Picking Up the Splits - Cover

Picking Up the Splits

by just-this-guy

Copyright© 2008 by just-this-guy

Erotica Sex Story: My next door neighbor and her two girlfriends suddenly needed a fourth for their bowling team. I wasn't so good at picking up bowling pin splits but I learned how to be good between a girl's splits.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Mult   First   .

"Ben!" my mom yelled out. "Someone's at the door for you!"

I wasn't sleeping but as a 15-year old sophomore I did like to lie down on my bed when I came home from school. Who could be at the door? I never had any visitors.

Mia, my next door neighbor who was also a sophomore, stood in the entry way. She pushed a few strands of light brown hair out of her eyes and behind her ear.

"Hi," she said with an overly big smile.

"Hi," I replied suspiciously because of the smile.

Mia and I grew up with each other and played with each other when we were young but once we hit middle school we lost interest in interacting with each other. It wasn't that we didn't like each other anymore. We were civil and cordial. We simply became apathetic about each other. We were just neighbors now and all we did was say "hi" when we saw each other. It was no big deal. I didn't feel like I was missing out.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here," she said.

I nodded.

"Do you want to bowl?" she asked.

"Bowl?" I said. Did I hear her right? Was she talking pins or haircuts?

"Yeah," she said and began to accelerate her speech. "Suzi and Kelsey and I are on a bowling team. It starts this evening. Marie was supposed to be on it, but she dropped out at the very last minute. It's pretty shitty of her. Sorry, I shouldn't talk like that but it makes me so angry."

"It does sound shitty," I said softly so my mom wouldn't overhear.

"Right! Exactly! We bowl two times a week, Tuesdays and Thursday, and now we really need a fourth person. We don't care too much about winning. It's just fun. That's why we do it."

"I have homework to do," I said.

"I do, too. Bowling doesn't take that long. It only lasts a couple of hours." She looked behind me. "Here comes your mom."

"How are you, Mia?" Mom asked.

"Very good," Mia said politely. "I was trying to talk Ben into joining our bowling team. We start tonight and our fourth person dropped out at the last moment."

"That sounds like fun," Mom said.

"It's a lot of fun. It's me and Suzi from a couple of houses down and our friend Kelsey. Kelsey has a car, so she comes over and picks Suzi and me up. It would be no big deal to pick up Ben too."

"So are you going to do it, Ben?" Mom asked.

"I don't know," I hedged.

"You like to bowl."

"I haven't bowled in a long time."

"Pleeeeease, Ben!" said Mia. "I don't know who else to call."

"Don't you have other friends?" I asked.

"I called them but they can't do it. It sounds like you are available." She looked at my mom. "It's only two hours so it doesn't interfere with homework."

"It's Ben's decision," Mom said. She walked away.

Mia looked at me hopefully.

It did sound like fun. I didn't know the three girls very well but that shouldn't be a deterrent from choosing to participate in an enjoyable activity. I had no idea what Mia's interests were now. It wasn't important. It wasn't like I had to reestablish a friendship with her to enjoy knocking down bowling pins.

Her friend Suzi was a 16-year old junior and a very quiet Japanese girl. Very quiet didn't adequately describe her. I rarely heard her say a word, so I had no idea what her voice sounded like.

Kelsey was also at school but that was all I knew about her. She was a senior. She was very pretty with her long blonde hair. She wasn't a cheerleader though or one of the uber-popular girls.

"Okay," I said to Mia.

"Yes!" Mia said excitedly. "I need to call Kelsey! And Suzi too! See you in a half hour."

"A half hour?" I said. It was that soon?

"It's starts at four. Thank you, Ben! Thank you!"

I stood with Mia in front of her house waiting for Kelsey.

"How long have you been on a team?" I asked.

"First time," she said.

"So you just decided to do it?"

"I and Suzi and Marie would go bowling together now and then. We met Kelsey a few weeks ago so then the four of us would go out. Kelsey's been in a league before and asked if we wanted to join one. Since we have so much fun together, we decided to join and this way it's cheaper too."

"How much does it cost?" I asked. Mom had asked about that when I told her I accepted Mia's offer.

"Nothing," she said. "Marie already paid to play and it's too late to get her money back."

