Sanctuary Book 2: Protectors of Earth - Cover

Sanctuary Book 2: Protectors of Earth

Copyright© 2008 by JohnyR

Chapter 3: Meeting of the Minds

Buck peered into the darkness in front of him. Hell if Bill saw the light from the base of the mountain, we should have seen the damn source close to the entrance of this cave. He thought moving gingerly along the side of the wall. That means the whatever the source is, its got to be mobile. Especially since I still don't see a damn thing.

Tex kept the light held high to keep it out of their eyes. "I don't see a damn thing pard, what the hells going on in here?"

"It's mobile Tex, keep a sharp lookout." Buck replied never looking back at his friend.

"Shit, a mobile ET!" Tex muttered just loud enough for Bear who was bringing up the rear to catch his utterance.

"Well I for one, hope they got the feed bag ready cause I'm getting hungry." Whispered the bottomless pit called Bear.

What is a feedbag? Came blaring into all three of the men's minds.

"Holy Shit, Now I'm hearing voices too!" Exclaimed Tex.

"Well you're not the only pig in that blanket, cause I heard it ask what a feedbag is. Damn that means there ain't gonna be no chow waiting ahead." Mumbled a forlorn Bear.

"Forget the chow." Admonished Buck. "You peckerheads didn't catch the fact, we all just had contact with the same source did you?"

"Yeah I did, And we ain't getting no feedbags up in here either." Answered Bear as his big stomach rumbled.

"You're the most single minded numbskull I've ever met big boy, the damn ET caught you question stupid." Said an exasperated Tex shaking his head.

Feedbag, a utensil designed to feed equine, by strapping the device around the head. You require horse food? Came the voice again in their minds.

The three men stopped in the dark cave, they still couldn't see the source and the cave seemed to just go on forever into the side of the mountain.

"No we don't need no dang horse chow! It's just that the big fella here is always hungry, even at the worst damn times!" Hollered Tex down into the blackness before them. "And while we're at it, where the hell are you anyhow?" He questioned.

I am here. Came the reply in their minds again.

"Well where in bloody blazes is here, cause we've walked almost a damn mile into this golfer hole and ain't seen a damn thing!" Fumed an ill-tempered Tex.

Buck had let the other two men talk, hoping he could learn something about the ET from its response.

Seeing it was not working the way he had hoped, he finally spoke up motioning the other two for quiet. "I believe you sent me a message, I am here in answer to it. Can we meet face to face, or did I mistake you invitation?" He asked to the depths of the cave.

"Your assumption was correct, I needed to monitor your intentions before we met Buck." Came a voice dead in front of the three men.

The darkness seemed to shimmer, allowing light to begin to show behind it. As it faded away altogether, the men saw a well-lit massive cave, and a four-foot tall metal looking man. "The feedbag is ready as per your request Big Bear, I hope it meets with your approval." Said the short metal man.

Buck tried not to show his amazement at the small man before him. I expected something more in the little green man category not the tinman. He thought smiling.

"Tinman? Accessing. Ah the wizard of Oz, Negative Buck I am not the tinman. I do not require a heart to function. I do however understand you visual reference, if this form does not please you I can adapt to whatever form would please you more." Offered the small metal man apologetically.

"Hell, I like your form partner, you the only one in here? Asked Tex looking past the little man into the massive cave.

The small man's face changed as the metal lips rose up into a smile. "I am sorry my warriors, I have forgotten my manners, although they are fairly new to me still.

Stepping sideways in the cave he gestured for them to enter. "Please come in." pausing to access an old earth phrase he added. "Take your shoes off and make yourselves at home boys."

Even Buck couldn't keep from laughing at the offering. "Well thank you very much, we would be pleased to accept your most gracious invitation." He said as the three men followed the little ET inside the cave.

Watching their host move, Buck realized its construction was glass smooth. He didn't see any seams or rivets, much less any hinged parts.

The little man looked totally human, accept for the high polish to what looked for all intent and purposes liquid metal skin.

Inside the Buck noted a section of the cave that was right out of one the old books in the library called Norman Rockwell's Art. His amazed eyes took in the scene, he was sure had not been there a week ago.

Carved into the right side of the cave was a full living room and open kitchen/dining room affair. An astounded Bear gasped, as the little man led them into the mind-boggling area.

Bear's stomach went into overdrive as he spotted a large dining table overflowing with what appeared to be a thanksgiving dinner.

"Is this feedbag sufficient for you and your warriors Buck?" Asked the little man as he gestured at the outrageous seemingly impossible setup.

"Is it real?" Whispered Bear in awe.

"Oh yes it is quiet real, I accessed some of the memory files in my data base, this is what is referred to as a thanksgiving feast. Will it do to start with? The smile was gone as he asked this, afraid he had made a mistake and upset the humans.

Buck kneeled down to be eye level with the ET. "It is truly a fantastic feast, I've never seen anything like it accept in a book." He assured the little man.

Offering his hand out, Buck said. "I know you already know our names, but we don't know yours yet."

The little man's blue eyes seemed to go wider at the offering of the hand and statement.

Carefully extending his own little metal hand, he gripped the human's hand. "I don't have a name, I do have a designation though." He replied.

Smiling Buck questioned. "OK then, what is your designation my friend?"

The little man started to give it's designation when it realized the human had called it friend. It had never been called friend before, the word sounded really good to it.

"I am Benicia Class Alpha 5461." It replied.

"Now that's a mouthful." Tex stated as he squatted beside Buck. "Partner, would you mind if we cut it down a smidgen?"

Benicia Class Alpha 5461 was surprised by the offer.

"You wish to give me a name?"

Tex nodded. "Well sure if you don't mind that is."

The little metal man was truly overwhelmed. It was over 5000 solar cycles since it's awakening, none like it had a name besides its designation.

"It would be an honor to have such a new designation as a name, friend Tex. Do you have one in mind?"

Tex went through a list of names in his head, and the little man made sure he didn't listen in.

"Well I don't even remember you whole designation anymore, it was so long. But what stuck out was the Benny sounding part, so how about Benny?" He asked hoping the little guy would like it.

The little man's eyes seem to light up, if that were possible for a machine. "Benny would be a perfect name, I am indeed honored to use that designation."

Tex reached over and shook the little guy's metal hand. "Well good ta meet ya Benny, now what the heck are you?"

Benny shook the human's hand excited at his naming, then remembering his purpose for being here he replied. "Before I begin, would you like to bring the others waiting in your transport inside? All of you could eat the feedbag items while I inform you of my purpose here, and how it affects you."

"That sounds like a plan Benny." Turning Buck asked Tex to go get the others outside.

Buck followed Benny over to the table where Bear was well ... being Bear. A half eaten drumstick in one hand and a serving spoon filled with dressing in the other, the big man was shoveling food down his gullet as fast as possible.

"Friend Bear seems to like the feedbag. He does not seem to be doing the chewing thing very much though, will he not choke if he continues that way?"

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