Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 24

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

That night was a fairly restless one for me and I assumed for Callie as well. I tossed and turned all night thinking about that would happen at the frat party and whether it would get completely out of control. I did not think she would get hurt or anything like that, but I guessed that it was probably not going to be a discreet party and I hoped whatever happened, it would not lead us further into trouble.

School the next day dragged on, and I found it hard to concentrate. Callie was obviously finding it hard too as she kept fidgeting and got caught out by one of the teachers asking a question she had not even heard. Eventually the end-of-school bell went and we started the walk home.

"I'm really nervous about tonight James." Callie said with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Yeah ... me too. I don't really know what to expect." I replied, giving her hand a squeeze.

"How many guys do you think will be there?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, I've never been to a frat party before. In movies they always seem pretty wild but then movies aren't always very accurate. I'd guess there would be at least 30 guys"

"Oh god..." she whispered. "I hope they don't all want to ... well, you know."

"Nah, I doubt it. I guess they all just want to enjoy the show." I said, trying to put her at ease, although in the back of my mind I too hoped that not everyone would be interested in fucking her. After all, surely quite a few of them had girlfriends and dates with them as well.

"God that's another thing. A strip-tease? How on earth do I do one? What do I even do?" she groaned.

"I'm not sure. I mean I guess there will be some sexy music, and then you just dance a bit I suppose."

"Hmmm." Callie replied, lost in her thoughts.

The rest of the walk home was a fairly quiet one as we both pondered the events that this evening would bring, hoping it would not be as bad as we thought. Before long we reached Callie's house.

"I'd better do some homework first and have dinner. Mum and dad think we are heading out for a movie and ice cream afterwards. Pick me up at 8?" Callie asked, leaning in and giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Sure. See you later." I replied, as Callie turned around and slowly trundled up her driveway, giving me a small wave before she disappeared indoors.

I too went home to do some homework or at least try to. I did not manage to do much at all. Dinner also dragged on and I had little appetite to eat, despite mum having made roast chicken, which was one of my favorites. Before I knew it, it was time to grab the car and drive over to Callie's. As I pulled up to outside the house I saw her silhouette peek out from her bedroom window before the lights went off. Moments later, Callie emerged not from the front door but from the side of the house, before she quickly sneaked across the grass and quickly into the car.

She was wearing the schoolgirl outfit and she still looked very hot in it, although she still looked like a total slut as well. Despite the dim street lighting I could see as she walked past the front of the car that she was wearing a g-string under her skirt and with the material not even going halfway down her bum I got a fairly good view. She sat down next to me and again the skirt material was not even enough to cover her crotch area. She wore a tight little silk g-string and the tightness meant that I could see a little camel-toe shape through the thin fabric, and above that I could see the texture of her pubes sticking through the material as well.

"Come on, lets go before I get seen." Callie whispered.

I drove away, trying to keep my eyes on the road and not on Callie's body.

"I thought you would have worn a long coat over that." I said, glancing at her shirt and seeing that she had not worn a bra. With there being no buttons at the top of her skirt I got an eyeful of cleavage and could just about see her dark pink nipples through the white fabric.

"Oh damnit! I never even thought of that!" Callie said, palming her forehead.

"Oh well, that's ok. I don't think you'd be wearing it for too long anyway." I smiled.

"Hmmm." Callie hummed nervously.

"I think this is it." I pointed.

We were approaching a house on the edge of the local university. There were quite a few cars parked everywhere and some people chatting standing outside a house. The front door was open as were the windows and we could see quite a few people around, all drinking, smoking and chatting to each other. Loud music blared out and across the lawn. A couple were passionately kissing leaning against the wall by the front door.

"It's just like in the movies!" I exclaimed.

Callie remained quiet, her eyes as wide as saucers as she saw the number of people milling around and inside. She grabbed my hand, holding it tightly.

"There's hundreds of people here!" she said quietly.

"No there's not!" I laughed, trying to put her at ease.

"Well ok, a hundred then."