"That's cool," I said. Free was always a great price.

"There's Kelsey," said Mia, pointing at an old blue four-door Toyota Corolla.

Kelsey pulled up to the curb.

"You should sit in the front," Mia suggested, "since you're taller."

Mia was short and Suzi was even shorter. Kelsey was at least about average height for a girl, but she was still several inches shorter than my male frame.

"Hi!" Kelsey greeted as I sat down in the passenger seat. She was very happy to see me.

Kelsey drove a couple houses further down and pulled into a driveway on the other side of the street. We waited a couple of minutes for Suzi to come out. The girl sat directly behind me.

"Hi, Suzi," I greeted while turning around in my seat.

She just stared back. She didn't say anything or even nod her head in acknowledgement.

"How long have you bowled?" I asked.

Suzi still didn't answer, but Kelsey thinking the question was to her did.

"I've always liked bowling," she said. "I know it makes me sound like a hick but I like it."

"There's nothing hick or redneck about bowling," Mia said.

"That's true," I said. "It's just fun."

Suzi added nothing to the conversation as we travelled. I learned Kelsey was usually the best bowler of the three but she was average in ability. She recognized her ordinary abilities but it didn't prevent her from having a good time. Mia sounded like she was improving and according to Mia, Suzi was improving too. I had no idea what my own abilities would be but it appeared to be a very low pressure situation, so that would be ideal.

All four of us used the generic bowling alley balls though Kelsey had gloves which was sufficient enough to me to say that she was a serious bowler. Our bowling order was Mia, Suzi, me, and Kelsey.

Mia knocked down 8 pins and Suzi knocked down 6, so it was a good start. I found a ball that wasn't too nicked up and was comfortable for my fingers. I quickly discovered I couldn't use the girls' balls because they were too small. Mia and Suzi were sharing a ball. They both liked the ball and as far as I could tell from the first frame, it was a smart choice.

When it was my turn, I grabbed my ball and waited for a member from the opponent's team to bowl before I stepped up. I walked quickly to the line and threw the ball.

"Bend your knees," said Mia from behind me.

I had intended to bend my knees as I saw Mia, Suzi, and our opponents do, but I ended up throwing the ball from an almost straight up position. The ball hit with a thud a quarter of the way down the alley and slid toward the pins.


"You need to bend your knees," said Mia when I rejoined my teammates. "Like this."

She demonstrated her bowling motion.

"I just got a strike," I said. How could Mia argue with results?

"You got lucky," Kelsey said, standing up to take her turn. I took her vacated seat.

"I got a strike," I said again. I was happy. I hadn't bowled in years and I got a strike on my first turn.

Unfortunately, Mia and Kelsey were correct. The next frame I had a gutter ball followed by three pins. Despite opening with a strike, my score ended up 20 points less than Suzi's who was 2 points less than Mia's who was 12 points less than Kelsey's.

It turned out the league rules were a cumulative total of two games. I later figured out that was a good rule because it evened things out. Some bowlers were just warming up in the first game and were much better in the second game while other bowlers did great in the first game but were worn down by the second game, so they did much worse.

I spent much of game two trying to learn to bend and throw. Fortunately Mia and Kelsey were encouraging. Of course, I didn't hear a word from Suzi. It looked like she said something to Mia once, but I wouldn't put any money down on it.

I did get a spare during the second game and my score ended up five points higher than my first game. Mia's score was a point less than me and Suzi's total was eleven points higher than me. Kelsey had the best score again. We only lost the meet by 13 points. Kelsey said we did really well, so even though we lost I rode home feeling pretty good about it.

It was the next week that I put together a string of spares with a couple of strikes mixed in and ended up with a score of 151 which was not only the high score for our team and the reason we won, but it was the first time I ended up over 100 points. I scored a 97 for the second game. 97 would have been my new personal high score if not for the 151.

After that first game, Mia gave me a high five then spontaneously gave me the biggest hug. It was memorable because she hugged me for the longest time. It was well past the normal amount of time acquaintances hug each other. The hug became memorable for a second reason. Mia's body felt so wonderful against mine and she felt so wonderful in my arms. I spent much of my second game secretly eyeing Mia because I had suddenly noticed how pretty she was. Mia was the distraction that caused my second game to be so much lower than my first game. It was weird but in an instant Mia went from being the nondescript neighbor girl to a very pretty girl.

