A Little Money on the Side - Cover

A Little Money on the Side

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A teenage girl is lured into posing for pictures and having sex for money by the neighborhood child molester when she learns that her best friend is already doing so and using the money she earns to buy the nice things that she wishes she had.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang  

I turned and headed for the door. I knew that it was inevitable. At some point between here and my house someone was going to see me like this. I can’t really say why. But I was determined to leave those streamers of cum on my face. Those were my orders.

I was half way to the gate when the door opened behind me. I turned to see Stan hurrying to catch up to me. I stopped to see what he wanted.

He stopped when he reached me. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Mr. Todd wasn’t watching or listening and he said, “You’re something special, Sara. Do you mind if I call you?”

I smiled and said, “I gave you my number.”

He said, “You were worth every penny. But next time I’d rather give the money directly to you. Don’t tell Todd, though.”

I smiled and said, “Deal!”

He took my hand and shook it and I felt him press something into it. He smiled and said, “A little something extra for you. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.”

I thanked him and left. As I was closing the gate behind me I glanced down and saw that he had pressed more money into my hand. I was afraid to look. I was dying to see how much it was. But I didn’t dare until I was out of sight of the house.

I went down to the end of the street and turned the corner toward my house. When I was sure that I was out of sight of Mr. Todd’s house I counted the money that Stan had put in my hand. It was five hundred dollars! I almost screamed in excitement.

I started to put it with the wad of money that Mr. Todd had given me. Before I could combine the money I realized that he had given me more than a thousand dollars. I noticed a post-it note stuck to the top bill when I unfolded the money. It said, “You were pretty fucking hot! Here’s a little extra. You earned it. But you’re still going to be punished. I like punishing my little bitches.”

I held my breath and counted out the wad of cash. There were fifteen crisp one hundred dollar bills in my hand, in addition to the five hundred dollar tip! He had paid me fifteen hundred dollars for two hours of sex!

Fuck! Maybe I really should move in with him!

I was walking down my street in a daze when I passed the two brothers that live two doors down from me. Dale just turned fourteen and Kevin recently turned thirteen. They said hi as we passed each other and then I heard them stop.

They turned around and quickly caught up with me. They hurried around me and came to a stop in front of me. I had been distracted by the fact that I now had two thousand dollars in my hand. To put that another way, in two hours I made as much money as my mother makes in about two months!

I looked at Dale and Kevin. I was curious about the strange look on both their faces.

I suddenly remembered that I had three thick ropes of cum drying across my face and dripping down onto my dress.

After a long, embarrassed silence, Dale exclaimed, “Sara!”

He sniffed and said, “Sara, are you alright? Did you get raped?”

I saw the concern in their faces and I was touched by it. We aren’t that close. We’re more acquaintances than friends. But they’ve lived two doors down from me for a couple of years and we see each other all the time. I guess I like them well enough.

I responded, “No, Dale. I’m fine. Thanks for being concerned, though.”

I started to move around them but he asked, “I don’t get it, Sara. Why do you have cum on your face?”

I wasn’t sure what to say. I suppose I didn’t have to say anything. I don’t owe them an explanation. On the other hand, I think it would be in my best interest to calm their concerns and satisfy their curiosity. I wouldn’t want them spreading this around.

My mind was working furiously to come up with a plausible explanation. I don’t think there is one that I could feel safe sharing with them. But then I had an idea. I said, “I can’t tell you right now. I’m in a hurry. But if you keep this quiet and come see me tomorrow after school I’ll try to explain. Okay?”

Dale and Kevin looked at each other and then turned back to me and shrugged. Dale said, “I guess. Are you sure you’re alright?”

I nodded and thanked him again for being concerned. Then I hurried the rest of the way down the block to my house. I had one close call when Mrs. Livingston walked out of her house to check the mail. I hid behind a tree until she went back inside. After that I made a beeline for my house and got inside before anyone else saw me.

Stacy was watching television in the living room. She jumped up when she saw me. She chuckled and said, “I see that you had to give Brian a blowjob.”