She could have been right but there were a few girls around as well and without going inside there was no way of knowing how many people there really were. I parked the car almost directly outside the house and turned the engine off. We both sat there looking towards the house, holding hands and not saying anything. Callie's hand was shaking slightly with nerves and I tried to think of something to say to put her at ease but I too was pretty nervous.

"Here goes nothing!" Callie said, taking a deep breath and opening the car door.

We both stepped out into the crisp evening air, pausing to look at the frat house and the task that lay before us ... or at least Callie. We walked silently, side by side towards the front door. A group of guys sitting on the grass chatting and smoking suddenly stopped their conversation to look our way. Out of the corner of my eye I could see one of them lean his head down to get a better look up Callie's skirt, despite the fact that the lower half of her butt was on display anyway.

The front door was open, but I rang the doorbell anyway, although with the loud music I doubted if anyone would actually hear it. There were people milling around inside, all holding drinks of one kind or another but mostly beer. I glanced at Callie who had a very nervous look on her face. I reached out and took her hand, giving it a little squeeze as we stepped inside.

One of the guys inside saw us and smiled, putting down his drink and headed over to us. He was well built and I immediately recognized him as looking similar to the twins Scott and Zack.

"You must be Callie and James." He smiled, reaching out to shake our hands. "I'm Jimmy."

"Hi." Callie embarrassedly muttered.

"Thanks for coming. When my brothers said you would help out I was pretty happy. They told me I wouldn't be disappointed and they were certainly right! You are one hot piece of ass!" Jimmy grinned.

"Um ... thanks" Callie said slightly condescendingly, obviously not pleased at being called a 'piece of ass'.

"Can I get you guys a drink?" He offered.

"No I'm fine thanks." Callie nervously smiled.

Before I could say anything, Jimmy shoved a bottle of beer into my hand.

"I think you're gonna need a drink or two!" He grinned. "Anyway shall we get started?"

Callie looked over at me a slight look of terror on her face as she knew it was time to do her stuff.

"Don't worry, I'll be here with you. Just relax." I said, trying my best to reassure her.

It was not going to be easy for the either of us, after all I was about to see my sweet girlfriend do a striptease for a bunch of horny college boys and god knows what else. I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. If Jimmy reported back to his brothers unfavorably, then I knew Scott and Zack would carry out their threat of telling our parents about what Callie had been getting up to.

"Why don't we step into the lounge." Jimmy said, leading the way.

By now most of the people who had been standing near us had stopped their conversations and had their eyes transfixed on Callie, taking in the sight of this cute and fit teen girl, dressed in the sexy schoolgirl outfit. The crowd standing against the side parted as we walked towards them, revealing the entrance to the lounge where there were several sofas with guys and girls sitting down drinking and chatting. People were also standing up everywhere and from here we could see a swimming pool outside where more people mingled and chatted.

"Gentlemen ... and ladies! Can I have you attention please?" Jimmy announced to the room.

The few people who had not noticed Callie walk in now turned to look at the scantily-clad teenager standing before them.

"Firstly thanks for coming to the Alpha Beta Tai end of term party. I hope you've been enjoying it so far and if not I think that's about to change! This ... is Callie..." Jimmy announced, gesturing towards my girlfriend. " ... and she is the star attraction of this evening. Those of you who have been part of this fraternity for a while know what's about to happen. Those of you who are new are in for one hell of a night." He laughed.

Jimmy stepped towards the stereo, stopping the loud thumping music and quickly bringing up a much slower song ... something you could gyrate and dance to.

"Callie ... the floor is yours" Jimmy smiled, gesturing to a small piece of floor between the sofas and the fireplace.

Callie bit her bottom lip nervously, and glanced towards me. I smiled back at her as I watched her slowly step towards the fireplace. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. I was about to see my own sweet girlfriend do a strip-tease for these horny frat boys. I hoped things would not get too out of control. I told myself that if things did, I would call the police and I was prepared to suffer the consequences.

