Deja Vu Ascendancy - Cover

Deja Vu Ascendancy

Copyright© 2008 by AscendingAuthor

Chapter 51: Carol's Deflowering; the Preliminaries

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 51: Carol's Deflowering; the Preliminaries - A teenage boy's life goes from awful to all-powerful in exponential steps when he learns to use deja vu to merge his minds across parallel dimensions. He gains mental and physical skills, confidence, girlfriends, lovers, enemies and power... and keeps on gaining. A long, character-driven, semi-realistic story.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow  

Thursday, April 14, 2005 (Continued)

Once the door was closed, Julia grabbed me and exclaiming, "I can't believe we got away with that! I thought your parents were going to ruin everything, but now it's even better. We can be open in front of BOTH families! That's WONDERFUL! We don't have to make up excuses for you two to come over here, and after the trial we don't even have to restrict ourselves to this room. That's going to make things even better. Yippee!"

Carol joined us in our celebratory hug, and Julia said to her, "Remember all those times you complained to me that it wasn't fair you were Mark's sister. Now you've got the best of both worlds: he's your lover, or he will be VERY shortly," Julia kissed Carol to show her pleasure at that idea, "and you live in the same house as him. You can be intimate every day. I wish I could do that! Your parents are even okay with your having his babies later too. You've got everything you want. You're a lucky girl! I'm so pleased for you."

Carol replied, "I can't believe how my life has changed. A month ago it was boring and now it's perfect. This is far, far better than my best dream. Thank you so much for such a perfect wedding, and for letting me join your relationship with Mark. And thank you, Mark, for having me."

I thought that was a perfect opening to "have her." I could see Julia had a similar idea, except it turned out a little different from I'd expected. Instead of Julia and me ganging up on Carol, Julia made sure the two girls ganged up on me. It was terrible (yeah, right!).

Julia commanded, "Down on your knees, Wife#2!"

Carol immediately dropped.

"You've not seen our Lord's cock properly yet, have you?"

"No. I've wanted to, but he's never let me. Just that quick glimpse when he changed after we kissed before."

#1: <Yeah, we've been a big meanie. We should stop depriving Carol like that.>

"Put your hand on the front of his pants, and rub."

Carol complied with considerable enthusiasm. She's a lovely girl.

Julia asked, "Doesn't that feel good?"

"Yes," from Carol and me.

Julia moved behind me, rubbed herself against my back, and put her arms around my waist for them to join with Carol's introduction to her Lord's very happy member.

After a minute, "Undo his pants and take them off, darling."

Darling did. I reached my hands behind me, and put them around Julia. Awkward, but I wanted them out of the way while Carol followed her instructions. Then I remembered than Julia was not wearing any underwear, so put my hands under her skirt and very much enjoyed rubbing her bare ass.

Carol had undone my belt, lowered my zip, and pulled my pants down. Julia helped by pushing the rear of them down too. My pants fell to the floor, leaving my underwear on. That would need to be corrected. My shirttails were hanging over the area of mutual interest, so I started unbuttoning it from the top. I didn't want Carol to get off her knees to do it, as I quite liked her down there.

Julia said, "Pull his underwear down too, sweetie."

Carol took hold of the waistband on either hip, and pulled them down. Naturally they got hung up on my cock, an effect that was obscured by my shirt. Carol was puzzled by their stopping after she managed to get them down several inches. I thought it was rather cute that she was so sweet and innocent. Very soon she was only going to be sweet.

I finished unbuttoning my shirt while the underwear hang-up happened, so I opened my shirt wide to give Carol a chance to figure out the problem by herself. It didn't take her long, as the problem was staring her right in the face.

I commanded, "Put your hands behind your back, Carol."

She did so, although I could see she hadn't expected that order.

"Now pull my underwear down using only your mouth." #4's got a vivid imagination, and in this case a very agreeable one (we all presumed it was #4 who'd spoken).

"Mmm, good idea," agreed Carol.

#4: <I like this girl!>

She raised herself on her knees and moved her head to my stomach. It was easy for her mouth to get a grip on my waistband just beside my cock, as there was quite a lot of air between my stomach and the band. She pulled it up a little, then out, and then - I'm happy to say - down.

