A Little Money on the Side - Cover

A Little Money on the Side

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A teenage girl is lured into posing for pictures and having sex for money by the neighborhood child molester when she learns that her best friend is already doing so and using the money she earns to buy the nice things that she wishes she had.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang  

The next morning my alarm played soft music for a good ten minutes before I heard it. I guess sex really wears a girl out.

I hadn’t thought to pick out what I was going to wear today. I don’t have a large wardrobe to choose from but today is a special day and would require a little more thought than usual. This was the day I was going to lose my virginity. It seemed like I should dress up for that.

I felt a twinge in my gut at the thought of being penetrated for the first time by that fat cock I became so familiar with yesterday. But I wasn’t sure how much of what I was feeling was fear and how much was excitement. This isn’t the way a girl is supposed to lose her virginity and I will admit to experiencing a small pang of regret that it was going to be surrendered in the name of porn. But I only had to remind myself how much money I was going to receive when it was over and my regrets evaporated instantly.

I picked out my second nicest bra and panty and then selected a nice, simple, slightly sexy print dress that, like all of my other clothes, had been purchased at the thrift shop because it was inexpensive, not because it was pretty or sexy.

I like the dress, even though, like all of my clothes it was purchased second hand. It’s kind of sexy but not so sexy that my mother would object. It only reaches half way down my thighs and the pleated skirt is bouncy and flirty. It’s one of my favorite dresses. It buttons down the front and is easy to get in and out of. That’s something I’ve never taken into consideration when getting dressed before.

I put on my sandals and started to go out to the kitchen for my cereal when I remembered my new cell phone. I got a sinking feeling when I realized that I almost forgot it.

I went to the kitchen and quickly made a sandwich for lunch. It was hard to focus on what I was doing. My mind wanted to dwell on what was going to happen to me after school today.

I wasn’t hungry but I forced myself to eat a small bowl of cereal. I cleaned up the kitchen after I ate. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and my hair. When I got outside Stacy was on her way up the sidewalk to get me.

I smiled at her and said, “Sorry. I haven’t slept well the last two days. Too much excitement. I think I need a scarier alarm clock.”

She shook her head and said, “Come on, slut.”

As soon as we were away from my house she asked, “Any second thoughts?”

I shook my head and said, “Not one. A lot of exciting things happened to me yesterday. I can’t think of one that I wouldn’t want to repeat. Well, maybe what happened afterwards with that rubber dick up my ass. That wasn’t the most fun I ever had with my pants off.”

She laughed and then said, “Damn! I kind of enjoyed fucking you. I was hoping to do it again!”

I smiled and said, “Sweetheart you can fuck me any time you want. I’d just really appreciate it if you did it in a different hole or with a smaller cock. I didn’t realize you had such a big cock.”

She chuckled and said, “You’re forgetting, Sara. I fucked you with your mother’s big, black cock.”

I responded, “Yeah, but I bet she doesn’t stick that big thing up her ass.”

“I told you, it’s for your own good. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. But if you keep it up you’ll thank me in the end, so to speak.”

We were quiet for a moment and then she asked, “Are you scared?”

I shrugged and said, “Yeah, a little. But I’m excited, too. I know that fourteen is a little young to start being sexually active. I doubt if there will be much difference in my mind or my body a year or two from now, though. I’m almost fully grown. I think my body is ready. And I bet that a lot of girls in our class aren’t virgins anymore.”

We had to change the subject then. We were running into other kids on their way to school. I noticed that since our kinky sexual activities have become such an important part of our lives we don’t talk as much about the more mundane topics that used to occupy us. We don’t gossip about the other kids as much or talk about our schoolwork or our parents. Not quite as much anyway.

As we neared school we were walking close together and talking quietly when Danny came up behind us. He put an arm around each of our shoulders and wedged himself between us.

Danny is in the eighth grade with us. We’ve gone to school with him since the first grade. We know him pretty well. I consider him a friend but we only have one class with him this year and we don’t hang out with him or his friends.

Danny smiled and after making sure that no one was paying any attention to us he quietly said, “Brian called me last night with the good news. I hear I’m going to get to fuck you, Sara. That’s hot. The two prettiest girls in school and I get to fuck them both.”

