A Little Money on the Side - Cover

A Little Money on the Side

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A teenage girl is lured into posing for pictures and having sex for money by the neighborhood child molester when she learns that her best friend is already doing so and using the money she earns to buy the nice things that she wishes she had.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang  

The next day was pretty normal. I was better able to concentrate in class. I guess I’m getting used to being a part-time whore. Stacy and I met up at our lockers after our last class and headed for Mr. Todd’s house. As soon as the crowd thinned out and we could talk she asked me if I was nervous.

I was surprised to realize that I wasn’t. I suppose I should have been. But there were no specific threats hanging over my head and I figured I could handle anything that Mr. Todd could throw at me now, except the dog. And if it started looking like that was what he had in mind then I was out of there.”

When we got there Mr. Todd let us in and said, “Have a seat. We have to wait for Brian.”

Brian goes to the high school. It’s a little further away and they get out later. It takes him another ten minutes or so to walk here.

Brian arrived and entered the house without even knocking. He put his books down and Mr. Todd said, “Give me a hand, Brian.”

They left the room and came back a moment later with a heavy, padded bench. Brian picked up the camera and lifted it to his shoulder. He turned it on and focused on me. Mr. Todd went into the back again and came out about five minutes later.

He ordered Stacy to undress me again. She moved behind me so that the camera and all of the perverts on the internet could watch her undress me and have a good view of my naked body as she uncovered it.

In a few minutes I was naked and Mr. Todd said, “Lay down on the bench on your back, cunt.”

I gave him a suspicious look and asked what was going to happen.

He moved so fast I couldn’t believe it. He slapped my face so hard I saw stars.

I yelled, “Fuck you! I’m out of here, you bastard!”

I tried to reach for my clothes but he grabbed a handful of my hair and twisted my arm up behind my back. He held me with only my toes touching the floor and he whispered in my ear, “You stupid cunt. I warned you. You’re going to learn your place today.”

He twisted me around and threw me down on the bench so hard that it knocked the wind out of me. Before I could start to struggle again he had fastened a thick, leather strap around my neck. He quickly restrained my wrists and my ankles and finished up with a strap around my midsection. I was totally helpless.

He placed a jar on a small table near my head. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a nickel and dropped it into the jar. He stood over me with a cruel grin on his face and said, “I’m going to be your first customer, bitch.”

He moved between my legs and rammed his hard cock into my dry pussy. I screamed in pain and started demanding to be released. He didn’t even slow down. While he fucked me he called Stacy over to where he was standing over me fucking my dry pussy. He asked, “Am I going to have a problem with you or do I need to tie your ass up too?”

I could see that she was scared and she was crying. She shook her head but she whispered, “Please, Mr. Todd. Please don’t hurt her.”

In response he growled at her, “Strip, bitch. Then go stand by the door. Your job is to let everyone in and out.”

Brian filmed his sister as she stripped and then as she walked over to take up her position by the door. He turned the camera back on me just in time to catch Mr. Todd speeding up and building towards an orgasm.

Before he finished, though, the door opened and three men entered. They came over and gathered around the bench where I was being violently raped. They stood around and watched as Mr. Todd came with his cock buried deep inside of me.

There was a moment when no one moved and no one spoke. Then he pulled his cock out of my tender pussy, moved around to my head and forced it into my mouth and throat.

While I was cleaning his cock with my mouth he said to the men, “She’s all yours men. Just make sure to put your nickel in the jar before you fuck her. You can fuck her mouth if you want. But remember the rules. You have to cum in her cunt.”

I heard the rustling of clothing and I heard the sound of three coins dropping into the jar by my head. The first of the three men forced his cock into me and they began to discuss my body, focusing mainly on my tits and my pussy. They also talked about what was apparently a large number of pictures of me posted on the internet and the quality of the DVD they bought of my first two visits to Mr. Todd’s home.

One of the two men who were waiting to rape me for a nickel urged Mr. Todd to make a movie with me and a dog, or better yet several dogs. Brian agreed eagerly.

Okay, so I was tied up and getting fucked. I still thought it was no big deal. I even got the insult of the nickel a fuck. Very cute. I still didn’t have a problem with this. At least it was obvious from the conversation that I wasn’t scheduled to co-star with Lassie. Not today, anyway.

It probably wasn’t until close to forty minutes later that I started getting concerned. The room had begun to fill up with men of all ages and all descriptions. I was soon getting fucked by my first black customer. I actually kind of liked that. You know what they say about variety. His big, black cock looked kinda sexy.

