A Sub's Recurring Dream
Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99
Chapter 2: reality bites
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2: reality bites - A very sexy submissive female sent me, her master this as a true experience. Read it yourself and see if you believe it to be true.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Consensual Fiction True Story DomSub Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Gang Bang Group Sex First Oral Sex Masturbation Sex Toys Squirting Exhibitionism Body Modification
It was about three weeks after the exchange of emails where Charlady revealed her recurring erotic dream. A flurry of emails between Master Ray and herself had led to the chance of a weekend away together, for Charlady a chance to prove her dedication to becoming her master's ultimate submissive slut.
Although they had never previously met, they both knew many intimate things about each other and the level of honesty and trust was unsurpassed. Master Ray knew the limits set by Charlady and He sensed deep down that some of these limits were moveable whilst others were set in stone. The secret challenge for him was to test to find which was which.
For their actual first meeting, Master Ray had hired a cabin in the highlands of Scotland, a modern Log Cabin but set in a 48 hectare wooded glade, totally isolated and not overlooked. He knew this would be the ideal location for her to be shackled and naked without the fear of being discovered accidentally. In fact unbeknown to Charlady he had arranged just that. She would be discovered naked and immobilised by an apparent group of young men. Of course these were friends of Master Ray's, but Charlady would not know this and would assume that it was all by chance.
On the Friday morning, Master Ray phoned the mobile number given to him by his charge, Charlady and when she answered, he simply uttered, "Bear's are active!" On the other end of the phone, Charlady froze and yet her heart raced at the speed of light. Her cunt began to tingle and despite no contact with them her nipples suddenly throbbed and stiffened.
Upon hearing the code words for their play session and having already revealed the location and time of their intended meeting, Charlady managed to mumble a faint yes, master as the phone clicked and went dead. Suddenly her world was a hive of activity as she prepared the arranged luggage she was told she would be allowed; she then phoned the Railway station to confirm her tickets were waiting to be picked up. Meanwhile the owner of the Cabin was busy making final preparations for the hire, as per their instructions the fridge was filled with specific foods and a meal prepared which would just need to be heated up upon their arrival.
Charlady's mind was working overtime as the day seemed to drag for her, her train left at 4 pm and she was just killing time till then. However every time she became less busy her mind and body turned to the sexual tension she was feeling from head to toe. Would her master like her body, would she be able to please him as much as she wanted to do, suddenly panic set in, What if he demanded she do something which she would not want to do! Would he understand if she used her safe word or would he think she was unworthy of his time and effort in teaching her the ways of a slut?
Several times during the day she almost phoned his mobile number to cancel but each time she remembered his words of wisdom and his promise that nothing harmful would befall her and she would only walk away from this weekend enriched in her experiences as a total cum slut. Eventually the clock dragged itself round to 3 pm and she grabbed her coat and suitcase before heading down to the railway station. She breathed a sigh of relief for now she was on her way she knew she was less likely to actually chicken out.
For Master Ray the journey time from London had began at 11 am and he faced an five hour journey to Glasgow before switching trains to the Cairngorms area where a car was laid on to take the pair to the cottage. The plan was to meet with Charlady at Glasgow at 5.30 pm and journey the finally distance together.
On the train, Master Ray, thought about the forthcoming weekend, the reactions from his new trainee slut and the surprises he had in store for her. He suspected that she would be eager to please her master but at the same time she would be sexually excited at exploring new ground. He hoped she would have the courage to dress as he had stipulated as e intended the fun to start on the train ride from Glasgow.
The buffet car on the train had limited choices but it helped pass the time as it sped north bound to Scotland. What with that and a few quick naps he was pleasantly surprised to see that the train was now nearing the Scottish border. Despite his cool clear thinking exterior he was just as excited as Charlady at this meeting, although this was hardly new to him as he had already trained four cum sluts before, but to be honest there was something special about Charlady, something he just could not put his figure on.
Suddenly the train announcer announcing the next station is Glasgow Central distracted his thoughts. He leisurely got up and gathered his things, preparing to disembark the train at the next station. He almost panicked as he thought he had forgotten where in Glasgow he had arranged to meet Charlady, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he recalled it was the Monarch of the Glen public house just outside the station.
