A Little Money on the Side - Cover

A Little Money on the Side

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A teenage girl is lured into posing for pictures and having sex for money by the neighborhood child molester when she learns that her best friend is already doing so and using the money she earns to buy the nice things that she wishes she had.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang  

I started working on my homework. It went much easier tonight. When I was half way through I decided to do something that I’ve never done before. I went next door and asked my neighbor if I could look something up in their phone book. Then I came home and called out for a pizza on my cell phone.

It’s been more than a year since I’ve eaten pizza. As soon as I hung up the phone my mouth started watering. I got the money from my room and sat at the table. I had to do something to distract myself or I was going to drown in my own saliva. I forced myself to continue working on my homework until the pizza arrived.

From the minute I opened the front door the smell hit me and started driving me crazy. I had to swallow constantly to keep from drooling! I paid the delivery man and slammed the door. I rushed to the kitchen and put a couple of slices on a plate. I got a cold Coke out of the refrigerator and enjoyed a fucking feast! It was almost as good as sex!

I gulped both slices down at hyper speed. That should have done me in. But I couldn’t stop myself! The aroma wafting up from that cheesy, garlicky taste tempting treat was irresistible. I had to have another.

I had a stomach ache when I finished wolfing down the third slice of pizza. My shrunken stomach didn’t know how to act with all that food in it. I put the rest of the pizza in the fridge for my mother and went back to my homework.

I had only been working for a few minutes when my cell phone rang. I was afraid that it was Mr. Todd. I was relieved and more than a little excited when I answered it and found myself talking with Stan.

We said hello and he apologized for calling so late. He asked if I could talk and I told him that I could. He thanked me again for the wonderful time that he had yesterday. He was very sweet and I thanked him for making my first time so much fun.

The conversation was a little uncomfortable at first. But we slowly felt each other out and got a little better acquainted. I was speaking with the man who took my virginity. But there had been almost no conversation between us at the time. Even if we were inclined to talk first it’s unlikely that Mr. Todd would have wanted us to take the time to get better acquainted. His perverted needs were better served if I was fucked for the first time by a complete stranger. We had intercourse, but there was no intercourse. Sorry. I couldn’t resist.

We talked for several minutes before he got around to what I knew he really wanted. He asked when he could see me again. I told him that what I did after school was no longer up to me. I don’t know my after school schedule more than a day in advance. I asked him if he could get away for a little while in the evening.

He said that wasn’t a problem. I suppose I should have been bothered that he was cheating on his wife. I know it’s something that girls are supposed to be concerned about and yet for some reason I really didn’t care. But I was curious about something. I asked him what he told his wife when he went away for the evening like that.

He sounded embarrassed. He said, “If you see Terry again I would appreciate it if you didn’t say anything to him. My wife and I have been separated for months and it looks like we’re going to get divorced. I don’t want that getting out if I can help it. Not yet. So in answer to your question, getting away in the evening is easier than during the day.”

I said, “I could play coy. But I don’t see the point. I’d really like to see you again. I enjoyed being with you very much. I shouldn’t tell you this. Even a dumb blonde like me knows better than to admit this to a guy she just met. But my mom is working until midnight for at least the next two weeks. I know it’s a long drive for you. But if you want to drive down and see me then just call and let me know you’re coming. As long as you’re out of here before she gets home we can enjoy some time together. It would be a good idea if you park down the street and walk to my house, though.”

I gave him my address and we agreed to try for Tuesday. I didn’t know how long I would be at Mr. Todd’s house after school on Monday. And I didn’t know if he was going to punish me as he promised. I might not be in any shape to entertain when he was finished with me.

When I gave him my address it was not without experiencing a little unease in the back of my mind. I really do know better. But the truth is I get a really warm feeling in my chest, and farther down, too, when I think about him and how much I enjoyed what we did together. I don’t think I’m in love with him or anything silly like that. I just want to see him again.

We talked for a little longer before we said goodnight. I was excited about the prospect of spending some time alone with him. I should ask him when he calls again if he would mind if I invited Stacy. He might enjoy it if I invited her over. I’m pretty sure that she’ll like him.

I finally finished my homework and put my books up. I sat in my room for a few minutes. It was getting late but I sat there and hated the silence for a while. I’m so tired of being alone every evening. I feel like I’m a prisoner in solitary confinement.

When my mom first started working nights I used to keep the television on all the time to keep me company. But it started getting on my nerves. I hardly ever watch it and it was just noise. And anyway, it didn’t really make me feel any less alone.