Callie stood in her spot, glancing at all the people now watching her. People who were outside had noticed the loud music stop and were coming in to get a better look at the teen in the slutty school uniform. Most of them were guys but even the girls were watching and smiling as if they also enjoyed this sort of thing!

"Today would be good!" shouted a voice from the back of the room making a few people snigger.

Callie closed her eyes and took a deep breath then started to swing her hips slightly, running her hands across her toned abs. The people in the room quietly watched the uncomfortable-looking teen awkwardly wiggle around not even in tune to the music.

"Where the hell did Jimmy find her?" Whispered one guy standing near me.

"I don't care ... she's as hot as hell! The fact she obviously isn't a professional makes it all the better I think!" whispered his friend.

"Yeah, and knowing Jimmy it's probably better we don't know how he found her!" the guy sniggered, making his friend laugh also.

"Maybe a freshman sorority challenge or something"

"Yeah that's possible ... a very fresh faced freshman!" he replied with doubt in his voice.

Over the next minute or two Callie seemed to relax more since she still had her eyes closed. She was moving to the tune of the music and looking more comfortable. Her hands ran up her bare thighs and across the sides of her hips, moving slowly up to give her breasts a light squeeze through her white shirt. From certain angles as she moved, her nipples pressed against the shirt and I could see her nipples becoming erect. As the first song finished and the next one started (also a ballad), Callie turned her back to the majority of the people in the room, slowly bending over at the waist until her head was almost against her knees.

"Wow." Muttered a girl standing near me.

Callie's skirt was not long enough to cover her bum even when she was standing up and now bent over like this she gave the room an unobstructed view of her backside with her g-string visible. The thin g-string meant that we could just about see the sides of her asshole, and further down we could see the very edges of her bare pussy mound, since the material was not wide enough to cover it. It was certainly a hot sight. Callie stayed bent over and ran her hands up her thighs, hooking her fingers under the waistband of the g-string. She wiggled the sides of the g-string around, teasingly pulling them down ever so slightly before pulling them back up again to the groan of a couple of the guys in the crowd. Continuing to gyrate her hips, she slowly stood up, running her hands all over her body as she turned around the face the main crowd. She slowly opened her eyes and for a split second I saw the fear return on her face before she forced a slight smile. Keeping her eyes open, she scanned the room and all the people staring back at her. Our eyes met and I smiled to put her at ease. She smiled back and continued to dance, running her hands up her tight abs and untying the knot in her shirt. She grabbed both sides of the shirt, which was not buttoned up and slowly moved the sides further apart, before completely opening up her shirt and baring her breasts to the crowd.

"Ooh, nice ones!" One guy commented quietly.

Someone wolf-whistled, bringing more of a smile to Callie's face as she danced holding her shirt open. She then slipped the shirt off completely, flinging it onto the floor. More guys cheered as another song started and Callie played with her breasts, squeezing and kneading them. Her nipples were now very erect and there was no hiding it. She started dancing towards a group of guys who were clearly drooling over her, pausing in front of a big, well-built guy who was probably one of Jimmy's football team-mates. He wasted no time in reaching forwards and grabbing Callie's breasts with both hands and giving them a good squeeze while she rested her hands on the back of her head.

"Yeah!" the guy slurred drunkenly.

After a few seconds Callie backed away, moving along to let the next guy grope her breasts to the cheer of the group.

"You'd never think so looking at her but this girl is like a pro!" one of the girls standing near me said to her girlfriend.

"Like you'd know!" her friend laughed.

"This isn't the first of these parties I've been to!" her friend smiled.

It was shocking me as well. After the shy start, Callie seemed to be getting into the stripping thing and the girl was right, she did look like a pro. 'How did Callie learn to dance like this?' I thought to myself. I was not sure it came naturally, but then again maybe it did.

Callie moved back into the center of the room, running her hands up her thighs while she bit her bottom lip, looking cute, innocent and naughty in the way that only Callie can pull off. Once again she hooked her thumbs under the top of her g-string and wiggled it around, pulling the elastic away from her body. Turning around, she bent over slightly and looked back towards everyone as she pushed it down her thighs, letting it drop to the floor. With her skirt barely covering her bum, it was the first time the crowd got a look at her pussy and they were clearly not disappointed as practically everyone in the room cheered loudly.