Walking now into the pub, he immediately went to the bar and ordered himself a drink; taking this, he found a quiet little cove where he could see the main door of the pub. He glanced at his watch, it was 5.15 and he would have to wait fifteen minutes for Charlady to arrive, and that was if she was on time. Secretly he prayed that she was not a typical woman and always arriving late. He knew he had only 30 minutes between her arriving and them having to be on the train to Cairngorms.
As he sipped his drink, the door opened and in stepped a young blonde lady, carrying a suitcase. She paused as she entered and glanced around the bar before smiling in his direction. He almost got up to go meet her when a man further back did exactly that and the couple embraced, before leaving together. Inwardly Master Ray smiled, seems he was not the only man on a promise for this weekend.
He glanced nervously at his watch for the umpteenth time and he noted it was 5.28 pm. His glass was already empty as he contemplated getting a refill. Suddenly the main door of the bar opened and in walked Charlady, He immediately recognised her for despite the confusion earlier surrounding the blonde woman, this one now was 6 feet 3 inches tall and although not slim nor was she fat but her striking feature as she faced him were her well defined breasts.
He stood as she approached and meekly she mumbled, "Ray's a smile!" The coded introduction for her to offer to avoid having to call a stranger Master Ray; he nodded and offered her a seat beside him. Her coat was fastened up almost to her neck so he could not see if she had followed his instructions as to dress code but he decided to be patient and bide his time. She declined a drink saying that if she had any more she would need a loo pretty quick.
In a low strong tone, Master Ray said, "You will have a glass of coke right now!" she looked at him almost contemplating defying him but then she meekly nodded and he went off to the bar to get the drinks. Returning he ordered her to remove her coat and to drink the coke in one. Charlady feared that if she did then he would make her drink the refill and would tease her by not allowing her to go to the toilet.
In a split second she decided that the best course o action was to obey his order and hope he would not force her to drink more. She emptied her glass and placed it on the table as she felt his eyes travelling from her head to her feet, stopping for a fair while at her bust line. She slightly blushed at this but said nothing.
She was just about to excuse herself to go to the loo when he rose and announced it was time for us to go. He took her coat and held it out to her, for her to put it on. She was biting her lip as to whether she should ask for permission to go to the loo. She hinted at the need to go powder her nose but he chose to ignore her hint. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he whispered in her ear that the train would have a toilet on board and surely she could wait till they were on route.
Picking up both their suitcases he then shepherded her out of the pub and across to the station. Once sat on their train she crossed her legs and pushed her hands deep into the v of her crotch, he smiled and enquired "Do you really need to go that much?" she nodded.
Just then the train started out of the station and Master Ray rose and said "Very well then my dear, come let's go to the toilet, NOW!" Charlady instantly rose and new better of it than to try to prevent Ray accompanying her to the loo; as they approached the loo Ray slipped the door open and almost pushed Charlady inside before stepping inside himself. He then said "Don't worry you will have privacy to do your business, but first I want to check your dress code!"
Charlady's heart sank; she had hoped to ease into this at the cabin for she had not exactly abided by his direction on what she should wear. He had insisted upon no bra and she had felt uncomfortable travelling by train and having her breasts bouncing all over so she had worn a lacy bra just to confine their movements.
First he made her raise her skirt up over her waist and he inspected her lacy knickers, he even pushed his hand between her legs and made sure to rub her clit and clit ring. She almost lost control of her bladder, as she was so desperate to pee. He made her turn round as he inspected her knickers from the back again he pushed his and inside her knickers this time to feel her anal ring.
He then allowed her to drop her skirt back into place and ordered her to open her blouse, She started to explain about her bra but his curt "Shut the fuck up!" silenced her. Almost with tears in her eyes she opened her blouse and watched his face as she revealed her bra to his gaze. Master Ray never said anything as he turned towards the door, just before he opened it he said "do your business and we will discuss this later!"
With that he opened the door and slipped through it pulling it closed behind him; Charlady immediately locked the door and used the loo. When she had finished she sat there wondering what now awaited her outside. She took an instant decision that if he wanted her to go bra-less she would and she removed her bra, folding it in her hands she re-buttoned her blouse and slowly walked back to the compartment where Ray was sitting alone.
Without saying a word she stood in front of him, eyes downcast staring at the floor and pressed her folded bra into his hand. She then looked pleadingly into his eyes hoping he would recognise her sorrow at displeasing him so early in their weekend adventure. Recognising this act for what it was, an act of appeasement, he motioned by a wave of his hand for her to sit. She went to sit beside him but his waving hand pointed to the seats opposite told her to reposition herself opposite. With trembling voice she tried to speak, "Oh, Master!" she began but he cut her short before she could complete pleading her cause.
