Cray's Summer Camp - Cover

Cray's Summer Camp

Copyright© 2008 by Anonymous Bosch

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Cray and Eve go to high school summer camp, where the woods provide a refuge. Little do they know, it also provides cover for an audience. Who's the audience? Her older sister and her new best friend. It gets much more interesting after that. This is a sequel to Cray's first time.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Light Bond   Gang Bang   Anal Sex  

Emma, outside the cabin

I saw the door to Cray's cabin ease open. Gee, there's a shock, I thought. I was ready to rip his Speedos off when I saw him rise out of the lake today. What an incredible body; for any age, never mind 16. Every female in camp wants him, teachers (me) included. I watched two shapes sneak around the back of the cabin. Two? I followed cautiously. When the shapes got near a light, I saw that one of them was my cousin Astrid. And that the other was Vivian! Holy shit. His girlfriend is her little sister! What a nasty bitch! And I thought much better of Astrid than that. They hugged and then each went into her room.

The sight of Cray coming out of the water had triggered a lot of memories for me, including the first time I had met Astrid. My branch of the family had moved to Connecticut when I was 8. I hadn't seen her side of the family since. When I was 18, it was decided to send me to Ireland for 5 weeks to stay with them and 'rediscover' my Irish roots.

Ireland was a delight for me. The land was so soft and green after the noise and hard edges of life in Boston. I had flown into Dublin and then hopped on a train to Tralee. The Doyles met me at Casement Station. Sean Doyle was about 35 and all I could think of was Huckleberry Finn all grown up. His wife Caitlin was the quintessential Irish woman. She was fair with creamy white skin, red hair and green eyes. Their daughter Astrid was 12 and was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. She was slender and her breasts were just beginning to bud. After hugs all around, we piled into an ancient Ford and rattled off into the countryside. It was painfully green and the land looked so tended. It looked as if the whole country had been landscaped to me. Finally we drove through the quant village of Kilcooly and shortly after pulled up the driveway to an old farmhouse.

The farmhouse had been in the Doyle family for 350 years. It made of stone and had a slate roof. It felt ancient and felt as if it had been grown, rather than built. I was shown to my room on the second floor. The ceiling was slanted on both sides and it had a leaded glass window that looked out onto the backyard. The backyard had an old moss covered fountain with a birdbath. The statue in the fountain looked like Pan. He had goat legs and held a pipe. The water flowed from the pipe and I could hear it clearly when I opened the window. My room was small, but cozy. The bed had 4 tall posters and the mattress was slung on ropes. It had a thick goose down quilt and was really comfy. There was a chest of drawers, a chair and a hope chest at the foot of the bed. The chest of drawers had a basin and pitcher on top! I felt like I had traveled to the 17th century.

After a pleasant dinner that night getting re-acquainted, the jet lag caught up to me. I crashed hard that night. I woke slowly and lay there listening to the birds and the fountain. It was so different from the noise of Boston. When I went downstairs, the house was empty. There was a note explaining that they were sorry they had gone to run errands for the day and decided not to wake me. The note went on to tell me to make myself at home and that there was a small lake down the path out the back. I ate and wandered around the house. It felt so old! It was absolutely charming. I wandered around the grounds and then it hit me. I was in Middle Earth. Hobbiton perhaps, or no, better yet, Lothlorien. Suddenly, I wanted to walk in the woods. I put on shorts and a halter-top and headed for the lake. Southwestern Ireland was so green and beautiful it was breath taking. I walked down the sun-dappled path, enjoying the sights and smells. The lake was lovely. Soft, brilliant, green grass, trees and mossy stones surrounded it. I dipped a hand in. It was cool but nice. I lay on the grass and thought about Lothlorien. I fantasized I was an elf maiden, waiting for my lover Legolas to come back from the War of the Ring. Slowly, the magic of Ireland enchanted me. That night, I fantasized of Legolas and masturbated while I did. The bed was too noisy so I did it on the floor. The next day I found a private spot in the woods to use as well.

Over the next couple of days, Boston receded. TV was just being introduced in southern Ireland and the Doyles didn't have one. The world changed to Middle Earth for me and I was enveloped into it. I became the elf maid Emma, waiting for my lover.

One day I was walking in the woods when I started to fantasize about my lover Legolas. I went to my small intimate, sun dappled glade and lay down on the grass. I squeezed my breast, imagining it was him. Suddenly, clothes were intolerable. I quickly stripped and lay down on them. Soon I was rubbing my clit and sliding two fingers into myself. I was moaning and spiraling up to an orgasm when I felt something. I looked up and Astrid was standing about 10 feet away, watching me.

I closed my legs with a slap, blushed bright red and started to stammer.

"I, uh, um, I, oh crap..."

"I heard moaning and thought someone was hurt." She said. "Were you masturbating?"

"I, uh, yes I was." I was so embarrassed to be caught like this.

"How does it feel?"

"Um, it's wonderful." I said. "The only thing better is to be with a boy."

"So you're not a virgin?"


"Why aren't you pregnant then?"

Boy, she was direct. And curious. "We use a rubber. A condom."