I was not amongst the group standing close to her so I could not get a very clear view but it did seem like Callie's pussy lips were protruding slightly the way they do when she is turned on, although I could not see her clit and her pussy lips did not seem wet. She stood still for a second as she stepped out of her g-string, carefully pulling the material over her high boots, lifting one of her legs up and in the process giving everyone on one side of a room a very full and unobstructed view of her fluffy brown pussy hair and her bare teen pussy with her pussy lips parting slightly and briefly as her leg lifted high. With one leg free, she lifted the other leg up, giving everyone on the other side of the room the same gratuitous view of her underaged teen pussy while the guys cheered. Callie continued to dance, swirling the g-string in one hand before flinging it into the crowd. Someone jumped up and grabbed it, cheering. She moved closer to the crowd again, selecting a different group of guys but this time staying just out of reach. The guys could easily have stepped forwards and grabbed Callie but they seemed happy standing at arms length watching as my girlfriend danced, squeezing her breasts and occasionally flipping her skirt high enough to give the boys a good look at her teen pussy. She turned around, standing with her legs fairly wide apart and bending over at the waist giving the guys a very good view of her pussy. One of the guys suddenly took a step forward and cupped his hand against Callie's pussy. With excellent aim, his thumb hit the spot between her pussy lips and slid right in. Callie gasped as the guys cheered. She stepped forwards turning around and standing up. She shook her head and waggled her finger at the boy but still smiling.

"Yeah!" the guy shouted.

"Haha fuck, you da man!" another friend laughed giving him a high-five.

The guy lifted his thumb up to see and people turned to have a look at it. It was glistening in the light, covered with a layer of Callie's pussy juices. After looking at it for a second or two, he popped his thumb into his mouth, hungrily sucking off the juices.

"Hmmmm." He smiled.

Callie continued to dance in front of the guy taking a step closer to him. I saw that mischievous smile again as she stepped right up to the guy, putting her face right up against his. The guy stopped smiling, wondering for a second whether he was going to get smacked by the girl for trying it on so boldly. The look of concern vanished and I looked down to see that Callie had her hands in his crotch, undoing his zipper. She pulled out a very stiff looking average sized dick, giving it a tug while she leaned in and gave the guy a long kiss on his lips.

I felt a twist in my stomach, seeing this very hot scene but I was not sure how I felt about Callie kissing another guy. I guess I was getting used to seeing her have sex but giving a long kiss seemed different, almost as if it was cheating although I knew it was not.

The kiss lasted a few seconds before she pulled back and promptly bent over at the waist. Most of the crowd did not notice her take the guy's dick out but now they saw and a loud cheer went up as she took the guy's dick into her mouth and started sucking. Her legs were completely straight with her upper body bent over at a 90 degree angle. The few people who were standing against the wall on the other side of the room smiled as they got a good view of her pussy. The guy who she was blowing closed his eyes and sighed as the teen sucked and swallowed his entire length. His friend who was standing next to him leaned forward and undid the clasp around Callie's skirt. She did not seem to flinch as her skirt quickly fell to the floor. She was now completely naked apart from her knee-high white boots making her look like a real slut. Some camera flashes went around the room as people took photos using their cameras and cell phones.

The guy who undid her skirt now had his dick out in his hand. His dick was slightly bigger at around seven inches and he wanked it back and forth slowly as he waited his turn. A well-built white guy approached Callie from behind. He looked like a footballer, the way he was built. A footballer with his stiff dick in his hand! It was a good eight inches and as looked hard as a rock as the guy crouched down slightly and angled his dick downwards. Callie had not noticed yet but the guy shuffled forwards, pausing as the tip of his dick touched against Callie's pussy mound.

'Here we go again' I thought to myself as the guy grabbed Callie's waist with his other hand, steadying her as he pushed forwards.