In a firm and decisive voice he informed her, "Nothing you say can excuse the betrayal you have shown me by covering my playthings in this!" he thrust forward his hand with her lacy bra dangling from its open fingers. Not only was she ashamed she had hurt him so but also she was humiliated for at that very second the ticket collector opened the sliding door of the compartment and asked for the tickets. Suddenly he froze in his stance as his eyes took in the fine lacy bra and the blushing face of the young woman.
It was Master Ray who broke the silence as he asked the ticket collector to close the door and pull down the blinds on the corridor side of the compartment.
With a puzzled look but also one of hoped expectancy, the ticket collector did as he was asked. Charlady held her breath for what she was now anticipating; "You have been given this timely opportunity to rescue yourself, Slut!" Master Ray commanded. "Tell this man why I am holding this waste of a woman's garment!" he continued.
"Master, you are holding that garment because I was vain and foolish, I did not want anyone to see my tits clearly wobble as I was coming to meet you! If I had my chance again I would not even consider wearing such an item of clothing, knowing as I did that you forbade me from doing so!" Charlady responded.
"So your vanity of not wishing to show your tits off led you to disobey me and ruin my trust in you!" Master Ray snapped.
Charlady merely nodded her downtrodden head. Master Ray looked at the Ticket collector and smiled, it was a smile unseen by the bowed head of Charlady, and "Well my little cum sucking cunt, I reckon that if you did not want your tits to be seen then the punishment is clear!" Ray Chided, "Strip off all you're clothing here and now and display your entire body to me and this stranger, NOW!"
Charlady blushed a deeper shade of red as the Ticket Collector spoke up, "Look Missy, you had better do as your Master says or I suppose it will be worse for you later!"
In silence Charlady stood up and slowly, embarrassingly slowly she removed her clothing item by item, hoping against hope that this would satisfy her master sense of being wronged. When she was naked, Master Ray made her turn this way and that showing her intimate area's to this stranger and just when she thought she had coped with this display she was shocked when Master Ray invited the ticket collector to feel her tits and cunt, pointing out to him that she was sporting a very fine clit ring which she liked having pulled.
Deep crimson was a pale shade of red compared to her embarrassed blush now. Although her breathing and erect nipples betrayed her true horniness. After a few minutes of having her body played with by this stranger she thought she could not be embarrassed further until she heard the dreaded words from her Master, "I think this man deserves at least a blow job for the way he has aroused you, don't you agree my cum slut?"
Knowing to protest would be wasted, Charlady slipped to her knees and expertly removed the ticket collector's cock from his trousers and for the next ten minutes delivered her oral expertise to make him come. As it became clear that he was on the verge of coming, Master Ray ordered her to accept his load in her mouth but not to swallow, as he wanted to see her with a mouth full and she would be better served as a reminder to be obedient if she had to wear the dried cum stains on her tits.
As soon as the ticket collector came, Charlady turned to her Master and opened wide her mouth showing her tongue covered in the white coating of the male of the species sexual juices. Furthermore she held her mouth open as the thick gooey stuff trickled from her lips on to her chin before dropping down on to her rock hard nipples.
The ticket collector thanked Master Ray and quickly dressed and left, forgetting to even check these passenger's tickets. For thirty minutes charlady sat there naked with drying cum stains on her chin and tits, eventually Master Ray relented and allowed her to clean up her chin before getting dressed. Charlady began to re-take her seat opposite her master when he patted the space beside him, indicating that she was forgiven and now allowed to sit beside him.
As she turned to sit at the right hand of her master; She felt a mixture of emotions coursing through her body, She felt elated that her master had forgiven her indiscretion, she exhilarated that she had shown her body to a stranger, she felt used that she had given that stranger a blow job and not been rewarded by Cumming herself, she felt humiliated that a stranger was aboard this very train probably thinking what an easy lay and a slut she was. Strangely though the over whelming emotion she felt at this moment was love, Love for a man who knew how she wanted to be treated, love for a man who would protect her as she indulged her passion for being a wanton slut. Yes love for her Master and an undying desire to make sure she never betrayed his trust again.
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