Life's Discoveries - Cover

Life's Discoveries

Copyright© 2008 by Psy1123eu

Chapter 4: The Girl Next Door

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Girl Next Door - A busty teen with some extra equipment comes to terms with her addition and explores herself and others, evntually finding those close around her can satisfy her intense needs. Some other story codes may apply, but are only applicable to a single scene.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Hermaphrodite   Brother   First   Masturbation   Squirting   Size   Slow  

The fall semester came and went pretty fast. I was keeping busier these days. I had managed to find a party about once every two weeks or so. They weren't costume parties, but the corset still works. I have found a variety of outfits that work with it. Usually, I wear tight jeans and a t-shirt, with the corset underneath. That way I can arrive a little earlier, and scope the situation before finding some lucky girl to drag off. I always pick a guy that's mostly drunk to keep me in control. Guys are pretty easy to fuck when their drunk, they have watermelon sized tits in their face, and a girl that's dripping wet and ready!

But in my 'down' times, I have fallen in love with my new dildo. It gets used pretty often, at least once a day, but usually more like two ... or four!

I am still trying to come to terms with my dick. The only times I use it are when I need to drain myself, and that's necessary. Other than that, it stays hidden and ignored.

Christmas and New Years were a blur. Too much family and tradition for me. I mean, my only family are not blood-related to me. Mainly, they do their thing, and I have to tag along.

We spent 4 nights out of town for New Years. Four nights of sharing a hotel room with my siblings and my step-mom. NO time for me to work out my sexual frustrations. I could have used the shower, but there was always someone needing to use the bathroom. Plus, I'm a moaner, and I need to be by myself to really enjoy it. So I decided to wait till we got home.

Pulling into the driveway, I felt like I was going to explode. My dick had been hard or nearly hard for the last 10 hours, making the drive unbearable. My underwear was saturated, I'm glad we drove the whole way with the windows down (it was a nice day on Jan 2). I could even see a wet spot on my loose jeans covering most of my thighs, and my entire right knee.

My pouch was as big as it had ever been, it looked like a little pot belly. Instead of squishy like it normally gets, it was rock hard — packed with semen.

I grabbed my bags and ran up to my room. I still didn't have time to do anything, my step-mom was calling us back down for a late lunch that we picked up on the way home.

"I'll be right down, just getting changed" I yelled down. I had to change before someone smelled my musky scent of pre-cum and female lube. I undressed, except for my bra, stopping for a second to examine my tighty-whiteys, juices were dripping off of them. I went to the bathroom and squeezed them into the sink. A heavy river of slimy girl-cum flowed around my hands and into the sink. Man, was I in need of a good dildo session. My libido never ceased to amaze me. I was almost 14 and a near total slut!

Running back into my room, with my tits jostling and dick slapping thighs, I grabbed another loose t-shirt, boxers, and loose jeans. As I finished getting dressed, I noticed some movement out my window. The house next to ours had been empty and on sale for months. Now there were curtains and furniture in the rooms that I could see. Hmm, I'll have to be careful in my window from now on.

I went downstairs, and joined the family for lunch. My pouch wasn't leaving much room for a lot of food, so I ate my burger and left the fries.

As I was getting up, my step-mom said "KC, did you notice the new neighbors?"

"I noticed we have new ones, but I haven't seen them"

"Hmm, well, I have this gift basket left over from Christmas, why don't you take it over to them and welcome them to the neighborhood. I would, but I need to run down to the clinic and see how bad that place is since I left"

Great, another distraction. But it shouldn't take too long. I grabbed it and was out the door in less than 10 seconds.

Walking over, I only noticed one car in the driveway. I rang the door, and a teenage girl answered. She was very tall (everyone is to me), about 5'11, very slim, average bust (C or small D cup), with honey blonde hair down to her mid-back, and had very white skin. She was wearing a medium skirt and a sweater. He face was cute, her features almost small for her height. She looked about 16.


"Hi I'm KC, from next door, we wanted to welcome you guys to the neighborhood."

"Oh, how sweet, come on in, I'm Leslie" Taking the basket from me, she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me in.

