Why Did We Do It? - Cover

Why Did We Do It?

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2008 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Cautionary tale of parental neglect which leads to incest and serial rape.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Rape   Heterosexual   True Story   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   .

My parents never should have had children!

I know that it means I wouldn't have been born, but it's really true.

My guess is that they were so consumed with each other that they never took steps to plan (or prevent) the inevitable pregnancies that result from such unrestrained sex ... and three kids later, did they finally wake up?

I was a bastard in waiting until my parents finally married, mere days before I burst into the world.

Then, just ten months later, my first sister Rachel popped out, and just eleven months after her came Jenny.

If you've ever heard the term "Irish twins" applied to siblings born in separate pregnancies but less than a year apart, then perhaps our situation is the rare "Irish triplets". Three months each year (between Jenny's birthday and mine), we three siblings are numerically only one year apart in age. To avoid confusion, Rachel and I were simply taught to lie about our ages when Jenny's birthday rolled around. It was close to true anyway.

But that was perhaps the least of our problems; and it has little to do with my statement that our parents should not have had children.

It is by sheer luck that we kids weren't killed, or that mom and dad weren't discovered, but they went out often and left us totally home alone. Maybe we were sound sleepers, but what babies ARE? More likely, the parents tried to be parents, then realized they were in, way over their heads; so by my age five, they were often leaving us alone at night. I don't remember much before age five, but I'm guessing that this shit went on even back then, too.

Only after grandma made a surprise visit (from Chicago to Orlando) and I had to let her into the house, did this folly even become an open secret. But what mother is going to turn in her own daughter to the police? (Never happened.)

We all grew up with little supervision, except to keep our mouths shut at school, or we'd be forced to move.

I was in charge of teaching Rachel and Jenny their potty chair technique until they could graduate to the real deal.

Modesty was non-existent. My "appendage" wasn't discussed by our parents, other than to say that only boys have them.

But Rachel and Jenny thought it was funny how my thing reacted when they played with it. Even little boys get erections from the stroking - it's the same non-sexual stimulation as a piss hard-on!

By the time the girls were totally potty trained and the pampers were gone, we were no longer permitted to prance around in the nude, but we often did, once the parents left us alone for the night.

I must have been seven years old when Rachel finally tried me in her mouth, one night. Though it began mostly soft and bendable, it went totally rigid when sis sucked on it. I didn't feel what you would expect because I was still physically immature, but Rachel seemed to enjoy it like a pacifier. The only problem occurred when Jenny demanded her turn on me also, and she used her teeth! I almost kneed her in the head (by my painful reaction, not intentionally).

When I tried to probe their "other" holes, even my pinkie wouldn't fit - and they said it hurt bad - so there was never again any attempt at reciprocation ... until puberty.

I was twelve when modesty became the order of the day (How many years too late?), but Rachel and Jenny would not be denied. They just went secretive about it. I certainly wouldn't blab!

The year I began high school, Rachel and Jenny (who had been exceptionally close to me in grade school) got panicky, but never revealed what we did at home. I was only going to be separated from them for six hours per weekday.

In phys. ed. class, I finally learned about sperm, sex, and the mechanism of pregnancy. (I told you - the parents should never have had kids!) Unofficially, when pressed for an answer, the gym teacher let on that we could be pretty sure we could make babies if our "junk" was cloudy white, as opposed to mostly clear. He knew that he was doing a public service by revealing that to us.

I know for a fact that it prevented me from taking either sister's virginity. If I had gotten one of them pregnant, I expected to lose my video game privileges!

In my junior year in high school, both my sisters were now back at the same school with me, but we had no classes together and very little time between classes, so there was still an air of separation. But we traveled to and from school together.

By now, Rachel had the makings of a nice rack (as the boys called it) and Jenny's more modest chest was on its way to equality, although they still shunned other boys. (Was mom that comatose not to teach her daughters anything?)

Anyway, being in Orlando left us far from gulf and ocean beaches, and Disney World became passe' after a dozen visits, so we hopped into mom's car one Saturday (I could drive at 16) and went to "Wet and Wild" where they had this beautiful water slide that sent you down a 175 foot water slide that lost 100 feet of elevation. It was a great experience.

Rachel noticed that the hotel across the roadway sported a beautiful swimming pool that seemed to be wide open, and we were all dressed for water anyway, so we drove around to the hotel parking lot and just parked like we were guests.

But there WAS a lifeguard/security guard on duty, so Rachel sashayed right up to him and schmoozed. He was so taken with Rachel that Jenny and I could easily slip into the pool. The water was ice cold - compared to what we were used to feeling.

When Rachel later joined us, I asked her what went on and she told us that the boy was supposed to pick her up after dinner, but she said she would have to meet him in the game room to avoid the parents. He still thought our parents were guests at the hotel, the dumb-ass.

That gave us the rest of the day to enjoy the pool for free, and there was even time for some sunning.

Come 5:00 PM, it was time to head home (only ten minutes). We laughed about the "blue balls" the lifeguard would get, waiting for Rachel.

When we got home, there was a note from the parents that they went to Busch Gardens (in Tampa) and wouldn't be home for hours to come yet.

By now, we were all water logged, especially since we took final dips to cool off before heading home.

My fingers were wrinkly, less so the girls', and all it took was one sneeze to realize we needed warm showers. But there was only the one bathroom.

So we revived a childhood ritual and showered together, though THIS time, my boner was truly sexual as were Rachel's hardened nipples!

Down to business first, we shampooed and rinsed the tepid/hot water over our heads to remove any chill, but by then, our growing urges supplied more body heat than we needed.

Jenny actually pulled a reach-around first, stroking my pecker which was now six angry inches of boy meat.

I smiled and looked down, as did Rachel, and my hands seemed to find their way onto Rachel's firm breasts, tweaking each nipple. She didn't recoil from this, but moved closer to kiss me, I think.

But as she got closer, I could suck those nipples, which I commenced to do, and Rachel pressed herself tightly against me.

Juxtaposed as we were, Jenny still had my hard pecker in her hand and steered it underneath her sister as we got close, so the tip was actually touching Rachel's vulva.

Since I wasn't the one steering my dick, it was difficult to understand how close we were to actual sex, and when Jenny rubbed the head around Rachel's gooey opening and pressed the tip inside, Rachel hunched down on it while I hunched upward.

It slid inside with no apparent pain from Rachel (the slut?) until our continued motions seated me deeply. I swear I never expected to lose my virginity to my sister, yet the feeling was too awesome to allow me to stop.

I was fucking my sister and enjoying it to the max, but being inexperienced, I couldn't last more than two minutes, so when I felt my orgasm approach, I could only warn Rachel and let her pull off me ... but she wouldn't and didn't!

Rachel milked my orgasm from me, her pussy sucking in jet after jet of brotherly semen, until I finally got leg cramps and had to pull out, my dick still spewing.

Rachel said not to worry because she was standing up and all the sperm would gravitate out of her into the shower water. (I was totally ignorant of that method of birth control.)

Jenny was disappointed that I couldn't do her also, but with my cramps and spent condition, I was lucky if I could even piss!

When I asked Rachel (accusingly) what happened to her cherry, she shrugged it off as athletic activity and swore that she was a virgin ... which Jenny still was.

After dinner (pizza), I had to lay down to give my leg a rest, and the Florida humidity did help the muscles relax; but Jenny still felt left out and came to me. She said she could loosen my leg, so I let her.

Jenny kneaded my thigh muscle really well, and I only had to smack her hand away from my pecker once; but when she pinched my ass and I bucked up, she swooped down and yanked my jockeys shorts off!

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