Hole in Four: 2 - Cover

Hole in Four: 2

Copyright© 2008 by just-this-guy

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - I was the two-time defending state golf champion. I was also the student coach of Westville High's girls' golf team and I had dated all four of the beautiful girls. I looked forward to another wonderful year, but nothing stays the same. Change would happen even before the summer ended and would alter the new school year.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   Incest   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

"So how is practice going, Andy?" Coach asked.

"Very good," I said.

It was a month since I started practice and both girls had shown excellent promise on the course. Crystal had another excellent ability but I certainly wasn't going to mention that.

"Crystal is improving rapidly," I continued, "and I believe if Miranda continues to improve her putting and short game, she can be as good as Sara and Erin. I don't see any reason why Westville can't win the girls team championship this year."

"That's excellent. Good work. And what about Samuel? How is he progressing?"

"Samuel?" I questioned.

"Samuel Shaw. Sara Shaw's brother."

"Uh..." I stammered.

"Haven't you been including him in practices like I asked you to do?"

"I ... I forgot."

"Andy," Coach said with a disapproving look on his face. "I want you to include him in all your practices from now on. I want the boys' team to be as good as the girls' team. Understand?"

"Yes, Coach."

"Good. Thank you."

I ran across Samuel during a break between classes and told him to be at today's practice. Samuel was very excited about it.

During the lunch break, I told Sara, Erin, and Crystal about our extra participant. Sara was NOT excited about it.

I felt the same way as Sara.

I had an inspiration at the golf course. There were three of us, the experienced golfers, and there were three new golf team members.

"Sara!" I instructed. "I want you to work with Samuel today."

Sara's facial expression displayed unpleasantness.

"Erin!" I continued. "You will work with Crystal."

Erin's facial expression displayed happiness

"I will work with Miranda," I finished.

I knew, I absolutely knew, that if I could make Miranda's short game and putting game go beyond her current bad, to above average, and all the way to good, she would be incredible. She didn't have to be great. Good was good enough to make her into a devastating player. She could be a female version of me during my freshman year wiping out all the competition in sight. Sara and Erin shared the individual girls' state title last year, but they didn't set any records like I did my first year. Miranda could set records. After transforming two out of four girls into good players, I felt pretty good at my ability to do the same with Miranda.

I took Miranda straight to the putting green leaving the other four at the driving range. For some reason, she immediately reverted back to her original awful grip that I worked so hard to change. We had started to see positive results.

When I mentioned it, she said, "I'm just so nervous."

"Nervous? Why? Because we are one-on-one?"

"I guess."

"There's nothing to be nervous about. You can concentrate better without all the distractions of the others."

"I guess so."

"So Miranda," I said, "what can I do to encourage you to never use that awful putting grip again?"

Last year, I had to withhold sex to get the girls to focus but that wasn't something I could do with Miranda.

"I don't know," she said. "It's just so hard when it's only you. You're so famous."

"No, I'm not," I corrected. "All anyone cares about is the football team right now and next semester everyone will only care about the basketball team."

"That's not true," she said.

"Pretty much," I said. "The celebration for the football team even if it is only for winning the district championship will be much bigger than my winning the state golf championship."

"Yeah," she accepted.

"I golf because I love to golf and because I like winning. The little bit of fame I have is nice, but it's not why I golf so back to my original question. What will it take to get you to grip the putter correctly every time?"

"I don't know," she answered again.

"There must be something. Ice cream? Chocolate? How about chocolate?"


"What then? A kiss from someone? Name him and I'll get him!"

Miranda giggled then become somber.

"So who is it?" I asked, continuing the joke. She was thinking of somebody. "Who do you like? It can't be a movie star. They won't talk to me."

"I'll take a kiss from you," she said.

It was my turn to be awkward and nervous.

"Just teasing," she added.

I understood. Well, I think I understood. Miranda was flustered because she was alone with me! Did she have a crush on me?

"It's a deal," I said before the moment could pass.

"What?" she said surprised.

"It has to be on the lips though." I walked up to her. "Something like this." I quickly and softly kissed her lips. "Will that do?"

"Yeah," she said breathily.

I backed away and waited for her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked when she still hadn't hit the ball. Were her thoughts so much on my kiss that she wouldn't be a bit of good at practice today?

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