"My mom is at work still, we just moved in two days ago and I've been going stir-crazy sitting around here, wanna hang out for a bit?" She gave me a pouty look that I couldn't say no to.

"Sure, for a little bit" I acquiesced. We talked as she showed me around the house.

"We moved from the other side of town. Constantly moving, my mother changes jobs about once a year it feels like."

"At least your in the same city ... you can keep up with your friends." I commented.

"Some I can, my boyfriend dumped me about a month ago, and it's been ... frustrating ... trying to get over him. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm still pretty young. I mean, I'll fool around from time to time, but I was planning on waiting till college for something more serious." hmmm, that was all true.

"I know what you mean, but stuff just keeps happening. Here let's sit down." We finished the tour in the family room, a big room with a large tv, several couches, hardwood floor, you know the type.

We sat down on a large, oversized black leather couch. I felt like it was going to swallow me.

We talked for a while and hit it off pretty good. I got the feeling that she was checking me out, which didn't help my state of high charge horniness. I could feel that another underwear change was in order soon. I could also vaguely make out the outline of my near-hard dick in my loose jeans. I was going to have to wrap this up, go home, explode in the tub, and come back over to hang out. I was just trying to find a way to excuse myself, when she dropped a bombshell that froze me to my core.

"So ... I noticed you changing before you came over her." Her eyes were now locked onto mine.

We sat in silence, I couldn't talk or move, I was so scared.

She finally broke the silence. "Don't worry honey, I'm not going to tell, but you need to do me a favor." Smiling wide, she slowly started to inch towards me.

Panicking again, I stammered "Uhh, I mean, I haven't ... I need to go"

She cut me off by laying on top of me and kissing me deeply. She had a beautiful mouth and I gently kissed back. Maybe I could still get away, but she was bigger than me, and my body refused to move.

"Mmmm" She moaned into my mouth. "I have been SOOO frustrated for the last couple weeks. Frigging my clit just won't cure it. I have to get fucked NOW."

I was still in a sitting position on the couch. She moved until she was straddling me, somehow taking off her skirt at the same time. Leslie then reached up and pulled her sweater and bra off in one motion, letting her nice tits bounce into view. They sat really high on her chest, and for being C's, were very conical. The effect was to create a long expanse of flat white stomach.

She then started to fumble with my button on my jeans, when my hands started working to stop her.

"No, please, I ... can't ... I don't use it" I tried desperately to stop her, but she just grabbed both of my small hands with one of hers and pinned them above my head. I was trapped, and she still had a free hand that was now undoing my button, and pulling my zipper down.

"Shhhh, relax, it won't hurt a bit." She cooed.

She pulled out my cock. Her job was made easier due to the fact that fear had made it partially soft. But the presence of her hands on it quickly restored its rigidness the second she got it out and ran her hand all over it. I was still struggling, but my weak body couldn't put up much of a fight.

"My god, it's huge. I thought my last boyfriend was big at 8.5 inches, but this is enormous. God you must really be turned on, you're dripping more pre-cum than most guys shoot" Her face was almost comical, well it would have been if this wasn't such an embarrassing situation. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

"Please, let me go, I won't bother you again, I'm sorry, I'm a mutant." I started sobbing from my worst fears, someone finding out.

She looked back at me, and without breaking her gaze into my eyes, straddled me again, and brought the head to her pussy. I thought I was going to melt when I felt her push down on my cock.

It took her a couple of hard pushes, but my cock-head snapped into place in her pussy.

"OH FUCK, god that's good. That's what I've been needing." Her whole face was a beaming. "Now lets get to work"

She started fucking herself onto my prick, slowly working it up inside of her. She felt great, I never knew it could be like this. Her pussy was a warm, wet velvet glove. I hadn't realized that I stopped struggling. She let go of my hands and reached down to pull my t-shirt off. My hands were still above my head, so that was easy. I didn't care all of a sudden, I was a good six inches into my first pussy and I had to admit, I could see why guys try so hard to get it all the time. She finished undressing me, pulling my bra off, and sliding my jeans down. She noticed my wetness between my legs, and felt my pussy lips for a second, before moaning as I unconsciously thrust up at her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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