No doubt Mia became an even bigger disturbance because of my complete lack of experience with girls. I wasn't a geek or a nerd, but I wasn't a jock. I wasn't getting straight A's in my classes, but I wasn't flunking everything like a stoner. I was about as normal and as average and as ordinary a high school student as one could get. Nothing about me repulsed girls, as far as I knew, but there was nothing about me that told girls they wanted to get to know me.

Kelsey gave me a quick hug after we won and while it felt nice because I was awakened and attuned to a female body pressed against mine after Mia's hug, it wasn't the same. Kelsey was pretty with her long blonde hair and long legs, but she was two years older so I doubted she would think twice about a boy like me. My mind was on Mia.

I did notice Suzi a little more during the second game because Mia had aroused my male hormones. Suzi was attractive, but there was that weirdness that she never said a word. Actually, she did quietly say, "Yes" when we were declared the winner.

Mia was who I watched. I watched unashamedly when it was her turn to bowl. I looked at her ass as she approached the lane and bent to throw the ball. I snuck peeks at how her breasts gently pushed out her shirt. If I really thought about it, my 97 for my second score was an even greater achievement because I did it with an aching hard-on.

"Do you want to come in?" Mia asked after Kelsey dropped us off.

"What for?" I inquired.

"Just to talk."

I did a quick mental evaluation of what I needed to do to finish my homework. It was just a few math problems.

"Okay," I said. "Let me tell my parents first."

when I returned, Mia escorted me back to her room. I glanced around at the frilly pillows, the make-up and earrings, the colors, and all the things that distinctively told that this was a girl's room.

Mia sat cross-legged at the head of the bed and motioned for me to sit on the other end. I felt a little strange getting on her bed but she wanted me to do it so I did.

"It was a great game today," she said, smiling.

"Yeah," I agreed.


Mia's cellphone rang. She reached over to her purse on the nightstand.

"Hello?" she said. "Oh, hi! Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Seriously?" Mia looked up, smiled at me, and resumed her focus on the conversation. "Really? I don't know. Yeah? Okay. I guess it's pretty cool. Yeah, I know. I can't really talk about it now. It's because I can't right now. I can't! Yeah, that's why. Okay. I will. I will. I promise. Everything. Okay. Bye! Yes! Right away. Bye!"

Mia put the phone back in her purse.

"Suzi can sure talk," she said.

"Suzi?" I said.

"Yeah. Yak-yak-yak."

"Suzi? This Suzi?" I pointed in the general direction of her house.

"Yes. Who else would I be talking about?"

"She doesn't say a word in the car or at the bowling alley. I'm not even sure what her voice sounds like."

"It's real soft except when she gets excited then she talks so fast."

I shook my head.

"What?" she said.

"I just can't imagine it."

"Suzi was just telling me that you were watching my butt during the whole second game."

I froze.

Mia continued, "You need to concentrate on bowling. I bet you could have scored over 150 again."

"We won," I weakly tried to excuse.

"Why were you watching me?" she asked.

What kind of question was that? Was she playing with me? Toying with me? Why did she think?

"You're pretty," I said, giving the standard reason a boy looks at a girl.

"Really?" she said as if shocked.


"So what's pretty about me?"

I felt very warm. I think this was the only time I could remember in my life that I wished I had too much homework to do tonight.

"Well..." I fumbled.

"Okay," she said. "Why weren't you watching me during the first game?"

That didn't help at all. I didn't want to say I was turned on by a hug.

"I ... uh." I couldn't think of anything, so honesty came out. "You felt really good when we hugged."

"You too?" she said.

It took me a moment to realize what she said and what she didn't say. She didn't say I was a perv or a weirdo.

"You did?" I said with uncertainty.

"Yeah," she said, nodding.

We stared at each other. I kept looking at her lips and wondering what they felt like. I slid closer to Mia and leaned my head toward hers. She closed her eyes.

I kissed her lips. We continued to kiss until I finally pulled away.