The coin jar was filling up. I assumed that my pussy must be an awful mess by now. But still the men kept coming and they kept cumming. I held out for over an hour before I started begging Mr. Todd for a break.

He leaned over and whispered, “The only thing that is going to break here today, bitch, is you. By the time you get off that bench, half the men in the county will have fucked your skanky ass. From now on you do what you’re fucking told. And you do it for however much money I decide to give you.

“But just to show you my heart’s in the right place, when you leave here this evening I’m going to let you have all the money that you earn today. If you want you can take it home and count the nickels and figure out just how many men have fucked you.”

It started at three thirty in the afternoon. Men kept coming all afternoon and most of the evening. I saw several men that I recognized. I noticed that they didn’t seem at all concerned that I knew them or that their picture was being broadcast on the internet.

I saw one of my teachers. The druggist that had filled my prescription for birth control pills came in. Two of the baggers at the small grocery store we use were there. I think that I was most shocked when a half a dozen kids from school came in. I gathered from their comments that Brian invited them.

After about two hours the pain started to go away. The constant pounding was uncomfortable but my lower body was getting numb. My lips were getting numb too. I ended up sucking every one of those slimy cocks clean.

I was surprised that the men coming in later would even want to put their cocks in me. I could feel the cum streaming out of me and running down between my thighs and the crack of my ass. I hoped that he wasn’t going to make me clean up the mess that they must be making on the floor.

It was nine thirty before he finally called a halt to it. The coin jar was just about full. I cleaned off the last cock and waited for my restraints to be released. It turned out that, while the fucking was finished, there was still one last degrading act I had to perform before I could go home.

Mr. Todd stuck a pole in the bench near my head. I watched nervously as he reached underneath the other end of the bench, right under my butt. He pulled out a canister about the size of a gallon milk jug that held about two and a half to three cups of liquid.

I smelled the strong odor of cum when he hung the canister on the pole near my head. I noticed that only the top layer was still cloudy and white. The bottom layer of liquid was almost clear.

I watched in horror while he attached a clear plastic hose to the bottom of the canister. I had a very bad feeling about this.

As he worked he casually informed me, “You can go home as soon as this is empty, Sara. So it’s pretty much up to you what time you leave here. It’s nine thirty now. Brian tells me that your mother won’t be home until after midnight. So take your time. But Stacy is waiting to help you get home so if I were you I’d hurry. She’s going to be in a lot of trouble.”

He stuck the end of the hose into a rubber mouthpiece and forced the mouthpiece into my mouth. I watched him turn a little knob and the disgusting liquid inside began to quickly fill the clear plastic tubing.

It wasn’t long before my mouth filled up. I resisted swallowing that nasty mess for as long as I could. I gagged a little but he just stood over me and smiled. Brian was on the other side of me getting a close up of my face. I think I heard him gag too.

I finally swallowed a mouthful. It was horrible. It was nothing like getting a tablespoon or two from the end of a cock during orgasm. This was a mouthful of cool, stale cum. I felt my stomach rebelling but I forced myself to calm down. I knew that I’d be in trouble if I threw up with that thing in my mouth. I would probably drown.

I started forcing the disgusting mouthful of bitter liquid down my throat. Every time I swallowed the force of gravity caused my mouth to fill again. I tried to force myself to just drink it down but I couldn’t. My stomach wouldn’t permit it. I had to force myself to keep it down after every swallow.

A large number of the men had stayed on to watch the grand finale. They were all crowded around watching closely and making disgusting comments from off camera as I struggled to swallow their cum. They all seemed to find what I was being forced to do pretty amusing.

It took me more than half an hour to finally get it all down. When I was finally sucking air through the tube Brian turned the camera off and put it down. He stretched and moaned as if he had been the one being gang raped all afternoon and evening. He leaned over me and exclaimed, “God! You stink bitch! Did you learn anything about how much trouble your nasty fucking mouth can get you into?”

Thankfully the mouthpiece was still in my mouth and I couldn’t respond.

He finally unfastened all of the straps holding me in place. It took both him and Mr. Todd to help me up. I was stiff and sore and on the verge of being violently ill.

Mr. Todd tossed me my clothes. I began to slowly pull my clothes on over my nasty body. It was slow going at first. I was still having trouble standing without leaning against something. Stacy came over and helped me. When I finally had my clothes on she got dressed, too.

The men were leaving a few at a time. They ignored us once we were dressed. But we were still the topic of all the conversation. A large number of them had remained behind for an impromptu party. They were sitting around drinking beer with Mr. Todd when Stacy and I left.