"Mmpgh!" Callie moaned in surprise as her pussy lips parted to allow the head of the footballer's dick to slide into her.

"Oooh" purred the guy as he began to pump back and forth, slowly working more of his dick into my girlfriend with each push. Callie must have been quite wet as it was not long before the guy's full eight inches stretched her pussy.

"Jimmy! All is forgiven!" laughed the guy as he slowly pulled his dick out of Callie before slamming it all back in with one big lunge.

It was now clear that this was one of Jimmy's teammates ... one of the guys that Callie was brought here specifically to please. I hoped that he and his friends would quickly get on with it so that we could leave. Callie's body was being pushed forwards and backwards by the guy as she continued to suck on the other guy's dick. Several other guys stood near her, either rubbing their crotches or with their dicks out in their hands. To the other side of the room I even noticed a girl rubbing her own breasts with a couple of guys busy watching her instead of the show Callie was putting on.

"Mmpgh!" Callie mumbled at the same time the guy she was sucking grit his teeth.

It was obvious what was happening as she swallowed several times with the guy's dick still lodged in his mouth pumping her belly full of his sperm. The guy backed away, his soft dick swinging out of Callie's mouth. She immediately put her hands on her knees to support herself as she continued to get banged by the footballer from behind. The friend of the guy Callie had just blown stepped in front of her, his stiff dick in his hand. He glanced down at her with a big grin on his face, knowing that he was about to get a blowjob from this teen-hottie. Although she was glancing down at her feet, she saw that someone new had moved into place in front of her and as she looked up she was greeted with the view of another stiff dick. The guy took her arms and placed each of her hands on his butt cheeks then supported her by holding her under her armpits. In that position, Callie had no control over how deep the guy would push his dick into her mouth and as she wrapped her lips around the stiff dick the guy immediately started fucking into it as if it were a pussy. Slowly the guy thrust deeper and deeper until she was totally deep throating him. She struggled a little to breathe as she gasped for air every time the guy pulled his dick out a little. I almost stepped forwards to put a stop to it, but I did not want to make it obvious that I was Callie's boyfriend there to protect her in case the guys made me leave and I could see that she was slowly getting used to the size and working up a rhythm to breathe as the guy fucked her face.

I was mesmerized by the back and forth action of the dick sliding in and out of my girlfriend's throat when a loud cry from the guy behind her brought my attention back to him. He shivered a couple of times then stopped, his eyes closed with a huge smile on his face. He stepped away, his dick quickly going soft as a couple of drips of sperm dropped onto the carpet below with the rest, I assumed, lodged deep inside Callie's teen pussy. As the guy backed away, another well-built white guy approached, giving the previous guy a high-five. As this newcomer came closer, I could see that he also had a fairly large dick, similar to the previous guy buy a tiny bit thicker with more prominent veins spiraling up his shaft. He wasted no time in grabbing Callie's ass cheeks with both hands, spreading them wide open. Although I was not standing very close, I could see Callie's reddened and swollen pussy lips spreading, showing her pink insides to the room. I even noticed a spot of white sperm sitting at the entrance to her passage as the previous load seeped out. The new guy promptly squeezed her ass cheeks back together, massaging them around for a couple of seconds before spreading them again, placing the head of his thick dick at her pink opening before pushing forwards. With her ass still spread I watched as the guy's dick slowly sank into my girlfriend and although his dick was dry, she was wet enough that he did not even have to pull back or ease himself in with care. He just gradually pushed forwards with his dick immediately being lubricated by Callie's pussy juice and the load of sperm.

"Fuck I can't wait to get me some of that teen pussy." The guy standing next to me said to no-one in particular.

I glanced at him as his eyes stared intently at Callie being fucked from both ends. He was a geeky kind of looking guy, with thick rimmed glasses and braces on his teeth. He was a couple of spots on his face and lots of scarring from bad skin. He kind of looked out of place at the frat party but he like everyone else was watching my girlfriend's 'forced' exhibition.

