The Outsider - Cover

The Outsider

Copyright© 2008 by Jay Cantrell

Chapter 17

When he awoke, Brock felt a twinge of guilt about fingering Jen when he got home but he felt guiltier about still clutching her damp panties. He glanced at his clock and saw it was almost 10:30.

“I’ll call Merie and see if I can visit for a little while,” he thought. “This is definitely an in-person confession. Fuck!”

As he got out of the shower he realized he would have to visit because he had no idea what Merie’s phone number was.

Sam Van Landingham opened the door before Brock knocked.

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon,” he joked. “But I’m glad you’re here. My daughter has been pacing the house waiting for you to call since 9 o’clock.”

Brock looked sheepish.

“Well, I did promise I’d call,” he said. “But I don’t know your number. So...”

Sam’s laughter filled the small room.

“So you did your best to keep your word,” he said. “Here’s our phone number. You can go home and call her.”

Brock did a double take before he realized Sam was joking.

“She’s up in her room,” Sam said. “I’ll show you where it is. Oh, and we need to be on the road in about 45 minutes.”

Brock started to tell Sam he knew where Merie’s room was but he thought better of it.

When he knocked on the door Brock was greeted by “Go away!”

“But I just got here,” he said through the door. He wondered if Jen the Snitch had made another phone call before he could.

The door flew open and Merie jumped into his arms.

“I thought you were going to call,” she said. “Then when you didn’t, I got a little mad.”

Merie’s voice slipped into little girl mode.

“Brock is the nicest boy in the whole world, Daddy,” she said in falsetto. “Can I keep him?”

Sam chuckled at his daughter’s antics although he was a bit unnerved by the fact she had her arms and legs wrapped around Brock’s torso and Brock was holding her up by the only thing he could reach--her butt.

“Well, we need to see if he’s housebroken before I can commit to anything,” Sam said. “Now climb off the boy before he starts getting ideas.”

“Daddy,” Meredith said with mock innocence. “Brock is not that kind of boy.”

She dropped her legs to the ground but not before giving Brock a kiss on the cheek. Sam’s huge hand slapped Brock’s back.

“One thing you need to remember,” Sam said conspiratorially. “Children seem to forget that their parents were young once, too. I know what you’re going to do before you even think about doing it because I was your age not so long ago.”

Brock hoped that statement was entirely false.

Sam wandered back downstairs and Merie grasped Brock’s hand and pulled him into her room.

“I thought I’d give you a tour,” she said. “I feel bad about last night.”

Brock had a lingering worry that she would regret going so far on their first date.

“I don’t want you to feel bad,” he said. “We both got a little out of hand. I’m sorry you’re having second thoughts. I worried that you might.”

“I don’t regret anything, silly” she said as she slapped his arm, “except the fact I fell asleep before I could kiss you good night.”

She might not regret things now but give her 10 minutes and I bet she will, Brock thought.

“You gave me a very nice kiss good night when I carried you to bed,” Brock said. “Didn’t your Mom tell you how you got up here?”

Meredith raised her eyebrows.

“Mom has been out and about since before I woke up,” she told him. “I assumed Daddy carried me up here. I can’t believe you put me to bed and didn’t join me!”

Brock blushed.

“Well, your Mom was right behind me up the stairs,” he said. “It was tempting but I figured discretion is the better part of valor.”

For the life of him Brock couldn’t find a segue into what he needed to tell Merie. He hoped he wouldn’t have to just blurt it out.

She saved him the trouble.

“Did you have any visitors when you got home?” she asked. The look on Brock’s face must have told her the story.

“You did!” she exclaimed. “She was waiting for you when you got home! I’ll be damned.”

Brock shook his head.

“No,” he said sadly. “It most likely will be me you’re damning.”

Merie looked at him sternly.

“What did you do?” she asked plainly. “Was it more than you did with me?”

Brock shook his head quickly.

“Less,” he said. “But more than I should have and, really, more than I wanted to. I don’t know what came over me. Well, I guess I know but I don’t understand it.”

Merie crossed her arms and stared at him.

“Tell me,” she said. “I think I deserve to know.”

Brock nodded.

“I agree,” he said. “Like you said, she was waiting for me when I got home. She made a couple of rude comments. Well, not rude really. I guess insinuating comments would be better. Then she saw the stain on my pants.

“The next thing I know she’s begging me to let her lick the stain. It was totally fucked up. I mean, it was like she was stoned or something.”

Merie glanced away quickly but returned her gaze in an instant.

“I got her settled down--or I thought I did--then she just opened up her legs.”

“Oh, my God!” Merie said. “I thought you said you didn’t do more with her than me.”

“I didn’t,” Brock said quickly. “She was still wearing pants when she spread her legs. But she had a huge wet spot in the crotch. I mean a huge wet spot, like she’d peed herself or something. Then she got all sexy voiced and started telling me what she’d been fantasizing about all night--you and me.

“I got, uh, aroused and since she was still starting at my dick, it wasn’t like I could hide it from her. Then she offered to play with herself in front of me and asked me to, you know, jerk off. I pulled her in the house and fingered her.”

Brock looked at the ground sadly.

“I’m so sorry, Merie,” he said. “My mind was telling me not to do it. But I did it anyway. I wanted to tell you what happened. I’m sorry I let you down.”

Merie still looked worried.

“What did she do to you?” she asked.

“Nothing,” Brock replied. “She wanted to. But I didn’t let her.”

Her face broke out in a huge smile.

“Hell freezes over: Boy turns down blowjobs from two girls in one night,” Merie said. “Part of me is pretty pissed. I won’t lie. But most of me expected exactly this. Jenny Miles isn’t going away. You know she’s not your girlfriend any more but I’m not sure she does.

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