Deja Vu Ascendancy - Cover

Deja Vu Ascendancy

Copyright© 2008 by AscendingAuthor

Chapter 39: Carol Continues to Show How Good She Is

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 39: Carol Continues to Show How Good She Is - A teenage boy's life goes from awful to all-powerful in exponential steps when he learns to use deja vu to merge his minds across parallel dimensions. He gains mental and physical skills, confidence, girlfriends, lovers, enemies and power... and keeps on gaining. A long, character-driven, semi-realistic story.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow  

Monday, April 11, 2005

I awoke at the right time. Feeling bright, breezy and VERY happy.

I dressed in my running gear and walked to the hallway outside of Donna's room. I heard movement so I waited. Donna emerged alone - I wasn't surprised to see - shutting the door behind her. We nodded, then silently walked out the front door.

Once outside I wondered whether she'd ask me any questions about Carol's late comings and goings and cummings (I assumed), but there was no sign Donna was aware that anything had happened. I wasn't going to say anything, so we just warmed up.

I offered, "Would you like to bet $10 on beating me?"

Donna laughed a bit, then said, "Gee, I'd like to, but Mom won't let me bet. What a pity." Then she laughed again. I was glad she was in a good mood. It was far better than her being angry with me over something she might've suspected about Carol.

"How about you set the speed and I'll just run alongside you?"

"Okay." There was no argument about her being too fast for me this time.

So we set off. We chatted occasionally, when a subject crossed any of our five minds. We talked about our respective martial arts a little. Donna was still very happy and proud that she'd found Aikido for me, and expressed her pleasure at this most enthusiastically. I couldn't understand why she was so pleased by this, so I asked her why.

"Because you're such a wonderful brother. You treat me great, so it's nice to do something good for you. You said Aikido might be important to you, so I'm happy that I found it for you."

"I'm happy you found it too, but I think you're feeling too obligated to me. I don't treat you that nicely. We don't spend much time together, so I don't even get much chance to."

"But when we ARE together, you're ALWAYS nice to me. You remember when I showed you the martial arts tape, the one with Aikido and Karate on it?"


"You let me find the right parts of the tape to play. Right?"

"Sure. How does that matter?"

"You're a big brother. Any other big brother would've grabbed the remote out of my hands."

"But I didn't know where it was in the tape."

"Doesn't matter. Big brothers don't let their little sisters control the remote. Even Dad probably would've taken it from me. You know how he likes to hold the remote." That's true. Dad's unable to watch TV unless the remote's in his hand, even if he's watching a live game that'll last for hours.

"Okay, I'll confess that I'm nice, haha."

"Good. And don't forget you let me come running with you, and you asked my permission about Carol joining us, and dozens of other things. You're VERY nice."

"Okay, I'm very nice. You win. Maybe we should have bet on your forcing me to admit that, you might have won ten dollars."

"That's okay. I don't want to make money from you anymore. You're too nice to me."

Which seemed a good point to let that conversation die.

A few minutes later Donna asked me, "When you run the 10k on Saturday, you're going to win aren't you?"

"I think so."

"You're not going to be modest by deliberately coming in second or third or anything like that are you? You're definitely going to win?"

"Yes. I thought about that, and I want to win. If only so you'll be proud of me. Why do you want to know?"

"I just had a good idea. Can I keep it secret for now? I'll tell you later, okay?"

#3: <There are secrets all over the place these days.>


"The look on some of their faces when you win will be fun to see. I'm going to enjoy that."

A minute or so later Donna added, "I just remembered you asked about running a marathon, and I said you hadn't trained enough. You could run a marathon, couldn't you?"

"I think so. It'd probably be even easier for me to win than a 10k."

Donna pointed out, "But you didn't argue with me when I said you couldn't. See! Told you you're nice."

I had to admit she was right yet again, "I already gave up on that."

"I know, I just didn't think about that time before. Do you want me to find a marathon for you?"

"I don't think so, thanks. One real race is all I need, just to see that I'm right about how good I am. After that race I can do any testing I want by myself. I probably will run 26 miles some time soon, but I'll measure it out with Carol and Julia's help, and just run it myself."