"That was nice," she said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

I leaned back in and kissed her again. I felt her tongue probing, so I opened my mouth and we kissed even deeper. My dick was hard and throbbing. I badly needed to adjust its position and my balls ached.

When we finally parted, we were both gasping for air.

She smiled at me. I moved toward her to resume but she put a quick hand up.

"I need a short break," she said.

She moved toward me when she was ready to continue kissing. When we finally stopped for good, I was astounded to discover we had been kissing for about twenty minutes. It felt like only a couple seconds.

"My parents will be home soon," she said.

I went home feeling like I was on top of the world. While we didn't formally say it, I was pretty sure I had a girlfriend. I took a shower before finishing up my homework because I badly needed to jack off to release the ache from my semen-filled balls. I came very forcefully.

School was out and I was starting to walk home.

"Ben!" called out Mia.

I waited for her.

"Can I walk home with you?" she asked.

"Sure," I happily said.

We mostly talked about school on the journey home until we almost reached our houses.

"Do you want to come over?" she asked.

"We have that paper for history," I mentioned. We were both in Mr. Peterson's class.

"Can't you do it later?" she asked. "It only a page long and double-spaced, so it won't take too long."

"Yeah, okay," I said, after reevaluating my homework. "I'll be right over."

I left a note for Bryan, my 11-year old brother, to let him know where I was when he got home. He could also tell my parents where I was if I wasn't home before they were.

In Mia's bedroom, it took only a few seconds until we were kissing. When she adjusted into a more lying down position, I was right there and ended up partially on top of her.

"Ohhh!" she moaned.

After a long kissing session when she finally pushed me away, I discovered I was completely on top of her and between her open legs with my hard dick pressed down on her pussy.

"I just need a little air," she explained.

"Sure," I said.

I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before I rolled to my back.

"I sure like you," she said.

"I like you too," I said.

"It's just because you are a good bowler."

Apparently my face dropped or I had a negative facial expression.

"I'm kidding," she said.

"Good," I said with relief.

"Suzi wanted to know if you were a good kisser and I told her that you were one of the best."

"She did?" I asked. I also liked hearing how much Mia liked my kisses.

"Of course. What else does she talk about?"

"I didn't know she talked. Remember?"

"Oh, right. Talk sex with her. You can't get her to shut up."

I couldn't see talking sex with Suzi. I could live with not talking to her.

Mia rolled on top of me.

She looked down and said, "You're a very good kisser."

We started another long session. One thing I quickly liked about Mia being on top was that my hands could roam all over her back and down her sides. She seemed to like it a lot. My hands later touched the skin on her back because her shirt rode up. I pushed it further up so it was easier to directly rub her skin.

"Ohhh!" she said trembling in my arms.

She started to rub her pussy back and forth against the length of my dick. It felt very good to me also, so I stopped trying to go further up the back of her shirt and I rested my hands on her butt. She rhythmically ground against my dick. I instinctively want to help her, so without thinking I slipped my hands under her pants and under her panties. I took her two ass cheeks in my hands and assisted her movement so she could rub against me harder.

"Oh, yes!" she moaned and increased her tempo and pressure.

I groaned. Mia's new movement felt really, really good.

"Yes! Yes!" she said.

"Ohhhh!" I said. I was going to cum!

"Ohhhhhh!" she said loudly then exhaled out. "Yesssss!"

I knew she was cumming even though I never saw or experienced a girl's orgasm. My own cum was on its way.

"Uhhhh!" I grunted and began to shoot.

I lay gasping. I didn't like the wet, sticky feel that was in my underwear, but I loved that I came.

"Wow!" she said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Wow!"

"Would you mind taking your hands out? It's uncomfortable now."

I immediately felt a little embarrassed.

She said, "I so didn't mean to do that."

"I liked it," I said to assure her. "A lot."

"It did feel really good."


We were a little awkward on what to say. I wanted to make sure she knew what we did was okay. At least in my eyes it was okay.

I said, "We wouldn't have done it if we didn't like each other."

"I've never done that with a guy before," she said.

"Neither have I. I mean with a girl!" I said flustered. "I mean with a guy or a girl. Oh, never mind."

Mia laughed then said, "I haven't done it with a girl or a guy before either."

"We're each other's first. That's cool."

