A Little Money on the Side - Cover

A Little Money on the Side

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A teenage girl is lured into posing for pictures and having sex for money by the neighborhood child molester when she learns that her best friend is already doing so and using the money she earns to buy the nice things that she wishes she had.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang  

From that moment on we walked in silence to the pervert’s house on Mountain Street. She stopped at the gate to the picket fence around his front yard and said, “Last chance to return to sanity, Sara. Think with your head, not your pussy.”

I chuckled at that. But at that moment the front door opened and there he was, our friendly, neighborhood child molester. I saw the recognition in his eyes when he saw me. He often watched me passing by his house. He looked happy to see me.

I shuddered in revulsion at the thought of what I was going to do. But it was a revulsion heavily tinged with teenage hormone driven lust and more than a little greed. For some reason it really excited me to think about the horrible things that I was going to do in that house.

I decided that I didn’t want to spend too much time analyzing that. It didn’t sound very healthy.

We went through the gate and up to the small front porch. I didn’t realize that I was holding my breath until we came to a stop at the foot of the steps. Stacy looked up at the pervert and said, “Mr. Todd, this is my friend, Sara. She wants to ... you know.”

He grinned down at me. It was more of a leer actually. He looked into my eyes for a long, uncomfortable moment. Then, without ever saying a word he stood back to let us in.

I followed Stacy inside. He came in behind me and closed the front door. The sound of the door closing was kind of scary. Maybe it still wasn’t too late to change my mind. But it felt like it. I felt trapped already and we hadn’t even started yet.

I found myself standing in his small, sparsely furnished living room. I detected an unpleasant smell that I recognized as the smell an old, rundown house gets when it has been standing empty for a long time. My mother and I have lived in enough of them over the years before we moved into the house we live in now. I’d recognize that smell anywhere.

Mr. Todd ushered us in and asked Stacy, “She knows what we do here?”

Stacy answered a bit despondently, “Yes, sir. I told her yesterday.”

She really didn’t want me to be here.

He turned to me and asked, “Why do you want to join our little group, Sara?”

I blushed as I stood there in front of him. His eyes were all over my body. He was just as creepy as he always was. No. Now he had permission. I gave it to him when I walked through his door. He was even creepier now.

I answered, “My mom is a single mother and we need the money.”

That was perfectly true. It just wasn’t the entire reason.

Something about this situation was really strange. I felt like he should be plying me with drugs or alcohol or at the very least trying to talk me into doing something against my will. It didn’t seem right that I was standing here and just like Stacy did three weeks ago I felt as if I had to talk him into letting me do this.

That isn’t the way it’s supposed to work!

Apparently he wasn’t fooled. He walked around me slowly and as he did he asked, “Is that the only reason? You’re just doing it for the money?”

I quickly answered, “Yes, sir!”

I may have answered just a little too quickly.

I saw the skeptical look on his face and I blushed even more deeply. It was like he already knew I was lying.

I said, “That’s why I’m doing it. I need the money. I’m nervous. No. Actually I’m scared. But I’ll admit I got a little ... excited. Thinking about the things she told me last night was stimulating. But I’ve never done any of that stuff and it’s scary.”

He smiled and said, “You’re a virgin?”

I nodded, blushing even more deeply if that’s possible.

He asked, “Stacy told you about the money she made for selling me her cherry?”

I nodded.

He took my book bag from me and put it down by the door. Then he went over to a table and picked up an expensive looking digital camera. He waved me further into the room and ordered Stacy to go sit down.

He moved to a movie camera on a tripod in the corner and turned it on. He made sure that it was pointing at me and then he came over to where I was standing.

He took a half a dozen pictures as he circled around me and then he said, “I want you to slowly lift your skirt. Look at the camera while you do it.”

My knees were shaking violently. I was afraid I was going to fall, collapse into a quivering heap of flesh at his feet.

I dropped my hands to the front of my skirt and started slowly working the front of it up with my fingers, gathering the material in my hands and baring my thighs to the camera.