"And my help too!" Donna insisted.

"Okay, and your help too. I should have thought of that already. Sorry, of course you can help."

Donna emphasized her usefulness, "Just like I helped you with the sneaking up behind thing."

"Yes, just like that."

Donna concluded, "Good."

For the next fifteen minutes we ran in silence, until Donna said, "Can you run ahead of me, just let me follow behind by a few yards?"

I didn't know why, but it was a simple enough request. "Sure."

Donna slowed down until I'd pulled ahead a few yards, then she resumed my speed. We ran for a few more minutes, and then she sped up to get alongside me again.

Donna declared, "You're running better than last time."

"How do you mean?"

"I don't know how, but you look smoother, like it's taking less effort. You looked superb when you were running before, but now you're even smoother. You look awesome, you know?"

#3: <I'm pretty sure it's because we're centered. Remember how we feel so good walking down crowded corridors? It feels better to us, and apparently it even shows up externally. The books talked about "moving in harmony with the Universe." I bet this is an example of what they're talking about.>

#4: <Does that mean we can run even faster than before?>

#3: <I'd guess so. We can test that in PE by doing the lap time test again. What was our 100 meter time? 16.15 seconds wasn't it?>

#1, #4: <Yes.>

#3: <So we'll test it again at PE.>

I answered Donna, "I hadn't noticed, but I think you're right. I'll do some timing tests at school in PE later today. You know something good?"


"If you're right about me being better, and I'm right about the reason, which I'm pretty sure I am, it's because of something I learned at Aikido last week. So you see how good it was that you found Aikido for me? I may be nice, but you're wonderful!"

"No way! I just pointed it out to you. You're the one learning how to run better."

I had a firm opinion on this. "No, Donna. You did EXACTLY the right thing with this, and you did it for exactly the right reasons too. Remember why you spotted Aikido? You said it was because they moved like me. You were right, and what I learned last week about how they moved has made me move even better. You spotted exactly the right thing, were smart enough to recognize it, and then you were kind enough to tell me about it. You did a lot. I may be a good big brother, but you're at least as good a little sister. Very well done, and thank you very much."

Donna knew she had done good, and blushed slightly with pleasure. Nothing more was said on the topic. If she was right, I was going to thank her again after school.

The discussion had reminded me about using TK to push me from behind, similar to what I'd done on my bike. A moment later I had three minds of TK pushing me from behind. It unbalanced me a little, so I moved it down to the small of my back on my spine, pushing mostly forward but slightly upward too, to make me lighter on my feet. It helped a little, once I got used to it, but it didn't help much. Maybe I'd use it in the race if I got behind, but it probably wasn't needed. After a few minutes I discontinued it, as it felt slightly unbalancing and annoying. That was just because it was unusual. Had the push been more effective I would have kept it going to get used to it, but it wasn't worth the bother so I canceled it.

Thinking about TK did remind me to try the scales experiment at school though, so I made a mental note to do that.

I asked Donna, "Do you mind that Carol and I will be spending quite a lot of time at the Williams', probably from Wednesday on?"

Her answer, "I don't mind. I'll miss you guys though, especially Carol. It'll be good for her though. She doesn't have many friends and Julia is wonderful."

#1: <Nothing to worry about there. That's good.>

Donna added, "Besides, it'll give you two more time to kiss and cuddle."

"Ehh. You mean me and Julia?"

"No, you and Carol. You can do that easier at Julia's home, I guess."

#4: <Do we deny it?>

#1: <I don't think so. She doesn't sound like she angry, or accusing us, or anything. She sounds fine with it.>

"How do you know about that?"

"We share a room together. She can't keep a secret that big. She's all moony over you, and even sighs sometimes when I say your name. She spent most of Sunday reading online about massaging then practicing on me so she'd be good enough for you. She was very worried about that. I can tell what's up."

"You certainly can. You're right, we do cuddle a lot. We don't kiss much though."

#4: <Mainly because our mouth is full of nipple or pussy!>

#1: <But let's not mention that.>

"I'm sure she'd be happy to kiss if you wanted."

I had to ask, "You don't mind?"