I turned my attention back to Callie just in time to see the guy fucking her mouth ram his dick forwards as deep as he could into her mouth.

"MMMM!!!" mumbled Callie as I saw her throat muscles swallow her second load into her belly.

The guy held still for a few more seconds before pulling out, dragging a big clump of sperm over her lips and chin. Callie let go of the guy's ass as he backed away and bent down, supporting her upper body on her knees again as she continued to get rammed from behind.

"Come on, spin round this way." Said the guy fucking her, turning her and pushing her downwards.

Callie rested her arms on the coffee table as the guy started too fuck her once again. They were now facing away from me and my view was basically the footballer's ass as it pounded and slapped against her ass. The reason for the change in position became obvious as a big black guy approached. He looked like yet another footballer and he had a big 9 inch dick in his hand. The guy sat down on the coffee table, leaning back to allow his big cock to point at Callie's face. She needed no instructions as she shuffled to rest her hands either side of the guy's knees and opened her mouth to start sucking on the big dick.

"You're gonna love this pussy Jamal!" panted the guy fucking Callie.

"Haha yeah, but is her pussy gonna love me?" Jamal laughed.

"She's pretty tight but I am sure she can handle you ... besides I've seen much smaller pussies take you." The guy replied as Jamal laughed.

Perhaps having the entire football team fuck an innocent girl was not something out of the ordinary for them, I thought to myself.

The two guys continued to pump in and out of her and soon the room was filled with grunting and panting from all three of them. Suddenly Callie let out a muffled yelp and spasmed and I knew she had just cum. When Callie cums she normally clamps down hard on my dick, using her athletic muscles to squeeze her pussy and no doubt that is what she was doing now as the white guy fucking her from behind suddenly got this look on his face like his eyeballs were turning inside out. He grit his teeth, mumbling something as he grunted, shooting another load of cum into my girlfriend's fertile womb.

The guy regained his composure as Callie continued to suck the black dick in front of her before he pulled out and moved away. Jamal pushed against Callie's shoulders, lifting her mouth from his dick with a big strand of saliva.

"Turn around and sit on this." Ordered Jamal.

Callie carefully crouched on the table over Jamal, positioning her pussy over the thick black dick and prepared to impale herself on the black rod.

"No no. Turn around and face everyone." Jamal added. "I want everyone to get a good look as your precious tight white pussy gets speared by my big black cock."

Callie slowly turned around glancing at everyone in the room. Our eyes met and she smiled slightly, clearly embarrassed at how many pairs of eyes were staring at her naked teen body. It was as if in the previous position she had forgotten that she was getting fucked in a room full of people and now she was on total display for everyone to see. She looked down at the big dick and lowered herself trying to get the right position. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, she grabbed Jamal's shaft, guiding the bulbous head of the footballer's dick against her pussy lips before letting the weight of herself slowly sink down. Callie gasped as her pussy was stretched further than the previous two guys did. Finally, she sat fully on Jamal's dick. All nine inches had vanished inside Callie.

"Now lean yourself back so everyone can see." Jamal ordered.

Callie suddenly looked embarrassed and ashamed, shying away from looking at everyone as she obediently leant back, propping herself up with her arms on the table top. The entire room could see her teen pussy impaled on this big black rod. Jamal was obviously very proud of his dick and 'why not' I thought to myself! He reached forwards and grabbed one of her breasts in each hand, kneading them and rubbing her nipples with his fingertips. Callie closed her eyes, sighing as Jamal played with her breasts. After a minute or so, he reached down below Callie's ass and lifted her upwards. Everyone could see Callie's thin pink pussy lips stretched wide as inch after inch of the dick slid out of her with a thin layer of whitish gooey liquid pasting the black dick. This, I figured was half sperm and half pussy juice.

When Callie's pussy was almost completely off his dick, Jamal basically let her drop again, their two bodies making a slap sound as the dick fully penetrated her again with a single lunge. She had to do nothing as Jamal lifted her then let her drop over and over, the huge muscles in his arm easily taking the weight of Callie as the big dick fucked her.

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