Through The Looking Glass - Cover

Through The Looking Glass

Copyright© 2008 by dustbuster23

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Looking through the hidden mirror Cameron finds a kindom waiting for its new King, himself.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   MaleDom   Harem   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism  

To fourteen year old Cameron Banks the house it self felt creepy, one it was simply massive, thirty rooms on three floors and a full basement, a large pool with a pool house behind, and then the series of barns and out buildings scattered around the property, it was odd knowing that he owned it now, his mom of course had control of the trust till he was eighteen, the house and the money had been a shock to both him and his mother. Cameron's father was admittedly a fling on his mothers part, her freshman year at college with a English Heritage student only due to be there for a little over a month, it was a slow build up to a weekend of passionate love making, two months later Eve Banks knew the result of that weekend when her period was late for a second month in a row.

Ashton, Cameron's father, though could not be reached, and when Eve did get through to family she was rebuffed and told not to call back again, it was five months later that she received the letter from him, Cameron still had it in his safe. " My dearest Eve, I am deeply sorry that I can not be part of our child and your life, my station in life has been set before me for a long time and deviating from that path would ruin me, I hope that you will accept the monetary support I can offer and that you will not speak ill of me to our child, please if you can send a letter and a photo to this address after the birth, it belongs to a family friend that will make sure I get it, I will write when I can but even as an adult I find that I am treated like a child, I dearly hope that you do not hate me and I hope some day that genuine love that can be fully returned will find you, Ever thinking of you ; Ashton Montgomery."

It had indeed been the money that had made the decision easier to keep her child, adoption had been a possible consideration for many weeks as Eve struggled being a pregnant student at college, so when Cameron came into the world she quit school to be a full time mother, it had been during that time that she met her future husband Eric, when Cameron though of his father it was Eric and the roughly built policeman was to him the best dad in the world even if they didn't have the same interests, Savanna joined the family when Cameron was six, he was cautious of the screaming bundle of pink for a while but soon decided that she was interesting enough, two years later Montana, named after his fathers football hero joined them and Cameron was a battle tested brother by that time.

Eric was killed in the line of duty when Cameron as eleven, Savanna was five and Montana three, the support from the local officers and there families was great and made it survivable till the majority of the ache went away, and it was only last year just after turning thirteen that Cameron received the letter from England, his biological father had stopped writing when he was ten and Cameron had not really minded missing the once a year letters on his birthday, his mother had her fathers pension and the thousand pounds equivalent in the bank monthly with out missing a beat. The letter informed him that his father had died in a climbing accident three months earlier and only had they now recovered the body, along with the letter was his ring, the family crest in platinum and red gold set into the thick gold ring, it also told him that unless his fathers estate was contested by a lateral relative, a cousin or non blood relative that the estate minus the fees would be transferred to him in care of his mother as the executor of the properties.

Thirty days went slowly and a phone call told them that the will had gone uncontested and other than the lawyers fees every thing was his, an inventory was sent over to a firm and the family had a total of eighty million pounds plus, along with the house, property witch was over ten thousand hectares and percentages in many businesses through England. Through the lawyers they decided to sell off the business percentages, and after the offers were made, accepted and all was said and done they had another twenty five million pounds.

Life in the big city was not what Cameron liked and at the beginning of that summer he put up the idea that they should move to England, his mother thought for a good long time on that but half way through the summer the plans were made and the house was sold as well as there smaller personal possessions were packed and shipped over on container, the girls who were now nine and seven would miss there friends but the idea of living in an entirely different country excited them, the small bribe of a horse of there own at there next birthday helped as well to smooth the transition.

Cameron had been in awe the first time he saw the house, the photo did it little justice as the front of the house was a full hundred and forty feet wide, with sixty five foot wings forming a large C, the pool was under glass and that was connected to a partial glass wall and the pool house sitting behind the main home. The pool house and the first two floors of the house were stone, the third floor was timber and plaster, but it was modern, obviously being renovated over a good period of time, probably one of Ashton's many trips. Cameron took one wing of the third floor as his master suite and his mother took the other, the girls getting the two huge rooms in between for there own.

Cameron had chosen his bedroom because it had been his fathers it had the bedroom suite, a large bathroom suite and the library, stuffed to the rafters with leather bound books that caught his interest instantly when he saw them. A team of painters and a decorator were called in and colors were changed in the girls and his mothers room to make them less manly he supposed but they didn't touch his room, he wanted it as it was. He discovered the staircase the second week there, he had been laying in bed at around eleven and couldn't sleep, still some what affected by the time change as they all were, headed to the bathroom he felt a draft on his bare foot as he passed by the large mirror, after emptying his bladder he started looking at the mirror and it took nearly a half hour to find the hidden latch along the top, only the fact that he was almost six foot for inches that let him reach the high mirror, it opened on to a vertical shaft that led down and he noticed quickly that the mirror was two way, as well as the mirror over the sink in the bathroom and in the shower, the mirror in the library was as well and he grabbed his flashlight and started looking at them, little metal pins could lock the bigger mirrors in place so they couldn't be opened.

