Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 27

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 27 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

I had no idea where we were heading but I just drove, trying to keep up with ken's car. Before long we reached the dodgy part of town; the same part of town where Callie sucked off those strangers in the adult theater; the same part of town where we were taken by those black men who raped Callie and forced her to fuck those dogs. I did not like being in this area and I had not given it much thought beforehand about where Ken had wanted to take Callie to 'work' but it should have been obvious to me.

We eventually pulled into a small parking lot on a fairly quiet street and I parked next to Ken's car.

"Stay here James, I'm just taking Callie over there then I'll be back." Ken ordered.

He drove back onto the street, stopping about 50 meters from where I was. Callie got out of the car, looking around nervously and pulled her skirt down as much as it could, to try and cover herself on the pubic street. There were not many people around although the street was not totally deserted. The odd person was walking around and near Callie were a couple of hobos sitting on the pavement with a supermarket trolley full of junk and a mangy old dog lying at their feet. They were not saying anything but were both staring at Callie. One or two cars drove past, not slowing down.

Ken got out of the car as well, having a quick glance around and saying something to Callie then gesturing to the corner of the street which was another 30 meters or so away then gesturing back towards the other corner of the street which was closer to me and probably about 50 meters away from Callie. She nodded as Ken climbed back into his car and drove back towards me.

"Keep an eye on her James." Ken said through his open car window. "Follow her when she gets into a car so you are never far away. I'll be in my office at the theater also watching just in case. Call me if you need me ok?"

I just nodded, not sure what to say to the man who had just dropped off my precious girlfriend on a dodgy street at night dressed like a whore. Ken smiled and drove off, leaving me there in the quiet parking lot.

Callie glanced around nervously. She was clearly uncomfortable, crossing her arms to protect her fairly exposed belly. She glanced across the road at me, giving me a bit of a wave. My heart was in my throat as it beat nervously. I had no idea what was going to happen and I did not like that feeling.

One of the hobos gestured towards Callie said something to his friend and they both laughed. The friend lowered his head and from their position on the floor with her tiny skirt I had no doubt that they could see her bare ass and pussy. Even the dog lifted his head off the floor to have a look. They both had a good stare before one of them said something out loud to Callie. I could not hear what they said, but Callie gave them both a disgusted look and walked away, down the street and a little closer towards me, but still staying on the other side of the road.

A black car drove past slowly. I had no idea whether they were just passing through or checking Callie out as it was dark. Callie just stood there and watched as it drove past. An old lady walked down the pavement past her, giving her a dirty look and shaking her head in disapproval before moving on. Several more cars came and went, just driving past with the odd pedestrian doing the same, many just minding their own business with some giving Callie a good look over but no-one stopped to say anything.

About five minutes later, a car slowed down approaching Callie and stopped in front of her. The driver wound the window down and said something. Callie replied, saying a few things still with her arms crossed and looking nervous. The man leaned over and opened the passenger door, gesturing for her to get in. Callie glanced around nervously before glancing over towards me as she got into the stranger's car.

"Here we go." I sighed as I started the car and followed at a distance. The car drove round the back of the street where there was another small parking lot with a couple of cars inside, all empty. Pulling in, they drove to the very edge which was up against an old building and parked. The lights of the car switched off as I pulled up and parked on the street on the other side of the road and turned off my car lights.

I opened up the laptop and waited for the screen to come to life and for the signal to start coming through.

Callie had put her bag on the floor of the passenger side angled slightly upwards. The picture came to life and I could see a middle aged guy wearing glasses with Callie's reflection in the side window next to the man. The man looked fairly unremarkable. Just a guy who worked in an office somewhere I surmised.

"So here's fifty." The man said, handing Callie some money as the audio started up.

Callie reached forwards and her hands came into view on the screen as she felt around the man's trousers trying to grab his zipper. She fumbled around for a few seconds before the man sighed, sliding his chair back slightly to give her easier access.

"Do you know what you're doing?" asked the man somewhat impatiently.

"Um ... yeah." Callie replied quietly.

"Let me help you." Said the guy, opening up his fly and pulling his dick out. With the camera angled upwards, I could not see the guy's dick and nor did I want to.

"Let me see those tits of yours." He ordered.

