Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 26

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The following week at school was pretty uneventful, which was fantastic. Mr. Whittering was back at school so we did not come across Mr. Jenkins. The teachers all acted normally to Callie and day by day there seemed to be fewer stares and less whispering towards us although there was still the odd comment and one of the days Callie opened her locker to find a cut-out photo of her from the magazine with her legs spread where someone had drawn a big dick pointing at her pussy. What a mature bunch we went to school with!

Friday came pretty soon and after school I went over to Callie's house. It was a gorgeous day so we lay in her garden on deck chairs, taking in the sun and sipping lemonade, trying to enjoy life. I should have known better and surely enough Callie's mobile phone rang.

"Oh god it's Ken." Callie sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh." I muttered, hoping it was nothing. I knew Ken would not call however unless he needed something, or more specifically, needed Callie for something.

"Hello?" Callie answered.

She listened for quite a few seconds, then frowned. I had no idea what Ken was saying but I knew I did not like it.

"What?! No way!" Callie replied in disgust. "No wait, you said..." She added before being interrupted by Ken.

"What?" I mouthed quietly to Callie.

"Hey you promised you wouldn't use that against us anymore!" Callie replied angrily. "No way, I'm ... yeah but..."

She was interrupted repeatedly by Ken on the other line. I still had no idea what he wanted but judging by Callie's reaction it was probably worse than anything she had done so far.

"Well why should I trust you this time?" Callie asked. "You promise? I'm beginning to think you don't know the meaning of the word!"

Callie listened for a bit, panting quickly through anger.

"Fine." She said into the phone then abruptly hung up.

"So?" I asked impatiently.

"You're not going to believe this, but he is going on about that CCTV film of us stealing again."

"What?! He said he wasn't going to mention that again." I shook my head. "Ok, so what does he want you to do?" I asked, knowing I was not going to like the answer.

Callie sighed, looking a bit dejected.

"He said that he has a girl called Trixie which his company uses to meet clients of his whole sale business. She was supposed to take care of a big client this evening but she is in hospital with pneumonia so she can't do it. Now he wants me to do it instead." Callie explained.

"Oh right..." I replied, not knowing what to say.

Taking care of a client was not something that I thought would generate such a negative reaction from Callie. Ok, being blackmailed to fuck a stranger is not something to be happy about any time but there must have been more.

"What else did he say?" I asked curiously.

"This is the bit that pisses me off. You're not going to like it." She said. "I don't like it either" she added.

"Oookay." I said slowly.

"Ken says this big client has already ordered a lot of stuff but that he won't pay until he sees the goods. The problem is that Ken is a bit short of money so he can't buy the goods from his seller. He needs to buy the stuff to be able to sell it at a profit to this big client of his. So basically he is short of money and tonight he was expecting a couple of grand from Trixie's work but since she's in hospital, he wants me to do it."

"Ok ... and what work might that be?" I asked, again knowing that I was not going to like the answer.

"Well ... she works the streets." Callie replied quietly.

"What?! He wants you to be a fucking prostitute?!" I replied angrily.

"Keep your voice down! Mum's in the house remember?" Callie whispered.

"Shit sorry." I whispered. "You can't work the streets! It's ... it's dangerous out there for starters!"

"I know I know. I'm fucked off about it too. He didn't exactly give me a choice though. The other alternative is prison." Callie explained, clearly still pissed off but now resigned to doing what she had no choice over.

"Fuck." I sighed, staring down at a patch of grass.

"He said that he knew you would be unhappy and think it was dangerous..." Callie said

"Damned right!" I blurted, barely able to contain myself.

"Anyway, he said that I could hide a camera, microphone and GPS tracker in my bag and that you could monitor me at all times to ensure I was safe. I guess that's better than nothing."

I did not even know what to say. I just knew that I was pissed off. Callie was not some cheap whore. Palming her off to someone else I could just about handle, after all it had happened before already, but walking the streets?! That was something else. That was one step too far. Several steps too far in fact.

"Anyway we'd better get ready soon. He wants us to meet him outside his shop at 7 tonight." Callie said, getting off the deck chair.

She was wearing a small bikini; smaller than she would normally wear out at a public beach. This was her stay-home bikini which she wore in the gardens and made her look stunning. They were white and small, leaving little to the imagination whilst covering her pussy and nipples (barely). Her tanned skin glistened with sweat. I wanted to rip that bikini off her and gobble her up, or at least I did until Ken's phone call changed the mood. As she stood up, her nipples flashed at me as did her little pussy. She adjusted her bikini to cover herself back up and we headed inside.

"He said he has clothes for me." Callie said when we were in her bedroom. "Anyway I'm going to have a shower first."