He quietly went down the steps stopping on each floor and looking through the mirrors and locking them, he was clearly in the basement when he hit a stone floor but he had passed the basement floor as well leading him into a tunnel. There were several rooms and locked doors along the tunnel and he found in total four more shafts going up through the house, large timbers going up the center to support the roof, he looked into each of the girls bedrooms and the large shared bathroom, as well as his mothers room and her bathroom and sitting room, in each spot he locked the mirrors to keep them from being found before he headed back through checking the locked doors, all were locked tightly and he had not seen any evidence of keys in his investigations of the house.

The next week was spent mostly learning about the town two kilometers away, while there was a grocery store most was fresh, an actual butcher and a daily farmers market, the local people were keenly interested in there new neighbors since they knew that the only son was the son of Ashton, the met the grounds keeper who kept the road ways grated, grass mowed and hedges maintained, he was paid from a stipend to his family, that one family had been keeping the grounds for nearly a hundred years so Cameron was hesitant to change anything. He certainly received a good share of attention from the local girls as well, something his sisters thought silly, there concept of money was not like his mothers or his so they simply knew he had a lot, the girls in town were eager to find out just how generous the new lord of the manor was. Cameron had ridden into town one afternoon on his mountain bike, he wanted a digital camera so he could document some of the odd things he found around the house, but also he wanted to get some photos of his sisters and mother in various states of undress. His evenings were now planned around there bed time and nap time, he could go to his library where no one disturbed him then slip down through the staircases and up to the various rooms of the house.

Cameron headed into the butchers shop and the older man smiled at him" How are you today young Master Cameron." that was another odd thing, the older people called him Master Cameron, his mother was simple Mrs. Banks and his sisters were there first names only" I'm good Bryce we need two pounds of good beef mince and some thick pork chops for tomorrows dinner." he quickly got to work putting together the order and stuffed it into a small foam cooler along with a packet of dry ice to keep it cold" Cameron may I ask you a question?" Cameron nodded" Sure." I was wondering why you weren't wearing your fathers ring.?" Cameron frowned" I guess its just not something I thought about why?" the old man smiled a knowing smile" That ring can open many a door for you simply by wearing it Master Cameron, you should always keep it on." Cameron nodded" Thanks Bryce I'll do that."

Cameron headed out and strapped the cooler to the back of his bike on the rack and decided to ride around town a bit, nearly every girl he passed waved at him with a smile, some standing up straighter and pushing there chest out. Cameron headed home again and handed off the meat to his mother, Ruby the daughter of the grounds keeper who was a year older than him was over, she worked part time after school and on the weekends in the house cleaning or keeping up with the two girls, it was three weeks till the summer holidays for the kids there, and Savanna's birthday was coming up, twice now he had found a riding magazine on his bed opened to a picture of a beautiful horse, his mother knew and approved of the little bribe and Cameron had planned on getting a horse of his own as well.

He sat down at the desk in his library, his new laptop running silently and started typing in some queries on horses and sales, there was a sale coming up for English riding horses in Trent in two weeks and he printed out the information to the printer sitting on a shelf across the room. Remembering Bryce's comment he opened the middle drawer of the desk and looked at the ring, he took it out of the velvet case and slipped it on his right hand ring finger, it fit almost perfectly, something nagged at him though and he thought for a while then looked down to his right, the desk was old and had three drawers down each side, but the bottom right drawer had no handle and he had gently tried prying it open with no luck, it wiggled slightly but that was all. Curious he moved his hand down and touched the drawer, there was a click and a hum as the drawer slid open slowly till it was fully out, there was a black metal case inside built into the drawer and with no lock Cameron touched the ring to the top and with a click it popped up.

Inside was a Glock 9mm pistol as well as a ring of keys, old keys like he had seen down in the second basement of the house, he would have to remember to thank Bryce for the reminder some how. Cameron carefully checked the gun and found it loaded, he had handled this type before with his dad and dropped the clip and racked the round in the chamber out into his hand. He set the pistol on the desk and took out the keys, also there was a leather bound book and he pulled that out the gold lettering simply said Journal. He looked at the clock on the shelf and put the gun back in the safe popping the top closed and the drawer as well.

