Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The next morning I woke up and without Callie with me I did not have anything to do, so I phoned in to work and volunteered to do a little extra. After all, I needed to get back into the good books of my boss. It was now lunchtime and there had still been no phone call from Callie. 'Perhaps she was busy', I thought to myself. Unfortunately I did not have her Aunt Bessie's phone number and Callie's cell phone had been turned off. That was not unusual as she never remembered to recharge the batteries. Being away at her Aunt's would also mean she would not be able to charge her phone and I would have to rely on her calling me. I busied myself at work and tried not to worry.

The day flew past and before I knew it, it was late evening and time to go home. As I went to the locker room to get changed I glanced at my phone and saw that I had a missed call. There was no number displayed but there was a voice mail. I dialed the number to listen to it and cursed myself as I realized that it was Callie and somehow I had missed the call.

"Hi baby, it's me. I guess you are not by your phone. Anyway, I just wanted to call to say that I am ok. My phone is out of batteries again as I am sure you guessed! I should be back home by tomorrow night sometime. I'll give you a call if it isn't too late. Love you, bye."

And with that, her sweet voice was gone. It sounded like a party was going on in the background and although I know it was her Aunt's 90th birthday, it sounded a little loud to be a party for a little old lady. I gave it no more thought than that. It had been a long day at work and I was looking forward to going home to sleep, trying to stay awake on the drive home.

The next day came quickly and seeing Callie was not back yet, I volunteered myself for another day at work. I had worked out that I only needed to work another three to four more days before I would be able to buy Callie the dress that she wanted for the prom which was coming up very soon. It would be a nice surprise after all we had been through lately. We had not even spoken about the prom for a few weeks as it was the desire for the dress and a lack of money in the first place which had led us into this mess to begin with.

The day at work went very slowly with me constantly glancing at my watch waiting for quitting time so I could go and see Callie. Eventually evening came and it was time to go home. It was perfect timing as Callie phoned as I was driving phone.

"Hi baby" I excitedly said.

"Hi hon. I'm back home now. I really missed you a lot. Where are you?" came the sweet, sweet voice on the other side.

"I've just left work, driving now. I'll be back in about thirty minutes. God I missed you."

"Yeah me too. Look you had better not talk and drive. I'll see you soon yeah?"

"Yeah ok. Love you"

"Love you too, bye!". Callie seemed tired but happy to hear my voice. I wanted to drive fast to race home and see my sexy girlfriend, but the traffic was forcing me to go slow. Impatiently I finally made it back and parked in front of her house and barged straight in.

"Oh, er ... sorry. Hi Mr. and Mrs. Roberts!" I said, noticing Callie's parents in the living room watching TV. I had startled them, by barging into their house.

"Oh hi James" said Callie's mum. "Did you have a good weekend?"

"It was okay." I said, sneaking a glance up the stairs at Callie's bedroom door which I could see was slightly open.

"She's upstairs" Said Callie's mum

"Thanks Mrs. Roberts. Bye!" I said making my way up the stairs.

"Barely been apart and he still can't wait to see her" I heard Callie's dad mumble.

"It's cute ... remember when we were like that?" replied Callie's mum. Her dad said something in reply but I could not hear as I was already upstairs. I pushed open the door and there was my gorgeous girlfriend, sitting at her desk and on her computer writing e-mails.

"Hi baby" I said, smiling the biggest smile ever. I felt as if I had not seen Callie for a month. I was ecstatic.

"Hi sexy" said Callie, quickly closing the window where she was typing her e-mail.

"You've just lost that e-mail you know." I gestured towards the screen

"It's okay, I can write it later. What's more important than my sexy James?" She said, standing up with her arms stretched out.

I stepped into her arms and gave her a huge hug. She smelt of flowers and soap and all those girl smells that guys like so much. Her hair was pristine and her body was warm. God I loved this girl!

"So, how was the weekend?" I asked, kissing her on her forehead.

