seating in the great room, there were several soft chairs, lots of floor pillows, a couple of large couches and plenty of hookas and drinks for everyone.

The old man move to the center of the room with his stool and sat. Mia brought a pitcher and his cup and knelt by his side.

Lord Kronk smiled and said “very good Mia ensure our storyteller does not thirst”

The old man took his cup from Mia and after taking a sip lifted it to Lord Kronk and thanked him.

Years had pasted and Keal married Tia the fortress was turned into a garrison for soldiers to protect the land. Keal and his remaining friends grew in number as new friendships were made and their powerful influence grew as well. Keal and Tia never built a home for themselves, however, they had many outposts, garrisons and strongholds throughout the land that were under their protection and could always stay at any of them.

A large army of Gobloids numbering several 1000 was observed to the northwest mountains the surrounding nobles calle for the army to be formed and prepared to meet this threat. The army numbered only 1700 with only 200 being experienced soldiers. Keal along with his friends call upon their people and brought 800 trained (not experienced but well trained and disciplined) archer/soldier combo with 200 mounted. At first the nobles were shocked at the number and discipline shown by Keal’s forces. The battle that followed lasted nearly a month and only after Keal and his friends mounted a sneak attack deep behind the enemy wiping out all of the leadership and most of the enchanted did the remaining gobloids flee back into the mountains. Of the 1700 the nobles brought near 500 were dead and another 500 wounded, most would recover but some might not. Keal’s forces favored much better as only 100 were killed and less than 300 were wounded, with Keal and his other healers all would survive.

The nobles asked for Keal to join them.

But Keal only said that his people ruled themselves, he only guides them. He was not their ruler! When asked how they could contact him if he was needed, he simply said “If I am needed I will know and come to you; If you need me figure it out yourself don’t make it my problem too” this upset the nobles but they all knew better than to cross Keal.

The forces separated and moved back to their homelands. The nobles met months later and all had the same story. Nothing could be found about Keal, nobody knew where he lived, nobody knew where he was, and in fact nobody knew where any of this friends were either.

One of the Earls was out on a hunt months later and found all his guards and men were unconscious and he was pulled from his horse. Carefully set on the ground he found Keal standing there. I will only ask once, you will answer, the only issue will be your state after you answer. You will be as you are now or somewhere between slightly and seriously beaten. Why are you and the other nobles seeking me and my friends? It took a moment for the Earl to realize that Keal was going to get an answer! He could give it or have it taken. “Is it not wise to know where your friends and/or enemies are at all times?” The Earl said.

So I am your enemy now is it? Keal asked smiling.

NO NO no no just very powerful and heaven forbid that you ever do become anyone’s enemy --- pity their short existence.

Keal said, “Tell the others, Leave me and mine be! We have no quarrel with any of you. Unless you make one.”

With that said Keal faded into the dark and the Earl realized that his men were all starting to recover.

The Earl did pass the strong warning to all the other nobles and they took it to heart and let things be.

All the lands were prosperous and good fortune was had by all.

As promised anytime something bad occurred Keal and his friends were their almost before the problem started.

The old man stood and bowed to the diplomat and Lord Kronk and then took his seat again on the stool.

The diplomat stood and said that it was a strange tale wondrously exaggerated and embellished almost too much to be believed. But a great tale none the less. Thank you for your story old man. Turning to Lord Kronk the diplomat said, “You promised a surprise.”

Lord Kronk stood and gestured to his guards. Five moved to the middle of the room next to the old man and Mia. One was holding a long pole that was wrapped with cloth another was holding a bag. The last three were now behind the old man and Mia as Lord Kronk continued.

Mia you have embarrassed me by refusing your duty to ‘His Excellency’ to which he has demanded punishment.

Two guards each placed a hand on the shoulders of the old man as the third took Mia by the back of the neck.

Your punishment requested and granted – RapeRod {this punishment was used on slaves that refused to please their masters, but had not been used in years}

All the women shrieked, several of the men gasped, Mia fainted. The old man simply raised a hand.

Lord Kronk looking to the old man asked what he wanted.

I very appropriate punishment for such a serious action, I understand the punished is to be left for a day; so any and all can add to the punishment is that correct?

Lord Kronk answered ‘it is, why do you ask this is no concern of yours’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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