Dinner was another one of moms attempts at British food, Shepard's Pie this time and he had to admit it was pretty good, basically beef stew with hamburger with a mashed potato top and bottom, the girls fairly wolfed them down and Cameron waited till after the dishes were cleared to tell Savanna of the coming auction. You would have thought a bomb went off under her chair she jumped up so fast and hugged him tightly, Montana smiled but he saw the sadness that her birthday was still three months away" Tana your getting yours as well, and so am I, mom if she wants one as well." his mother blushed but nodded rapidly smiling and Montana flew into his arms. He set mom to the task though of taking to Rose's father Mitch and getting a stable hand that would come out daily and getting the stables up to snuff as well as a vet to go along to the shower with them to check out the animals.

Instead of his usual peeping as well as jerking off while watching his mother or sisters taking there showers and baths Cameron was more interested in the book that was sitting on his desk and after kissing the girls and his mother good night he sat down with his feet up on the desk and started reading.

The book was addressed to him, by his father in a neat script, and it had been started when he was about four years old, when Ashton had moved into this home after a fire had gutted the old family estate outside of London, that matched up with what Cameron knew of the trust, there were several plots of land owned by the trust and he knew there was one in London as well about the size of a city block. Because of his frequent trips to different parts of the world Ashton took nearly a year before he found the passages leading to every room in the house, he wrote about spying on visitors and female friends that were staying, even taking a photo of a barrister and his underage mistress and using the photo to secure his assistance on some rather black matters with his family. When Ashton had found the second basement there were no doors down there and only the mirror, the mirror was what was special about the house and Cameron began reading about what happened on the other side of the mirror.

On the other side of the mirror was simply an alternate reality, but when Ashton passed into it to the other side time on this side slowed down, one day to one hour, the same the opposite way, a week spent on the other side could be finished in a single evening here, and vice versa for time going along on the other side when he was not through the mirror as he put it. The difference between here and what was on the other side of the mirror is that on the other side he was the king of a small kingdom, his father described it as a broad plane of fertile land and timber, five hundred kilometers to the east and west as well as five hundred to the north and south, two rivers and there divergence and convergence again defined his lands and domain.

On that side of the mirror the realms were peaceful and always happily trading for various goods between one another's lands, His fathers queen Ashley was a modern woman like those of today and he laughingly wrote that her wearing a pink pullover that Ashton had brought through for her had started a craze for months after she wore it out with her guard to go jogging. Ashton told him that his queen knew of his comings and goings thought the mirror but Ashton was the only one that could pass through, he had tried bringing her through but with her hand in his neither could go. Cameron sighed knowing that he would have to tell her that her husband was dead, and that he was the new King.

It was late when Cameron went to sleep, he had to make a trip through in the morning but had to leave the house and slip in again out of sight, Morning came soon enough and Cameron headed down to breakfast, he got a lucky break, it seemed that the girls had pestered mom to go see some riding schools and take some intensive lessons up till the auction in two weeks" Cam were just going to spend the weekend in Trent, will you be ok alone, you took riding lessons at every summer camp." Cameron nodded and gave the girls hugs and kisses before seeing them off, he would have almost two and a half months in his new kingdom if he wanted to.

Cameron headed to the library and grabbed his keys and opened the mirror, he stopped and went back slipping the Glock out and tucked it into the back of his jeans the safety on and the chamber clear, he headed down the stairs and found the center door, the other two were storage rooms for property that others did not know about, he eventually found the key that fit and slipped it into the lock and turned. The light was on inside and he stepped in and saw the mirror before him on the wall, it reflected the room around him but with out his reflection in it, he knew from the journal that it was not this room but the mirror that he was looking at.

He looked at his ring and checked the pistol again before approaching it, finally he stepped through feeling a shiver go over him before coming out the other side. The air smelled sweeter and he looked around, the room was decorated but nothing fancy since only he and the queen knew about the chamber, he stepped out into the hallway and turned to the left and found the staircase going up, on the third floor he looked around and saw her laying sleeping on the bed, he opened the door with a click and stepped through into the bedroom.

Ashley must have heard him and turned, first there was fright that registered on her face, then suddenly sorrow" You are Cameron, Ashton's son correct?" Cameron nodded and watched as two thick tears fell down her cheeks" I am deeply sorry for your loss Ashley, I wish I had known him as well as you had." she nodded and got up and wrapped her arms around him" You young man look almost exactly like him, can you tell me what happened in his other world?" he nodded" He was climbing a mountain and fell to his death" she sighed" I told him many times how foolish it was to jeopardize his life like that. Very well we need to have a meeting of the Senators and it will take several days for all of them to get here, you my Prince must be crowned King."

