The Bearded Clam Mystery - Cover

The Bearded Clam Mystery

Copyright© 2008 by sourdough

Chapter 4

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Nancy Drew believes a new acquaintance is in great danger. She's right.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Hermaphrodite   Fan Fiction   Historical   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Pregnancy   Slow  

Nancy thought about getting dressed and returning to River Heights and the safety of home but that would have meant waking up everyone and explaining what happened. The girl detective felt too humiliated. It would just have to wait until morning. Nancy finally drifted off into a restless sleep. When she awoke the sun was up and Brianna wasn’t in her bed.

In her compact mirror Nancy could see the ugly red mark left by Beulah was still there. If anything, it looked worse. How could she cover it up so that no one would notice? The door opened and Beulah walked in. “I see you’re finally awake, sleepyhead,” she said.

“How dare you enter my room uninvited,” Nancy exclaimed. “Get out this instant!”

“Well, you’re a little cranky this morning,” the Negro maid replied with a broad smile. She ignored Nancy’s demand that she leave. “Didn’t you sleep well?”

“If you’re not out of here in five seconds, I shall inform Dr. Chang of your insubordination and demand she dismiss you from her service. Furthermore, I shall swear out a warrant for your arrest when I return to River Heights if you so much as lay one hand on me again. Do you understand?” Beulah’s hand snaked out and slapped Nancy hard on the cheek. Before she could cry out, one hand covered Nancy’s mouth and another had her hair in a painful grip.

“I don’t like being threatened. Do you understand that?” Nancy Drew was literally nose to nose with Beulah. The girl detective had been in perilous situations before but she didn’t know how to deal with this crazy woman. She felt thoroughly intimidated. Nancy nodded her head as best she could without adding more pain to her scalp.

“I’m glad we understand each other,” the Negro maid replied. She uncovered Nancy’s mouth and then recovered it again with her own mouth. This was a repeat of the previous night and once again, Nancy had no choice but to submit to Beulah’s kisses and caresses. The girl detective swore vengeance though. Someday soon, Beulah would be paying dearly for her misdeeds. Nancy felt something slip around her neck and heard a click.

“What did you do?”

“I just put a little choker around your neck to hide that hickey, little one,” Beulah replied. “But I like to think of it as your slave collar. You’re now my property.”

“What? No! Take it off!” Nancy tugged at the choker but it refused to budge.

“It’s locked on and I have the only key, little one,” said Beulah, “and I’ll be very unhappy if you try to remove it from around your pretty neck. Now get dressed.”

“Go to blazes!” Nancy tried to push Beulah away but her adversary was much too strong. Beulah shoved Nancy’s face into a pillow and bent her over at the waist. Nancy struggled all the more but her scream was muffled by the pillow. The poor girl was confused by Beulah’s intentions when she felt her nightgown pulled to her waist and her panties down to her knees. Nancy’s rear end exploded in pain. Beulah was spanking her. Nancy Drew had never been spanked before in her entire life and now she was being hand spanked by the Negro maid as if she were a naughty child. The spanking lasted less than ten seconds but it seemed like an eternity to Nancy.

“Are you going to continue disobeying me, little one?” said Beulah.


“Are you going to tell Dr. Chang or anyone else about this?”


“I hope you’re telling the truth because I won’t be so gentle next time.” Nancy gasped and flinched when she felt Beulah’s fingers caressing her sex but she was too intimidated to protest. “Have any men or boys been touching your pussy?”


“How about girls? One of your girlfriends downstairs?”

“No! I’m not that way. Please let go of me,” Nancy begged. “If you do I swear I’ll keep silent. I’ll leave here and you’ll never see or hear from me again.”

“But I don’t want you to disappear from my life, little one,” Beulah replied. “Our relationship is just getting started and I want it to last a long time. I understand Dr. Chang expects you girls to stay another night. That gives us more opportunity to get to know each other better. I will surely love that.”

Nancy merely nodded, but remained silent. She didn’t want to further incite Beulah by defying her. The Negro maid was causing Nancy to have the strangest feeling in her belly that weren’t altogether unpleasant despite her plight. The girl detective would rather die than surrender to her tormentor.

“I’ll guess we’ll have to stop or someone else will wonder what we’re up to. You don’t want anyone else to catch us playing girl games, do you. It’s times like this that I wished I had a dick. I’d be fucking you right about now.” The girl detective cringed when she heard that awful word. She gaped when she saw Beulah suck on the very fingers that had been abusing Nancy’s pussy.

“Please let me up,” Nancy murmured. She sighed with relief when Beulah released the girl detective from her undignified position, but gaped when she saw Beulah suck on the very fingers that had been abusing Nancy’s sex.

Nancy Drew dressed quickly after the Negro maid left. She had no intention of remaining another minute in this horrid place. Nancy would usher Bess and George out to her blue roadster and they’d be on their way to River Heights. How could Beulah stop her in front of witnesses? She regretted abandoning Brianna since she still believed her new friend was in danger but she still couldn’t prove wrongdoing by Dr. Chang. At least not yet. Nancy Drew crept down the stairs in her stocking feet. She didn’t want to attract attention that might alert Beulah. Nancy almost retreated when she heard voices. One of them belonged to the doctor and the other belonged to the Negro maid.

“You should have informed me when you caught her trying to spy on me,” snapped the Oriental woman. “I would have had the advantage.”

“Relax,” Beulah replied. “I’ve got little Miss Busybody under my thumb now. She won’t cause any more problems.”

“Don’t be too sure. Her father is a prominent attorney and could cause problems for me.”

“She won’t want to complain to her daddy about anything after I get through with her.”

“I’ll hold you personally responsible for the consequences if you fail,” said Dr. Chang. “I’ve already laid out plenty of money for this venture and I want to start earning back on my investment very soon.” They continued talking but it sounded like they were moving away. Nancy heard a door open and then close. The amateur detective peeked around the corner and then made her way to the parlor when she saw the way was clear.

“Good morning all,” Nancy said in as pleasant a voice as she could muster.

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