"I think it's your choice. She's very nice to me, and you're incredibly nice too. Whatever you do is fine by me. Don't let Mom or Dad catch you though, or you might get in big trouble."

"Will you tell them?"

"Nope. That's why I'm telling you. I'll tell Carol later too. Carol is happier than ever so I'm not going to tell on you. If she wasn't happy I'd tell on you right away, but not now."

I needed to make absolutely sure I was safe. I was doing a whole lot more than "kissing and cuddling" and the idea of being caught by Mom or Dad was terrifying, so I asked, "What about if Carol and I have an argument one day, and she's unhappy with me, you won't tell then will you, just because of one argument?"

"Of course not. Best friends have arguments sometimes. Anyway, if you get her too upset she can tell Mom herself. That's what I'm telling you. I'll keep quiet, so don't worry about me."

I couldn't thank Donna enough. "Donna, sweetie, whatever good things you think I've done you as a nice brother, BELIEVE ME, you just paid them all back and a lot more. You don't have to worry about paying me back for anything ever again! Thank you very, VERY much."

"No problem. I think it's good."

There was nothing else I could add, so we ran in silence. It occurred to me to wonder why Donna thought Carol and I could "kiss and cuddle easier at Julia's", but I wasn't brave enough to ask.

I turned for home a bit earlier than I normally would have, as I wanted to give Donna and Carol a good chance to talk. As we were walking toward the front door, Donna said, "Can I have first shower please, so I can talk with Carol while you are showering?" That was fine by me. Pretty much anything Donna ever asks me for is going to be fine from now on.

I went to my room and packed my school bag. I also picked up my phone to send Julia a text message, to see that there was already one from her: "Everything good this end. I'm missing school this morn, see you at lunch, usual spot."

I sent back, "All good here. I need to talk with you about Carol, will call you near end of 2nd class." My second class today was PE. I figured I could do my lap timing test in plenty of time to cut the end and talk with Julia.

Julia confirmed with "Okay. Love you."

Donna had finished showering by the time I was ready, so I showered, dressed in my room, and went to breakfast.

Mom and Dad were already there, and after "Good mornings" all round, Mom asked, "How was your run this morning?"

"Good. We didn't push ourselves, just jogged along chatting sometimes. It was nice."

"Did Carol go with you?"

"No. Just Donna and me."

Mom declared, "That's good. She shouldn't exercise every day starting from scratch. Don't let her overexert herself. She'd go out with you every day if you let her, so be a little careful please?"

"Okay, Mom."

#3: <I'm a little worried about Mom talking about Carol being so obedient to us. Do you think Mom suspects about how Carol follows our orders so much?>

#2: <Mom would do a LOT more than tell us to be careful, if that was the case. Like kill us!>

#3: <That's true.>

I continued eating my breakfast. One of my rules of life is not to let little worries get in the way of my eating. The girls were taking longer to appear than normal, and Mom had already muttered, "What's keeping the girls." When we heard their door open and the sounds of the two of them coming, with giggles.

#3: <Good, they seem happy. Whatever Donna and Carol talked about didn't cause any problems.>

They formation-marched into the room, Donna leading, Carol following, in step and with exaggerated arm and leg movements. They called out in ragged unison, "Good Morning Mom and Dad."

They continued to march around to where I was sitting, which was the far side of the table compared to where they entered the room. Donna stood on one side of me, Carol on the other. I was swiveling my head back and forth, trying to work out what was going on.

Donna said, "Keep your head still, Mark."

I did so, and both of them leaned down to kiss one of my cheeks each. "Good morning, Wonderful Brother" they said in unison again. Then they burst into giggles and went to get their breakfasts.

Donna looked back, and said, "Isn't that cute? He's blushing." That helped, not!

Mom chuckled, "I'd say, 'Don't tease your brother, ' but I think he liked it! You three take the cake." Which momentarily got my hopes up, but then I realized it was just another of Mom's expressions.

Donna explained, "He said some very nice things to me this morning..."

Carol interrupted with, "He always says very nice things."

Donna resumed, "Yeah. So we decided that we are going to greet him that way every morning from now on. To tell him every day we think he's a wonderful brother." A second later she added, "Look! He's blushing again. Isn't he so cute?"

