Life's Discoveries - Cover

Life's Discoveries

Copyright© 2008 by Psy1123eu

Chapter 2: Keeping Under Control

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Keeping Under Control - A busty teen with some extra equipment comes to terms with her addition and explores herself and others, evntually finding those close around her can satisfy her intense needs. Some other story codes may apply, but are only applicable to a single scene.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Hermaphrodite   Brother   First   Masturbation   Squirting   Size   Slow  

Hi again, sorry its been a while, I've been busy for the couple months since my first orgasm. I guess I've gotten carried away!

I realize that I haven't told you anything about myself, besides my whining about my body.

My name is KC (pronounced Kaci), it's short for Kristen Cynthia. I didn't really like either name, but the initials work well.

I'm 13 and a half, and just started the 9th grade. Yeah, do the math, I skipped a grade in elementary. I've been told I get my smarts from my parents, real parents that is.

Okay, here is the story with them. They were both geneticist, and were convicted right after my birth with weird experiments, cloning and the like. I'm pretty sure they had something to do with my extra body part. My real mom is still in jail/nut house (she went crazy from being locked up — or maybe she was anyway), and my dad died from a heart attack in prison. I was sent to live with his brother, his new wife and her family. Well, he died in a car crash several years ago, and that left me with his wife (my step-mom) and her son and daughter (my step-siblings).

My step-mom is a nice lady, she takes care of me, but lets me pretty much do what I want. I get a decent allowance from my parent's estate, which I get all of once I turn 18. She is in her 40's and looks like she use to be pretty, but now is just average. She works at a clinic downtown at least 60-70 hours a week. She knows about my 'condition', but we never talk about it. At least she writes notes to keep me from gym class.

My brother, Adam is a jock, and plays on the 12th grade football team. He towers over me at 6 foot 6, and barely ever looks down to me. He seems to be rarely home, out with his friends all the time. We never really developed a friendship, but he is nice to me.

My sister, Hannah, is in 11th grade, and we never talk. I guess she holds my uncle responsible for her parents' break-up and blames it on me now. Oh well. She is pretty, but in a plain way. Brown hair, decent boobs, medium height. She is usually out with her boyfriend.

Neither of them know about my secret. It's probably for the best, knowing teenagers.

We live in suburbia (I'm not telling the city!), and have a decent house.

At school, I have a couple of school-friends (meaning I don't talk to them outside of school), and just keep to myself. Guys hit on me occasionally, until their friends remind them that I never date, and they probably assume I'm a lesbian. Which is okay for now, but once I turn 18, I'm getting surgery to fix this curse and going to college and messing around with every guy I see!

Okay, enough about all that. My new passion has been getting every orgasm from my pussy as possible. If I can't play with boys, I'll take care of myself for now. Of course my hormones were really getting ramped up. I really just wanted to have a boyfriend or five and screw his brains out, as many times a day as I could. But that won't happen anytime soon.

My most memorable escapades include the following:

1. My first night, who could forget!

2. Fingering myself in the hot tub in the backyard while everyone else was inside getting ready to join me — I leaned out and let my nasty ol' cock do its business into the grass.

3. Getting a boner at school. It was horrible, but I went to the bathroom and fingered myself in a stall. I left my cum plastered all over the inside of the metal walls!

4. Getting caught by a couple of my brother's friends with only a bra and skirt on at home. The thrill of being ogled put me in a near mad state to abuse my cunt in the shower afterwards.

5. Fucking myself silly on that candle on a near daily basis!

I've come to realize a couple things. One, my wetness between my legs can be as much of a problem as my cock when I'm dressed and horny. Two, my amount of semen is related to how long it is between sessions. I start to develop that pouch again after a day — and then its gusher season.

Last week, I realized that I was tired of only playing with myself in the tub or cleaning up my nasty mess after my devil-cock explodes. I had to buy some magnum condoms (I did research, they exist!). There is a drug store on the way home from school, I live close enough that I just walk the half mile. After school on Friday, I ran home and found the most jaw-dropping outfit I could from my sister's closet and mine. I figured that if I showed myself off, given my body, people would think I was older and wouldn't question me on the condoms. And if I ran into anyone I knew, they probably wouldn't recognize me.