"What's that?" she asked. Meanwhile, I'm still naked and acutely aware of her gaze.

"It's a rubber sheath that fits tightly over a boys erection. It stops his sperm from entering me."

"Does it hurt to have a boy in you?"

"It does the first time, but soon after that it's heavenly."

"What does it feel like?"

"Ah, hmmm." I thought for a minute. "It feels like your body just tasted something delicious."

"Your breasts are nice. Smaller then Mom's, but much firmer and rounder." She looked ruefully at her chest. "I want to get mine."

"They'll grow soon enough. And looking at your Mom, they'll probably be bigger than mine."

"Can I touch yours?" she asked. "I want to know what mine will be like."

"I, well, um..." I was suddenly embarrassed again. And aroused. "Well, okay."

She walked over and knelt next to me. She tentatively reached out and her hand closed over the right breast. Then she squeezed gently. Damn, does that feel good.

"Oh Emma, it's so nice." Then she rubbed my nipple. I felt a jolt of electricity straight to my clit.

A little gasp escaped from me. Christ she's 12 and turning me on.

"Show me how to masturbate," she said.

Suddenly I didn't care. I began to rub my clit with my fingers and pinch my left nipple with my other hand. "Oooh, that's nice." I moaned. Astrid copied me on my right nipple. My hips arched as the feelings grew. Suddenly, she leaned over and kissed my nipple.

Then she said, "Can I rub you down there?" she asked. I just moaned. Her hand made a fiery trail down my belly and then slipped through my sparse pubic hair. Then her fingertips touched my clit. Involuntarily, my hips rose up to meet her fingers.

"Ohhhhh, yessssssss" I hissed out. "Rub a little harder." Then her finger slid between my lips and down. And then, I think by accident, her finger slipped into me. "Oh God, yes!" I cried as a 12 year old girl masturbated me...

I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her tongue was sticking out slightly between her lips. Her little nipples were pointy. She was flushed and sweaty.

"Does it feel good?" she asked me.

"Oh god, yes it's so good."

"What happens next?"

"Watch." I rubbed my clit as she fingered my pussy. In a few moments I spiraled up and came, moaning and thrashing on the grass. When I opened my eyes, she was naked.

"I want to do that," she said breathlessly.

She was slender and her breasts were just little bumps, crowned with nipples. She had no pubic hair and her pussy was smooth and closed tightly. She lay on her clothes and began to caress her little breasts. She pinched her nipples and sighed.

Then she looked at me, "Will you help me?" Oh god, she had no idea what she was asking. She was 12!

Well, I did want to be a teacher. "Only this once. If someone finds out I'll be in so much trouble." I leaned down and sucked her little breast. "Ohhh Astrid, that feels good!"

"Rub yourself, sweetie," I said. Her fingers began to rub herself at the top of her slit. She sighed and closed her eyes. I slid my hand down and began to rub her little teeny clit. Her hips arched and she sighed, "Oh, that's good." Instinct took over and her hips started to hump against my fingers. Pretty soon, she came for the first time, squeaking and twitching. She sounded like a kitten. Eventually, her eyes opened.

"Och, that was nice." She sighed at me. "And it gets better?

"Much." I assured her. "Astrid, I can't do this again."

"Why not?" she looked hurt.

"It's illegal. You are too young. It's dangerous for me. And now that you know how, you can do it yourself."

"It's dangerous for you?

"Yes. If we are seen or someone finds out, I'll be in BIG trouble."

"Oh. Well okay." She said. We dressed, I kissed her and we left the little clearing in the elven woods.

It was a week after my arrival that I first saw Liam.

I had decided to walk to the lake when I heard splashing. Maybe it was Legolas! It was the first time I had heard anyone else there, so I left the path and slipped through the trees and brush. I peeked out and saw a swimmer in the lake. It was a young man. I watched him swim, peeking out through a bush. Once, when he dove, I caught a flash of his butt. He was skinny-dipping. I glanced around and spotted his cloths and towel. I was going to get a great view when he came out. I sat down and watched. Finally he rose up and walked out of the water. He was very fair and had a nice trim physique. I guessed he was 20 or 21. The only disappointment was his cock. It was teeny! All I could see was the head and his balls. Poor guy! Still, I was getting turned on as he dried himself and squeezed my breasts. He turned and lay down on the towel. Nice buns...

He lay there for a few minutes and then his hand dropped to his groin. I saw him wrap his hand around his cock. He pulled and played with it. He was going to masturbate! I'd never seen a guy do it to himself before. His cock grew and grew. Wow. Not so poor a guy. By the time he was fully erect, it was very nicely sized. I felt a warm feeling everywhere as he began to jerk off. His other hand reached down and cupped his balls. I could hear him breathing faster. Minutes went by. One hand was pinching my nipple and the other was rubbing my clit. I was getting, really, really hot.

I saw the thighs clench, and then his hips rose off the ground. He stroked furiously and then a jet of come arched into the air and splattered all over him. OH MY GOD! I almost cried out. Wow, that made me hot ... Then another blast splattered him and then one more.