In the reflection I could see Callie unbutton her shirt and open it up, showing the man her breasts as he leaned forward and grabbed one, giving it a hard squeeze.

"How much to see your pussy?" asked the man unashamedly.

"Um ... five dollars?" Callie replied hesitantly.

"Ok, lets see it then." Came the reply.

I heard some shuffling against the handbag as Callie moved her legs apart and pulled up her skirt to show her pussy to this total stranger.

"Nice. Very nice." Smiled the man. "How old are you anyway?" He added.

"I'm fifteen." Callie replied.

"Woah fuck." The man said, impressed but a little surprised. He paused for a bit before adding "Nice! Now get down to it."

Callie's head came into view in the camera then nearly totally disappeared out the bottom as she bend down to suck the man's dick. I could not really see what was going on but did not need to. I could hear a few slurping sounds and could see the back of Callie's head going into then out of the camera screen repeatedly as she bobbed her mouth up and down on his man. The man's face was clearly visible on screen with his eyes closed and his head against on the headrest as he got a blowjob from my seventeen year old girlfriend.

For several minutes her head bobbed up and down at the bottom of the screen. The only sounds to be heard were the occasional slurping sounds from Callie's mouth and the heavy breathing from the man which was getting louder and heavier.

"Oh god here it comes!" Grunted the man as he scrunched up his face.

The man was cumming into Callie's mouth. This stranger; this customer. He gave a couple of big spasms then opened his eyes as Callie's head popped back into screen.

"How was that?" Callie asked.

I noticed there was no spitting of sperm and she was definitely not talking with her mouth full. She must have swallowed it!

"Gross" I whispered to myself.

"That was the best fucking blowjob I've had in a long time." The man panted.

"Um ... thanks." Callie replied quietly.

"Next time I'll have to sample some of that fifteen year old pussy I think." He added.

Callie did not reply.

The man started the car engine and started driving. I quickly flung the laptop onto the passenger seat and started the car, following at a distance as the man dropped Callie off in her original spot and I drove back into the parking lot to monitor her.

"Oh you're back are you?" one of the hobos shouted at Callie.

I realized that I had forgotten to close the laptop so the video and audio feed were still active.

"That was a quick fuck. Didn't last very long did he?" the other hobo laughed.

Callie ignored them and started walking away.

"I'm sure that was just a blowjob Fred." The first hobo said to his friend.

"Hey can't we have a freebee blow? Fred laughed as Callie walked out of earshot ignoring them.

I could not hear what the two were saying but from across the road I could see that they had livened up, laughing and pointing at Callie and no doubt finding it all hilarious.

"Fuckers." I mumbled.

"Shitheads." I suddenly heard Callie say, probably not realizing that I could hear.

She walked to the corner of the street and stood there clutching her bag with both hands in front of her as several cars drove past. The odd person walked past also, giving Callie a quick glance and no doubt wondering why such a young girl was standing there dressed up like a whore instead of the usual run-down looking skanks that frequented those streets.

Callie had been standing on the street corner for about ten minutes before another car pulled up on the street corner. It was a fairly smart looking mid-sized family car. This mattered to me, as I assumed any dodgy and potentially dangerous characters would be driving old and rusty cars as opposed to smart and sensible ones. The window came down and Callie took a step towards it.

"Hello there." Came the fairly sensible sounding voice.

"Hello." Callie replied sweetly.

"Um ... how much?" The man replied.

"Well ... er I guess that depends on ... you know ... what you want." Callie replied nervously.

"Oh well. Um, this is embarrassing. I've not done this before. How much for you know ... um ... sex?"

"Well it's one-thirty for sex." Callie replied quietly.

"Oh wow. That's a bit more than I expected." The man replied.

"Well I'm not exactly the normal thing."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm only fifteen." Callie whispered.

"Holy fuck." The man replied. "How much for anal?" He added after a long pause.

"One eighty if you do anal as well." Callie replied, sounding a little more confident.

" ... and oral?" the man asked.

"Well for two-thirty, you can do the whole lot. How's that?" Callie smiled.

'God, she's beginning to really sell herself!' I thought to myself.

"How about two ten?" The man bargained.