I smiled and asked, “You mean this is his trademark? Or is he just marking his territory?”

She laughed and said, “A little of both I guess.”

I handed her the money that Mr. Todd had given me for her and said, “I am going to have to take a quick shower. I’ll be right out.”

I hurried to my room and hid my two thousand dollars with the forty that Mr. Todd gave me yesterday. Christ! Two thousand dollars! I couldn’t get over it!

I undressed and left my dirty clothes on the floor. I was going to have to wash them before my mother got home. They reeked of sperm.

I ran to the bathroom in the nude and stepped under the hot water. I started to wash my hair. After I rinsed the first time I felt Stacy behind me, pressing her naked body against mine. She put her arms around me and took the shampoo from my hands. In a very seductive voice she said, “Let me.”

I relaxed and let her wash my hair and then massage in some conditioner.

While the conditioner soaked in she picked up my body wash and gently soaped up my entire body, paying particular attention to the area between my legs. She was gentle, probably fearing that I was in pain. But I wasn’t and it felt very nice.

When she was done she helped me rinse off and rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. Then I took great pleasure in returning the favor.

I washed her hair and then, after I put the conditioner in, I reached around her and lovingly washed her front. I loved the way my soapy hands slid over her perfect tits, and apparently so did she. She leaned back against me and moaned in pleasure as I washed and then rinsed her body.

Once the soap was gone I kissed and licked her slender, sexy neck and exclaimed excitedly, “Jesus, Stace! It was fucking fantastic! I loved it! I wish you could have been there.”

She chuckled and said, “Girl! I can’t be there every time you get laid.”

I sighed and said, “You could if it was up to me.”

We rinsed off again and I shut the water off. I reached into the cabinet and handed her a clean towel and we dried off while standing face to face on the small bath mat and staring into each other’s eyes.

While we were drying off I asked, “Is it always this exciting? Do you suppose that when we’re older it won’t be as exciting? That would be terrible!”

She shrugged and said, “It’s only been three weeks since I lost my virginity. I don’t like everything I have to do. I hate having to be Brian’s little sex slave and some of Mr. Todd’s friends can be pretty unpleasant. But except for that I still get just as excited every time. In fact, now that I’m not so nervous I think it’s even better.”

After we were dry I brushed my teeth and we went to my room. I loaned her a pair of shorts and a t-shirt so she wouldn’t have to put her school clothes back on. We got dressed and went out to the kitchen. I got us both a glass of the house specialty, ice water. Then we went into the living room.

We sat on the couch and she pulled me over onto my back with my head in her lap. Her fingertips gently moved over my face and she smiled down at me tenderly. She looked into my eyes for a long time, as if to make sure I was really okay. Then she said, “I want to hear every detail.”

I told her every detail that I could remember. And I’m pretty certain that I remembered everything quite vividly. I didn’t just tell her what had happened to me, though. I also told her what I had learned about the amount of money he was making off of us.

She had, of course, been aware that he was making money from letting men fuck us and watch us on the internet. But like me she was shocked at the amount. And we still had no idea how much he was making from the internet site.

As I told her all about my afternoon, one of her hands moved gently over my face and hair while the other cupped and caressed my tit. After a few minutes she worked my t-shirt up over my tits and toyed with my soft flesh and my hard nipple as I told her every detail of my little gangbang.

I remembered nearly everything about my first fuck. I enjoyed reliving it for her almost as much as I enjoyed it when it was happening. She was as amazed as I was when I described it and told her how wonderful it had been.

But then, after describing all of the sex, I told her how much money I had in my hand when I left Mr. Todd’s house.

Her hands stopped moving and she whispered, “You’re shitting me! You fucking cunt! You made two thousand dollars today?!”

I assured her that I had and then I asked, “He said I’m going to be punished for asking for more money. What does he do to punish us?”

She stopped what she was doing and said, “Sit up,” in a voice that was suddenly very serious, very concerned.

I didn’t want to hear that.

I sat up and pulled my shirt down over my tits. The look on her face was not reassuring. She stared at me for a long moment before she said, “I don’t know what he does. Was he really mad?”

