Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

"Hmmm, I don't want to go to school." I muttered to myself as I shut my alarm off. I took a deep breath and flopped back onto the bed, wishing I could curl up into a ball and go back to sleep. I slowly dragged myself up and got ready.

Today was the first day back at school since the frat party but I was not too worried about that since I did not notice anyone we knew there. Perhaps word would get around about the event but word had already gotten around about other incidents like Callie fucking the entire football team and coach so what was another rumour to add to it?

What did concern me more was that Callie was now a centerfold of an adult magazine. I cringed as I started to imagine the antics I would see today. It would potentially be more embarrassing for her since she was the star of the magazine but I was determined to stay by her side as much as I could to support her.

"Good morning babe." Callie smiled as she waited for me round the corner from the school entrance.

"Morning gorgeous." I smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

We held hands, walking slowly round the corner where we were glad to see there were not many people. It was getting close to 8:30am so we were probably amongst the last to go inside the building. We stood for a second looking at the imposing building before us.

"So, you ready for this?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah" Callie said, taking a deep breath. "Just another day at Collingwood High for the school porn star." She added, smiling.

"Haha! I'm glad you can joke about it!" I smiled back.

"Well in all seriousness, I know it is going to be a bit tough but hey what can you do? Grin and bear it like I have been doing these last few weeks." She shrugged.

"That's a good attitude to have. Lets go." I replied, letting go of her hand since things like that on school grounds were not encouraged.

The morning bell rang just as we were walking to class so we walked a little faster to our classroom. We were the last ones there and the teacher looked over her glasses as us as we smiled and made our way to our seats. I tried not to glance around too much but I could see that everyone's eyes were on us. Whether or not it was because of the magazine or it was just because we were late I do not know. Maybe I was just being paranoid. We sat down and quickly got into the rhythm of the algebra lesson, trying to forget all about the magazine. Before we knew it, the school bell rang.

"End of lesson one" I whispered to Callie.

"Yeah so far so good." She smiled back.

We made our way out of the classroom into the chaos and melee of people that is the few minutes between lessons as everyone scrambles to their next class.

"Hi gorgeous." Laughed one of the boys called Simon as he approached us.

Simon was one of the boys on the basketball team, one of the few white guys. He stood a tall 6ft 4 inches and towered over the two of us, especially Callie. Neither of us knew him very well since he was only in one of our classes, but I had decided that I did not really like his arrogant attitude towards life.

"So..." he smiled as he approached. " ... how much for a night then? I've got twenty bucks, you can keep the change."

"Fuck off." Callie smiled sarcastically.

"Oh now, don't be like that." He grinned. "How about an autograph then?" he added, pulling the magazine out of his bag.

The magazine was opened to the double page spread of Callie on all fours with her pussy on display as she looked back towards the camera. My heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what I feared would happen. I quickly glanced around to see that a couple of other people walking passed noticed the photo and had shocked looks on their faces, whispering and pointing.

"You know what?" Callie started to say, lowering her voice and moving closer to Simon.

'Here we go again'. I thought to myself. Callie was about to offer herself to be fucked by someone else to get them to be quiet.

" ... you can stare at those gorgeous photos all you want and wank that little dick of yours but you ain't getting the real thing ... ever." Callie said, giving another sarcastic smile before walking off.

Simon was shocked and stood there with his mouth open. I was also shocked and after a moment I realized that Callie was leaving me behind as she walked away. I quickly caught up to her.

"That was fantastic!" I said, putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah!" Callie beamed. "It just came out! I didn't know what to say at first, but then those words just automatically came out!"

"Well done!" I smiled as we made our way to the next class, much more confident about the day and how we would handle things.

The next class was pretty boring. No-one in the class said anything to us about the magazine and life seemed normal. It was a double lesson, which meant two hours of literature and poetry. Not really very exciting. At half time the school bell went and outside in the corridor we could hear the usual scramble of students but since ours was a double, we stayed sitting, working away. There was a knock on the door and Mr. Jenkins poked his head around the side. Mr. Jenkins was the deputy headmaster, Mr. Whittering's number two. He was also one of three teachers that taught science although thankfully neither Callie or I were in his classes because he was a horrid man. He was tall and skinny with greased black hair. All the students thought that he was power hungry and was doing his best to get rid of Mr. Whittering so that he could become the headmaster. He was one of those guys you simply couldn't trust and students were always careful what to say or do around him in case that information came back to bite us.

"Miss Feinnes..." he said without smiling or apologizing for the interruption. "Can I steal one of your students please?"

"Oh er ... hello Mr. Jenkins. Sure, please go ahead." Our teacher replied.

"Miss Stevens ... come with me." Ordered Mr. Jenkins as he wiggled his index finger.

Callie glanced around at me before standing up, leaving her things on her desk as she made her way towards the door. My heart beat quickly as I prayed that she was not in big trouble over the magazine. 'Maybe it was something else?' I thought to myself. 'Nah, what else could it be?'

Callie went outside and the door shut. The classmates lowered their heads and got back to work although a couple of girls sitting on the far side whispered something to each other then giggled and glanced over at me. Seeing me looking at them they quickly glanced away again and got back to work. I tried to concentrate and get back to writing but I kept staring at the clock, wondering where Callie was and hoping that she was not getting into huge trouble. I feared that she could even be expelled for appearing in that magazine. I began to start wondering whether Callie would make it back before the end of class and thought that I would have to pack up her things into her bag and carry it along with me.

Eventually, there was a knock on the door and Callie appeared, coming into the room.

"Sorry Miss Feinnes." Callie said quietly.

"That's alright Miss. Stevens. Is everything ok?" replied the teacher.

"Um ... yes. I'm ... I'm fine thanks." Callie smiled softly.

Callie was not even halfway back to her desk when the bell rang. Everyone stood up and started to tidy things up. It was now time for the lunchbreak, so we did not have to rush.

"You ok?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm ok." Callie replied.

We deliberately packed our things slowly and made sure we were the last students there. Even Miss Jenkins left the room for a break.

"So, what happened?" I asked, glancing towards the door half expecting the next bunch of school kids to pile into the room for a class.

"I went into his office and he shut the door. He pulled out a copy of the magazine." Callie said quietly.

"Oh shit." I sighed. "Was Mr. Whittering there? He said he would look after you."

"Yeah I know, but he wasn't there. Apparently he is away all week on a schooling conference."

"So it was just you and him in the room?" I asked.

"Yeah ... so anyway, he seemed pretty angry. He said it was disgusting that I should do this and that I was not even old enough. He said he should call the police and have me expelled!"

I did not know what to say. I just sighed.

"Then ... well, he said that since he was in a good mood he was going to give me a chance." Callie said, then gazing at the floor added. "but he said I needed to be punished."

"God they aren't suspending you are they?" I asked.

"No ... not that kind of punishment." Callie said sheepishly.

"No? Well what kind of ... oh." I replied, the light bulb suddenly going on in my head making me feel slow.

"Yeah. He was already pulling his pants down as he said it." Callie replied.

"So ... he made you ... you know, blow him?" I asked, feeling my heart beat faster and my face blushing.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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