Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 29

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

"Hey babe." Came the voice of a man.

"Hiya." Callie replied cheerily but sounding tired.

I could not see much through the camera feed but the audio was pretty clear and it sounded like a youngish guy.

"Hello boys." Callie added, to which the voice or at least one other guy replied.

'Shit ... a group.' I thought to myself.

"So look ... Me and the boys were chatting and young Dave here we found out has not had sex in over a year. We want to correct that. That's where you come in." The first voice said with confidence and no shyness at all.

"Um ... right ok." Callie replied slowly. "It's one-thirty for normal sex."

"Normal? Whats normal?" the guy asked.

"Well um..." Callie started, clearly a little shy about talking like this. "You know ... vaginal."

"Oh right, yes yes. So how much for more?"

"Well um ... one eighty for anal as well." Callie replied quietly, for some reason sounding more uncomfortable bargaining with these guys then she did the other men.

"Ok, and how much for all of us?"

"You mean to fuck all of you?"

"Yeah, I mean I was just thinking about Dave initially, but god-damn you're so hot I think I'm gonna need a bit of that pussy as well, so yeah, how much to fuck the group of us?" The guy said candidly with a smile.

"Well, um. There's four of you so um ... anal as well?"

"E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g." The guy said slowly and with a laugh.

"Well I mean one-eighty including anal and there's four of you, so how about seven hundred?" Callie said shyly, recognizing that it was a lot of money.

"Holy shit that's a lot of money." Came a different voice.

"How about a group discount?" laughed the first guy.

"Um. Six hundred?" she replied, hoping it would be ok.

"Sold. Get in." ordered the first voice.

I heard the door open and the camera blurred as she climbed into the car. I could not see much apart from the door handle as she sat down with her bag on her lap. I started the engine of my own car and readied for the pursuit.

"You know, you look kinda familiar." Came the first voice. "Have we met before?"

"Um ... no I don't think so." Callie replied.

"We don't go to the same college do we?" the guy added.

"No I'm not in college yet."

"Oh really? So ... how old are you?" Came a voice from the back of the car.

"I'm seventeen." Callie replied, truthfully this time.

"Holy shit!" the voice replied.

"Nice!" came the first voice, clearly impressed.

As their car drove passed me, I let them go a fair way ahead before I pulled out into the street to follow since at this time of night there were hardly any cars on the road and it would probably have looked a bit obvious that I was tailing them. They might have been college kids, but the car was a Mercedes, so they clearly had money.

"Oh my god!" Came a voice from the back. "You're that girl!"

"What girl?" replied the first voice, who was the driver.

"In my magazine! You're Cassie!" replied the voice. "You know. The one in the toilet of the frat house."

"Oh shit yeah!" someone else added.

"Holy shit!" came the voice of the third guy in the back.

"Well boys..." the driver smiled, "No need to jerk off to her anymore, now you can fuck her!

The guys laughed but Callie stayed quiet, although I was not sure whether she was smiling or not. It was all getting a bit too close to home for me, and I did not want anyone from our normal circle of friends and acquaintances finding out about what was happening tonight. I had no idea what frat house these boys belonged to, and whether it was the one where Callie did her strip-tease before being gangbanged but I definitely hoped it was not. I did not even know where they were taking her but really hoped that it was not the same place as the gangbang or for sure someone would recognize her and eventually Jimmy or the twins Scott or Zack would hear about it which would be hell.

"So Dave, tonight you get to fuck the girl of your dreams!" one of the guys said.

"and in the magazine it said it was your fantasy to be gangbanged, so tonight's your dream come true too right Cassie?" someone added, Dave I figured.

"Um yeah." Callie smiled.

Suddenly I lost the sound feed and then almost immediately the picture went fuzzy then froze. A second later the Windows blue screen of death appeared and the computer crashed.

"Stupid thing!" I muttered to myself as I went back to concentrating on driving. They seemed to be driving out of the area, unlike the other people who stayed nearby. An old lady had cut between the Mercedes and I but since I still had them in view I was not too bothered. My mind drifted to what the guys would do with Callie. I hoped that at least they would be civil.

"Oh shit". I shouted as the traffic lights in front of me turned red. The Mercedes passed just before the light turned but the old lady in front of me slowed down and there was no way I could pass her to catch up with the other car since there was traffic going the other way.

"Fuck fuck fuck." I cursed, quickly restarting the computer. I considered running the red light but there was traffic now passing left to right in front of us.

"Please work please work..." I begged the computer. It seemed to be taking for ever to shut down and restart. Eventually the windows desktop picture appeared but I had to wait for the scroll bar to load since it had "suffered a serious error".

In the meantime, the light turned green and I quickly stamped on the accelerator, zooming past the old lady. I glanced into the distance; there was a single set of brake lights stopped at the next set of traffic lights a few hundred meters up the road. I drove like a maniac, not wanting to lose them again because of the traffic lights. I got closer and cursed as my fear turned out to be justified. The car was not them. I had no idea where they had vanished to. Perhaps they had taken a turn off the road.