I shrugged and said, “I don’t know. He didn’t seem to be. His voice was perfectly calm when he said that he was going to punish me. He told me that he was happy with what I did, but that he was still going to punish me because he enjoys doing it. Why?”

Stacy looked very concerned. The look on her face was scaring me. She finally said, “He punished Sharon once. She threw up after he came in her mouth the first time. Nobody saw her for a week after that. She was real quiet when she started showing up again and she still refuses to talk about it. Whatever he did it changed her.”

I didn’t like the sound of that.

I decided to change the subject. I said, “He gave me the address for his website, the one where he’s posting our pictures. I want to see it. Do you know anyone that you trust who has internet access? I don’t think it’s a good idea to check it out at the library.”

She smiled and said, “You can’t go to those sites at the library. They’re blocked. I know someone. But he won’t do it for free. He probably already goes to that site. He lives one block over from me. He came to one of Mr. Todd’s parties to fuck me. So he must have found the site and offered to pay to fuck me. I’ll ask him.”

I shuddered and said, “I wondered earlier if Brian might be telling the guys at school about the site. After I thought about it I decided he probably wasn’t. I don’t think Mr. Todd would be happy about it if he was. It never occurred to me that someone in this town might find it on their own and recognize us from seeing those pictures! It must really suck that someone you know saw them!”

“I didn’t know him,” she said. “He just saw me around and recognized me. He didn’t even know where I lived. But yeah, it was kinda creepy.”

“Are you going to Mr. Todd’s house tomorrow? He gave me the day off.”

She shook her head and said, “I don’t have to go back until Monday.”

I smiled and said, “Me too!”

Then I asked, “Would you mind going to the drug store with me after school tomorrow? I’m kind of nervous about that. I’ve never gotten a prescription for anything before, much less birth control pills.”

“There’s nothing to it. I’ll be happy go with you.”

Another question suddenly occurred to me. I turned to Stacy and asked, “Is that prescription legal? Mr. Todd isn’t a doctor!”

She chuckled and replied, “No, but he plays doctor on the internet a lot!”

Then she got serious and explained, “One of his pervy friends is a physician’s assistant. He fills out a bunch of blank prescriptions for birth control pills and signs them. All they need is your name. In exchange he gets all the young pussy he can handle.”

I had one more question. “I passed Dale and Kevin on the way home. They saw the cum on my face and they were concerned. They have a lot of questions. I told them I’d explain what happened to me if they came around tomorrow. I didn’t know what to tell them. I was wondering what you thought of asking them if they wanted to go to work for Mr. Todd. They’re nice kids. Kevin is only thirteen but he’s big for his age. If they joined the group I wouldn’t have to explain why I was walking down the street with cum on face.”

She didn’t seem too fond of the idea. She said, “I don’t know. I don’t know if he wants more boys. You better check with him first. I don’t know him very well. Don’t forget, I’ve only been going there for three weeks. If I were you I wouldn’t say anything about Mr. Todd or what happens at his house.”

I’d forgotten that she just started going there. She’s been so helpful to me and such a comfort that I have to keep reminding myself that she’s new at this too.

We went back to my room so that she could change back into her school clothes. While I sat and watched her get dressed she said, “You know, I’ve been going there for three weeks and I’ve only made just a little under twelve hundred dollars. I was pretty proud of myself. I can’t believe how much money you made today!”

“Are you upset with me?”

She grinned and said, “Hell no! I’m a little jealous. Maybe even a lot jealous. But I understand. I love fucking you too.”

I laughed and said, “I’ll give you some of the money they gave me Stace.”

She looked up at me. I was serious and she saw it in my face. I didn’t think it was that big a deal but something in her expression told me that she was touched by my offer.

She was all dressed except for her blouse. She put her blouse down, walked over and pulled me to my feet. She took me in her arms and squeezed me so hard I could barely breathe. She kissed me and said, “I guess what they say about blondes is true. You dumb cunt! I’m happy for you! Stop talking like a retard. If I get mad at you I think you know me well enough to know that I’ll let you know it.”