"It was okay. The drive was long and the bed in the room I was staying in was really bad. It was so soft I bet it had not been changed in like twenty years. I've hardly slept all weekend." She moaned adoringly.

"Oh poor baby" I mockingly sympathized. "Let's sleep in your bed tonight and you will have the best night's sleep ever, ok?"

"That sounds good" she said, already sounding half asleep.

We chatted for a little while longer while watching TV lying in her bed and before I knew it, she was fast asleep. I turned off the TV and tucked her into bed, joining her and switching off the light, falling asleep quickly myself.

The following morning we woke up late, realizing we had already missed the first period at school, we rushed like crazy and made it in time for the second period. We giggled and laughed like everything was completely back to normal and I desperately hoped that it was. Somehow I knew it would not be, but I tricked myself into believing that it would. After all the sky was blue, the sun was out and Callie was smiling at me with love. What could go wrong? Callie no longer mentioned that she thought she was getting funny looks from people at school and just went about her merry way. I thought I had caught a couple of people looking towards Callie from the football team and from the geek brigade, but I could not be sure. I told myself I was just being paranoid and besides, they knew about the time Callie had sex with Ace, Butch and Brian at that party anyway, so there was nothing new there. Life was good and I was just happy to be with Callie, hand in hand. School seemed good all of a sudden and for some reason all the worries and stresses of the past few weeks seemed far away.

The week flew past and before we knew it, the weekend was nearing yet again. It was Thursday afternoon and a beautiful day yet again. The birds were out and singing happily, kids were playing on the street, people were walking their dogs. Callie and I walked home, never letting go of each other's hand. We were going to go back to my house to do our homework and I was secretly hoping that it would lead on to an evening of passion. As we turned into our driveway and walked towards the door I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What?" asked Callie.

I did not say a word but stared forward. Propped against the front door was a brown envelope. I knew immediately what it was. I desperately hoped it was not and I hoped I would never again see one of those things but deep down I knew I would once again. Callie glanced at me then towards the door and immediately realized what I was looking at.

"What the ... Ken said he wouldn't leave those anymore" Said Callie, letting go of my hand and walking towards the door.

"What do you mean? What did he say?" I said, quickly catching up with her.

"Umm ... well he just said he would not be leaving any of those envelopes anymore" Callie said, somewhat avoidingly.

"Well ... when..." I started to say.

"Let's go inside and open this.", Interrupted Callie.

We rushed upstairs and slammed my bedroom door shut. Callie looked at me, waiting for reassurance. I nodded ever so slightly, trying my best to feign a soft smile. She tore open the end of the envelope and peered inside.

"This is all there is" she said, pulling out a folded piece of paper. She dropped the envelope on the floor and unfolded the paper, reading to herself.

"Well, what does it say?" I asked as my heart beat at the speed of sound. I could feel my pulse in my neck and my stomach churn over. I was almost trembling; needing to hear what Ken demanded now, yet scared out of my mind at the same time.

"Dear sweet and juicy Callie" my girlfriend read out, glancing up at me and rolling her eyes slightly "You have given me lots of pleasure these last few weeks and it would be very selfish of me to restrict you to such a small group of people. The necklace you stole from me was worth a lot of money and although you have given me the use of your body, this does not actually mean cash in my pocket. This changes tonight. About 30 minutes out of town on Highway 155 on the right hand side is a motel called 'Lucky Jack's Motel'. Be there at 9pm tonight. Dress sexy."

I stared at Callie unsure of what to say. She stared back.

"What the hell does that mean?" asked Callie.

"I ... I don't know. I mean he wants to make money off of you ... and that's a cheap motel ... maybe he wants to take photos of you to sell or something" I said, biting my lower lip. It was a veiled reference to the website which of course was already making Ken lots of money no doubt.

"Well he's already ... well, I mean he already has photos of me. Why take more just to make money with? It doesn't make sense." Callie said, her eyes shifting. There was something about the way she just said that which did not sound right. Something she was hiding perhaps?

