The Stink is Better Than the Pink - Cover

The Stink is Better Than the Pink

by Anal_King

Copyright© 2008 by Anal_King

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Jerry is off to college, but before he goes, he sits down with his little 13-year-old brother and gives him the Cliff-Notes version of "his" idea of what the Birds and the Bees are all about. With their mother being the only woman around, little bro decides to make his move.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son   First   Anal Sex   .

It was the day before my brother Jerry went off to college that he took me to the side and explained to me his version of the Birds and the Bees. I was thirteen at the time when he went into great detail about what women wanted and how I should go about giving them what they desired.

At the time, I didn't know he was pulling my leg. My only experience with a girl had been kissing Melinda Kirsch, the neighborhood tomboy. She said she liked me and wanted me to be her boyfriend. But before anything serious could happen between us, her father got promoted to another branch within the company he worked at. This meant that Melinda had to move two-hundred miles away from me. I was really down the day I saw movers come to her house and pack up everything for the long trip.

My mother sensed what had me depressed and went about whipping me up my favorite desert the following day, Key Lime Pie. She'd only do stuff like that if I got good grades in school or if I was particularly down.

Anyway, like I was saying before. My brother Jerry started to explain what I should do when I got a girl alone. He said stuff that made my eyes bug out. Stuff like how I should feel up a girl's ass instead of her boobs, because they liked it when a guy squeezed their asses. And how I should lick the hole where they do number two. Yuck! I told him I could never do that. But Jerry convinced me that once I did it, I'd never want to stop.

I was scratching my head at this point not sure whether I should believe him or not. He did look serious when he told me these things so I guess he was on the up-and-up. Then the last thing Jerry said I had to do, which was the most important thing of them all, was I had to stick my pecker into their hiney if I was ever going to get a steady girlfriend.

My little brain couldn't understand how a "cock", as my brother liked to call it, could fit into such a tiny hole. Jerry had it all figured out. He said, "Listen, kid. Alls you need to do is get a couple of sleeping pills, crush 'em up in some juice or water, and give it to her. Once she's asleep, get her on her hands and knees and pull down her panties. You need some Vaseline for the next part. What you do is smear a little on your cock and put a glob on her butthole. Once that's done, you slide your cock in. Move it in and out a few times and you'll experience the most wonderful feeling on God's green earth. That's all there is to it."

After that, Jerry went off to college leaving me and my mother alone in our three-bedroom house. My father died of a heart attack when I was two so it was just us three. And now with Jerry gone, it was only me and my mom.

My mom is one sexy lady. At least that's what my friends keep telling me. I don't know. She's pretty and all but seeing how I'm her son, I don't see her as anything but mom. She has long, straight black hair, hazel eyes, and pouty lips. I know a lot of guys check her out when we walk in the neighborhood. So I guess that means she's hot.

Mom works part-time to supplement the money we get from my dad's life insurance policy, which is nice because when I get home from school, she's already there making me a snack. One day, a few weeks after Jerry left to college, I walked in from school and found my mom bent over putting something in the oven. She hadn't heard me walk in on account of the music coming from the radio which sat by the window. I stopped in my tracks when I saw that she was only wearing her panties.

I've never seen her exposed in such a way because my mom always wore a robe around us. Her hair was damp so I knew she had just gotten out of the shower.

My eyes locked in on her entire ass. It was really round and plump and shaped like a peach. As she moved a pan inside the oven, her panties would ride up her crack. My mouth flooded with saliva as more of the inner swell of her ass cheeks were revealed. It was an amazing thing to watch her panties being swallowed up by her crack.

My cock began to stiffen like it did when I used to look through Jerry's sexy magazines. I was nervous that she'd catch me checking out her ass, so I silently walked back to the door and screamed out that I was home.

During dinner that night, my mom was talking about her day while I was thinking about what I had seen earlier. I couldn't think of anything else. It made me think about what Jerry had told me about women wanting to get their asses fucked. But if that's what they wanted, then why would I need to use sleeping pills on them? Wouldn't they just offer me their asses to fuck once I finished squeezing their cheeks?

Jerry didn't explain that part but I figure it had to do with the pain of getting something shoved into their tiny holes.

After supper, I went up to my room to start on my homework. I was working on a math problem when all of a sudden, a thought popped into my brain. My mom uses sleeping pills sometimes when she's having a hard time getting a good night's rest. There's a bottle in her medicine cabinet. I've seen her take two tablets with water on some nights. Maybe I could swipe a couple and use them on a girl.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Why not crush two or three tablets in some juice and give it to mom. Then once she's out cold, I'll put her on her hands and knees and slide my pecker in just like Jerry told me to do. Flashes of my mother's ass intruded into my mind. I could still see the image of her bending over at the waist. Her ass was a real woman's ass not like the asses of those little girls I go to school with. Mom's ass was also like those asses I've seen in Jerry's porno mags.

I was so excited that night I was barely able to finish my homework because I kept tugging at my prick. Tomorrow, before she goes to bed, I'll give her the sleeping pills. And with that thought, I went to bed dreaming of my mother's round ass.

The next day, I found my mom curled up on the sofa reading one of her romantic novels. She smiled up at me as I walked by. My heart was pounding in my chest when I got to the kitchen. I was sweating and my stomach was doing these little flip-flops which made me want to run to the bathroom and take a dump.

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