I smiled sweetly at him and said, “Danny! I didn’t know you cared! If you wanted to fuck me, how come you never asked?”

He grinned and replied, “I did once, remember? You said your mother wouldn’t let you.”

I chuckled and replied, “No. You asked me for a date. My mother doesn’t let me date. You never asked me for a fuck.”

He laughed and said, “You should have told me that I was asking the wrong question when I asked you for a date.”

I smiled and said, “But Danny, that wouldn’t be playing the game!”

He leaned over and said, “It’s a new game now. Any day now I am going to see you naked. I am going to touch you and I’m going to taste you and I am going to fuck you. I can’t fucking wait!”

In a sweet, innocent voice I asked, “Are you a good fuck, Danny?”

He wasn’t expecting that question I guess. He paused for a moment before he smiled and said, “You’re the first person to ask! I guess I’m getting better. I’m enjoying the lessons.”

Stacy leaned forward so that I could see her face around Danny and said, “He isn’t bad, Sara. He has a nice cock for a kid and he’s very enthusiastic. I’ve fucked him several times and I don’t mind. At least with him you aren’t just a piece of ass. He likes the whole package. He’s better after he calms down a little. I think you’ll enjoy him.”

Danny seemed stunned at her endorsement. He didn’t even have the presence of mind to make one of his standard smart-ass comments. He said, “Thank you, Stacy.”

She smiled sweetly and said, “You’re welcome. Now get your clammy hands off of us and go to school.”

He put his arms down and said, “I really do think you are the two hottest girls in school.”

I stopped walking and turned to face him. It was clear from the expression on his handsome face that he was being sincere. He wasn’t just screwing around. I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips and said, “Thank you, Danny. I think you’re pretty nice too.”

I fought the impulse to laugh when he blushed. I said, “I’m looking forward to it, too, Danny.”

I turned away from him then and Stacy and I continued on. Danny stood where we left him, stunned for a moment, before wandering off.

Stacy waited until we were away far enough away from him that he wouldn’t overhear her and said, “He really isn’t that bad, once he calms down. He’s cute and he’s nice and he has a nice cock.”

I laughed quietly and responded, “Our conversations the last couple of days have gotten really bizarre.”

She replied, “Our lives have gotten bizarre.”

We went to our lockers and got ready for our first class. I struggled to get through another day of school when my whole life was focused on a moment that was going to occur shortly after school got out this afternoon, that split second long moment when a cock was going to tear through the thin membrane at the opening to my vagina and my whole life will be changed forever.

At lunch we were quiet. I asked for some reassurance from Stacy that it wouldn’t be so bad. She smiled and said, “It really isn’t. The problem is that society places so much importance on that tiny little thing. That small, fragile membrane is all you’ve been thinking about all day. If you just relax and forget about it then it’s no big deal.

“What you did yesterday was more difficult. Taking that pervert’s cock into your throat was much more painful than losing your virginity. There’s a little pinch and it’s all over. As long as you aren’t all caught up in that ‘Oh god, I’m a ruined woman’ crap it really is no big deal.”

She paused and then she added, “I was glad to be rid of it. Now that I’ve learned that you’re not the girl that I thought you were all these years I think that you’ll be glad to be rid of it too. But there is a down side.”

I looked at her questioningly.

She smiled and said, “After Mr. Todd is through with you, Brian has permission to fuck you any time he wants. He does that to make up for the nasty things he makes Brian do. He knows that Brian hates it but there are plenty of perverts out there that will pay big bucks for the pictures. My brother is an asshole. But you can’t tell that from the pictures. He looks like a sweet young kid. There are guys that are into that kinda shit.”

I was too embarrassed to admit to Stacy that I wasn’t sure that having to fuck Brian was a bad thing. It’s kind of weird because I don’t like him. But the idea of being made available to a boy that way kind of turns me on. I am, however, smart enough to realize that it was probably not going to be as sexy in real life as it is in my fantasy.

I changed the subject rather than comment on that. “Doesn’t it seem strange to call the man that takes your virginity and is in charge of your sex life mister?”

