Genius - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 14: Brenda's Fate

I turned around as I realised that the men were missing, the only ones present were Brother Pieter, Margaret, Brenda and Genius — not to forget myself. Somehow we'd become separated from the others - although to be honest I wouldn't know what to do with them if push came to shove.

"John? What happened?" Margaret asked me anxiously.

I shook my head, "Dammed if I know Mags, Genius any idea?"

"No Lord John, it's as if they've been blocked from arriving, I don't know anyone ... apart from my mother of course." She said.

I unshipped the computer and started it up, there was a communications protocol icon which I activated, "Green Lady this is John, please respond." I said out loud.

"Greetings Lord John, may I ask why you contacted me?" The Green Lady's face appeared on the screen.

"My Lady, it seems that while transporting here several people has gone missing. May I ask where they've been sent to?" I asked her.

She smiled, "I've checked my records, and there is a notation that only authorised persons may go to the area where you are, because of your status your party of 5 are the only ones allowed, so your other people have been returned to the originating world." She told me.

"Can I contact them?" I asked her and was surprised when another screen opened and Robert was in the picture.

"Lord John? I thought we were supposed to join you?" he said in an exasperated tone.

"I'm sorry Robert, but this wasn't my idea, somehow the system automatically returned you. I suggest you go back to the Forest world and join up with Forester until I return." I suggested, but I was surprised by his answer.

"Oh no Lord John, you're not planning to go back there, you've already told me that you have no desire to really be in charge there, so I'll wait for you to return here and then we will accompany you to Brenham, when you take over your castle." He said, "I don't think they're ready to accept you just yet. So you're going to need help." He added

I sighed, "You're learning this job too quickly I think." I said

"Aye my Lord, but you need to learn how to rely on us." Robert said before I broke the connection.

I turned to see Margaret laughing away, "What's so funny?" I asked her,

"He's only been with you for a short time, and he knows you so well." She said causing Brenda and Genius to laugh with her.

Brother Pieter shook his head, "It is unseemly for a peasant to talk to his Lord like that." He said but I noticed he was smiling as well.

I shook my head, "I've not hidden the fact that I'm no good with ordering people to their death, where possible I'd leave them behind to protect them." I said.

Brenda frowned, "But what if you should die? Would it not be better to have more around you?" She asked.

I shook my head, "What good would that do? They might die with me! Better I should die to let them live." I said

But I was told in no uncertain terms by Genius and Margaret that they had more faith in me, than my feelings would allow.

I closed the computer down and looked around the room in which we arrived, it was ... well dull was the first thing that came to mind, There wasn't any furniture to begin with, just the portal itself. The walls were painted in a gun-metal grey colour, with a small red line about waist height, the only door in the room was closed, although when I approached it the door opened up with a Star-Trek style 'whoosh'

I looked behind the door to see if there was anyone standing there to pull the door open, but there was nothing, I looked back to see Margaret smiling at me — she always got fed up when I talked about the doors in Star-Trek and she knew what I was doing.

Outside the room was a strangely familiar room, with control panels and several tubes lining the walls, all the tubes were holding figures, they were cryogenic tubes, able to keep a person in status for many hundreds of years. It was the crew of the ship.

I went to the first tube and looked in ... the open mouthed skull stared back at me. The cryogenics had failed! A quick check of the other tubes revealed the same situation, the last tube — that of the captain - was open and empty!

"There's one person missing, look around for him." I said quickly and began looking. But a quick check showed that there was no hiding place within the control room.

I went to a consol and began pressing buttons, on the screen seven pictures started to show, a sign under each showed the name of the planets, I quickly found the Solar System with its gaggle of planets including the rubble of the 5th planet, now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. "I wonder what their civilisation was like before it was destroyed." I said out loud.

A display came up showing what seemed to be adobe dwellings, but with a planned roadway, large creatures could be seen dragging carts and carriages along on wheels, the drivers had six limbs and with what could only be described as an ant's head, mandibles and all. The display closed and I was left looking at the remains with a new sense of loss. "Thank you." I said although I didn't know to whom I was talking.