It did serve one purpose. It masked the normal creaks and groans that old houses make. Those sounds worried me at first. But after hearing them for a while you come to realize that every noise you hear isn’t someone who has broken in, intent on raping and murdering you in your bed.

I went to bed at ten but I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about my mom’s new job and the fact that I was finally going to get a computer like everyone else in my fucking class except for Stacy. But mostly I was wondering, or maybe I should say fearing, what my punishment was going to be.

I wondered if it would take place on Monday and if I would end up a zombie like Sharon. And I wondered what it would be like to have sex with Stan when it was just the two of us and we didn’t have the other three horny men waiting their turn and Brian circling us with a honking big camera sending our picture out over the internet.

My mind refused to shut down and let me get some rest. I kept glancing at the clock, frustrated that I couldn’t go to sleep. Finally, just after midnight, I decided that since I didn’t have to go to school tomorrow and I couldn’t sleep I might as well get up. Mom would be home soon. I thought it would be nice if I heated up the leftover pizza for her and we could sit and talk for a while.

Mom was so pleased when she walked in the house, smelled the pizza and saw the Coke that she didn’t even ask about the money. I ate another piece and we sat and talked for over an hour. We made plans for tomorrow and she talked about her plans once she started her new job. She was awfully excited. The changes in her appearance and her attitude were startling. Just knowing that she had gotten the job she wanted made her look ten years younger. I was so happy for her.

Her happiness was understandable. She has worked at a job she hates for a company she despises for a very long time, just so that we could get by. Her employer prospers by taking advantage of its employees and the poor people who are its suppliers. Only the family that owns the company prospers.

We ate and sipped Coke and we talked until we both started falling asleep. I don’t even know what time we went to bed.

Despite going to bed in the early morning hours we got up early Saturday, her one day off, to have a normal family day together. We even splurged and went out to a good restaurant for dinner. We ended the day with grocery shopping. And this time, for the first time in a long time we bought food!

It wasn’t steaks and lobster. But there was meat and some deli for sandwiches at lunch time. We bought bacon and eggs. We don’t have a car. We have to carry everything home on foot so we couldn’t go overboard. But it was so nice to have food in the house for a change.

Mom had to work on Sunday. We spent the day together until she left in the early afternoon. I cleaned house for a while. I’m probably one of the few girls in the world that doesn’t mind doing housework. It beats the hell out of sitting around staring at the walls.

I was sitting in front of the television a little more than an hour after she left. I wasn’t watching anything. The sound was turned down. I’m not even sure why I didn’t turn it off. There was a knock on the door. I perked up, thinking it might be Stacy.

I got up and answered it. It was Brian, standing there with a pissed off look on his face. He asked, “Is this better, bitch?”

I sighed and answered, “Yes, Brian. Much better. That wasn’t so hard was it?”

He glowered at me and asked, “Are you alone?”

I nodded.

He pushed past me and said, “Get your clothes off.”

What a romantic! I guess that was his idea of foreplay.

This guy is getting to be a real pain in the ass! I already didn’t like him very much. Now I was glad I didn’t have to live with his sorry ass. I can’t imagine how Stacy deals with him.

I don’t think I fully appreciated what Stacy has been saying about what it’s like to live with him. I don’t like him and don’t like the way he pushes me around. So I was more than a little surprised to realize that I felt myself starting to get excited by the idea of having him swaggering in here and ordering me to do things, things like take my clothes off.

I took my t-shirt and my shorts and underwear off while he stood in front of me and watched with an arrogant look on his face. He obviously loves having this much power over girls. I suppose there are a lot of boys who would feel that way.

The curious thing was that I was reacting to it. Oh well. At least I was smart enough to know that what I was feeling wasn’t normal. Maybe I’ll outgrow it.

He undressed and started to sit on the couch. But then he changed his mind and took my hand. He pulled me down the hall to my bedroom. He pushed me through the door, followed me in and stretched out on my bed on his stomach.

I almost asked him if he was waiting for me to fuck him in his ass. I bit my tongue, though. I figured he was already pissed off enough.

He ordered me to get up on the bed and lick his entire body from his neck to the bottoms of his feet.

I looked at him like he was crazy. He just smiled and said, “Mr. Todd is already pissed at you. Do you want me to tell him that you refused to do something I told you to do?”

I was actually thinking it over when he asked, “Have you seen the website yet?”

I shook my head. I was still waiting for Stacy to arrange for us to see it at her local pervert’s house.

He smiled and said, “You should. I think you’ll like the pictures. You’ll especially like Sharon’s punishment pictures. Have you ever seen a dog fuck a girl? Sharon didn’t care for it but we all thought it was pretty amusing.”