I had worn my usual baggy t-shirt, minimizer bra, baggy jeans to school. I took them off, put on an older bra that was a size too small for my watermelons. It had the effect of pushing them up, and creating a huge amount of cleavage. There was a generous amount bulging out around the bra. I put a tighter white t-shirt on over it that had a college logo stretched skin-tight across my bust. The bottom of the shirt only came to my belly button. I put on a pair of panties (something I never wear for obvious reasons), and made sure my penis was in the 'up position' against my stomach. It was soft, and therefore only about 6 inches long. It only stuck up about 3 inches past the panties. I pulled on a tight pair of daisy dukes that my sister had, she is bigger than me, but considering my uber-petite frame, its no surprise. My round ass pulled it skin tight around me, in the middle. My legs are pretty thin, and the shorts were still loose around my upper thighs. The waist was also very loose, which was good, I didn't want pressure on my cock. I undid my ponytail and let my hair flow partially down my back and partially over my tits.

I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped. I was gorgeous. My face still looked like a little girls, but my body didn't, and I think people wouldn't make it to my face. My tits were pushed up and out — I could probably balance a cup of water on each one! My waist was nonexistent compared to them. Turning around I admired my bubble butt in the jeans. My ass was always my favorite body part, and today, it didn't disappoint. I looked at the front of the shorts and could still see a prominent bulge running up the front to where my dick stopped just before the top of the shorts. Hmmm, instead of a purse, I grabbed a fanny pack out of the closet from my last vacation. I placed it over my front, and looked again. It worked, I was covered to all but the longest look. I figured people wouldn't be staring at my fanny pack anyway.

Putting my money in the pack, I ventured outdoors. I felt like the whole world was waiting for me to make an appearance and mess up. I'm by nature a shy girl, but the occasional adventure like this is okay. I still had butterflies in my stomach though.

The walk to the drug store was uneventful, other than a couple of honks in my direction. The small bra I was wearing was tight on the bottom portion, but the half of each tit that was spilling over the top was free to jiggle and shake about 6 inches with every step I took. I walked inside and on the way to the condom aisle, I recognized a couple guys from my school. They were on the 11th grade basketball team and totally hot. Their jaws dropped the second they saw me. I was so giddy on the inside — I'm too shy for this kind of attention, but loved every second of it. They immediately came over.

"Ouch, where did you come from cutie?" said Mark. "I'm Mark, what's yours?"

"Ignore him, he just wants to get your number" said Steve. "but really, what's your name?"

Thinking quick, I said "Kristy" not technically a lie, my first name is Kristen. God these man-hunks towered over my 4'11 body by about a foot and a half each. I was looking each of them in the mid-chest. I reached out to shake their hands, accidentally bumping my chest — I'm not used to my tits being pushed so far out.

"Well, Kristy, I'm Steve, what are you doing right now, do you want to go get something to eat?" said Steve.

"With us?" added Mark.

"Uhh, no thanks, maybe another time" I said, getting scared all of a sudden. I had to get out of this situation before it got out of hand. I couldn't go anywhere with them, could I? No of course not, my more rational mind thought.

Suddenly the clerk, an older woman, yelled for them to leave me alone. They sulked out of the down turning around to eye me once more. Those glances caused a flutter of desire to come from my pussy, and I felt my dick grow an inch. That caused me to snap back into reality. Better buy the condoms and get out before anything else happens. Looking down, I could see the head of my dick right at the edge of the shorts. I should have frigged myself into a coma before coming out looking like this, what was I thinking?

I found what I was looking for, the biggest package of magnums they had. It was a 60 pack box. I grabbed 4 boxes, I don't want to do this every couple of weeks. The female clerk arched an eyebrow when I placed the condoms on the counter, and then she just looked at me. My heart froze, was she not going to let me buy them?

She started to ring them up. "Fun weekend planned?" she asked sarcastically.

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