Toying Around - Cover

Toying Around

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2008 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: College guy comes home to find sister has become hot. He wants to be boy-toy, but she already has one, and it's not a guy!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   .

My freshman year at college was a total bust! I had more homework than ever. I had three (just three) dates, all with debutantes undecided on what they wanted to do with their lives, and worst yet, undecided if it was time to lose their cherries.

Maybe they were too well trained (as in: get a commitment, get a ring, get blackmail photos), but my blue balls were nowhere near as patient. Self abuse and passing marks were (sadly) my best course of action. Maybe I'd do better during sophomore year.

I went home for the summer and what should I find?

There was some hottie that killed my sister and took her place, apparently our parents none the wiser! :)

Having completed her own freshman year (of high school), my little sister Kitty had hit the pituitary "mother lode", changing from that gangly little string bean into this gorgeous vixen whose clothes were suddenly tight on her, and in all the right places.

It was a chore, hiding my erections from everyone; but in my defense, only Kitty's name remained the same. The rest of her was like a stranger, and I have a right to get hard for a stranger.

Hell, I have an obligation to bone up, if only to reassure myself I wasn't gay!

It didn't take long for me to steer the conversations with Kitty towards sex, and where she stood with boys now that her puberty godmother blessed her with such a killer body.

Certain things you can't fake, and when Kitty actually blushed crimson at the thought of sex, I was sure she was still a virgin.

In the first two weeks that I was home, I don't remember Kitty getting even one phone call. (What was that all about?)

Did she have crabs? (She smelled fresh and clean.) What were the boys waiting for?

Well, the phone finally DID ring, but it was Samantha, Kitty's friend from grade school. She was coming over in thirty minutes. When I asked Kitty if Samantha turned out anything like her, she blushed again and told me I could judge her for myself in a short time.

Well, truth be told, Samantha DID improve in the pulchritude category, but nowhere near the degree to which Kitty did. But I'm a guy - the first thing my imagination did was to conjure up a threesome!

It didn't take psychology 101 to discover that the girls were uncomfortable, hoping I would be going out, and it piqued my curiosity, so I told them that I would be in my room with my headphones on, in case I got a call (that I couldn't hear). That seemed to relax them.

So I actually did go to my room, but I listened intently for gossip from the girls.

When I heard them come upstairs and head for Kitty's room, I quickly donned the headphones, but kept the music on 'mute'. It reassured them when Kitty knocked, then barged into my room (I'm positive) to check on me. Seeing the headphones did the trick.

The girls repaired to Kitty's room and now I desperately wanted to know what they were talking about. But they were careful to talk in whispers so that even with my ear to the wall, I could not discern anything.

In only about forty five minutes, Samantha popped out of Kitty's room, thanked her (a little too profusely for me), then bounded down the stairs and out the door.

I pretended that I had to hit the toilet, and it afforded me the opportunity to pass Kitty's room, and to knock and barge in on her like she had done earlier to me.

What I caught was Kitty quickly straightening up from her knees, while indignantly berating me for barging in on her ... and her face was as red as a beet now!

I defended my actions as "quid pro quo" and left her alone, then went to the toilet.

Shortly, Kitty knocked and said that she needed the toilet. When I opened up, there was a distinct smell of sex on her, I swear!

I thought nothing of it until later; and when I thought about it, I almost got sick to my stomach. Kitty and Samantha must have gotten it on together. Gay!

"What I waste!" I thought. Kitty finally gets a killer body and she gives it to another girl? I was actually jealous of my sister for having sex with another girl.

But I also remembered that glimpse, and I'm sure Kitty had hid something down low, perhaps under her bed? I needed to bide my time until I could snoop.

It took a few days, but a lone shoe box under the bed (when all the others were in the closet) was easy pickings for me, and when I opened it, I got another shock: Kitty WASN'T a virgin anymore, or more accurately, she couldn't still have a hymen! This double headed, twenty-four inch flesh colored dildo was coiled inside the box like a party snake, ready to jump out at me!

Well, I had already suffered the pangs of dejection when I decided Kitty was gay, and this confirmed it!

But it opened up another question in my mind: If these girls were gay, then WHY did they need a cock, even if only latex? And better yet, if these girls have had any mileage on this arty johnson (artificial johnson), then they won't suffer the pain of losing their virginities, if they were still manless.

Not for a nanosecond did my conscience even dare manifest about my incestual thoughts, and a threesome was my foremost goal.

I only knew that I could give them orally what no dildo could - that I could give them body heat like no dildo could - that I could give them ... me!

First, I needed to compromise Kitty, then mold her into an ally to get to Samantha.

The following Saturday, nothing yet having taken place, I took Kitty to the mall to do some shopping. Since women "shop" while men "buy", we agreed to meet at the Sears entrance in two hours, exactly.

My direction took me past Victoria's Secret, and I couldn't help looking inside as I passed by, if only to see who I might know that would be purchasing those hot undies. And sure enough, there was Samantha!

Change of plans.

I stopped in the doorway and watched as Samantha bought some sexy stuff. Then, as she headed for the exit, I made sure she knew I had been looking.

She blushed crimson at the thought that I had been eavesdropping, but I wouldn't let her say anything. I came right out and told her, "You didn't need to go this far for me. Just come to my room is all you need to do."

That said, I gently put my arm around her as we walked. Amazingly, Samantha overcame her initial shock and we carried on a casual conversation as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend. She was quite comfortable in my presence now. When I told her I was going to meet Kitty in less than two hours, Samantha asked where Kitty was. I told her: shopping, God knows where. That's when I noticed her wheels turning!

Samantha apologized and dismissed herself from my presence, allowing me to conclude she would be seeking out Kitty.

I thought to myself: They should have met at Victoria's Secret!

Then it dawned on me! That's exactly where they were SUPPOSED to meet, but I got in the way!

So I retraced my steps and there they were, obviously talking about ME. Sis was buying a pair of crotchless panties. (So I imagined I had competition in the oral sex department.)

I stood right in the doorway until they spotted me, then I puckered up and kissed the air in front of me. They could decide for themselves for which girl the kiss was meant - I meant it for both!

Samantha had her own ride, yet Kitty still rode home with me, mildly surpising that it was.

We talked about what happened at the mall and what I had been doing with Samantha.

They still didn't know that I knew...

I told Kitty that I invited Samantha to my room when I saw the sexy lingerie, but she shouldn't feel left out. I extended the invitation to Kitty, as well!

Even if they were gay, they could be bi-curious, and my not so tacit invitations held no strings.

The moment of truth arrived with Samantha, the following Saturday. Dad would be golfing at the country club where mom would meet him for dinner after bridge with her clique of card players. We had the house to ouselves for hours on end.

First came the bad news: The girls held hands while telling me that they wanted my discretion because they were gay.

They waited for a response, so I responded, "How do you know you're gay? Have either of you actually ever had a MAN?" (I empasized the word "man" as opposed to cock, so they couldn't white lie their way out of this.)

Kitty spoke up: "We've dated and we don't like what guys have to offer.

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