As I worked my skirt up he took picture after picture, almost as rapidly as he could push the button. I just stared at the word Nikon on the front of the camera and tried to figure out what I was feeling as I lifted my skirt in front of this dirty old man.

I felt the blood suffusing my face. My scalp tingled. Hell! My entire body tingled! I could hear my heart beating loudly. I hated to admit it. But I realized that I was getting very turned on. With every passing minute, as I performed my first act of sexual submission, it was becoming more obvious to me that I am not the girl that I thought I was.

It isn’t that I wasn’t scared. I was scared to death. I was so scared that I was having trouble breathing. Or was that from excitement?

I was surprised when I felt the hem of my skirt in my hand and I realized that the crotch of my underwear was exposed to this man and his camera. That realization seemed to set my pussy on fire! Knowing that he could see the thin nylon material stretched tightly over the most private part of my body changed me inside. I felt as if every nerve ending now concentrated in that one, small, extremely sensitive area. Vibrations, very pleasurable vibrations, were emanating from that area now. I wondered if he could see them. They seemed so intense!

I slowly lifted my skirt up until my hands were level with my waist and the front of my panties was completely exposed.

Mr. Todd took a handful of pictures and said, “Spread your legs a little farther apart, Sara. You have beautiful legs. And I love the way your mound pushes out against your underwear. You have one of those sexy protruding mounds. I love it. I can see that you’ve been thinking about coming here all day. There is a very large wet spot in the front of your panties. I think that once you get broken in and learn to relax a little you’re going to have a lot of fun here.”

I didn’t want to admit it, even to myself I guess. It’s embarrassing. But I thought he was right. I was awfully excited for someone who was not “that kind of girl.”

He straightened up, slowly lowered his camera and leered at me in silence for a long moment. Then he said, “That was fantastic, Sara. Now turn around and do it again with the back of your skirt, nice and slow, just the way you did the front.”

I released the front of my skirt and let the material fall back into place. I was still finding it difficult to breathe, but in a good way. So far this was even more exciting than I expected it to be. And I expected it to be very exciting.

I slowly turned until I was standing with my back to him. I reached back and placed my hands over my ass. I started gathering the back of my skirt in my hands, just like I had the front. I could tell when the lower edge of my underwear came into view. My fingertips slid over the slick nylon that was molded to my ass like a second skin as I scrunched the material of my skirt up in my hand.

Once I had exposed about an inch or so of my butt, covered only by the thin, skintight material of my underwear he instructed me to turn my head and look at him over my shoulder. I discovered that it was more difficult to do these things when I could see him. But it was more exciting, too.

I continued to pull my skirt up in back until my entire ass was on display in my light blue panties. I was staring at his camera again. I found it helped if I focused on his camera lens and avoided looking at his leering face.

In my peripheral vision I could see Stacy sitting on the couch behind him. For just a second I was startled. I was so caught up in exposing myself for this pervert and his camera that I had forgotten all about her. I caught a glimpse of her face. She still looked worried.

I didn’t know what was to come. I knew that I wouldn’t like everything that happened to me in this house. I was certainly very nervous. I would have been nervous exposing my underwear to any member of the opposite sex. This was different than letting some boy see my underwear, though. I’ve just given over control of my body to this pervert. I no longer have the ability to say no. And there wasn’t any question about whether or not his intentions were honorable. They definitely were not.

I realized that I wasn’t worried. Not yet, anyway. I knew that I should be. But Mr. Todd had been right. There was a big wet spot on the front of my panties, because I was most definitely excited.

Mr. Todd put his camera down again and said, “Okay Sara, let your skirt fall back into place and turn around now.”

When I was facing him once more he said, “I want you to take off your blouse now. Stare right into my camera, slowly unbutton it and ... no, wait a minute. I have a better idea. We’re going to do this differently.”

He turned and said, “Stacy, get over here.”

Stacy got up and came over to where I was standing. He smiled ... well, when referring to Mr. Todd, leered is always going to be a better description. His lips curled up. On most people it would be a smile. But whenever he did it, for some reason it always looked like he was leering.

He said to Stacy, “I want you to stand behind your friend and remove her skirt.”