We were in a hurry to get out of here because they were watching the DVD of my first visit when Stacy and I enjoyed a sexy sixty-nine and I sucked a cock for the first time. We were afraid that if we didn’t get out of there the party might start to include us again.

The numbness that I had been so grateful for was evaporating. It was being replaced by terrible pain. My stomach and my pubic bone felt like they had been hammered. My pussy felt like it had been reamed out with a wire brush. If Stacy had not been there for me to lean on I don’t think that I could have made it home.

We didn’t say a word until we got to my house. When we got to my door I said, “I’m sorry, Stacy. You’re really going to catch hell when you get home.”

She gave me a wry grin and said, “I had plenty of time to come up with a lame excuse. Come on, I’ll help you get cleaned up and get to bed.”

I squeezed her hand and said, “No, you go home. You’re late enough already. I can make it from here. Thanks, Stace. I couldn’t have made it without you. See you in the morning.”

She asked, “Are you sure?”

I nodded and she reluctantly left me at my door. As she started to leave I said, “Stace, would you do me a favor? Would you tell your brother that if he steps foot on my porch again I’m going to shoot him in the balls? And if any nude pictures of me turn up anywhere I’m going to the cops.”

She looked scared. But after looking me in the eyes for a long moment she nodded and left.

I limped inside and went straight for the Tylenol. I took two. Then, after thinking about it for a moment I took another. I had to lean against the wall to support myself as I hobbled to my bedroom, undressed, threw my underwear away and went to the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet for a long time. Cum was still draining out of me! I sat there until it seemed like all the cum in my pussy had drained out. I stood up to take a shower and finally my stomach rebelled. I turned around and dropped to my knees just in time. The contents of my stomach exploded up out of me. I will spare you any further details.

When my stomach was empty I went to the sink and brushed my teeth over and over until the terrible taste in my mouth was gone. Then I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it and took a shower. I stayed under the shower until I ran out of hot water.

As I dried off I realized that between walking it off on the walk home and soothing my sore muscles in the hot shower I wasn’t in such bad shape. I was sore. But it was mostly from the constant friction on my thighs and my pussy.

I looked between my legs with a hand mirror. I was afraid of what I might see there. I was relieved to discover that I was red and swollen but apparently undamaged.

I took more Tylenol to replace the ones I just flushed down the toilet. Then I sat at the kitchen table and tried to do some of my homework. It was almost eleven but there were some things that I had to finish. They had to be turned in tomorrow. I was sore but I had not missed a day of school this year and I wasn’t going to start now.

I noticed the jar of nickels stuck in my book bag when I opened it to take my books out. I placed it on the table and stared at it. It was surprisingly heavy. I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to know how many men had fucked me tonight. But after setting the jar aside and trying to concentrate on my homework I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to get it out of my mind until I counted those damned nickels.

Fifty-four! It had seemed like more than that. It seemed like I was raped by a lot more men than that. Two dollars and seventy cents. Oh well, at least he let me keep all the money I made.

I had just started working on my algebra homework when my cell phone rang. I dug it out of the pocket in my book bag and answered it. It was Mr. Todd. In his typical arrogant voice he said, “Brian just called to give me your message. Do you really want me to ruin your life, bitch? I want you over here tomorrow, as soon as school lets out.”

I didn’t feel the least bit intimidated by this asshole. I responded, “If you contact me again, if any of your friends or acquaintances attempt to intimidate me, and if my pictures are not removed from your web site, I’m not the one that will spend decades as some big dude’s bitch in prison. If you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone. We are done. I would have kept coming back, you jerk. I was actually having fun! You blew it tonight.”

He was silent for a moment. He hung up without saying another word. Just to be on the safe side I went to my mother’s room and dug out the little revolver that she keeps hidden there. I kept it near me all night. I couldn’t take it to school. But I wasn’t worried about anything happening out in public.

On the way to school the next morning I felt much better. Well, I didn’t hurt anywhere. I felt like there was a void in my life for some reason. I realized that I was going to miss the excitement of being a sex slave. It really had been exciting for the short time it lasted. If he had just not gone overboard!

As we started walking to school Stacy said, “I quit, too. I told Brian that if he came into my room again I was going to tell our parents everything. He looked pissed. But he just shrugged and walked away. Could it really be that easy?”

“Maybe,” I answered. “I’m going to be watching my ass for a while. I don’t feel like I owe Mr. Todd anything. He made a lot of money off of us. I’m more worried about Brian and his friends. I wasn’t kidding about shooting his balls off. I’m keeping my mother’s pistol handy.”