Almost everyone in the room thought that was very funny. I consoled myself by eating and with the thought that Donna's chat with Carol must've gone well.

The rest of breakfast was normal, except maybe a bit happier. Mom hurried the girls along so they'd be ready when the car arrived. I helped dry the dishes while the girls were still catching up (about the only good consequence of having the cast was that it got me out of washing the dishes, unfortunately just moving me sideways to double my dish-drying duty).

We were ready when the car arrived. I offered my arm to Carol, and escorted her to the car, Donna already being in the front seat by then. As I held the door open for Carol, I said, "Here you are, my wonderful sister."

"Why thank you, my wonderful brother."

As she climbed in to sit behind our driver, Mr. Moore, I noticed that Carol's fairly short skirt (for Carol) rode up on her thighs a long way. She did nothing about pushing it down. I got the feeling it was deliberate, which was very fine with me.

By the time I'd walked around to the other side of the car and got in, Carol's skirt had somehow managed to ride up even farther. She saw me looking, and pulled her skirt even higher. I couldn't help laughing in delight. What a great girl!

Donna heard my laugh, and turned around in her seat to see what caused it. Because Carol was sitting behind the driver, diagonally across from Donna, Donna easily saw what I was laughing at. This gave me a brief surge of panic, but Donna immediately laughed too. Phew! I don't know what Donna thought was going on, but I was certainly happy that she laughed at it.

I waited until Donna had turned around, and said, "I think I left something in your bag, Carol. Let me have a look."

Carol looked confused because we never touch each other's bags. It was on the floor at her feet, and I leaned over to her side of the seat. Unfortunately it was my cast-hampered right arm that had the best angle, but so be it. When my upper-body was over her legs, my right hand snaked under my body to rest on just above the knee on Carol's right leg's inner-thigh. Then I confidently slid my palm up her inner-thigh.

Carol's legs flew open (have I mentioned that I think she's a great girl?). I momentarily lost contact, but re-established it quickly, then resumed my 'northward' slide. She put a hand lightly on my shoulder, but otherwise just waited for me. My hand got so far up that it was being pressed between both her thighs, but I kept pushing. Very soon after that it arrived at its destination.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I realized I was not feeling panties, but hairs and flesh. I wiggled my fingers to make sure. Yes, definitely a pussy. I wiggled them some more to make doubly sure (I like to know what I'm dealing with, especially when it's a pussy).

Carol's breathing became a bit erratic and she pressed her hand against my shoulder harder, but otherwise she didn't react. Which I considered a personal challenge.

I rotated my hand so my thumb was uppermost. It was about to go clit hunting. Just as I was about to move it, Carol said, "Can't you find what you expected, big brother?"

"I think this is even better," as I moved my thumb into contact with her clit and started rubbing it lightly. I turned my head to look up at Carol's face. It appeared to me that she thought it was better too. I let my forefinger stroke up and down her pussy lips, as my thumb slid forward and back. Carol's face went vacant as all her awareness focused on her pussy.

I gave her a few more rubs, then regretfully said, "No. I'll have to do without for the rest of the day. I'll get it when I get home this afternoon." I withdrew my hand. I couldn't take it further unfortunately, not with a teacher driving the car. Damn! Before I sat up straight and while Carol was watching, I moved my right hand to my mouth and licked my finger. I gave her a wink. It was the first time I'd ever done that to a girl, but I'd been having quite a few firsts recently.

I sat up, just in time remembering to do a go-soft in case the driver looked back at me. When I was settled I looked at Carol. She mouthed a silent, "Thank you." Fortunately I already knew that girls have got strange mental processes, so Carol's thanking me didn't cause my brain to overload trying to find an impossible reason. I just smiled and nodded at her.

Then she lifted her skirt so her pussy was fully exposed, an action that caught my attention very effectively. I stared at it for a few seconds, then when I looked at her face again, she repeated her silent, "Thank you." She had a great way of showing her appreciation. She lowered her skirt so that it was once again respectable. Still very short and very exciting, but respectable.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. Just as well, as it was too dangerous to do that sort of thing too often. I'd better have a talk with her about it sometime soon. In about a week or two seemed best, all things considered.