"Yeah," she said smiling.

"Don't you want to sit in the back with Mia?" said Suzi as we picked her up in Kelsey's car.

"What?" I said, surprised that she was talking to me.

"You and Mia practically had sex the other day, so I thought you would want to be in the backseat with her."

"What?" said Kelsey, turning her head back.

"Get in!" said Mia to Suzi. "We're going to be late if we don't hurry."

Kelsey had arrived at our houses ten minutes later than normal, so we had little spare time to get to the bowling alley. Suzi got in and Kelsey drove off.

"What's this about?" Kelsey asked, glancing in the rearview mirror.

"Mia and Ben dry humped each other the other day," answered Suzi. "I guess it didn't finish dry. They both ended up sticky."

"What?" said Kelsey confused.

"They came but in their pants. You know how orgasms are. Everything ends up wet especially for a guy."

"You two did?" said Kelsey. She turned her head to quickly look me up and down as if appraising me.

I looked back at Mia. Her face was as red as mine felt.

"Suzi!" protested Mia.

I was glad Mia said something, because I didn't know what to say.

"So when are you going to do it for real?" Suzi asked unhindered.

"Suzi!" Mia said again.

"The real thing is so much better. You've been a virgin for too long. Are you a virgin, Ben?"

"I ... uh," I said agitated.

"That's a 'yes'," Suzi quickly said. "It will be good for both of you. Go ahead and do it."

"Just because you fuck all the time, doesn't mean we will," said Mia. "We want to take our time."

We did? Honestly, I was hoping the day we had real sex was pretty soon.

"Sex is great. That's why I do it," said Suzi. "Why wouldn't I do something I love all the time? There's no feeling like it in the whole world."

I think I liked Suzi a whole lot better when she didn't say a word.

"When Mia and I are ready," I said, entering the conversation.

"You're ready," Suzi informed.

"So when are you going to do it?" Kelsey spoke up.

"I didn't say we are!" insisted Mia.

"You humped, so you might as well go all the way. It's a lot less messy too," said Suzi. She looked at me. "Especially for you."

"You'll know when you are ready," said Kelsey.

"They are ready now," said Suzi. "Just do it. If you won't, Mia, I will. Ben is cute."

What? Did Suzi just imply she'd have sex with me?

"You have enough guys between your legs," Mia shot back.

"Guys are in all shapes and sizes," Suzi said. "It's fun to try them on."

"Are we ready to win?" I asked as Kelsey pulled into the parking lot. I was determined to get the conversation off the current topic.

"Yes!" Mia said grabbing onto the subject change.

Suzi laughed. I didn't hear another word from her for the rest of the day including the ride home.

Mia and I backed off in our relationship over the next couple of days. We basically only kissed. It was probably a subconscious reaction to Suzi's comments.

Mia did her best score ever on Tuesday, a 114. We needed it because Kelsey's game was off. We won by one pin.

"I want to celebrate!" said Mia when we returned home. "Do you want to come in and have some ice cream?"

"Sure!" I said.

She waited outside while I told my parents where I would be.

We were alone in Mia's house again. Her parents often went out on Tuesday nights on a double-date with a couple who were their best friends.

We went into the kitchen. She opened up the freezer and took out a couple of kinds of ice cream. She took out a couple of bowls from the cabinets and a couple of spoons from the drawer.

"Here," she said, handing me the ice cream containers.

We sat at the table.

"Today deserves chocolate," she said, standing back up. She returned with a chocolate syrup squeeze bottle from the fridge.

I followed Mia's example on how much ice cream to take.

She was very animated and excited. She talked and talked and talked.

We finished eating.

"Do you want more?" she asked.

"I'm okay," I shrugged.

"You sure? It's okay."

"Maybe just a little bit."

She took a spoonful of ice cream and before I knew it she had smeared it on my nose. I had to respond, of course. I just didn't think ahead. I grabbed the chocolate bottle, aimed it at Mia, and squeezed. It went all over her shirt. Mia's white shirt.

"Sorry!" I quickly said as she looked down.

Neither of us breathed.

"It's alright" she finally said. "I started it."

"I shouldn't have picked the chocolate."

"I probably would've done the same thing. I guess I'll go change."