The top half of my cock abruptly swung into view. Carol hesitated, staring at it for several seconds and clearly wanting to investigate further. Unfortunately I'd told her to keep her hands behind her back and her mouth was holding my underwear. She eventually decided to keep pulling my underwear down, so she resumed lowering her head. I felt Julia pushing them down from the rear. It's nice that the girls help each other.

Soon Carol had to walk her knees farther away so she could get her head down to my ankles. When my underwear were all the way down, Carol let them go, then struggled to kneel upright again. While she was doing that, Julia used a foot to push them all the way to my ankles.

I wanted to step out of my pants and underwear, but I still had my shoes on and feared I might get tangled up. So I turned my head around toward Julia and asked her, "Please undo my shoes and take them off so I can step out of my pants."

Julia bent to do that while Carol was now back on her knees staring at my cock. Which was staring right back at her (actually at the ceiling over her, but you get the idea).

I - almost certainly #4 - said, "Keep your hands behind your back, Wife#2. You may do anything you want with your mouth though."

Happily the "anything she wanted" was exactly what #4 (and numbers 1, 2 and 3) had in mind. Carol leaned forward and ran her tongue up the length of the underside of my cock. Wow, did that ever feel good! Carol must have enjoyed it too, as she did it again. She was EASILY my favorite sister.

After a few more such licks she started trying to lick farther around my cock, rather than just the easily available underside. When she tried to get her head around to lick the sides, the pressure of her tongue causes my cock to bob around, making it harder for her to keep her tongue in contact. After a few seconds' frustration, she had an excellent idea. Carol tilted her head as far sideways as she could, and put her lips on either side of the base of my shaft. By pressing it against my stomach, Carol easily had most of the shaft held along her mouth. She held it firmly with her lips (good sisters shouldn't bite their brother there), swiping her tongue from side to side, taking it up and down my cock's underside a few times. It was very nice.

Then it got even nicer when she slid her head up and down, rubbing the whole length of my cock along her mouth. Carol did it SLOWLY, several times, while using her tongue to good effect as well. It was slow, delightful and quite intense.

#1: <I think Carol's got a magical ability too, making our cock feel AWESOME! This is exquisite!>

Carol was still sliding her mouth up and down my cock, when I became aware of Julia. I realized she'd been trying to get my attention for some time. My shoes were both undone and Julia had been waiting for me to lift a foot so she could slide them off. I must have been distracted. I couldn't think by what, because I couldn't think at all. I raised one foot as carefully as I could, to avoid moving my hips and making Carol stop. I'm a considerate guy.

Julia removed that shoe, pushed the pants and underwear off that foot, then removed my sock. All with my keeping one foot in the air and my hips motionless. It's good to be graceful sometimes. In case you were in any doubt, this was one of those times.

Julia then scooted around my back to the other foot, and we repeated the procedure there. After which I gave my full attention to Carol's ministrations. I presume Julia must have tidied up all my gear because it wasn't heaped on the floor next time I thought to look, which wasn't for ages.

Julia returned and stood behind me again, rubbing her hands all over my chest, upper-thighs, ass, and everywhere else that would feel good except my cock. That she left entirely to Carol.

I reached around behind me again, to put my hands under Julia's dress, only to discover she wasn't wearing it anymore. I was immediately aware that I could feel her naked breasts pressing into my naked back. I was amused I hadn't realized that before. Distracted again, I guess. Almost my entire attention was on my cock and Carol's mouth. It was exquisite, especially coming from my beautiful, historically innocent sister.

On one of her downward movements to my base, Carol showed commendable initiative by lowering her head just a little more and starting to lick my ball sack. It felt fantastic too, especially in the area between the two balls, in line with the underside of my cock. I'd been previously unaware that my scrotum felt different there, but it's good to learn something new every day. Carol went back to my cock again, but I spread my legs a little wider in case she wanted to lick the interesting new area again.

Her intentions lay in the other direction though. At the top of the next slow journey up my cock, Carol didn't reverse direction. Instead she moved her mouth even higher, and the head of my cock slipped entirely into her mouth. Oh no!

She moved backward just a little to create room between my cock and stomach, straightened her head back to its usual vertical orientation, and then lowered her head onto my cock. Oh boy! I sucked in my breath while Carol sucked in something very different. Julia moved around my side in order to see what I'd reacted to. Seeing Carol's head going up and down, Julia quietly asked, "Is she good?"