When the car pulled up at school, Donna was out and gone at her usual speed. I made a point of sucking my finger while Carol and I waited for the car to move off from between us. Then we joined up. She had a very happy smile on her face. I imagine mine was similar. I had to tell her, "Carol, darling, you constantly amaze and delight me! What made you not wear panties today?"

Carol answered, "I have them in my pocket. I'll put them on soon, but I wanted to be as open to you as I could. You said you might want to play with my body at any time, so I want to show you how easy that would be. I was just going to raise my skirt higher and higher in the car until you could see everything. I never expected you to lean over me and put your hand up me like that. That was wonderful! I loved you doing that! I love you very, very much, Mark."

"Yes, I can see that you do. I think we're so lucky to love each other so much." We were standing still, and Carol was holding my upper-arm to the side of her chest, as both she and Julia have been doing for some time now. I kept a look out around me, to make sure no one could overhear us. Fortunately we get dropped off away from most of the other students, heading toward the staff parking lot.

I added, "Tell me about your chat with Donna. On our run she said she was going to talk with you, and my morning kisses certainly made me think the talk went well."

"Yes. Isn't she fantastic?"

I nodded with strong agreement.

"She says she's happy to see me so happy. She's going to help us, so we don't have to try to hide our feelings from her. That's wonderful, isn't it?"

"It certainly is. Especially for you. It must have been hard for you to share a room with her." I wasn't sure how it would be hard, but Donna had mentioned it, and it obviously wouldn't have helped.

Carol agreed, "I'll say. Now I can dress in sexy clothes before I visit you in the evenings and not worry about making her suspicious. And I can take care of myself under the bedclothes without worrying too much. It's much better this way."

#3: <Carol doesn't have any fancy phrases to describe "taking care of herself'." She must've had a sheltered childhood, until now, haha.>

#4: <She doesn't talk rudely because she prefers to "beat about the bush.">

#3: <{Groan}.>

I thought of asking how her "one fingered exercising" had gone last night, but I was a bit wary of getting into such a conversation with so many people in the general area. I decided to play safe and just ask, "I'm glad you're happier. What's the story with my morning kisses though?"

[Before we'd gone to sleep, #4 had joked about Carol doing "one fingered exercises". He'd listed several other names for female masturbation, which we had to groan through as it's hard to shut #4 up when he gets enthusiastic about a subject. "Jilling off" is the term that seemed most natural to us because we usually call what we do "jacking off", but we particularly liked his "ménage à moi". It was FAR more elevated than his many other suggestions.]

"That was Donna's idea. She says I'm too obvious in what I think of you. She suggested that if we both gave you morning kisses, and played other silly games like that, then Mom and Dad won't be suspicious of you and me. I think she's right. Sometimes I love you so much I feel like bursting, so something must show. She's a good sister."

"She certainly is. Let's go to class. I'll see you later."

Carol disagreed. "You'll see me at lunch. I'm going to be eating lunches with you and Julia from now on. Julia told me to, do you remember?"

There'd been so much happening that I wasn't sure even with my four memories, but I wasn't going to argue. "Good. See you at lunchtime." I nearly bent down to kiss her cheek but then remembered where we were, so I settled with a big smile. We started walking to our classes.

We walked the first few yards together, when I thought to mention, "I'm not sure Julia will be here for lunch, she said she was going to miss school this morning. She said she'd try to be here for lunch though."

Carol said, "I'll come anyway."

I repeated my lap-timing test in PE during second period. Once onto the track, I ran up to what I had thought was my optimal speed, then I increased my speed by what felt like another 10%. It didn't take long before I felt fatigue accumulating, so I dropped back below my previous optimal rate until I felt rested again. Then I increased by about half as much above optimal as before. It took longer, but that was slowly tiring too.

I reduced my speed to rest again. When the fatigue was gone I increased by half as much as I had last time. It seemed a pretty pathetic improvement, about 2.5% as best I could estimate, but I was able to run four laps without fatigue. The second and subsequent laps I timed, and they came out at about 15.75 seconds per 100 meters. I sped up slightly, and the next few laps were at a rate of 15.55 seconds per 100 meters. Still no problem. I increased again, and covered the next few laps at 15.45.