I could only imagine what clothes Ken had prepared. If he was going to make her earn money on the streets then I knew he would make her dress the part.

I quickly wandered home to have a shower before heading out back to Callie's house in my mum's car which I borrowed. I could not get my mind off the situation. It just seemed to get worse and worse all the time. Just when I thought that there was little left which could shock me, BAM, there was something new.

I quickly drove back to Callie's house, nearly colliding with another car at the end of the street. My mind simply was not concentrating. I just hoped that Callie was going to be safe and I was determined to follow her movements closely in the car if I could. I called her mobile phone as I approached her house and she came out to the car. She looked like a cute angel. She was modestly dressed in just a plain white t-shirt, jeans and white flip flops. Her hair was still slightly wet from being washed and she smelled faintly of strawberries and flowers. It was heavenly.

"You look nice." Putting on my best fake smile.

"Thanks baby. I'm really not looking forward to this you know." She whispered nervously.

"I know ... me neither." I replied, taking her hand into mine as I started to drive off.

We did not speak much on the car journey. Callie just stared out of the side window and did my best to concentrate on driving. The time actually flew by and before we knew it, we were parked outside Ken's shop. The door was closed and the lights were off inside. I knocked gently on the glass door and a light came on inside. I saw a figure approach the door and unlock it.

"Hi guys." Ken smiled.

We did not reply, but stepped inside the shop where he locked the door behind us.

"Come on, lets head into the back." Ken said, leading us into the back room. "Look I really am sorry to have to do this to you guys but I don't have much of a choice."

"Yeah right." I scowled. It was the first thing either of us had said since stepping into his shop.

"Look I know you're pissed off. You're right to be. I promise this time is definitely the last time. After tonight I'm not going to force either of you to do anything you don't want ok?" Ken smiled sympathetically.

"You said that last time." Callie replied.

"No, actually last time I said it would be one of the last times I asked you for anything. This time I am saying that it IS the last time."

Still, I was not amused.

"After tonight I will give you guys the copy of the surveillance tape ok? I promise it is the only copy I have." Ken said, trying to smile.

"You'd better." Callie replied quietly.

"James look at this." He said, gesturing towards his desk. There was a black handbag about the size of a football but skinnier. "There is a GPS tracking device in there. We will know where Callie is at all times. See the side of the bag? Looks normal right? Well there is a camera lens built into it with a live feed so that you can see what's going on and of course a built-in microphone."

"Over here..." Ken continued, gesturing towards the other side of his desk. " ... is my laptop which you can borrow James. It is already set up to monitor everything transmitted from the bag. I know you will probably be following Callie around right?"

"Of course!" I replied quickly.

"Well, there is not a huge range in the transmitter but as long as you are within three or four blocks you should be able to get the feed. The GPS on the other hand tracks to a satellite so I can see on my computer here where she is at all times." He continued to explain. "Now over here is something I prepared for you to wear." He said, pointing to an outfit hanging on the front of a chair.

"Oh god." Callie mumbled in disgust.

There was an electric blue PVC skirt which looked far too short to be a skirt. Above that was a plain white shirt which looked short even though Callie was not even wearing it yet. It would clearly not cover all of her belly. The lower front of it tapered to a point and there was only a single button on it. It was obviously designed to be tied together at the bottom. The single button would keep the shirt together a little but obviously reveal quite a bit of cleavage and more if Callie bent forwards. In front of the chair were a pair of platform boots a good inch and a half high. The boots themselves were the same electric blue PVC as the skirt and judging by the length of them would go to above Callie's knee height.

"I can't wear that! I'll get arrested, not to mention I'll look like a total whore!" Callie protested, her face suddenly realizing after she said it, that that was the point. She was meant to look like a whore.

"If you wear jeans and a t-shirt then trust me, not many people are going to stop and speak you and that's not the point. As for being arrested, don't worry. The place I will take you the police have an understanding." Ken explained.

"An understanding?" I asked.

"They get benefits so they lay off." Ken replied quietly pausing. "Lets just leave it at that."

"Am I supposed to wear that all night? You know, even for the um ... first guy? That big customer?" Callie asked sheepishly.

"Yup, might as well. Makes it easier. Trixie normally wears that sort of thing all night." Ken smiled. "Anyway..." he added, looking at his watch. "We'd better get going. James follow me in your car ok? I'll drop Callie off at the motel and you can wait for her in the parking lot ok?"

"Um ... ok" I replied, my heart pounding in disbelief that this was actually going to happen.

"Wait just another question." Callie asked shyly.

Ken raised his eyebrows waiting for the question.

"Um ... how should ... I mean, how much should I ... you know?" Callie mumbled.

"Hmmm?" Ken hummed quizzically.