"You are welcomed." A voice said from the computer speaker

Margaret came to me and was also looking at the views, "One thing that's puzzling me John, we've sent off probes to the edge of the Solar System, why haven't we found out that there is nothing else out there?"

"But there is! Our system have captured the probes and where possible have fed them with the expected data, of course with some of them we've had to simulate the destruction of the probe with asteroids or other rocks in space, at the distance they are working it's difficult to prevent such accidents happening. We've also been monitoring the world from our main satellite there, you called it The Moon." The computer responded.

"Why didn't you contact our world and let them know what was happening?" Margaret asked it.

"I didn't think it was worth it. By that time the crew of the ship had been killed, only I was able to keep the systems viable and to maintain control ... I think you need to come to the central core." The computer said and an unseen door whooshed open.

Outside the door was a maze of corridors but one had a light flashing on the floor, "Please follow the light to the Computer Core" A voice said and as we approached it the light moved ahead of us.

I whispered to Mags, "follow the bouncing ball." To which she laughed.

"I can give you some music if you require it?" The computer said with what was almost human humour.

"Err, no thank you. I must say you have a sense of humour that I didn't expect, just how long have you been working?" I asked.

"My present configuration has been in action since the demise of the crew ... you'll find out the reason when you get to the central core, I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore, but you'll find out everything then." The computer said and there was a strange tone in his voice.

Margaret then spoke again, she had been thinking this through — "You say that the Moon is not natural? But the tests we've had done..." She began.

"Oh it's a natural body, we just placed it there as a means of observing your world, you should have seen the work we had to do when some of your astronauts landed near an observation point. But your world did ask why it was exactly the right size to cause eclipse that covered your sun. I've planned to let your world know in 300 Rals — that's 300 years in your time." This made both Margaret and I carry on walking ... in silence.

The ball of light led us along the corridor to another selection of doors, but it stayed in front of one door which opened as we entered, I looked around the mess of wires and computer consoles as the others started to explore the room.

I sat in front of a consol and started to press some of the buttons, I didn't know how but I was able to read the script, the program was the one that these people used to shrink the planets, I was able to see that the computer was constantly going over the program to see why it had failed. "I could only conclude that there was an outside source that was causing the resonation, but I cannot see why such a thing would happen." The computer said.

"Brak Distar had interrupted the computer in control of the program, he sent in an override just as the beam was started." I told it.

"SOD IT!" The computer said which told me that there certainly was something wrong here, and I didn't have to wait long to find out what it was.

There was a strangled gasp and then Margaret called out, "John, over here." I quickly ran to where she was, in a chair at the side of the room was a skeleton, and on his head was a cap from which a lead led to a working computer.

"I wonder what he was doing?" I mused.

"This was the only way I could keep the ship running." The voice came from the computer in front of us.

All of us were shocked into silence except for Brenda who screamed out, "DADDY."

"Hello Brenda, I'm happy you've arrived. I've missed you." The computer said.

"But that's wrong, how can Brenda be your daughter, just who are you?" Margaret asked, although I recognised the helmet that was on the skull of the skeleton.

"My name is, or rather was, Captain Jondar; I was the only surviving member of the crew when the cryogenics went out." The computer, I mean Captain Jondar said

"Let me get this straight, you found out that the cryogenic tubes were failing and managed to escape from yours, but then you tied yourself into the computer system ... but why?" I asked finding I was talking in the old language.

"It was the only way I could keep the ship running. Without a crew the ship would start to drift off-course, I had to automate as many of the functions as I could, but I'm finding the strain is causing me problems." Captain Jondar said from his home in the computer.

Genius was studying the circuitry of the computer, "I'm surprised that you've lasted this long, but how can Brenda be your daughter?" She asked.

"Cells from the remains of the crew were taken and amalgamated into a biological mash; this was used by the Android world to create a new body, but with an augmented brain. This body was designed to live for several thousand years." Jondar told us.