I tried one more increase, and ran a couple of laps at the rate of 15.40 per 100 but started detecting fatigue. Another lap to make sure. Yes, definitely fatiguing. I slowed to clear it, then I ran several laps at 15.45 seconds per 100 meters without any fatigue. This was now my new optimal running rate. (You may find it unbelievable that I could run such fine distinctions of time. I had a huge degree of control over my body, and could maintain a specific speed extremely accurately, or deliberately increase it a small fraction then maintain that.)

I might be able to squeeze another second or two off my 100-meter rate, particularly if I used TK to push myself, but I didn't care enough to worry about it. I had proved that I was somehow moving better when centered. (I was centered throughout all of this because I'm always centered these days. Sometimes there were momentary distractions, but I've been getting better at keeping concentration when on duty, and such lapses are rare now.)

I kept the same pace going for a couple more laps to definitely confirm that this pace was not tiring, and then I got #1 to lose center. I kept running the same rate, which required careful timekeeping as it felt harder and my body wanted to slow down. Keeping strictly to my new optimal rate, I soon felt fatigue slowly accumulate. I put #1 back on duty while maintaining the pace. The fatigue seemed to stay constant. I slowed a small amount and the fatigue slowly drained away. Interesting. I didn't know why it worked as it did, but it was a nice, little improvement and more information about my abilities.

I slowed a bit to clear all my fatigue quicker, and then resumed my new optimal rate, timing my laps to be sure I was running the right speed. While I kept running laps to help reinforce what the new optimal rate felt like, we did some mental calculations:

#4: <How fast for a marathon now?>

#2: <16.15 down to 15.45 is 0.7 seconds faster per 100 meters. There are 421.95 lots of 100 meters in a marathon, call that 400 plus 5%, so 400 x 0.7 seconds is 280 seconds. 5% is another 14 seconds, giving 294 seconds. Close enough to 300 seconds, or 5 minutes. And 10k would improve about a quarter of that, so about 1.25 minutes faster.>

#3: <We were about one minute under the world record for a 10k, so now two minutes under. We were about ten minutes under for a marathon, so now fifteen minutes under. Quarter of an hour faster than the current world record is a BIG improvement, that's one-eighth of the total time. People would be amazed if we ran that.>

#4: <We don't really care though, do we? We're not going to make an official attempt on the record. All we need to know is that we are - literally - unbelievably fast, and that Donna was correct that being centered makes us faster. We really are "moving in harmony with the Universe," if that's the correct explanation. I wonder what the Universe thinks of us being in harmony with it?>

#2: <I agree with what you said about not doing anything official. Your last comment about the Universe was presumably facetious, but it has some merit. There's stuff going on that's VERY profound and I wish we understood it better.>

#4: <Yeah. The idea of being in harmony with the Universe is weird, but it's hard to complain because the Universe has certainly been looking after us recently.>

#2: <Still being facetious I see, but I have to agree with you.>

I stopped early. Making sure I was well away from any possible eavesdroppers, I called Julia. I updated her on the "backrub test" events:

  • My teasing story of having Carol pull my cock out of Julia's mouth while Carol fed her breakfast, including Carol's excitement at the thought of that.

  • Carol's coming into my room wearing only a very flattering T-shirt.

  • Her massage had been enjoyable, but she'd humped herself on my leg near the end of it.

  • I described my "No Climax" test/tease of Carol's sexual self-control, how hard I'd had to try to stop her cumming, and my inside-out version of the test in case Carol orgasmed accidentally.

  • That Carol had been putty in my hands, and I'd discovered that she'd do sexual things with Julia, especially if they included public embarrassment.

I described that my overall plan was to build Carol up, so her wedding would be the best possible event for her, which Julia thought was excellent. I tacked on a brief description of Carol's going without panties in the car.

Julia responded, "She's working out fantastically well. Congratulations on doing so well with her."

"You don't have to congratulate me. It was you who set it all up. You've gotten her so eager that she's desperate to do anything at all that I want. My ONLY problem was holding myself back from having sex with her."

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