"Shit shit!"

I quickly clicked to start the program Ken had installed for monitoring the camera in Callie's handbag.

"No I don't want to submit a fucking report to Microsoft. Just restart."

The program took forever but eventually restarted.

'No signal detected'. Appeared across the screen.

"Fuck." I sighed.

I had lost her. Somehow, they had gone out of range. I had no idea where they had gone and immediately I started to worry about how those guys were going to treat her. It was obvious from what I had already heard, that the boys did not respect her. I just hoped they would not do anything bad or embarrassing for her. I just sat at the side of the road staring at the laptop screen, my mind thinking about Callie and what I should do next.

About fifteen minutes must have passed by with me just sitting there. Callie was probably being fucked by all the guys by now. I just hoped that she was ok. I turned the car around and started heading back to our original spot, since that is where Callie would probably be dropped off afterwards. I found a parking spot on the other side of the road but further down from where Callie had been standing and saw the two tramps still huddled up with their mangy dog. I quickly fell asleep as it was now well past my bedtime.

A crackle over the laptop speakers woke me up.

"So I bet you've never been fucked like that before heh?" Came a voice sounding like the driver's.

"Um yeah. You were all really great." Came a tired sounding Callie.

"Well I am glad you enjoyed it. Next time you're feeling horny, just give me a call. Here's my number."

"Um ... thanks." Callie tried to sound appreciative.

"On the house of course next time." Grinned the guy's voice.

"Haha we'll see."

"Well the way you orgasmed over and over, I think I deserve a free one next time." Sniggered the guy.

Callie kept quiet.

"So, how many more guys you gonna fuck tonight?" he asked condescendingly.

"Er ... I think I'm probably done. The sun will be up pretty soon so unless someone else comes along in the next half hour or so, I'm going home."

"Yeah you'd better rest that pretty little pussy of yours after the pounding we all gave you ... well, maybe not very little anymore, haha!" he laughed.

"Douchebag." I muttered under my breath.

I glanced up as I saw the Mercedes come around the corner and stop on the corner of the street near the two tramps. It looked like Callie was sitting in the front next to the driver with the back seats empty.

"Seeya my gorgeous little slut." Smiled the guy as Callie got out.

She did not even reply, closing the door before the guy sped off, probably not wanting to risk anyone he knew seeing him drop off a whore at the corner of the street.

"So how was it?" Came a voice.

"Hmm? Oh hi Fred." Callie smiled.

"You look kinda tired." Earl said.

"Yeah. Its been a long night. I'm not used to this sort of thing you know." Callie replied.

"Yeah we can tell." Earl added. "That Ken guy often seems to get a new girl to come around here. I just hope we don't see you again."

"I hope to see her again!" Fred retorted.

"She knows what I mean." Earl replied. "Of course I want to see more of her but I don't want to see her walking the streets every night."

"Thanks Earl." Callie smiled. "That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me all night." She added with a sigh.

"I know it can be rough doing what your doing and I know you aren't here cos you choose to be."

"Yeah ... its complicated."

"It always is." Earl said, shaking his head.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Fred asked.

"Well Ken wanted me to be here a while longer so I guess I'll hang around a bit longer then go home." Callie replied, looking down the street to see if there were any cars coming their way.

"I don't think you're gonna get anyone else tonight." Earl said. "Its unusual to see guys coming round here this late."

"I hope so." Callie shrugged.

"So um..." Fred said sheepishly. "You remember what you were saying and doing before those frat douches interrupted us?"

"Fred!" Earl interrupted.

"I'm sorry its just that its been such a long time since I've seen a woman and she is so gorgeous ... I ... I can't help it.

"It's ok Earl. I don't mind. You guys are by far the nicest guys I have met all night."

"Aww thanks." Earl smiled. "That's the nicest thing anyone has said to us for a long time."

"So..." Callie said slowly. "I believe I was crouching down like this..."

Callie crouched down like she was earlier in the evening and in doing so, her skirt was riding up. She was undoubtedly flashing her pussy at these two tramps for the second time.

" ... and I think I was patting Kingston on the head, wasn't I boy? You are a cute doggy aren't you?" Callie said in her 'talking to dogs' voice.

I was not parked that close but I could see Callie crouched down on the ground rubbing the dog's head with her two hands, scratching it's neck.

"Man, I've spent the last two hours daydreaming about this view. It's the most beautiful thing I've seen." Fred whispered, as if he was in the presence of something sacred. " ... but you weren't patting Kingston on the head anymore."

"Hmm? Oh yeah I was giving you a better view wasn't I? Callie said with a hint of her playfulness in her voice.

In the distance I could see Callie let go of the dog and pull her skirt back further with one hand while the other hand disappeared between her legs. It was pretty obvious what she was doing.

"Oh shit that's nice." Fred groaned.

"Um ... is that... ?" Earl whispered, pointing at Callie's pussy.