The sick bastard! Before I could stop myself I asked, “As amusing as you sucking a cock, Brian?”

That was a mistake. I knew it even as I was saying it.

His face turned nearly purple with rage. He stared daggers at me for a moment and then he said, “I guess you’ll find out for yourself, cunt. Now get to work. And when you get to my asshole, plan on spending a lot of time there. I like that.”

Under my breath I exclaimed, “Fuck!! Me and my big mouth!”

I sighed loudly and crawled up on the bed. I leaned over and started licking Brian’s neck as ordered. I took my time and tried not to miss any places. I wasn’t all that interested in pleasing him. But I didn’t want to piss him off any more than I already have.

What he was making me do was demeaning and it was tiring but I’ve done some things in the last few days that were more disgusting.

I licked my way down his back until I got to his ass. I licked all the way around the cheeks of his ass and I was just about to spread them apart and lick the crack when he said, “Skip that for now. Lick down to the bottoms of my feet and then work your way back up to my ass. Then you can spend some time there.”

I obeyed, of course. That’s what I do now. I wait for a male to give me an order and I obey.

I didn’t enjoy it. That would have gone without saying if I hadn’t said it. But at least he was clean. I guess it wasn’t as unpleasant as it could have been.

I started to brush off the bottoms of his feet when I got down there but he said, “Stop that! That’s what your tongue is for, you stupid cunt!”

I was grateful that I had just vacuumed. His feet were clean. It was just the idea of what I was doing that bothered me.

I worked my way back up to his skinny ass and spread the cheeks of his butt apart. I ran my tongue up and down through the crack a couple of times and then started licking the asshole’s asshole.

He shuddered in pleasure and even moaned a few times. I found that curious. I never realized that particular part of the body was an erogenous zone. I had certainly not been excited when Stacy had attacked my ass with that fat dildo.

But seeing Brian’s reaction I wondered if a tongue there might not be a bit more pleasant. I resolved to try it out on Stacy the first chance that I got.

Brian made me spend a long time working between the cheeks of his ass. He ordered me to burrow my tongue inside as deep as I could. By the time he finally stopped me my jaw and my tongue were both exhausted.

But I wasn’t finished.

He turned over and said, “Now it’s time to do the front. Start at my forehead and work down to my toes. Save my cock for last. And don’t skip my armpits, bitch.”

If you haven’t tried this, take my word for it. It’s a lot harder than it sounds. It’s much more tiring than simply nestling between someone’s legs and licking and sucking on their sex organs. This is hard work!

I licked my way back down Brian’s body, detouring to get his armpits. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. As I said, he was clean. But he was a little sweaty and it was unpleasant.

I worked my way down to his toes and sucked on each of them before licking my way back up to his balls. I licked them. I took them into my mouth and sucked on them gently. Then I started sucking his cock. Most of what I had just done, I’m sure, was more to humiliate me than to cause him pleasure. I don’t mean to imply that he didn’t enjoy it. But I don’t doubt that at least half of the pleasure he took from it was the satisfaction he got from humiliating me.

But now it was all about pleasing him. I knew it wouldn’t take long. His cock isn’t that big. Not like Mr. Todd’s. So sucking it was no problem. Besides, all of the licking got him warmed up and primed. It wasn’t very long at all before he filled my mouth with cum.

I swallowed carefully but I stayed right where I was. I held his cock in my mouth until it was soft and he pushed me away.

I sat up, grateful that it was over. I rubbed my tired neck to relief the stiffness. He got out of my bed on the other side and went out to the living room. I followed him out and we both got dressed in silence.

Just before he left he gave me an evil look and said, “I hope he makes you do a dog, bitch. You need to learn what you’re good for. Maybe I should tell Mr. Todd what an awful mouth you have on you. Maybe he’ll make you suck off that mutt instead of letting him fuck your sorry ass.”

With that pleasant picture planted in my head he turned and left.

I had only just gotten comfortable again when there was another knock at the door. I seemed to be getting popular all of a sudden! I got up, hoping again that it was Stacy. But it wasn’t Stacy. I opened the door and found Dale and Kevin standing on the front porch looking very nervous.

Dale blushed and said, “Hi, Sara. You were going to explain to us how come you had cum all over your face on the way home on Thursday.”

He was obviously embarrassed but I think he suspected that something was going on and he was hoping, maybe not to turn it to his advantage, but at the very least for a titillating story. It may only be a couple of days since I lost my virginity. But I know how boy’s minds work.

