Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 23

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 23 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The next day after school Callie stayed behind for gymnastics practice so I wandered home alone. Stopping at a convenience store for a drink, I was just walking out of the store when something caught my eye. It was a magazine at the top of the rack called 'Pure Teens' and on the front cover was Callie, there was no mistaking it. She was in a light pink frilly bra and panties, sitting on the side of the bed biting her bottom lip the way she looks so cute doing. The caption next to her was "Cassie, eighteen and ready to please".

"Fuck me." I muttered under my breath. The fact that Mr. Jaworski had altered her name to 'Cassie' instead of 'Callie' meant little. She was clearly recognizable no matter what name she had been given and the fact that I had noticed the magazine meant that others would too; this store was quite close to our school and I am sure that if this store had it then probably every other one would too. My heart beat nervously as I briefly thought of what everyone at school would say. Added to all that, she was not yet eighteen despite the caption and I was not sure how that sat legally as well. It was probably not going to be long until someone from school who had a parent in law enforcement found out that an under-aged girl was displaying herself in a magazine like this and god knows what fallout was going to happen.

With butterflies in my stomach, I gingerly took one of the many examples of the magazine on display and took it to the counter, hoping the guy would not ID me for buying it. Luckily he did not, and I rushed home as fast as I could with the magazine in my bag, eager to see what it was like. I came home to an empty house, which was great. I rushed upstairs and slammed the door behind me, flopping onto the bed and ripping open the plastic package of the magazine. I took a deep breath and flipped through to Callie's section. Her section started just before the middle which meant that she had the centerfold as well.

'Callie, eighteen and ready to please' said the caption again. The photo, which was on the front of the magazine, was repeated. Callie sat on the bed looking innocent, biting her lip. I took a deep breath and turned the page. The first photo was Callie standing up her bra on the floor with her covering her breasts with her hands. In the second photo she was already topless, showing her firm, tanned breasts, with her thumbs hooked under her underwear which was pulled down slightly; just enough for the top of her pubes to be shown. On the opposite page, Callie was fully naked, still standing up, with her hands on her hips, cheekily sticking her tongue out at the camera. There was some text on the page which read like an interview.

'So Cassie, welcome to Pure Teens. Does your boyfriend know you are here?' read the first caption.

'Thanks! My boyfriend knows I am here and says he can't wait to see the magazine!' Came the supposed reply.

"What bullshit." I muttered to myself. I had no idea Callie was going to be in a magazine like this and I certainly never said that I could not wait. I had long suspected that magazines like this just made stuff up, and now it was confirmed.

'So he isn't worried about the world seeing you naked?' The magazine continued.

'Nah, he can't wait. He says the thought of all those men getting horny over his little girlfriend makes him hot.' Callie supposedly replied.

'So, tell us what your nastiest fantasy is.'

'Well after this shoot, I would love for your readers to contact me. Maybe I can arrange something special for lets say ten of them. A night they will never forget. [Cassie giggles]'

'What, you mean a gangbang?' Continued the magazine.

'Yeah why not? I may be eighteen only but I am not naïve. I am a horny teenaged girl with needs!' Cassie replied.

"Fuckers" I muttered. There was no way Callie would say those things.

I turned the page, expecting Callie to now be fully naked and I was right. Callie sat on the edge of the bed, her feet on the floor and her legs spread. Her pubes were visible and her bare pussy mound sitting just above the blanket. In the photo below, Callie was lying on the floor, her legs still spread with her pussy facing the camera. Her pussy lips were slightly swollen, and like she said, she had been teased all day by Flavio so I was not surprised to see her still looking a bit turned on in the photos.

On the opposite page, Callie was kneeling on a big leather armchair with her back to the camera. Her back was arched slightly so you could just about see her pussy but it was not clear. She was smiling a mischievous smile with her head tilted down and her eyes looking up towards the camera. It was a very sexy look which totally said 'come and get me'. Mr. Jaworski sure knew how to direct his models and I supposed Callie had to be given credit for acting the part well.