"Well, maybe not photos then..." I gulped as I began to realize possibly what Ken had in mind. "You're a gorgeous girl and it sounds like he wants to share you out and make money off it. It sounds like ... you know."

Callie just looked at me speechless.

" ... that you know, he wants to ... um ... sell you for the night." I stuttered

"That fucking asshole wants to pimp me out! I am not his fucking whore to sell. Who the hell does he think he is!" Said Callie loudly.

"Shhhh, your parents are downstairs!" I whispered loudly.

Callie immediately put her hands over her mouth, looking nervous. She tip-toes to her door and opened it, glancing downstairs and listening for a few seconds.

"It's ok, they're chatting downstairs. I don't think they heard" She said.

"We have to be careful. Look, I am not sure you ... we have a choice right now." I said, hurting inside. I could not believe what I was about to say. I already hated the fact that Callie had slept with Ken and Yushi and the three boys at school all because of Ken's sick fantasies but I just could not think of any way where we could counter his blackmail threats. "We are walking a fine line between you over exposing yourself ... um, you know what I mean" I said, noticing Callie raising one eyebrow " ... and Ken exposing to the world his exploits over the past few weeks in addition to his security tape. I know that we have to tread carefully, but at this moment I don't see how we ... you have any choice."

Callie flopped down onto her bed, sitting at the edge and stared at the floor for a few seconds.

"You're right." She said, looking up at me. "You're always right. I'll do it, but we really need some way of making him not do this again. You know that if he gets what he wants tonight then this won't be the last time right?"

"Yeah ... I know." I gulped "Let's think of that when we get to it."

I glanced down at my watch. It was now almost 6pm. It would take about 45 minutes to an hour to drive to that motel so Callie had two hours to get changed and have some dinner.

"I'll drive you ok?" I asked

"No, I don't want you hanging around for ages. I don't know how long it is all going to take and I have a feeling Ken will be there tonight.", She paused, "I just don't want you two seeing each other. I'll take mum's car and then just drive home myself, whatever time that is"

"Well, ok ... remember there's school tomorrow" I said, taking Callie into my arms.

"I love you James"

"I love you too Callie" I whispered into her ear. We just stood there motionless and speechless both lost in thought for several minutes. I loved this girl so much and my mind was a swirl of all the events over the past few weeks and the feelings I felt inside. I loved her more than anything on earth and when we were together all I wanted was for the world to fade away and just leave us both in each other's arms. When I was sitting in front of the computer however, looking at "Teen Callie's" website, I felt different feelings. I felt sad at seeing my gorgeous girlfriend doing those things on screen yet at the same time the teenaged hormones in me wanted to see this gorgeous girl get fucked. She became just a sexy slut on a porn website getting her pussy stretched, just like the thousands of other girls on the internet. The fact she was my own girlfriend seemed to fade into the distance.

"I'll ask mum for the car" Callie said, walking towards her door and jolting me back into the real world of her bedroom.

"Mum?" she shouted downstairs "Can I borrow your car tonight? James and I are going out to buy a couple of things after dinner"

"Sure hon, but remember you have school tomorrow so don't be late" came the reply from downstairs.

"Thanks mum ... oh, and can James stay for dinner too?"

"Of course he can. I'll put an extra place at the table."

"Cool" said Callie, turning to me.

Dinner was quiet, with both Callie and I lost in thought and quietly eating, both thinking about what was about to happen tonight. I ate on autopilot, not even noticing what it was I was eating. My mind was miles away and a swirling mess of confused thoughts.

Callie and I finished dinner and headed upstairs. It was almost 8 and Callie had to rush to get changed then go out.

"How about this?", Asked Callie, holding up a small black dress and some strappy high-heels.

"Wow, I've not seen that before!" They looked great. The dress was sexy but not too sexy, the black skirt would probably come down to her knees and the top was off her shoulders with two thin black straps either side.

"I wore it my last birthday remember?" Callie said as she started to undress out of her jeans and t-shirt.