"She is very, VERY good. This is WONDERFUL. Carol is SUPERB at this!" She was too; I could already feel the faint stirrings of the start of my orgasm. I had two girls to satisfy tonight - a wonderful 'problem' to have - so I decided not to let myself go off now, so did a mini-go-soft to back it off a bit.

I wasn't exaggerating much about Carol, she was doing very well. Part of it was because she was slow and careful, part of it was that she was on her knees and using only her mouth. Those restrictions should've reduced the quality of the experience because they limited her movements, but somehow they boosted my pleasure. Psychology is a strange thing. And speaking of strange psychology, her being my sister was a delightful piece of perversion. I made sure I complimented Carol repeatedly. Hopefully she'd want to do this again and again.

Julia knelt beside Carol, suggesting to her, "Take your dress off. I'll keep our Lord's cock warm and wet for you." For me too!

When Carol was naked and had resumed her position kneeling in front of me, Julia pulled off my cock to allow Carol back. I thought it was very nice that the girls were so good at sharing our favorite toy.

I noticed that Julia also had her hands clasped behind her back. She awkwardly spread her legs wider and crouched to get her head as low as possible, then she started inserting it between my legs under Carols head. Having recently discovered how good it felt to have my nutsack licked, I quickly opened my legs wider to make it easier for Julia to get in. I soon had two, beautiful, naked girls licking and sucking my cock and balls. The frequency of mini-go-softs increased considerably.

I could have stood there all night, but I became aware that Carol was getting a bit uncomfortable. Julia was even more hunched over, so I reluctantly decided to move us to the bed. After just one more minute, or maybe two.

During the third minute, Julia moved her head even further under me, and licked behind my ballsack, halfway between by scrotum and asshole. I had to say, "Oh, that feels good, Julia. Do some more of that please?" I intended just for another minute or two, honest. You truly can't blame me, as I could hardly have discovered that licking that area felt so good by myself, could I?

I could rub it with my TK though. I tried that the next time Julia was busy farther 'north'. It felt okay, but nowhere near as good as when Julia licked it.

Not too many minutes later I suggested we move to the bed. I helped the two girls to their feet, while complimenting Carol effusively. She really is a lovely girl.

The girls lay me on my back in the middle of the bed, positioned themselves on either side of me, then went straight back to where they'd been previously. For someone with - I believe - absolutely no prior experience with boys, Carol was taking to it like a duck to water. She was also watching Julia closely, ever the diligent student.

Julia sidled her ass around so that it was closer to my head, and told Carol to do the same, "That way Mark can reach our bodies, rub our tits, play with our asses, and maybe stick fingers up our assholes."

Carol giggled - something I particularly enjoyed, given where her mouth was at the time - then pulled back so she could ask, "Does he really do that? Isn't that dirty?"

Julia - who had replaced Carol's mouth while Carol was talking - took her mouth off me to answer Carol (whereupon Carol replaced Julia's mouth on me. They're a damned good team!), "Yes, I think that's why he enjoys it. He's a pervert, and he's going to be even more of one shortly, when he starts making love to his sister."

Carol and I both made "Mmm"-type sounds at that idea.

I was already as hard as I could be, and was more than ready to make good use of it. Julia's comment sounded like a damned good idea to me, whether or not I'd be "damned" for doing it. It'd be worth it. I said, "I like the sound of that! I'd like to start by putting Carol in the middle, please, and having both of us working on her."

Julia said, "Goody. I like 'working' on Carol, as you so romantically put it. Let's work her into a tizzy, repeatedly."

Carol took my place in the middle, and Julia and I started 'working' on her.

"Carol," I ordered, "put your hands behind your head and leave them there. You're forbidden to remove them."

Carol complied.

As there was no hurry, I started by caressing her torso and face with light kisses and touches with my hands. Julia followed suit. We trailed kisses up and down, always bypassing her breasts, but tantalizing her by getting closer, stalling there as if tempted, then moving away. Each time getting just a little closer or staying a little longer. We each had a hand trailing down her body, rubbing her upper-thighs, hips, stomach. Rubbing everywhere except where she most wanted to be rubbed.