I saw both Dale and Kevin during the school day. We smiled and nodded at each other. They managed to act friendly without being too obvious. I wondered how hard it would be to train them. I might have to resort to them now that I had told Mr. Todd where to go.

On the way home from school we heard someone calling our names. We turned to find Didi and Tawney hurrying to catch up. They wanted to know if we were on our way to Mr. Todd’s house. He called both of them this morning and ordered them to come to his house after school. All three boys were supposed to be there, too. They hadn’t seen Sharon and didn’t know about her.

Stacy told them what happened last night and explained that we had quit.

Didi exclaimed, “What do you mean you quit?! He let you quit?!”

I couldn’t believe that I would have to explain to all these kids that he didn’t have the power over them that they seemed to think he did. I thought I was the dumb one!

I explained it to them the same way I explained it to Stacy earlier. I told them that he was the one who would be in trouble if those pictures got out and that he had no hold over them. Didi and Tawney looked at each other funny for a minute. It cracked me up when Didi said, “But I like going there! I like the money too!”

Tawney grinned and said, “Me too.”

I shrugged and said, “That’s cool. Until yesterday I enjoyed going there, too. As long as you’re going because you want to, go for it!”

Tawney said, “It won’t be as much fun now that I know I don’t have to. But I’m still going.”

Stacy and I looked at each other and laughed. But I actually understood. It is kind of exciting. Or at least it was. If he hadn’t gone overboard last night I’d still be going. I found the experience to be exciting, too. I knew I was going to miss it.

But I didn’t think I’d have too much trouble finding someone else to have sex with. Like Stan. He was coming to see me tonight. And now I don’t have to worry about Mr. Todd finding out.

We parted company with Didi and Tawney at the foot of Mountain Street. Stacy and I went to my house. I had planned on stopping for another carton of Coke on the way home but I forgot all about it. Back to drinking water I guess.

My cell phone rang shortly after we got to my house. It was Stan. He asked me if I could talk. I told him I could and asked if he was still coming.

He told me he would be here at six thirty.

I asked him to hold for a second and I covered the mouthpiece. I asked Stacy if she wanted to meet my new boyfriend and maybe have a threesome. She didn’t even hesitate. She nodded her head vigorously.

I asked Stan if he had seen the pictures of the cute redhead on the website and he said that he had.

I asked him if he would like to meet her tonight. In as much as he’s a normal, healthy, horny male he said that he would be happy to meet her.

We hung up and I got the cold cuts out. Stacy and I had a sandwich and tried to decide if Mr. Todd was going to be a problem. We didn’t have enough information. No one ever tried to quit going before. Not since he moved here. We didn’t know what might have happened to all those kids he took pictures of before he moved here.

Stan arrived a few minutes early. He parked half a block away so that no one would see his car in our driveway. I let him in and gave him a big hug as soon as I closed the door. I introduced him to Stacy and invited him to join us in my bedroom.

I guided him to my bed and once he was seated I pulled Stacy over to stand in front of him. I slowly undressed her as he watched. We were standing so close that Stacy’s knees were almost touching his. He sat and enjoyed the show while I removed her blouse and her bra. I got on my knees behind her and removed her skirt and panties while Stan teased her breasts.

While I undressed Stacy I told her about what a good kisser Stan is and how wonderful it felt when he ate my pussy. I think that all three of us were much more relaxed now without the constant distraction of a cameraman moving around us, though to be honest I have to admit that I enjoyed the idea of being watched by a large number of horny men. The idea that thousands of men out there were watching me, lusting after me, wanting me, that was hot!

In some ways this was a first for me. I was about to have sex with someone who was a good lover and who I wanted to have sex with. This time it was my idea. And we were doing it in the comfort and privacy of my bedroom.

I stood up after I removed the rest of Stacy’s clothing and we switched places. She undressed me in front of my new, adult lover. As Stacy bared my body, Stan caressed my exposed flesh lovingly. I was glad that I asked her to stay. This was fun already!

When I was naked we stood side by side in front of him and gave him an opportunity to examine us both. We let him explore for a couple of minutes before we pulled him to his feet and Stacy and I worked together to undress him.

It didn’t take us long to make him naked. I pushed him back onto my bed and repositioned him so that he was lying on his back with his head on my pillow. He looked up at me to see what I had in mind. I smiled affectionately and said, “I told Stacy what a good kisser you are. She’s going to start with that. I’m going to start down here and we’ll meet in the middle.”

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