Mr. Todd started taking pictures. Stacy unbuttoned and unzipped my skirt in the back. She slowly pushed it down over my hips and down my legs. It fell around my feet on the bare floor. I stepped out of it and kicked it away.

Without being told I slid my shoes off and stood on the bare floor in my knee socks.

Mr. Todd took more pictures of my panties peeking out from under the tails of my blouse.

After he had enough pictures he instructed her to reach around and slowly unbutton my blouse. This wasn’t like undressing, or even like being undressed by someone. This was undressing to entertain someone else and to perform for a camera. It was an entirely new and different and very exciting experience.

Her arms came around me and I felt her soft, warm body pressing against me from behind. Her fingers weren’t shaking the way mine are. She made quick work of the buttons.

She let my blouse fall open and after he got a few pictures she slowly eased my blouse down off of my shoulders and down my arms. Now I was standing in front of a man I just met, a man I knew to be a pervert and a child molester, wearing only my bra and panties.

He had no way of knowing, but Stacy knew that this was the only matching bra and panty set that I owned. She knew that I had put them on this morning in anticipation of undressing in front of a man, and in front of a camera for the first time.

In an amused voice she had whispered softly in my ear as she slid my blouse down, “Slut!”

I took it in the spirit in which I’m sure it was meant. That little private touch of sarcastic humor shared with my best friend seemed to calm me down a little.

Mr. Todd instructed her to kiss my shoulders and the back of my neck. He took several pictures of that before he ordered her to reach around and cup my breasts through my bra, except he didn’t say breasts.

I felt the warmth of hands other than my own on my breasts for the first time in my life! Even through my bra it was amazing sensation. I shivered with pleasure and my pleasure was multiplied by her surprisingly pleasant, warm, soft kisses on my neck.

I had to stifle a moan of excitement as she moved her lips over my neck and shoulders and gently squeezed my breasts. I was embarrassed about the irrepressible expression of bliss that I knew his camera was capturing on my face.

Despite my best friend’s dire warnings, so far this experience was every bit as exciting as I knew it would be.

I should’ve been mortified. I was standing in front of a man in my underwear while my best friend cupped my breasts in her soft, warm hands and kissed my neck and shoulders like a lover.

I wasn’t. Not yet. I suppose it would come to that. But so far so good!

There have been times when I imagined someone touching me and kissing me the way Stacy was not. But I never imagined it would be Stacy! I have fantasized about cute boys I know doing these things to me. I never imagined that the first person to touch me this way would be my best friend!

He ordered Stacy to remove my bra and while she made quick work of the closure behind my back and he took more sexy and incriminating pictures he asked, “You two are friends, good friends?”

I answered breathlessly, “Stace is my best friend. We’ve been best friends since kindergarten.”

“But this is the first time she has kissed you or played with your tits?” he asked.

I whispered, “Yes, sir.”

Then I added, “This is the first time anyone has touched them.”

For some reason it seemed important to me that he know that.

Cool air seemed to swirl over my breasts as I felt my bra sliding down my arms and the cups falling away from my breasts. My nipples were tingling. They were so hard that they almost hurt!

I very nearly had an orgasm just from having my breasts exposed!

He exclaimed in a breathless voice, “Fucking beautiful!”

His words and the tone of his voice filled me with pride and added to my self confidence despite my vulnerable situation.

He stared at my exposed breasts for a long moment before he seemed to remember why we were there. He stopped staring, raised the camera to his eye again and took pictures of them from every angle.

He ordered Stacy to massage them again and then to play with my nipples. It was very exciting when she touched me a moment ago through the material of my bra. This, the touch of her soft hands on my bare, extremely sensitive skin, took the erotic experience to an entirely new level.

My legs nearly went out from under me as her fingertips lightly caressed my breasts. My entire body seemed to be throbbing with every beat of my racing heart. The best was yet to come.

The first time her fingers squeezed and then began to pull on my hard little nipples I cried out and my eyes closed. My head fell back against Stacy’s shoulder and I sighed loudly. I whispered, “Oh my god! Stacy!”