I suppose that Dale’s brain wasn’t working nearly as hard right now as his hormones were. He’s about my age and I know boys well enough by now to know that there was only one thing on his mind. It was not his concern for my well being.

I had forgotten all about them after discussing them with Stacy. I hadn’t given any thought to an explanation for walking down a public sidewalk in the afternoon with streams of cum across my face.

I didn’t want to let them in. But neither did I want them standing in my door. It wouldn’t do to have them spotted by my next door neighbor. There were already enough strange boys coming to my house when my mother wasn’t home.

I glanced next door. I was relieved to see that it didn’t look like anyone was home. I stepped back and let the boys in. I closed the door and offered them a seat on the couch. The television was still on but I wasn’t watching anything so I turned it off.

I stood there in silence for a few uncomfortable minutes, trying to think of something to say that could explain what they had seen.

Finally I just shrugged and said, “Guys, I don’t know what to say. If I tell you what happened I will be breaking my word to someone else. To be honest, I was going to make up a story to tell you. But I forgot all about it and I can’t think of any plausible excuse that I can give you. And I can’t tell you the truth.”

Dale looked more embarrassed than I was. He was blushing and trying hard to keep his eyes focused on my face. I guess in the end he decided that honesty was the best policy. He admitted, “We talked about trying to blackmail you. We were going to threaten to tell your mom or something. Just so we could get you take your clothes off. We were hoping that we could get you to undress in front of us. We’ve never seen a girl naked. But I don’t want to blackmail you.”

He stood up and said, “Please don’t be mad. I’m sorry we bothered you.”

He turned to his brother and said, “Come on, Kevin. Let’s go.”

I couldn’t believe it! They were being nice! I wasn’t used to that. They looked so disappointed. I suppose that even if they couldn’t talk me into undressing, at the very least they had hoped to hear a sexy story about how I came to be decorated in cum. I actually felt sorry for them!

Before I could stop myself, before I thought it out, before I even knew what I was going to do I said, “Wait!”

They looked at me and the hope I saw in their faces was irresistible. I thought, “What the hell, thousands of dirty old men have probably seen me naked. What difference will it make if two guys my age have the opportunity? It isn’t like I have much left in the way of virtue to defend.”

I smiled at them and asked, “That’s all you want? You just want to see me get undressed?”

They both nodded vigorously. It was kind of funny. They both seemed more embarrassed than I was.

I said, “If I do this I want your word that you won’t tell a soul. I mean it! I know how guys love to talk. I think it’s kind of sweet that you didn’t try to force me into anything. Maybe you deserve a reward for that. But I’ll never forgive you if this comes back to haunt me.”

They both swore to keep it a secret.

I stood in front of them for a moment, not so much to get my courage up but just wondering what in the hell had gotten into me that I could so easily undress in front of two boys who were no more than casual acquaintances. And all because they seemed kind of sweet and were just curious. All they wanted was to see a girl naked. I could understand that.

I think what finally convinced me to do it was that desperate look on their faces. That, and the fact that I was pretty sure that they would keep their word. Besides, I was beginning to enjoy undressing in front of guys and getting them excited. And these two boys seemed so harmless.

They had returned to their seats on the couch. I stood in front of them and grasped the bottom of my t-shirt. I looked at them, a little nervous now that I knew that I was actually going to do this. But the excitement on their faces convinced me.

I began lifting my shirt, slowly at first, until my breasts were exposed. Then I whipped it off and tossed it on a chair.

The expressions on their faces were priceless. In that moment I decided that it was worth it. There was a sudden and simultaneous gasp from the boys and their eyes became as big as saucers. They glanced quickly at each other. As if to say, “Do you see that?!”

But neither boy spoke. They stared in obvious awe at my breasts for a long time. Finally Dale said, “Jesus, Sara! You’re beautiful! You could be in Playboy!”

I didn’t bother to mention that Hefner probably wasn’t interested in girls my age. But I appreciated the apparently very sincere compliment.

I stood in front of them, topless now. I rubbed and then caressed my breasts and teased my nipples until they were fully erect. I felt much older and much more mature than them, even though Dale was only a few months younger and Kevin not quite a year younger.

They were both much bigger than me. But it was obvious who was in charge here. I felt it too. It was nice to be in charge for once. I enjoyed their lustful stares. It seemed like a different kind of lust. They had no expectations. They didn’t even come here to have sex. They may have hoped for it. But it wasn’t something they expected. They really just wanted to see a girl with her clothes off. That kind of turned me on.

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