"Hmmm." Callie hummed. "Ok, sold." She said as she reached for the car door handle, adding. "You pay for the room as well."

"Woah! Woah!" the man quickly replied.

Callie had her hand on the door handle but paused, not opening it. She looked inquisitively at the man.

"You don't have a room somewhere?"

"Nope. That's up to you."

"Shit, that gets expensive then!" The man replied, sounding like he was not longer interested.

Callie stepped back from the car, glancing around then reaching for her loose shirt and pulling the sides apart to reveal her no-tan-line breasts at the man. She let go of her shirt and with her breasts still exposed to the cool night air, she pulled up her blue plastic skirt to reveal her neatly trimmed pussy at the man. Even from a distance I could see Callie tilt her head to one side and give the man a big cute grin.

"Holy fucking shit!" the man gasped. "Ok ok, get in quick."

Callie smiled, letting go of her skirt and pushing her breasts back into her shirt before climbing into the car.

"There's a motel a couple of streets from here." Callie smiled as they drove past me.

I discreetly started the car and followed as Callie gave the man directions to a small and very crappy looking motel at which they parked. I pulled up on the opposite side of the road and parked. They both got out of the car together and walked into the hotel. The building was old and grey coloured with paint peeling in large patches. 'Regal Hotel' read the name but there was nothing regal about it. In fact most people would probably not even notice it as they drove past.

"Hi there." The man said, no doubt to a person standing behind the desk.

I glanced at the laptop but the video feed was basically a shot of the floor. A dark stain-hiding coloured floor.

"My daughter and I would like a room please." The man said most unconvincingly.

I cringed in embarrassment at what the man was saying. There was a long pause before the man behind the desk replied.

"How many hours?" Came the old sounding voice; a man who no doubt was a chain smoker.

"Oh ... um ... maybe just a couple of hours. We're just going to have a short nap. Yes, two hours will do thanks."

"Twenty bucks." Came the reply from the obviously unimpressed man.

There was a short pause while the man got his money out and paid.

"Up the stairs, second room on the left." The man croaked as I heard the noise of a key against the counter-top.

"Oh. Thank you." The man replied cheerfully, still pretending that he was innocent and that he was Callie's dad.

"What an idiot." I laughed, shaking my head. I could only imagine how embarrassed Callie felt standing next to this guy.

They climbed the stairs, with creaking sounds coming from the wooden boards then found the room. Suddenly on the screen I could see the room. It was a very basic room, with grey walls and a metal framed bed in one corner. There was an old style non-flat tv on a wooden cabinet and a dark blue carpet full of stains and tears.

"This isn't too bad!" The man said cheerily.

"Hmmm." Callie replied in sarcastic agreement as the man closed the door behind him.

"So, what's your name?" asked Callie as she put her bag onto the cabinet besides the tv, giving me a wide view of the small room.

"Oh I'm er ... well you can call me John." The man replied, very obviously making up a fake name.

"Ok ... well I'm Callie." She replied, as I wondered why she did not also make up a fake name.

"Ok well err, how should we do this then?" John asked standing and fidgeting nervously in front of the bed.

'I thought Callie was supposed to be the nervous one.' I thought to myself.

"Well you're the boss." Callie smiled.

"Well um ... lets see." The man stuttered.

"How about you sit down on the side of the bed." Callie smiled, pushing the man down.

Callie stood in front of John with her back to the camera. She reached up and undid her shirt button, opening it wide and giving him a close eyeful of her teen breasts and perky nipples.

"Holy shit." John gasped under his breath.

Callie pulled her shirt off and flung it towards a chair in the corner of the room. She reached up and caressed her breasts, tilting her head back as if she was giving herself immense pleasure. Keeping her legs straight up, she then bent over and reached for the man's zipper. As she bent over, her skirt rode upwards and I could see Callie's pussy plain as day but a little dark in the shadow of her skirt. Since her skirt was so short, I could look through her legs and see John crotch as she pulled the man's dick out. It was already standing to attention and was fairly average sized at about five to six inches.

"You know..." John said before pausing. "My daughter's fifteen years old too."

"Oh ok." Callie replied, unsure of what else to say.

There was an awkward pause which Callie broke by bending over a little more and giving the dick a lick before engulfing her mouth over it.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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