She shrugged and replied, “It isn’t like we’re lovers. Hell, I don’t think any of us like him. We all got into it for the same reason, money. Some of us are enjoying it more than others. But it’s still mainly about the money. And I don’t think anyone knows his first name. Now that I think about it, I doubt if Todd is his real last name. It would be pretty stupid for someone who does what he does for a living to use his real name.”

I asked, “Did you ever think you’d be a whore?”

She shook her head and said, “I don’t think I ever really connected the word with the actual idea of doing it. I know that what we do fits the definition. But I don’t think of myself as a whore. I’m more of a sex slave with an allowance.

“I’d hate for my friends or my parents to find out what I’m doing. But it isn’t like we’re street walkers or call girls. I think it’s best not to think too much about labeling what we do. Not if you have a conscience that nags. That’s apparently not a problem for me. I like a lot of what I do there. Not all of it, of course. But I had a very good time yesterday.”

I smiled and said, “I did too. You’re a pretty good fuck, Stace!”

She smiled sweetly and said, “Cunt! All this time I thought you were such a fucking stick! I thought that if you went to that house you’d end up a brain dead basket case. Well, I was half right. But you certainly aren’t a basket case.”

I laughed and said, “I love you too.”

The bell rang then. We stood up and got ready to go in for our last two classes. Before we went inside she looked me right in the eyes and said, quietly and sincerely, “I love you too, Sara. I hope you don’t change.”

We stood looking at each other in silence for a moment. She got embarrassed when she saw the love I felt for her written clearly in the expression on my face. She blushed and said, “Stop looking at me like that! Everyone is going to think we’re a couple of lezzies.”

I laughed and said, “Just because I’d happily eat your nasty cunt, don’t think I’m going to marry your skanky ass, bitch!”

She put her arm through mine and we walked back to class. As we walked she quietly replied, “I’m too young to get married.”

Stacy had managed to make me a little less nervous about what was going to happen this afternoon. But it was still a momentous event for me and once more I had a terrible time concentrating in class. At least today I didn’t get so carried away in history class that I all but masturbated.

When school was out we started walking to Mountain Street. We were quiet until the crowd thinned out. She could see that I was nervous. She smiled and said, “You’re going to be okay, Sara. Keep reminding yourself that it’s just sex.

“If that doesn’t work, keep reminding yourself why you’re kidding yourself into thinking you’re doing it, for the money.”

I replied indignantly, “What do you mean? You know why I’m doing this!”

She smiled and said, “I know why you’re doing this. I also know what you’re trying to make yourself believe is the reason you’re doing this. I’ll give you credit for wanting to help your mom. But you aren’t kidding me any longer, slut. I was there yesterday. I saw you cut loose. I saw how disappointed you were when you didn’t get fucked. I saw you take that bastard’s fat cock into your throat without being forced. You were pure slut once we entered that house and the door closed behind us. You were in that house to have sex. You get off on being a sex slave and being told what to do. And I know that you can’t stand Brian. But you aren’t fooling me. You can’t wait until he rapes your horny ass.”

She took a deep breath and said, “I thought I knew you before. I was wrong. But I know you now because you’re just like me. Isn’t it weird that since yesterday I feel closer to you than I ever have? Now we REALLY have no secrets from each other. I even know what your cunt tastes like. I doubt if a lot of our friends can say that about their best friends.”

I reached out and squeezed her hand affectionately. I smiled and said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, Stace. But I love you. And I love eating your cunt, slut.”

We were about to turn onto Mountain Street when I asked, “Do you have to go home right away?”

She shook her head.

I asked, “Would you mind waiting for me at my house? I don’t know what’s going to happen or how long it’s going to take. But when I leave here I know that I am going to want to talk to you.”

She smiled and said, “I’d be happy to. That way I don’t have to worry about Brian barging into my room and ordering me to suck his cock when he gets home. He’s getting to be a real pain in the ass.”

I gave her my key. When we reached Mr. Todd’s house she took my book bag and kept walking. I turned and walked through the gate. I’ve been nervous all day in anticipation of what was going to happen in that house today. But as soon as Stacy walked away and I found myself walking towards Mr. Todd’s door I almost couldn’t breathe.