We probably spent ten minutes slowly increasing Carol's arousal before I made the first real sexual contact. I started kissing and licking around the base of her breasts, where the 'plains' first merged into the 'foothills' (leading up to the 'mountains'. Please excuse the silly metaphor, but when she's lying on her back Carol's breasts inspire such comparisons). By now Carol was very sensitive and her body was reacting strongly to new sensations. I also let my hand wander much closer to her pussy, so my fingers were sliding around the sensitive, uppermost areas of her thighs and alongside her bald pussy, just fractions of an inch away from her outer pussy lips. Julia copied everything I was doing, so Carol was getting it in stereo.

Carol was starting to breathe heavily between her moans. Every minute or so she'd make a comment: "This is SO good with the two of you!", "Ohh, I'm tingling all over", "Wow, this has never happened to me before", "PLEASE touch me more, and harder." The latter comment I ignored, except to smile.

After several more minutes, Carol wasn't interested in subtlety, she'd escalated her comments to, "I really, REALLY need you to fuck me, Mark. PLEASE! I REALLY need it NOW!"

I replied, "We haven't even got close to sucking your nipples yet. Remember, we said we were going to do that.

"I'm ready now! This is the right time right now."

"You're going to have to be MUCH more patient. At this rate it's going to be ages before anything even touches your pussy, let alone goes inside it."

"Arrgghh! You're torturing me. I've wanted you for DAYS. Please hurry."

Julia replied, "Patience, our little sex-slave. You're giving us a lot of pleasure like this, so why should we ever stop? I think we can keep this up for hours! And we have tomorrow off school, so there's no hurry at all."


It was cruel. Carol had been turned on by many things: the wedding ceremony's emphasis on my mastery and her subservience, her sucking my cock, all of us being naked, and what we were doing to her body now. Plus she knew she was going to lose her virginity soon. Although not soon enough, according to her pleadings. She was in need, and it was cruel to tease her. Not too cruel though, and it was a lot of fun, so we carried on at the same pace.

The next time she begged me to make love to her, I said, "Judging by the volume of juices running out of your pussy you're getting very turned on. I wonder if we should go slower to give you a chance to calm down?"


#2: <To think we go to her for help with our English assignments.>

Despite Carol's limited vocabulary, she had other redeeming features, and I moved to a slightly higher elevation on the nearest redeeming feature, adding sucks and little nips with my teeth to my kisses and licks, working my way all around it, always staying well away from her nipple.

From time to time Julia's and my faces would meet in the middle, and I made a point of kissing her as erotically as I could, making sure Carol could see our tongues playing with each other. I'd often make some little comment, such as, "Carol really is a delightful little sexual plaything isn't she?", "I can see that we're going to get lots of use out of her body. It's delightful to play with, isn't it?" Things like that.

On one occasion I said to Julia, "Have you tasted this recently?" as I quickly wiped my hand right across Carol's pussy, collecting a good quantity of Carol's juices. I'd rubbed my hand across the entire length of her pussy, but I'd done it so quickly and with no warning, so it was over by the time Carol realized it was happening. Which left her even more frustrated, exactly as I'd intended. I held up my wet hand to Julia, and we took turns licking it and commenting, "Doesn't our little slave taste delicious?", "If we keep playing with her until breakfast, I think I'll just drink her instead of going downstairs."

When my hand was clean I asked Julia, "Do you want me to get some more of Carol's pussy juice for you? She really is a very wet girl, I can easily get a lot, especially if I rub her pussy, or even put my fingers inside."

Carol enthusiastically seconded my offer. "Please get some more. Rub my pussy. I want you to."

Julia had no trouble finding a good answer, "Thank you for your offer, my Lord, but there really is no need. I'll go down there myself, and drink her directly from the source."

Julia paused, and Carol said, "Yes, yes, yes. Do that!"

Julia continued, "Just as soon as I've finished playing with her breast. Her breasts are beautiful aren't they? I could play with them for hours!"

I agreed, "Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind drinking her myself. But I drank so much at dinner so I'm not thirsty yet. Maybe later. And, yes, her breasts are gorgeous. I agree with you that we should just play up here for a while."


"Maybe after an hour or so we can swap sides, and start all over again?"


Julia and I continued our cruel, but fun, teasing.