"Oh ... er yeah sorry. That's what the boys left." Callie replied, sounding apologetic.

"Wow, you don't get customers to wear condoms?" Earl asked.

"Well normally ... but they wanted to pay extra so..." Callie's voice trailed off.

I was surprised to hear Callie say that. I thought that the money did not matter since it was going into Ken's pocket and that the important thing was to keep herself clean instead of having random strangers dump their loads of cum inside her. Maybe it had happened so many times already the last few weeks that's she was becoming desensitized to the whole thing.

"So ... they all came inside you?" Fred asked.

"Um ... yeah they did."

"Man you really are like the perfect girl." Fred smiled.

"Thanks Fred. You're sweet."

"It's been a long time since anyone called me sweet." Fred sighed.

"I'm surprised anyone has ever called you sweet Fred!" Earl laughed.

"Yeah yeah." Fred replied, also laughing. "So Callie ... since I'm so sweet, can I ask you something?"

"Um ... yeah sure." Callie replied, her pussy still on display for the tramps.

"You're making me so horny. Would you mind if you continue to show me your pussy in the alleyway here while I jerk off?"

"Oh ... er wow. Um..." Callie hesitated, unsure of how to reply.

"Please? Its been so long and its not everyday that a hot fifteen year old spreads her pussy for us."

I expected Earl to interrupt Fred and control his friend like he had done a few times but this time he said nothing. He just sat there and waited for Callie's reply.

"I guess you can." Callie replied slowly, unsure of herself.

"God you're the best." Fred smiled happily.

The three of them stood up and disappeared around the corner into the alleyway near them with Kingston trotting in behind them. I glanced over at the camera feed and saw them walk down into the alleyway a little bit. It looked like a dirty alleyway with water on the ground from some dripping pipes, some black bin bags on the floor next to a full wheelie-bin and several cardboard boxes lying around. The camera view came close to a cardboard box then settled as Callie put her bag on top of it before walking in front of the camera view with the two tramps. I was not sure if she did it on purpose but it gave me a view of what was going on. She glanced around to see if anyone was standing nearby then she suddenly pulled her shirt up above her breasts, to show the two guys her perky nipples, erect in the cool night air.

"Oh my god those are the nicest breasts ever." Fred whispered.

"Thanks. My boyfriend loves them." Callie giggled.

"He's a lucky guy." Earl smiled.

"I certainly am." I said outloud.

"and we're super lucky too." Fred added.

Callie smiled and reached around and quickly slipped off her skirt. Apart from her strappy high heels and shirt scrunched up above her chest, she was naked standing in this dirty alleyway.

"Oh my god." Fred muttered under his breath. "I'm sorry I gotta get it out."

Fred fumbled around his waist and quickly pushed down his grubby and stained sweat pants that he was wearing. His dick was hard and sticking out. It looked kind of average sized as he grabbed it and started slowly rubbing himself.

Meanwhile Earl, who had been the gentleman so far obviously could not resist either and also pushed down his pants.

"Holy shit man!" Fred exclaimed. "All these years I've known you and you've been hiding that thing in your pants!"

"Well its not like I'm gonna get a hard-on cos of you Fred. No offence!" Earl laughed.

"Fair enough." Fred smiled. "That certainly is impressive though isn't it Callie?"

"Um yeah. That is pretty big Earl. You're a lucky man." Callie smiled.

"10 inches of blackness!" Earl laughed. "You ever had 10 inches Callie?"

"Yeah I have..." Callie said, her voice trailing off sounding like she was thinking about previous times she had sex."

It was a bizarre sight, seeing my girlfriend almost totally naked in this alleyway flashing herself to a couple of tramps while they jerked their dicks watching her.

Callie squeezed her breasts together, playing with them before sliding her hands down her toned stomach towards her pussy. She touched herself suggestively spreading her pussy lips open then spun round and bent over at her waist with her legs apart, grabbing her ankles and tucking her head towards her knees. Her pussy was on display in its full glory to these two hobos.

"Holy fucking shit." Fred muttered.

"Man that is one gorgeous pussy you have there Callie." Earl panted.

Callie let them watch her pussy for a little longer before slowly standing up again, arching her back downwards and pushing her pussy mound outwards for the tramps to see. She then spun round, facing the two of them and seemed to pause, thinking about something for a moment.

"So ... how longs it been since you guys have been with a woman?"

"About four years for me." Earl sighed.

"Five years for me" Fred mumbled. " ... but I've never been with a girl as beautiful as you."

Callie paused for a few more seconds, deep in thought before stepping forwards towards the two tramps. She glanced down and with her two hands grabbed the two dicks.

"What the fuck?" I muttered, surprised that Callie was now touching the dicks of these two dirty tramps.

No-one said anything on the audio feed as Callie slowly crouched down onto her knees, the two tramps in disbelief at what was happening to them. I was also in disbelief as I watched on the screen Callie's head moving towards Fred's dick. Her head suddenly backed off slightly and coughed.

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