Brother Pieter frowned, "But ... for why?" He asked.

"There is a problem that I cannot divert the ship from, I need to be able to diversify but it's too much of a strain, even in this form. I need to get more power from the engines and I can't do that! The biologically redesigned being would be able to do this without any problems. We had a place for the unit to be placed, it was in the original plans but we didn't have the capabilities to create it ... to be honest we were too scared to. The being wouldn't know why it was needed. It could just decide to turn its back on us."

Brenda stood up and approached the computer, "So you sent me on a quest, I thought I was supposed to be meeting my new husband Lord Gregor?"

"You were! I decided that by you having a husband and children to think of you would choose to do the correct thing and take over the ship, to preserve their lives, you would be able to meet their descendants when the shop arrived." Jondar told her.

"But my children would be dead. It wouldn't be the same." Brenda said.

Jondar's voice was softer now, "I know, I'm sorry. But there are people I knew who I'll never see again as well. My homeworld was destroyed when we tried to shrink it. All my family died." he said.

Brenda sat down. "I'm sorry ... I didn't know." She said just as softly.

"I know child, it struck us all that way." Jondar said and I could picture the man standing beside her, his arm around her shoulder.

"But then Gerald ruined it all, when he killed Gregor. So why did you let her carry on with her quest?" Margaret asked.

"I was instructed to ensure that Brenda could travel to all the worlds where humans dwell so that she could see just who she would be responsible for, all those who would be depending on her to carry on with her task." Genius said, "But I haven't been told what her task would be, I thought she would be controlling the androids to look after the worlds where they could.

"Her task is greater than that. Brenda is to take over the main functioning of the ship; because of her android heritage she will be able to enter all the systems without problem. But she has to do this soon, for there is a black star ahead of us and we need to gain full power to move away from it. I can't give it that power; I'm hoping that Brenda can." Jondar said in a slightly panicking tone.

"And then Brak Distar found out the plan and has been trying to sabotage it, just as he did to the shrinking beam. He wants to destroy the worlds that had been saved." I said quietly.

"This seems to be so, Numan was so against us Kytherians helping the other worlds that he's gone completely mad, he doesn't realise that by doing this he's also going to kill himself ... or he doesn't care."

"I think it's the latter, he's a complete xenophobe, unable to stand any other race except his own, and he will do everything to kill us off." I said.

"But if he does that everyone will die! All the worlds and those on them ... Marcy and her father, Forester and his people. They would die." Brenda said with tears in her eyes.

"So would all the bad men in the world, like Lord Hubert and his ilk wouldn't it be better for everyone if their evil was destroyed?" I asked hating myself for doing so.

"It ... it would be ... but why should everyone else have to die to get rid of them? I would have guards to find and incarcerate them, at least that way they'd be able to reflect on their ill-doings." Brenda said which made me smile.

"Well done, if you had agreed with me then I wouldn't have thought you were ready, my daughter." Captain Jondar's voice said from the speakers.

"Ready? ... Ready for what father?" Brenda asked. In reply a panel opened up and a tube was visible, inside the tube was, what appeared to be, a body, but when the tube opened it was revealed as a suit, apparently made for a woman. Brenda looked at it and then approached it. Genius took hold of her arm.

"Brenda please think. When you do this we may never see each other again." She said.

Brenda gave a small smile, "If this is what I think it is then we will always be together, don't worry about me Genius, guardian of mine, I will always love you and watch over you." She said as she picked up the suit, donning it quickly as if she had always worn such a thing.

The helmet was still open when she turned to us. "Lord John, I thank you for undertaking such a task without knowing anything about it. The Green Lady was wise in her choice." She said and then looked at Margaret. "Lady Margaret, I am happy that you have been reunited with your husband once more, I hope you will have many happy years ahead of you and that your children will follow in your footsteps." Margaret smiled and nodded; she went to Brenda and hugged her.

"Thank you Brenda, I am glad I met you." She said.

Brenda turned to Brother Pieter. "I now come to you Brother Pieter. This task has done more to change you than anyone else. This will help you when you become Father Pieter, for I think Lord John will need you to spiritually look after his people." She said.