Cameron was some what taken aback at her poise, but he thought again before saying anything, she was a Queen after all. She took his hand and led him out in to the hall and Cameron stopped moving to a window, he had thought that his fathers description of the town was simplified but he saw quickly he was wrong, other than a large court yard for at least four kilometers it was densely packed with stone houses, people traveled by coach or horse back and there seemed to be plenty of gardens and parks as well" Forgive me Cameron, you have never seen your kingdom have you." he shook his head and watched as brightly dressed women and mutely dressed men walked along the streets. Vendors sold there goods to those passing by and it looked incredibly peaceful.

They continued down the hall and stopped at the first bedroom that belonged to Savanna back on the other side of the mirror, the young girl was sitting at a sewing stand working on needle point, she looked up and looked at Cameron and then looked down to the ring on his finger, fat tears welled in her eyes and she ran to her mother sobbing loudly, it took her a good five minutes before she looked at him and did a careful curtsey" Master Cameron" he knelt down and took her into his arms gently and stroked her back " you do not need to call me any thing but Cameron or brother Arianna." she smiled and hugged him tightly" Anna we have much to do, do you wish to come along?" she nodded taking Cameron's hand and they continued down the hall. He met three more women who he was surprised to learn was his fathers mistresses, one was no older than he was, all were brought to tears learning of there lovers death and Ashley hugged and comforted all of them as if they were sisters.

The Clerk of the court was called up to the library and when he came in Ashley addressed him" Paul our Lord and Master has perished in a tragic accident, his only son Cameron is here to take his rightful place on the throne, call a meeting of the Senators and get them here as quickly as they can come, spare no expense." he nodded and quickly bowed in Cameron and then Ashley's direction and hurried off. " Paul is a wonderful clerk but has a gossiping tongue, the news will be out shortly Cameron I do not advise leaving the grounds alone with out a guard." Cameron nodded and the head of the Guard named David was brought up and introduced to him." If you should need anything Master simply call on myself or my men." Cameron thanked him with a handshake almost making the man gasp from the friendly gesture, she smirked after he was gone" I think you just made him the proudest man he could possibly be, usually contact unless accidental is not common."

Cameron sighed" I am going to need your help Ashley, to understand things around here." she promised to do her very best to get him settled with there life and customs. " Cameron, so you know you will be crowned and a lottery held to determine your bride to be, you will be wed thirty days later to the winner of the lottery, that was how I was chosen, as you may have noticed my husband had mistresses here in the manor, you may as well I am sure that he had others spread through out our kingdom, it is considered normal, you will only determine one aspect of your bride, you may choose her age, hair color, eye color, race or station, that is something to think about, I would also suggest that your queen know about the special room in the basement." Cameron nodded" Yes that is a good idea."

"Cameron I shall leave you to think now and begin addressing my belongings as well as Arianna's we shall be out of our rooms within a few days unless you need it sooner." Cameron looked up" No you will not Ashley, I consider you both a step mother and advisor and I wish to have you close to me at all times, at least for the first year I am here, I will need guidance and support that I am doing the right thing." Ashley dropped her head" Thank you My Lord it is generous of you to keep me in your home." before her tears could return she hurried out of the room. Cameron sat in the window box looking out over the busy city. In the distance he could see farm land and animals grazing. He was lost in thought when Arianna slipped into his lap laying her head on his chest, he sighed stroking her back as she mourned the loss of her father.

A young maid brought his and Arianna's meal up to the library, she did her best to not look him in the eye as he watched her, she gently placed her tray on the desk for him and with a curtsey turned and left the room" Anna why didn't she look at me?" Arianna giggled" she's not supposed to, its not considered proper, that was Camilla we go riding together in the afternoons." Cameron nodded" when you go riding tell her I said Hello and thank you for such wonderful service." Anna giggled" I better not do it when she's on her horse, she just might fall off." he smiled and they ate there meal, he didn't know what it was called and didn't care, it was amazingly good. With there tray taken away by another older maid Arianna giggled " Lets write her a note, something she can show her mother, she will be so proud of her and Camilla will feel so special." Cameron nodded and she showed him the personal paper as well as the sealing wax, with a quill Cameron carefully wrote out a note to Camilla thanking her for her service and hoping that she enjoyed her job, his signature and the wax embossed with his ring finished it off and with a kiss to his cheek Arianna bounced out of the library.