"Ah yes I remember"

I remember Callie getting a lot of stares and looks from any male anywhere near us. We had gone to dinner at a nice restaurant and then to a club and the moment I went to the toilet or to the bar to get a drink, guys would be coming up to her trying to chat her up.

"I'm not sure you should wear that you know ... maybe it's TOO sexy" I said

"He told me to wear something sexy and it is either this or that incredibly short skirt I had to wear on that bus. I don't have anything else!"

"You look sexy whatever you are wearing"

"That's sweet. That's why I love you so much" She said, kissing me on the forehead, but continuing to put on the black dress.

"How do I look?", Smiled Callie.

Once again she was looked like a complete angel. This dress was conservative enough to look sensible yet at the same time incredibly sexy even though it was not terribly revealing.

"Fantastic, as always.", I said, somewhat sad.

"I've got to rush. I'll probably be fairly late tonight. I'll give you a call tomorrow ok?"

"Ok" is all I could say.

We tiptoed downstairs and past the living room where Callie's parents had settled down to watch some more TV. We waited till we were out of view and by the front door before saying goodbye and I watched and waved as my girlfriend jumped into her mum's car and drove off into the distance, yet again. This was becoming an all too often occurrence, something which had to stop. I had no idea what was going to happen to Callie this evening as Ken's note had been fairly vague. Then it hit me. I knew exactly where Callie was going and what time she would be there. I turned and started running home as fast as my legs would take me.

I barged in my front door but could not see my parents in the living room.

"Dad, can I borrow the car?!" I shouted

"Your dad's just gone out", Mum's head popped round from behind the kitchen. "Are you okay?"

I was hot and sweaty and panting. "Yeah I'm fine" I said, between breaths. "What do you mean he just went out? It's almost eight thirty."

"That's what I said, but he said there was a problem back at the office he needed to fix and that he would be out till around midnight ... are you sure you're okay? Why are you panting?"

"I'm fine ... I just ran home from Callie's. I wanted to borrow the car. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are using theirs, and we just wanted to pop out for some ice cream and a drink." I lied.

"Well ok, you can use mine but don't be late; it's a school night you know." My mum said, gesturing to the car keys lying on the table next to me.

"Thanks mum, you're the best" I shouted, closing the door behind me before I had even finished my sentence.

I jumped into her car and drove off, waiting till I was onto the next street before putting my foot down. It had been about 10 minutes since Callie had driven off and I wanted to catch up. I wanted to see for myself what was going to happen. I started looking for Mrs. Robert's car. I did not want Callie to see me following her. I drove fairly fast but there was quite a bit of traffic which did not help. My heart was beating fast as I slowly drove out of the city. What was I going to see? What would I do when I saw it?

I reached Lucky Jack's Motel around 9pm and slowly drove into the car park. I never did catch up with Callie's car because of the traffic, but saw it parked in the courtyard of the motel. It was a dark and horrible looking place, like something out of a horror movie. It had a big neon sign facing the highway which flickered on and off and not by design either. The buildings looked old and the paint was peeling. There were two rows of rooms, some facing me and some to my right. Each row had two floors with stairs going up on either side of each row. The wooden railings on the top floor were missing bits and others looked like they were rotting through. Now that I had got here, how on earth was I going to find Callie?

I looked to my right and saw Callie standing on the upper level outside a door near the stairs. She was standing with a man. I quickly jumped out of my car and walked as quietly as I could in the shadows to the side of the building and crept up the stairs. Fortunately the stairs did not lead straight onto the corridor at the front but to the side of the building where there was a little indentation where there were a couple of drinks machines. I hid in the shadow alongside one of the drinks machines, out of sight of Callie and the man.

"I know what I said, but don't forget who is in charge here. I still have that evidence of you stealing from me and you know I will use it" Said the man who I recognized immediately as Ken.

"I thought we agreed." Callie started to say

"Look, I agreed on a couple of things," Interrupted Ken. "but that was on those things. I never mentioned anything about anything else."

There was no reply from Callie. I heard someone knock on a door. I guess the one they were standing outside from. The door opened with a loud creak.

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