Brother Pieter seemed to have tears in his eyes as he blinked several times. "Thank you Lady Brenda. I will pray for you constantly." He said bowing to her.

Brenda turned to me again. "Look after your people Lord John, may you steer them in the direction that only you know about. I'll see you later." She said and then moved the helmet to cover her face, she stepped back into the tube where cables and tubing started to attach themselves to the suit, the tube closed and then filled with liquid, causing Brenda to float within the tube. A small plaque on the tube lit up showing the letters B.R.E.N.D.A. I bent down to read the full plaque. Biologically Redesigned Navigational and Directional Automaton. It didn't suit the person at all and this was her final task for the ship.

"Neural connections being established, control to computer systems now being initiated," Jondar's voice began to say and then it was being superseded by Brenda's voice as she took over more of the processing work.

A low hum that was just audible in the room began to rise in pitch as more power was being introduced into the system. "Analysing projected route, warning anomaly found 25 light years ahead, scans shows it to be a Black Hole, adjusting power to engines to compensate. Activating androids in Engine Room to work on the engines." Brenda said and then Jondar spoke in surprise.

"Androids in the Engine room? I didn't know about them. If I had then they might have helped me out."

"It would have taken more power from you I'm afraid father, I'm just about to take over some functions that you have been running, and this should give you more reserves to hold onto." For a moment the lighting in the room dimmed and the machine noise slowed down, before the lights brightened up — brighter than before — and the noise moved back to it level.

"Taking control of ship ... Altering to new course to avoid the anomaly. It was lucky that I arrived when I did; the course had been altered to direct the ship directly into the Black Hole. It was entered recently from the secondary control room, which has been active. I'm taking back control from there." Brenda said her voice showing anger.

"But there was no need for that section to be activated! I'm the only one in control of the navigation." Jondar protested.

"Well from my records it seems that you've been entering commands and only after those in the secondary control room have given permission then they're followed. But you get feedback that it's been done anyway. Somehow they knew what you were doing and installed a by-pass system ... so I'm by-passing their by-pass, mimicking to them what they did to you. Isolating their equipment and sealing the doors." Brenda said with a satisfied tone to her voice. "Activating security droids ... hold on their programs have been modified, restoring original programming from backups. Including updated file on Numan/Brak Distar, should they see him they're now programmed to arrest him." She added.

"What about Secondary Control? How soon before they notice the doors are sealed." I asked.

"They already know, but I'm blocking off any alarm signals they're trying to send ... they are all androids." She said and I knew who they'd resemble.

"Brenda can you get a message to Nebrak at that base?" I asked.

"Even better ... monitor screen 5." Brenda said as a screen came to life showing Nebrak.

"Lord John, How are things?" Nebrak asked when he saw me.

"Getting better I think. We've got some androids in the secondary control room, I think they need persuading." I said.

Nebrak nodded, "I'll come through with about 10 of my men, one way or another we'll convince them." He said and a small smile was on his lips.

"I've adjusted the permissions file to allow Nebrak to travel, along with his people, I'm asking the Green Lady to insert a marker into his group so that they will not be mistaken for Brak's androids." Brenda informed us.

"I thought that the portals were just one destination only?" I asked.

There was a giggle from Brenda, "They are, but with the extra power I can generate now the Green Lady and the Red Queen are acting as switching stations, how can I explain this? I see, think of it as an old fashioned telephone exchange, you dial the operator and they will send your call onto a specific number, it doesn't matter now about the wires, they will patch in the line for you." She explained. "But that will only happen when it's requested, otherwise the portals will still respond as normal with the one-to-one sending." She said.

"This is something that we Kytherians hadn't known could happen? How can you... ?" Jondar said but the word Kytherian seemed to strike a chord with me ... I'd heard it before and not in this chamber ... but where?

Margaret looked at me and saw something. "John what's wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head and then smiled, "It's alright Mags it's just something I've heard before, that's all."

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