I heard her chuckle quietly but she didn’t say anything. Not at first.

After Mr. Todd had taken a dozen more pictures of her hands on my naked breasts she whispered, “It feels nice doesn’t it?”

I couldn’t even speak. I could only murmur, “Mmmmm.”

Mr. Todd said, “Okay, Stacey. Take her panties off now.”

She kissed my neck one last time and then sank to her knees behind me. I stood there unsteadily as she slowly peeled my underwear down over my hips and my pussy was revealed to a man for the first time.

He clicked off picture after picture until my panties were lying on top of the rest of my clothes. Then he came in for some extreme close-ups. At times the camera was only inches from my virgin opening.

As he took those pictures he said, “I can smell your arousal, Sara. You are one hot little cunt. I think that you’re going to have a lot of fun here. I know I’m going to enjoy having you around.”

Stacy started to get to her feet again but he said, “No Stacy, don’t get up yet. Sara, spread your legs about shoulder width apart.”

I spread my shaky legs apart as ordered. I suppose I should have been expecting it but when he reached down and ran his fat finger through my slit I cried out. A spasm ran through my body and my hands reached for his wrist without any conscious thought on my part.

I wasn’t trying to push him away. I was holding his hand there! When his finger touched me there a feeling like an electric shock had shot through my body, a very pleasant electric shock. And when he dragged his fingertip lightly across my moist opening and over my blood engorged clit I almost passed out.

It was, without question, the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever experienced. It was so exciting that I didn’t even care that it was this child molesting creep making me feel so much pleasure. It was so wonderful that if Stacy hadn’t reached out to steady me I would have fallen. My body was twitching uncontrollably as if I had lost the ability to control my muscles!

Mr. Todd laughed quietly and pulled his hand free of my surprisingly strong grip. He moved back just a little and ordered me to hold my pussy open so that he could get some pictures of my hymen.

Even that turned me on! I knew how wrong it was. I knew that I should have been covering my face to hide my shame. I should have been curled up in a fetal ball on the floor and crying like a baby. Instead I felt my entire body throbbing with excitement. I was a massive orgasm waiting to explode.

So far at least, turning control of my body over to someone else has been the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me.

I reached down and carefully spread my pussy open so the pervert could take pictures right up inside of me. I was shocked at how much slick moisture I found there. I had difficulty holding myself open. The juices must be pouring out of me! The sensitive skin all around my pussy was so slippery!

I stared at Mr. Todd, watching in fascination and wondering what he was thinking. What was going through that dirty old man’s mind as he stared at my naked body through the viewfinder and took dozens of the most embarrassing pictures imaginable? He could see my hymen. He could probably see past that small membrane and right up inside of me. He could be looking at parts of me that even I have never seen!

When he had photographed my hymen from every angle he said, “Okay, Stacy. Reach around and make your best friend very happy. Be careful. Don’t tear that cherry. I have plans for it.”

He moved back so that he could see both of us in his viewfinder. I was aware of him, still taking picture after picture. But most of my attention was focused on Stacy. Now I found myself wondering what was going through her mind. I wondered if she was as turned on as I was.

Well, no. I didn’t think that was possible. But I wondered if she was excited by her role in this. She told me that she enjoyed the things she did with some of the girls. Would it be different because we were best friends?

My best friend’s hand, which was still gripping my hip, slid around and eased across my stomach just above my little patch of pubic hair. I felt like I was on fire everywhere her fingers lightly touched my skin. The closer her fingers came to my pussy the hotter the fire.

Her fingertips moved lightly through my sparse pubic hair and I cried out, nearly losing it when I felt them slide through my dripping wet vaginal opening. I cannot even begin to describe what I felt when her soft, slender fingertips slid easily through the juices streaming out of my hungry pussy. There aren’t enough superlatives in the English language to explain the feeling. And the best was yet to come!

Her fingers didn’t enter me. They slid through the moisture that must have been pouring out of me by the spoonful. They moved lightly, teasingly around my clit without actually touching it. That was the last straw. I lost my fucking mind in that moment!