I put my arms around her neck and said, “I love you, Stace. You’re the best friend ever.”

She pulled away and pushed me back down on my bed. I watched her put her blouse on. As I walked her to the front door I suddenly remembered something. I said, “The guy that bought my virginity, Stan. I gave him my phone number. He wants to call me. He said that he wants to see me again but he doesn’t see any reason why Mr. Todd should get paid if he comes back to visit me. Stan’s going to pay me to fuck me again. I don’t know how much but I’m sure it will be more than Mr. Todd gives us. Would you be interested? I bet he’d love to see us put on a little show.”

She gave me a funny look. Then she said, “Yeah, I’d be interested. Just make sure that Mr. Todd doesn’t find out. Even you, my dumb blonde friend, must see that going behind his back would piss him off. Be careful.”

I nodded and we kissed again before I held the door open for her. I said, “See you in the morning.”

As she started out I said, “I like the way we are now. I like that we kiss. But what happens when we get boyfriends, Stace? Will we be jealous?”

She chuckled and said, “No boy is ever going to eat your pussy like I can, bitch. We may fall in love and get married and live long, normal lives. But we are always going to love each other. I’m not worried.”

I smiled and said, “I’m glad. See you tomorrow.”

She left and I went in and started doing my homework. I’ve been really out of it at school for the last two days and I really have some serious catching up to do.

It took me a couple of hours to read up on what I missed in class. Then I still had to do my homework. It was eight thirty when I finally packed up my books. I put them in my book bag and set them down by the door. My next problem was to figure out how to start giving money to my mother and how much to give her without raising suspicion. It was a hard decision because I wanted to give her enough to make a difference but not so much that it was totally implausible that I had made it selling magazines.

I went to my room, undressed and went to bed, still mulling over the money problem. Having money was an unusual problem in my house. Usually when we have a money problem it’s because there isn’t enough money.

I was lying in the dark when it occurred to me that I have a new daily chore that I hadn’t taken care of. I swore and got back out of bed. I went to the living room, retrieved my new cell phone from my book bag and put it on the charger.

I got back in bed and then I remembered that I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. I couldn’t stand the thought of another sandwich, though. So I said the hell with it and tried to go to sleep.

The problem I had falling asleep wasn’t that I was hungry. The problem was that my mind kept replaying the day’s events. It had all been exciting. But that first fuck with Stan, I couldn’t wait to see the DVD of that! I doubt if anything in my life will ever be as wonderful or as electrifying as that first fuck.

I love Stacy and the first time with her had been great. I couldn’t wait to do it again. But that first fuck ... that turned out to be the perfect sexual experience. Every girl should have an experience like that the first time she has sex. I didn’t think there was any way that he could top that the next time I saw him.

I think that I had probably been asleep for a little over an hour when I heard a noise. Being alone in the house so much I’ve become a pretty light sleeper. I woke up and heard my mom quietly asking, “Sara, are you awake?”

I turned my head and saw her in my bedroom door. I sat up and asked, “What’s wrong, mom?”

She came in and sat on the side of my bed. She said, “I’m sorry I woke you. I just had to tell you what happened today. I couldn’t wait.”

She sounded excited and after the way I found her after work yesterday, just knowing she was feeling excited about something was enough to wake me up.

I turned my light on. When my eyes adjusted from the dark to the light I couldn’t believe it when I saw her face. She looked years younger than she did when she came home yesterday.

She took me in her arms and held me tight and in a voice overflowing with happiness she said, “It’s over, baby. This scrimping on food and going without. Living a life of hopelessness and despair, it’s all over.”

I exclaimed, “Hot damn! You’ve become a hit woman for the mob! We’re gonna be rich!”

She sat back, smiled and ruffled my hair. She said, “Smart ass! You’re partly right. I won’t be working at Wal-mart anymore. I start a new job in two weeks. A steady job with normal hours and paid vacations and a health plan. They even have a retirement plan!

“We won’t be rich. But we can move out of here. We can get a decent car and you can have a computer. We can call up and order a pizza once in a while. We can live like normal people!”