Carol soon got desperate enough to think of a new tack. She begged, "PLEASE can I take my hands down? I HAVE TO touch myself. I desperately need to. More than I EVER have before!"

Julia answered, "Your Lord said it was forbidden. If he wanted you to frig yourself he would tell you to. We will give you release WHEN your Lord decides. Be a good girl, my wife."

"I'm sorry, but it's SO hard!"

"I know. We are deliberately making it hard for you. Testing your obedience gives us pleasure. We will test it many times from now on, especially sexually. It's important you learn to obey so we can take whatever pleasure we want from your body whenever we want. You are now our sexual toy, to be used however and whenever we want. In this bedroom or on the field at school."

Carol was getting even more turned on by Julia's 'explanation', which was obviously Julia's intention. Julia was stimulating Carol's mind, which meant I should concentrate on her body, so I resumed my mouth and hand movements.

Julia moved up to whisper in Carol's ear, leaving one hand to caress around Carol's breast. I couldn't hear what Julia was saying, but its effect on Carol soon became clear. After two or three minutes Carol's body reached an unsustainable level of arousal. It started twitching uncontrollably. I thought at first that she was trying to get her nipple in contact with my mouth, but soon realized it was outside of her control.

I moved up to Carol's other ear and started whispering to her: "I love you, my wife", "I love my sister SO much", "We are going to have a wonderful life all together." Cute things like that.

Then I overheard one of Julia's comments and saw Carol's reaction to it. I changed my comments to match: "What a wonderful slut you are going to be for us", "I'm going to fuck you in the ass soon", "We are both going to fuck you in public where other people will see you."

The twitches grew into spasms, and Carol started calling out in between her groans, "I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum, oh, oh, it's going to be big, oh, it's coming, it's coming." Her volume and thrashings rose louder and louder.

I'd never seen Carol so excited. In my few previous sessions with her - our 'cuddle sessions' at home - I'd always been cautious about getting her too excited in case her noise brought parental investigation. Caution was the last thing on my mind now, so Carol had been driven well past however excited I'd seen her before.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'M CUMMING, ARRRRR!"

Carol's arms had been behind her head, as instructed, but she used them to grab each of our heads in vise-like hugs, holding them tight against hers as she screamed her cum. It wasn't good for our eardrums, but I otherwise enjoyed seeing her have such a great climax.

Her grip around our necks relaxed a few seconds later, and both Julia and I said "Phew." We laughed at each other's comment.

Julia added, "That's the biggest one I've seen her have. Two-on-one is great, isn't it? Giving or receiving."

"That's for sure. Thanks very much for making this possible, Julia."

"My pleasure, especially soon, I hope."

"That's right, you haven't had your turn yet. That's unfair, considering you made this whole thing happen."

Julia disagreed with that idea, "NONE of this would have happened without you. She's your sister and I'm your girlfriend. The common word is 'your'. You're in the middle of this. You showed me you wanted Carol and I got her for you. For us, as it's happened. You have an unrealistically low opinion of yourself."

Julia turned to Carol, who was listening to us, "Who is the most fabulous person on the planet?"

Carol unhesitatingly said, "Mark, of course. And the most incredible, nicest, most intelligent, awesome, and lots more. I'm reliably informed he's the best lover too, but I'll have to get back to you on that one, {giggle}. Soon, I hope. So far so good though, that was an incredible orgasm. I've never had one that strong before. You two are DIRTY! I love it!"

Julia said, "We've only just started. Are you ready for more?" It must have been a rhetorical question as Julia didn't wait for the answer. Instead she reached down and started moving Carol's legs apart.

Carol spread her own legs, saying, "Oh, I thought it'd be someone else's turn now."

While Julia was moving to put herself between Carol's legs, Julia explained, "No. There are too many virgins in this room, and we keep going until there are none left, even if that takes hours. {Slurp}."

The "{Slurp}" was Julia licking one of Carol's upper-thighs. "You're a very wet little girl, yummy."

Julia concentrated on her cleanup duties, leaving me to get back to Carol's breasts. I started licking around the base of the nearest, resuming just a little back from where I had left off.