I climbed the steps, knocked lightly and stood there with my heart in my throat. The moment was finally here. This was not the way that I imagined I would lose my virginity. I was scared. But I was so excited that I was having trouble drawing a breath.

The door opened. I was more than a little surprised to see Brian standing there. I didn’t know if I would be alone with Mr. Todd today. But I wasn’t expecting Brian to be here.

He stepped back and let me in. As I brushed past him he said, “Are you excited, cunt? After this your ass is mine any time I want it.”

I ignored him and went over to stand in front of Mr. Todd. He smiled up at me and asked, “Answer the question Sara. Are you excited?”

I quietly admitted, “I’m scared. But yes, I’m excited.”

He said, “Good. We aren’t going to start until three-thirty. Sit down in Brian’s lap and let him warm you up a little.”

Brian had taken a seat at the other end of the couch. As soon as I was within reach he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap. His hands instantly moved to my body. One of them went around my neck, over my shoulder and down to cup my breast. The other slid up under my skirt and began to rub the crotch of my underwear.

I couldn’t give him many points for style. He was rough and obviously inexperienced. But since I had only my limited experience with Mr. Todd yesterday to compare it to I didn’t really know why his groping left a lot to be desired.

It was exciting, though. It wasn’t the pleasant touch I had begun to fantasize about. But a boy was touching me. I couldn’t deny that I found that exciting. Even if it was just Brian!

While Brian groped me, Mr. Todd leered at us from the other end of the couch. He watched Brian groping me. He seemed to be curious to see how I would respond to it. After a couple of minutes he said, “I’m not going to pop your cherry, Sara. I’d like to. But I have to be practical. Another man is going to do that. He’s driving all the way from the other side of the state just to fuck you.”

Before I could fully digest that amazing bit of news he said, “After he fucks you another man gets a shot at you. I get to go third. Brian is going to be holding the camera and the entire event is going to be broadcast on the internet to a thoroughly screened private audience who has paid for the privilege of watching a fourteen year old beauty lose her virginity.

“In exchanged for his services I suppose that it’s only fair that Brian gets to fuck you too. So four men, or three men and a boy, are going to fuck you this afternoon. Several thousand people, mostly dirty old men, are going to be watching. How do you feel about that?”

I didn’t know what to say! I thought I was going to come here and Mr. Todd was going to fuck me. When it was over I would get dressed, take my money and go home. There I would spend an hour talking to Stacy about it. This was a little overwhelming.

I finally said, “I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting any of that. I guess it’s kind of scary. But I’ll do what I’m told.”

I still didn’t think much of Brian’s skills as a lover. He was rough and much of what he was doing with his hands was bordering on painful. But even so, I had to admit that I was getting turned on. I couldn’t help it. I was getting felt up by a boy. I was listening to what was on the schedule for this afternoon and finding out that I was going to be fucked while thousands of horny men watched and enjoyed the show. As horrifying as that sounds, I was getting excited as the time neared.

Mr. Todd smiled and said, “That’s what I wanted to hear. You’ll do just fine. When the man who is going to fuck you gets here I want you to answer the door. The nervous look that’s on your face right now is just what he’ll want to see.”

As if on cue there was a knock on the door just then. Brian pushed me out of his lap and I went to the door and opened it. I noticed that my legs were as shaky as they were yesterday.

There were two men in casual clothes standing on the small porch. When they saw me their faces lit up. The taller of the men smiled and said, “Lovely! You’re even prettier than your pictures!”

I stepped back and opened the door. I shuddered when I realized that Mr. Todd must have posted my pictures on the internet. These men have already seen me naked! Oh Christ! They must have seen pictures of me having sex with Stacy!

Before I recovered from that embarrassing thought I suddenly realized where he was getting the money to pay us kids. He was taking money from men who saw us on the internet and wanted to come and fuck us. He was probably charging them to watch the live broadcast of these men fucking me today too.

The men stepped inside but they stood by the door and watched me as I closed it and waited for them to enter the living room. The taller of the two men put his arm around my shoulder and asked, “Are you nervous, Sara?”

I shivered and quietly responded, “Yes sir. I was nervous anyway. But this is all a bit much. I wasn’t expecting people to drive from all over and I wasn’t aware that there was going to be a large audience. It’s all pretty scary.”