He was panting and just lay there on his back. Then he stood up and looked around. I froze. I could see streaks of come all over his torso. There was some on his face and hair too! Wow! His cock was still rock hard and I got a good look at. I guessed it was 7 inches long and very smooth. The head was the same diameter as the shaft and it bent up slightly like a banana. I hadn't been laid in three weeks and he looked awfully good to me.

He turned and dove into the water. As he swam, I slipped away into the woods. I went to my little glade and lay on soft grass. I pulled my shorts off and sat on them. Then I slipped off my T-shirt, lay back and began.

I walked up to the masturbating man and said, "Can I help you with that?"

"Aye, lovely lass, that you could."

I knelt next to him and reached out. He let go and I grasped the hard, hot shaft in my hand. My mouth watered and my pussy gushed warmth. I stroked up and down.

"Oh lass, that's the way, darling." His back arched up and I stroked again.

"Mmm" I whispered. "So soft and so hard..."

"All for you, darling." His hand slipped up between my thighs and stroked my pussy though my shorts. I spread wider and he rubbed harder. "Yesssssssssss." I hissed.

I stroked his tummy and groin as I pumped his cock. Then I leaned over and licked it all over.

"Ohhh lass, that's way!" Then I stood and pulled off my top and slipped down my shorts.

"Och, lass, you're a lovely one. Are you sure you're not of the little people? A fairy come out of the ground to enchant me?"

"Do fairies do this?" I bent back down took him into my mouth. Sucking hard, I took as much it as I could. He slipped two fingers in me and pinched my clit with his thumb at the same time.

I arched up and came on my busy fingers, moaning softly. I lay there panting for a while and then dressed.

The plans for tomorrow was to go to Kilcooly, the nearby village and then have dinner at a neighbor's farm.

The next day we went to Kilcooly. We walked around and I was introduced as the 'long-lost to America, ' native Irish girl come home. We had lunch at the Tipperary pub. The accent was as welcoming as the people. The landscape was so neat and green. All the houses looked like Hobbiton to me.

That night, we went to the MacKenna's farm for dinner. We walked into the farmhouse, which featured a kitchen with a huge hearth. All the floors were crooked and made of wide, pegged planks. The furniture looked hand-made and I almost expected a spinning wheel.

Mrs. MacKeena called out, "Liam, our guests are here."

"'arf a moment, Mum." He called out from upstairs.

Mrs. MacKenna went on to explain that Liam was on leave from the Royal Navy while his destroyer was being renovated.

I heard footsteps and when he came into the kitchen, I almost spilled my black & tan. It was him. He looked even better in the soft light of the farmhouse. All I could think of was his hand, stroking ... and my fantasy. I felt myself blush.

"Hullo, then." He said. Oooh, I love that accent in a cute guy.

"Hi, I'm Emma." I managed to get out as I held out my hand.

He took it and bowed over it. "Right pleased I am to meet you, lass."

We moved into the living room and spread out. I ended up by the fireplace with Liam. We chatted for a bit. I told him how I was going to teach school and he told me about the Royal Navy.

Then he asked, "So what 'ave you done so far?

Coming to an impulsive decision, I said, "Well, yesterday morning, I helped in the garden. In the afternoon I went for walk. The woods are so green and beautiful. Then I went to the lake and looked at the scenery." Would he get it?

My eyes must have given it away, because he said, "Did you now. Did you see anything you fancied?"

"Aye lad, that I did," softly faking the accent.

He grinned at me and winked, "Good lass, that's verra good. You should try again tomorrow. Maybe there's more to see."

"When is the light the best?"

"Och, about 2 I'd say."

That night I masturbated on the floor of my room so the bed wouldn't squeak. I used a pillow to muffle my cries when I came. Unless I was badly wrong, I could get laid tomorrow if I wanted to.

Astrid had gone to the dentist with her mum, which was good since she had attached herself to me. I slipped into my sexiest panties, clean shorts, sheer bra and tight top. I was already tingling when I slipped out the door.

I was nearing the lake when I heard splashing again. Was it Liam? Was he skinny-dipping? I peeked and it was Liam. He was in neck deep water. Taking a deep breath, I walked out into the open.

"Och Lass, it's a sight you are." He said.

I just loved the accent and the things he said.

"Hi Liam. How are you?"

"Lonely lass, verra lonely. Won't you join me?" He turned and dove deeper. I got a flash of his butt ... Mmmm. I love nice buns. His head popped up and he was treading water.

"Are you comn' in then?"

Taking another deep breath, I pulled my top up over my head. My hard nipples showed clearly through the sheer bra.

"Ohh lass, you're lovely." He said.

I unbuttoned my shorts and wriggled out of them. I could feel him staring and my pussy got wetter. I felt a warm flash over me. I like him watching me strip! I didn't know that about myself.

"Such a lovely lass you are, Emma."

Should I strip or jump in? Fuck it. I want him to see me. I reached up and slipped a strap off my shoulder. I left the cup covering my breast. Then I did the other. The sexual tension was building. He breast stroked towards me, eyes riveted on my body. Then he was standing waist deep. He was so lean and smooth...

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