"You know ... money." Callie replied, staring at the ground.

"Oh right. Well it depends." Ken said, pausing to scrunch up his eyebrows like he was thinking hard. "Normally it would be around thirty dollars for a blowjob, forty if he cums in your mouth and fifty if you swallow. With you..." he trailed off, eyeing up Callie's body and mentally undressing her.

Callie looked uncomfortable with Ken staring at her, glancing at the floor and gently crossing her arms in front of her.

" ... with you I think you could start at fifty for a basic blow job and go from there. I think the people would pay for top-notch pussy like yours."

Callie blushed in embarrassment.

" ... then you can charge around one-thirty for a fuck, one-sixty for anal. Oh and don't pay for anything yourself. If they get a room, they pay for that. If they want to get blown and fucked then they pay for those separately and oh, always they sure they wear a condom for sex. Doesn't matter how much they pay, it ain't worth it." Ken said, smiling at the end to make it seem like he cared.

"There's no way I am going to remember all of that." Callie said quietly, still staring at the floor.

"That's fine, just make it up as you go along. If a guy turns up in a nice car then for sure as hell he can afford to pay you more than a guy who drives a piece of shit. You'll figure it out. I have a feeling you're gonna be a natural." Ken chuckled.

I could not believe my ears. Sure, Callie had done nude modeling and had been forced to fuck other people but being a prostitute? A whore who was going to make money for someone else ... effectively her pimp? That was something else. My darling sweet Callie ... despite everything that had happened, I still saw her as the sweet girl-next-door that I fell in love with and I still loved her with all my heart.

"Go on, get changed." Ken ordered, pointing towards the clothes he laid out.

Callie glanced at me and let out a faint sigh, before stepping out of her sandals and pulling off her t-shirt. Her teen breasts looked big and firm in the bra that she was wearing and more so with her arms stretched up high pulling off her t-shirt. Ken watched closely as my girlfriend stripped in front of his perverted gaze. She was aware that Ken and I were both watching her strip so she avoided eye-contact with the both of us. Ken smiled as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall into her hands before putting it on the chair. Her nipples were slightly erect in the cool temperature of the room. Callie examined the white shirt for a few seconds before putting it on. She did up the single button before tying the ties as tight as she could. We could see that the shirt was a little too big for Callie and built for someone with huge breasts. Callie's were not small but I assumed that this shirt was destined for someone with huge fake double D breasts or something. Realizing that there was nothing she could do make the shirt tighter, she sighed and moved on. She glanced down to her jeans and undid the button. I glanced at Callie's toned belly which was totally showing. The t-shirt stopped a little below her breasts and well above her belly button. Her toned stomach would be on show to everyone tonight.

Callie pushed her jeans down to the ground, bending over in the process. As her loose shirt fell forwards, Ken and I both got an eyeful of her teen breasts and nipples. If police saw her like that, she would get booked for lewd public conduct, even without the prostitution! She stepped out of her jeans and hung them on the chair, reaching for the bright blue skirt.

"Uh uh." Ken shook his head.

Callie glanced over, not knowing what Ken meant.

"Those have got to come over as well." Ken said, pointing at Callie's baby-blue panties.

"What?! No way, have you seen how short this skirt is?" she replied, lifting up the skirt.

"That's the point." Ken said slowly and sarcastically. "Don't forget who are you tonight."

Callie scowled at Ken, hooking her fingers under her underwear and pushing them to the floor, giving him and I a good view of her tits again as she leaned over. This time however we were both concentrating more on her little pussy which was now on display, although not clearly as she quickly stepped into the skirt and pulled it up, adjusting it into place.

"Perfect fit!" Ken smiled.

Callie rolled her eyes and reached for the boots. It was not a perfect fit at all. Well, perhaps around the waist, but it was so short that it just barely covered the crease at the bottom of her ass cheeks. It did cover her pussy but judging by how close her legs were to each other as you looked up her legs, her pussy was tantalizingly close.

Callie unzipped the boots and leaned forwards, putting her foot against the side of the chair. Ken and I could now look right up her skirt and there was absolutely nothing hiding her pussy, which was visible in its full glory. Her pussy mound was still completely bare with her neatly trimmed hair above it. In the cool temperature and Callie's 'cold' state, her pussy lips were not showing but she still looked as hot as hell. Ken grinned as he eyed up the teen pussy, probably remembering back to when he had the chance to fuck it with his friend. Callie pulled the first boot up, struggling to push her foot fully inside. With a bit of effort, her foot was in. She changed legs and gave us another view of her pussy as she struggled to put the other boot on as well. I think she knew she was flashing us and had ignored the fact. She had no choice after all. Finally Callie stood up, catching her breath from the effort she had made putting her boots on.

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