He leaned down and whispered, “I’m nervous, too. I’ve never fucked a virgin and I’ve never fucked a girl with an audience. But when I saw your picture on the internet I knew I had to have you. You’re beautiful and sexy and I couldn’t pass this chance up. I’ll try not to hurt you, though. Okay?”

I nodded and said, “Thank you, sir.”

Mr. Todd came over to where we were standing and shook hands with the man that was about to fuck me. They talked for a couple of minutes but I got the impression that they were careful not to say too much in front of me. Apparently they didn’t want me to know the details of their agreement. Or at least Mr. Todd doesn’t.

It was almost time for the broadcast to start. Mr. Todd said, “I have to go in the back and make sure everything’s hooked up and working. That blanket in the middle of the room is where this is going to happen. The boy there is Brian, the cameraman. I’ll be right out.”

He left and we went into the living room. Brian had a large camera resting on his shoulder. It was a huge, professional looking camera with cables coming out of it and running through the room into the back of the house. I suppose they were connected to his computer.

While he was gone from the room the man who was going to separate me from my virginity in a matter of minutes moved his hand up and down my back gently. He spoke soothingly as his hand caressed my back.

“My name is Stan. I’m thirty-four. I’m married and I have a daughter your age. She’s constantly driving me crazy. I’m almost positive that she does it on purpose. She flashes her panties at me or walks around in a towel or a not quite closed bathrobe after her shower.

“If she thinks that has no effect on me because she’s my daughter she’s wrong. But I could never cross that line. I’m afraid, however, that while I’m fucking you today I’m going to be fucking her in my mind. I hope that doesn’t upset you.”

Why is he telling me this?! I don’t give a fuck! Shit! It isn’t like we’re out on a date and I’m going to have sex with him because I like him. Hell! He bought my ass! He can imagine he’s fucking his dog for all I care!

But of course I didn’t say any of that out loud. I shook my head and just as sweet as can be I said, “I don’t mind.”

He smiled and said, “The man with me is my business partner, Terry. We pooled our money to pay for the opportunity to be your first, and second as it turns out. It was expensive. But I know it will be worth it.”

I glanced behind me to make certain that Mr. Todd was still out of the room. I whispered, “Can I ask how much you paid? I’m just curious.”

He whispered back, “The high bid was three thousand. Before it could go any higher, Terry and I talked it over and sent in a joint bid of six thousand, with the stipulation that we both got to fuck you. No one else put in a bid after that. But if they had we would have gone higher.”

I thought to myself, “I’m going to have to have a talk with Mr. Todd. I’m the one getting fucked. I’m going to want more than a hundred dollars if he’s getting that much from these two guys plus whatever he makes from the internet broadcast.”

Mr. Todd came back into the room and asked, “Is everyone ready?”

I glanced at the small clock on the table and saw that we had a couple more minutes before the broadcast was scheduled to begin. I was nervous about bringing it. I knew Mr. Todd was going to be pissed. But fair is fair. I said, “Mr. Todd, I think we need to talk.”

He gave me a curious look and I quietly continued, “I don’t think our deal is entirely fair.”

He saw where this was going and smiled. He smiled with his lips. It never reached his cold eyes. He said, “You’re right, Sara. And I am willing to increase your payment. I will give you a thousand dollars. But I’m also going to punish you for putting me on the spot and for questioning me. Does that sound fair?”

That was easy! And it was a lot more money than I was hoping for! I nervously answered, “No. But I accept. I need the money.”

Then it was time to start.

Brian turned on the camera and started looking through the viewfinder. Mr. Todd nodded and said, “Go!”

Mr. Todd and Terry moved out of the way. Stan took me into his arms. He started kissing me and his hands began to move over my body. He turned out to be a very good kisser and the things he was doing with his hands felt pretty damn good, too. I hoped Brian was watching. He could learn a lot from watching Stan.

Much to my surprise I quickly started getting into it. I was aware of Brian and the camera. But I found that the idea that there were thousands of men out there who didn’t know me but were watching and getting excited, maybe even playing with themselves while they watched, that was really turning me on.