Cameron walked around the home he recognized easily and met a few people and talked to some of them, he had dinner with Ashley and Arianna, Anna talking about the note and how stunned Camilla was when she gave it to her, with a kiss Arianna headed off for bed and Ashley told him that she had moved her things to another room. They parted and Cameron headed to the suite. He had not had a reason to use the bathroom as of yet and headed in, the toilet was similar but not quite, it was obvious that the tank was filled by hand so running water was not the norm, there was nothing but tile in the shower stall and he found a rope pull and gave it a yank. It was a few moments later that two young girls came in with a large tub of water on a cart, they again did not look him in the eye but quickly stripped off there clothes and moved the tub into the tiled area. Cameron realized they were waiting for him and he peeled out of his clothes and stepped in, the two began washing him starting at his shoulders one standing on a stool to reach, the act was so intimate that he quickly felt his cock getting hard, before he could apologize through the one in front of him sucked his stiff rod into her mouth and began slowly blowing him as the other watched.

It only took him a minute to blow and she gulped and swallowed milking out the last drops before she stood up and continued washing again. He was rinsed and dried with soft towels and the two girls dressed again and quickly left after refilling the toilet tank. Still some what stunned he flopped down in bed and drifted off to sleep. Morning came quickly and he woke up, his clothes were clean laying on a dressing bench at the foot of his bed and he quickly used the bathroom and got dressed, the Clerk moved into step with him in the hall" Master the twenty four Senators are on there way, the pages arrived back late last night, the longest should take two days to reach us." Cameron thanked him and he headed off, breakfast was a hearty meal obviously and Ashley and Arianna ate with him, Arianna wanted to show him the stables and happily led him out introducing him to the stable master and his helpers, he met her horse Dove and agreed that she was beautiful. Cameron strolled the grounds thinking and Ashley found him and walked with him, the first group of Senators are here Cameron we shall have an introduction tonight in the main hall." He nodded and was about to ask something" You have the appropriate clothing in your room by now, they used your clothes to measure you." he smiled and thanked her before sitting on a bench and watching the gardeners at there tasks.

Cameron headed back into the house and up to the third floor, he passed by the mistresses rooms and they were all packing, he figured that this would be the case and stopped into each one talking with the women and telling them that if they needed anything to call on him personally, they were extremely grateful and thanked him several times. He looked in through Fiona's door way, she was the youngest of the women and his age, she had tears dripping down her cheeks and it broke his heart to see her crying, he stepped in and she blushed wiping her tears away and kneeling in front of him when he sat down on a chair" Why are you crying Fiona." she blushed" Forgive me sir, as the others say I am just a silly young girl that knows nothing about life." He waited" That is not a reason Fiona." she paused for a moment" I have no where to go, after I came her to be with My Lord my mother died, my Uncle took over the house and does not wish to have me back in his home." Cameron sighed" Fiona will you show me the same devotion as you showed my father?" she gasped and looked up at him" Of course sir I would never deny you anything." he nodded" I didn't think so Fiona, put your things away, I wish you to stay, come to me tonight." she trembled and nodded before smiling softly" Thank you sir" he took her hand helping her to her feet and kissed her cheek gently" No, thank you Fiona.

Cameron went to the library and read for a couple hours till it was dinner time, he met the eight Senators that had arrived so far, each township had two Senators, one male and one female, they could not be related or married for a balance of power he understood. They all greeted him pleasantly and they talked of life in there townships, like any politician trying to gain anything they could for there area, listening to them go on Cameron smiled and Ashley leaned over asking what he found amusing. He whispered to her" It seems that however honorable these men and women are, they would eagerly accept me inside of them to gain even a small bit of special treatment." she giggled and nodded" I believe you are right My Lord" her smile was almost infectious through the rest of the discussions but finally Cameron said his good nights.

In his suite after using the bathroom again a pull of the rope brought the two young girls quickly, he wondered if this was there only task, another thing to ask either Ashley or Arianna, again he grew hard under there gentle touch and they had switched places, the other taking him into her mouth this time. He was dried and they scurried off once again and Cameron sat in a overstuffed chair looking out the window on the town below. There was a soft knock and Fiona slipped in, she bowed her head and with nimble fingers a few buttons were undone and her gown slipped off her shoulders. She was beautiful and he told her so making her turn pink, looking at her brought his lower half to life again and she eased into his lap on the chair and with a soft touch guided him into her wet embrace, she was certainly talented and she rocked softly and slowly till he erupted deep inside of her, Cameron was not done though and lifted her up carrying her to the bed, he dropped his lips to her puckered nipples and she whimpered in delight, after thoroughly sucking and nibbling on the sweet nubs he dropped lower attacking her clit with his tongue and sending her through the roof with a trembling orgasm.

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