"I'll put this away," I said, motioning at the stuff on the table.


I put everything away then headed toward her room. I pushed the door open and stepped in.

"Oh!" I said, not meaning to say it out loud.

What caused my reaction was Mia standing by her dresser. It wasn't the standing that caused it. Not at all. I'd seen her stand lots of times. It was that she was topless. I thought she would be changed by now so I went right into her room. Not only was Mia's shirt off but so was her bra. I'd never seen Mia's tits before. Ever. Now I couldn't keep my eyes off them and the sight of them created my small verbal expression.

Mia immediately covered up her tits with her hands and arms.

"Sorry!" I said. I looked down at the carpet.

"It soaked through to my bra," she explained.

"Sorry," I said again.

"It's okay. You can look now."

"Mia?" I questioned nervously because Mia was still topless. She had turned to face me and her hands were down by her side.

"It looked like you liked what you saw," she explained.

"Yes," I said, nodding slowly.

"Then go ahead and look."

She moved over to the bed and sat down.

"Can I touch you too?" I dared to ask.

She slowly nodded which I took for hesitancy, but I didn't ask, "Are you sure?" I took each tit in my hands. She immediately pulled away which made me think it was over already, but she reclined on the bed and softly patted the mattress.

I sat cross-legged next to her and reached down. I touched and caressed her near breast, her right one.

"This is neat," I said. I was unbelievably happy right now and I had a monster hard-on.

I gave equal time to her other breast.

"Your touch feels nice," she said.

"Does it?" I said. I couldn't imagine it feeling as good as how I felt touching her.

I was completely fascinated. I caressed their surfaces again and again.

"What?" I inquired to her big smile.

"I like how much you like touching my boobs."

"Can I kiss them? I'd like that even more!" I said it in a joking manner with the hope that it would influence her to say "yes".

"Okay," she said.

I began with kisses on her right tit. When I reached her nipple, I sucked on it without even thinking and then sucked into my mouth even more of her boob.

"Ohhhh!" Mia responded, bucking her hips up. "That feels so good."

After a response like that, I had to try her other nipple.

"Mmmmm," she moaned.

I climbed over her so I would have equal access to both tits. She opened her legs, so I lay down between them.

It didn't take long for us to rub our private parts against each other again. It felt good, but I wanted more.

"I want to have sex with you," I whispered.

"I want you too."

Now I thought there was a decent chance she would say "yes", but I was still stunned by it.

"You do?" I said stupidly.

"I want you," she confirmed.

I got off the bed. As we undressed, we eagerly watched each other.

She was done first since all she had to take off were shorts and panties. She sat up as I was pulling my jeans and undershorts off my feet.

"Can I touch it?" Mia asked, pointing at my erect dick.

"Sure," I said proudly. I stepped in front of her.

She wrapped the shaft in her fist and gently moved her hand up and down.

"It's so cool!" she said.

I smiled. I liked how she liked my dick. I guess it was similar to how she liked that I liked her tits.

"That feels very nice," I said.

"I guess you are ready to put it in me," she said.

I nodded.

"It's big," she said.

"Thanks." What guy didn't like to hear that?

She returned to her back and opened her legs. I climbed over her and stared down at her pussy. Here was a real live pussy before my very eyes.

"Can I touch you?" I asked.


She cautioned me to be careful when I accidentally poked her with my fingernail. It didn't take long before she was pulling at me. I moved forward. She grabbed my dick when it was close enough and placed it between her pussy lips.

"Go ahead," she said.

I pushed inward. I groaned when my dick slipped into her pussy. It felt so amazing.

"Oh, Ben," she sighed.

This was my first time ever to have sex, but my body knew what to do. I started to stroke back and forth inside her.

"It feels so good," she moaned.

"Yes," I gasped out.

In a couple of minutes, Mia cried out, "Oh, yes! Yes!"

She sounded very aroused and almost ready to orgasm. I was glad because I was feeling the same way. I sped up my thrusts.

"I'm ... I'm going to cum!" I soon announced.

"Me too!" she responded.

I went even faster. My dick in Mia's pussy caused a wet, sloshing sound.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mia suddenly cried out, getting progressively louder. "Yesssssss!"

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