I quickly forgot all about what Mr. Todd said about punishing me, too.

After a few minutes of making out, Stan turned me to face the camera and ordered me to undress. He stepped out of the shot and watched me undress while Brian came closer and broadcast my strip show to a grateful nation.

I was aware of Brian and I couldn’t forget all of those men watching the broadcast, watching me get undressed and looking forward to watching me have sex for the first time. Okay. That isn’t quite true. I had sex with Mr. Todd and Stacy yesterday. You know what I meant.

But I was more focused on Stan. He was standing off camera taking his clothes off, too.

I was nervous. But I noticed the large bulge in the front of Brian’s pants and for some reason that amused me and being amused seemed to calm me down a little. I loved it that he was so turned on.

On the other hand, I also think that I was more embarrassed to be undressing in front of him than anyone else. I can’t explain it. I guess it was just because I know Brian and because I don’t like him.

I quickly unbuttoned the buttons on the front of my dress and slipped it off. I tossed it into a nearby chair and reached behind my back to struggle with the clasp on my bra. I guess I wasn’t as calm as I thought. My fingers were shaking like crazy. It took me a long time to unhook the damn thing.

I let it slide down my arms slowly. I wasn’t trying to tease them or to be sexy. I was scared. I shivered when I felt the cool room air on my tits as the cups fell away.

My nipples were already pretty hard from the situation and from the attention that Stan paid to them earlier. But when the cool air came into contact with them they became hard as pebbles.

I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties. I kicked my sandals off and then I took a deep breath and paused for a few seconds. I had to take a moment to muster my strength. Finally I slid my underwear down off of my hips and down my legs.

Now I was naked in front of three men, Brian, and thousands of men watching on the internet. I wondered for a second if any of the boys from school might be watching this. I thought it unlikely at first. But then it occurred to me that Brian might have spread the word among his friends. Something like that would get around the school in a couple of hours!

I put any thoughts about the guys from school watching this out of my head. I had enough trouble dealing with the humiliation I knew about without conjuring up more. This was every bit as scary and every bit as embarrassing as I thought it would be. But I couldn’t help feeling excited, too.

I glanced over at Stan. He was naked now. I was pleased by what I saw. He has a nice slender body. He’s not too hairy. And he has a nice hard cock that didn’t look scary big.

His cock looked like it might be a little over six inches long and I was thankful that it wasn’t overly thick. It was smooth and ... I don’t know, youthful looking? I liked the way it looked. It wasn’t as big as Mr. Todd’s. I was grateful for that.

He stepped back onto the blanket with me and his hands explored my body for a moment before he said, “I want you to suck my cock for just a minute. I saw those pictures of you with that big, fat cock in your throat and I have to see what that feels like.”

A shudder ran through me. I forgot about those pictures!

I smiled nervously and went to my knees in front of him. Brian came in for a close up as I kissed and then licked Stan’s cock. He had to drive for a couple of hours to get here but he smelled clean. That was important to me, not that I would have been permitted to refuse him if he had stunk up the room.

I took his cock in my mouth. I was a little nervous about trying to take it down my throat after having so much trouble yesterday with Mr. Todd’s cock. But I wasn’t at all reluctant to suck his cock. I was quite eager, in fact. As soon as my lips closed around it and my tongue began to caress it I experienced again the excitement I felt yesterday when I tasted Mr. Todd’s cock for the first time. I was amazed at how much I like sucking cocks.

I was curious about that. I’m normally a fairly fastidious person. When you think about it, sucking a guy’s cock is a pretty nasty pastime. It doesn’t make sense that it turns me on as much as it does. And from eavesdropping on the other girls at school I’ve gotten the impression that most girls don’t feel the way I feel about sucking a nice, hard, slimy cock. I wonder why I do.

I remembered the advice that Stacy gave me yesterday when I sucked a cock for the first time and in no time at all I had Stan’s cock in my throat. It was much easier than it was when I provided that same service to Mr. Todd yesterday.

I had no trouble at all breathing with Stan’s slightly smaller cock in my throat. I sucked him like that for a couple of minutes and I was enjoying the hell out of it. I was actually disappointed when he pulled his cock out of my mouth.

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