I struggled to stay on my feet but I cried out again, an animal like sound that I didn’t realize I was capable of producing, and I experienced the most tremendous, earthshaking orgasm while he recorded my face in the throes of passion.

I was no longer embarrassed or self-conscious. I was still aware that he was there and that he was still taking pictures. But I’m not certain that didn’t make what was happening to me even more exciting. In any event, I was far too stimulated to feel anything but pleasure.

He finally stepped back and ordered Stacy to stand up. I almost fell when she released me, stood up and moved back out of the way. I had been leaning on her rather heavily. I had no strength in my legs at all.

He ordered us not to move. I thought that was cruel. I’d have given anything to be able to sit down for a moment. My legs were visibly shaking. I was as weak as a kitten. I stood there panting and trying to regain my strength while he quickly replaced the memory card in his camera.

I watched him. There wasn’t anything else to look at. It appeared to me that his fingers were shaking. It pleased me to know that he hadn’t remained unaffected by what he just witnessed.

When the camera was ready he handed it to Stacy. He stood in front of me, staring at my naked body while he slowly undressed.

Watching a member of the opposite sex undress for the first time in my life raised the threat level to a whole new threshold! It also raised the level of excitement. I’ve never seen a man’s sex organ. I was very curious.

Mr. Todd is not what you might expect from your friendly neighborhood child molester. Or at least he doesn’t look the way I pictured that type of person when I was being warned about men like him.

He’s creepy. I knew the first time I saw him that he wasn’t quite right, that he was someone I should avoid. But he’s not an attractive person. He’s in his mid to late forties I guess. He isn’t scary or ugly. Up close I see that his face is mildly scarred with pock marks. He has a large nose.

There is something about his expression that borders on evil. It’s hard to describe or to define. You can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s more of a visceral reaction to some vague something you can see in his eyes than something you can point to and name. You can’t look at him and say that he looks evil because...

But there is something indefinable in his eyes that you can see when you look into them. It’s like you can see through his eyes into his very dirty mind. The single large bushy eyebrow that stretched from one side of his face to the other didn’t do anything for his appearance either.

He’s heavy set, what they call beefy I guess. Not really fat, but he’s definitely out of shape.

I wasn’t even trying not to be obvious. I watched him undress in front of me. It was pretty much unavoidable. I held my breath when he pulled his jockey shorts down and I saw before me a penis, a dick, a man’s cock for the first time.

I discovered that his nose and his fingers were not the only large appendages he possessed. His dick was long and fat and hard. Although it was the first one that I’ve ever seen and therefore I had nothing with which to compare it, I was very impressed ... and very nervous. But I couldn’t stop staring at it. It looked so ... virile! It looked strong and threatening and even dangerous.

I experienced strange conflicting feelings as I stared in wonder at his cock. I wanted to touch it. I wanted to wrap my fingers around it and see what it felt like. And I wanted to grab my clothes and run home!

He nodded at Stacy and she started taking pictures as he grabbed my wrist and led me over to the couch. He ordered her to aim the movie camera towards us.

I heard her moving around as she stepped over to the corner and adjusted the aim. She checked the focus. I could see her in my peripheral vision, but my eyes never left the large, threatening, throbbing cock that bobbed around freely as he moved. From where I was standing it looked nearly as large as my forearm!

The first thing he did once the camera was pointing at us again was pull me down beside him and order me to spread my legs wide. Then he ordered me to hold my pussy spread wide open so that Stacy could take another picture of my hymen.

My mind told me that what he was asking me to do was gross. But my body wasn’t listening. I nearly had another orgasm as Stacy came in close and peered right up inside of me through the camera viewfinder.

She took several close-ups and then moved back and started taking pictures as fast as she could push the button while a man’s hands started exploring my body for the first time. Even under these circumstances, with this wretched, unattractive old man, it was an incredibly exciting experience to be touched by a male. I was supposed to hate this. But I couldn’t.