She saw the look on my face and she stopped talking.

She said, “Baby! What’s wrong? That’s good news!”

I suddenly realized that I was crying. I threw my arms around her and hugged her and said, “That’s great mom. I know how much you hated working there.”

She pushed me away and held me at arm’s length and stared at my face.

She couldn’t understand. I was afraid that when she heard what I was thinking she would think I was being a silly little girl. I guess she’d be right.

She said, “Sara, talk to me.”

I looked down at my hands but I couldn’t see them. The tears were pouring from my eyes. I whispered, “I don’t want to move. I couldn’t stand it if I moved away from Stacy.”

I couldn’t say anymore. I started bawling like a baby. She pulled me close and hugged me and in a minute I realized that she was laughing.

I asked, “What? Why are you laughing?! Because I love my best friend?”

She sat up and said, “Honey, it’ll be more than a year before we can save up enough to afford to find a decent place. I’m sure that by then Mr. Weaver will have straightened out his disability and probably gotten a bucketful of back pay. Maybe we could arrange to move out of here and still live near your best friend. I know how much you two mean to each other. We’ll work something out. I promise.”

She handed me a tissue from the box on my nightstand. After I dried my eyes and blew my nose I took a deep breath and said, “Okay, tell me all about it.”

“I applied for a great job a couple of months ago. It was assistant manager of an upscale boutique at the mall. I thought I had a lock on it. A friend of mine who was in a position to know said that they really liked me for the job. But the corporate office sent someone down to fill the position and they had to accept her.

“It turns out she was a drunk and a thief and they finally had to get rid of her. They called me tonight and said that the job was mine if I still wanted it.”

“I start in two weeks. But I promise that I’ll start saving slowly. Maybe by the time we get enough money saved up to move you’ll have gone away to college.”

I laughed and said, “Oh yeah! The colleges will be lined up to take me!”

She replied, “Honey, you aren’t stupid. We make those dumb blonde jokes too often. But you know you aren’t dumb.”

I smiled and said, “No, I don’t think I’m dumb. But I’m not a scholar either. I get passing grades by working my butt off. I just don’t learn well. Nothing comes easily to me. We both know it. It’s just the way I am. I’m not dyslexic. I don’t have any disabilities. I’m just not a good student. It’s hard for me to memorize things. I’ll work my butt off and graduate from high school. But we both know I don’t belong in college.

“I don’t know why learning is so hard for me. But we both know it is true. If you’ve been stashing away a college fund for me then now is the time to get it out and buy food. I’ll go next door and wake up Mrs. Williams and call for a pizza on her phone.”

Mom laughed and said, “We’ll talk about this later. I just wanted you to know that things are going to change around here, and soon.”

I smiled and thought, “They already have!”

Mom kissed me and went to bed. I guess she didn’t want a sandwich either. Then I thought that now might be a good time to tell her that I had some money. I got up and got a hundred dollars out of my hidden stash. I went down the hall and knocked on her door. She got out of bed, opened her door just far enough and peeked out. That was strange. It wasn’t like I never saw her naked.

I handed her a one hundred dollar bill through the crack and started to return to my room. There was silence for a few seconds and suddenly she cried out, “Where did you get this?!”

I turned back to respond. The door to her room was wide open. She was standing there naked. I smiled, not at the shock on her face but at the big black dildo that was lying in plain view on her bed.

I said, “I got paid today. I got a job selling magazines on commission in the neighborhood. It doesn’t pay much but I thought it would help. That’s two weeks commissions. I was going to surprise you with a steak dinner tomorrow night when you got home. But I guess it’s better to let you handle the money.”

She reached behind her door, grabbed her robe and pulled it on. She stepped out into the hallway, closed her door and led me back to my room. Inside she said, “Okay, let’s talk. Tell me about this job.”

I had clipped out the ad in the paper and I showed it to her. I had figured out what I was going to tell her. I hate lying to her. But I thought that for the next few weeks we could still use a little extra money. After that, if things went well, I would keep my money to myself.

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