I used my hands and mouth to give both her breasts a lot of attention, but I still didn't touch a nipple. After about a minute Carol suddenly jerked and moaned. It wasn't due to anything I was doing, so I guessed Julia had licked up all the loose juice and was looking for more from the source. (You probably won't be surprised to know that I wasn't centered, so proximity couldn't tell us what Julia was doing. It was probably at too small a scale to be discernible in proximity anyway, even if one of my minds had volunteered to go on duty.)

I kept on with my slow game, but Julia's actions were rapidly getting Carol very worked up again, and she was on a short fuse anyway. I realized it was time for me to accelerate my activities. I suddenly decided I didn't want to be patient anymore. I wanted to get my cock into her. So one more fairly quick cum for Carol this way, then her third would be the real thing.

I ramped up my forcefulness, and soon was using both my hands to lift a breast, pull it taut and hold it so I could alternate kisses and tiny, painful nips around it. The two girls are very different in this respect. Julia doesn't like it rough, except for fast thrusts as she nears her orgasm. No way would Julia like receiving what I was doing to Carol now. Not that I could duplicate it exactly, as Julia's breasts were too small. But Carol loves it increasingly forceful and even painful as she gets closer to her cum. I'd played with her enough at home to know that the more turned on she is, the rougher she likes to be handled. This evening included making her orgasm, so I was going much further with her, finding that her liking of roughness increased too. I found it erotic, but scary at the same time. I know Carol gets a great deal of pleasure from it, and I enjoy giving her that pleasure, but sometimes I wince in discomfort at what I do to her.

Julia was driving Carol up quickly, so I did my best to match my actions to Carol's rapidly rising level of arousal. I circled her nearest breast with both hands and squeezed it, so the top of the breast bulged from the top of my hands - the nipple demanding attention. I caught Carol's attention, and declared, "I'm NOT going to lick or suck your nipple. I'm going to BITE it. Hard! Get ready; this is going to hurt!"

Carol's face was a mix of fear, anticipation and lust. She certainly didn't indicate that I should stop, so I opened my mouth and pulled back my lips so she could see my teeth. I held her eyes, and made repeated biting motions as I slowly lowered my mouth to her nipple, squeezing her breast even harder as my mouth got nearer. I could see that Carol was responding more to my actions than Julia's. Good!

When my mouth was very close I opened wide enough to insert her nipple, and paused. Our eyes were still locked, and she knew that any instant my teeth were going to close. I made her wait two or three seconds, then as fast as I could I bit-and-released. It was a hard - but VERY quick - bite. It must have hurt, but it was over before she could even start to react.

Carol gave a shriek, and while the echo was still dying, I lowered my mouth onto her nipple, sucking, licking, gnawing and biting gently. I pushed her breast down into her chest, to free up my hands, which reached across to her other breast, and I played with that simultaneously, especially pinching its nipple between two tightly squeezing fingers, and 'biting' it with the edges of two fingernails.

I looked down, to see Julia attached directly over Carol's pussy, and working it energetically. I watched while one of Julia's hands let go of Carol's thigh and moved underneath her. In a couple of seconds it was obvious from Julia's arm movements, and Carol's reaction, that Julia had just stuck a finger up Carol's asshole, and was starting to ram it in and out.

I looked back at Carol's face, and it was showing way more arousal than even just a few seconds ago. I removed my mouth from her nipple, and used one hand on each to keep the sensations going. Having learned the power of words on Carol from the previous time, I said, "You are OUR slut. We will use you and ABUSE you in every dirty, perverted, sexual way we want. I COMMAND you to enjoy it, you dirty little girl!"

I was drawing my breath for my next mental assault, when Carol's orgasm started. She started reciting, "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK." In ever-increasing volume. I started calling it with her, and pulling her nipple in sync too. I don't know if she even noticed, and only a few seconds later, "FUCK. FUCK. FFUUCCKK. FFUUUUUCCKKKK!" Prof's decision to soundproof this room had been a very good idea.

Carol bucked. Julia nearly had her finger broken when Carol's hips shot into the air, but Julia quickly whipped that finger out and used the hand to hang on for dear life. Poor Julia weighs so little that I don't think she could hold Carol down at all - it was solely a matter of whether Julia could hang on until the ride stopped. I remembered the first time Julia had clamped me and bucked. I outweighed her by more than two-to-one, but she'd still frightened me then. Now Julia was on the receiving end from someone much bigger than her. I laughed, but I don't think anyone noticed.

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