While he played with my tits he ordered me to hold his cock in my hand. I stared at my hand, not quite believing what I was about to do. I slowly reached down and carefully wrapped my fingers around his fat cock. I was amazed at the way it felt. It was hard and soft at the same time. It felt so hot that I thought it was going to burn my hand. My fingers didn’t go all the way around it and the thought that he would soon be forcing that thing inside of my body was scary. But it was also very, very exciting.

I didn’t care if he was old and ugly and a pervert. I was so turned on at that moment I was ready to beg him to fuck me. I remembered that Stacy had said that he didn’t take her cherry that first day. I hoped that he wouldn’t make me wait. I desperately wanted to be fucked.

I was scared. But I was ready. Damn was I ready!!

I caught the look on Stacy’s face once when she lowered the camera to change positions. There was a mixture of amusement and what I think was excitement. I think that she didn’t feel so bad anymore about her part in leading me into the clutches of this pervert. I knew that it was more than obvious how excited I was, how much I was enjoying all these new sensations, these new experiences.

Mr. Todd tilted my face up and began kissing me. These were not gentle, loving kisses. He was excited. He all but raped me with his mouth. His tongue invaded my mouth and I struggled to please him.

I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I’ve kissed a boy before. But not like this!

He didn’t seem to notice. I guess it didn’t matter what I did. He kissed me passionately, brutally. His large hands and long thick fingers roamed my body at will, squeezing my tits and rubbing my pussy. Every few minutes he pulled his tongue from between my lips long enough to breathlessly tell me what a hot cunt I was and how much he was going to love fucking my juicy virgin pussy.

My lips and tongue were nearly numb from his rough kisses when he took his mouth away. He leaned down and took one of my tits into his mouth. When I felt his lips around my nipple and the prickly stubble on his cheeks and his chin pressing into my soft flesh I cried out and came again!

So many firsts! So much excitement! My head was swimming in lust.

I felt the warm, clear fluid that was oozing out of the head of his dick begin to run down over my fingers. I shivered, but not in disgust. The knowledge that a liquid that was seeping out of the end of a man’s cock and was now running down over my fingers only served to fan the flames of my lust.

He whispered in my ear, “I normally don’t do this with a girl the first time she comes here. But you are one hot little bitch. I want you to get down between my knees and suck on my cock, Sara. You sweet little bitch! You’ve gotten me hotter than hell.

“I want to cum in your mouth and it won’t take long. Get down there. Now, bitch! Start sucking. I’ll warn you when I’m going to cum. I don’t want you to spill a drop, you horny little cunt. I really hate it when a girl doesn’t swallow all the cum in her mouth.”

I should have hated the things he was saying, the names he was calling me, and the nasty act he was ordering me to perform for him. Instead I nearly had another orgasm just from his words!

I dropped to my knees and wedged myself in between his large, hairy thighs. I stared down at his fat cock, throbbing wildly as it rested against his stomach. I reached out, wrapped my fingers around the shaft again, feeling the thin coating of clear fluid between my hand and his cock and shivering in excitement. I pulled it upright and slowly leaned down until my face was close enough that I was able to run my tongue around the shiny knob.

He sighed loudly and his hips came up off the cushion for a moment. His cock throbbed in my hand and expelled a huge amount of that clear liquid that has been oozing out of it since he undressed. He settled back down on the cushion and said, “Yeah, bitch! Take it in your hot mouth. Let’s see how much of that cock you can swallow.”

I paused for a second to evaluate the taste of that shiny fluid that coated the top half of his large cock and I realized that it had almost no taste at all. It certainly wasn’t unpleasant. And for some reason the idea of licking up the liquid that was oozing out of a man’s cock was taking my breath away. Who would have thought that would be exciting?!

So far, sucking a cock was a pretty thrilling pastime and I was encouraged. I quickly obeyed his orders. I placed my lips around the fat knob and began to slowly slide them down his shaft. His cock filled my mouth, pressing against my tongue. In a more or less automatic response I began moving my tongue, tickling the underside of his cock.

He sighed again and then exclaimed, “Oh shit! Bitch, you’re a natural fucking cocksucker! Eat that thing baby!”

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