The bogus interview continued on this page...

'If that is your fantasy, have you ever been with more than one guy at once?' asked the article.

'Well there was this once ... I had been fantasizing about this boy in school and after school I sometimes have gymnastics class. This one day after gymnastics I was in the changing room rubbing myself to orgasm. I thought everyone else had gone home so I was just sat on the bench when the janitor came in. I am not sure how long he had been standing there but when I opened my eyes there was this big black guy with a smile on his face and his dick in his hand. I was so horny I just leaned forwards and started sucking on his dick. I had forgotten that he always had a younger assistant around and with my gym leggings around my legs my pussy was exposed. I felt a dick nudge against my pussy from behind and I immediately knew it was his younger assistant but I held still and let him stick it into me. God he had a big dick. They both fucked the shit out of me that afternoon. Good thing no-one else was still around!'

'Wow ... that's quite the story!'

"Bloody idiots" I mumbled, turning the page. 'Where do they get this stuff? Callie wouldn't do that' I thought to myself.

The next page was the centerfold and there in big size, was Callie on all fours, her pussy smack in the middle of the page, almost as large as life. Her pussy lips glistened with a slight dampness and her clit was peeking out from it's hood. Her pussy entrance was even slightly visible between the ruffles of her pussy lips as she glanced over her shoulder back at the camera, blowing a kiss to the readers.

'Cassie XXX' read the caption but it was the text below which shocked me more. It was Callie's porn website address and the text 'See more of me here.'

"Oh crap" I said outloud, thinking that this could quite possibly be the end of her relative secret 'other' life. Just having an internet site was one thing, but having a magazine so visibly sold in our town and then having a link to that website was catastrophic. Perhaps we would have to run away to another city to live!

I turned to the next page which again had a few photos on it. The first one showed Callie sitting on the edge of the bed again but this time she had a large black dildo and was licking the tip suggestively, looking into the camera. It was no ordinary dildo, but glistened black and was easily as big as the 12 inch dicks she had been raped by at the warehouse that night. The photo below had her leaning back on the bed with the tip of the dildo nestled ever so slightly against her pussy lips. On the opposite page, Callie was back on all fours with her ass to the camera. Her eyes were closed as her hand reached back from under her belly to hold onto the base of the dildo. There was must been a good six inches of the thing lodged inside her pussy.

With no text on those pages, I turned to the last double page of photos. There were just two photos, one on each side. On the left, Callie lay on her back on the floor, her pussy facing the camera. The first few inches of the dildo were now in her mouth but the lower few inches if you looked carefully, were covered with a thin whitish fluid. I knew immediately that it was Callie's pussy juice. Against the shiny rubber dildo it was fairly visible. Callie's pussy lips were more ruffled as they were still obviously stretched from the wide dildo and the entrance to her pussy was more visible than before.

In the last photo, Callie was still on her back but with her legs together and pointing straight up in the air towards the ceiling. She was reaching forwards with her hands and pulling her pussy lips apart, giving the camera a total view of her pussy lips and her pussy passage, which spread open as well. You could see a good inch or so into her pussy including the wet pink inner walls, which were lit up by the camera's flash. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination and also gave a good view of her tight puckered ass hole as well. The text also continued on this page.

'College is later this year. What do you plan to study?' Asked the article.

'As many dicks as possible! [Haha]. No, seriously I would love to become a doctor so maybe something towards that goal.' Came Callie's reply.

That was one answer which was true ... well the second part anyway. Callie had always said she wanted to become a doctor, but one which helps poor people off the street and not one who goes into private practice to make millions for themselves.

'Maybe they did actually ask her some questions'. I thought to myself. There was no way she said some of the other things so I guessed that they took a boring bog standard interview and spiced it up with false stuff.

'Wow that's noble.' Continued the article. 'Is your boyfriend going to go to the same college as you?'

'I certainly hope so, but if it doesn't work out that way we will do the long distance thing. He's happy for me to find some studs to fuck at my own college as long as I only love him.' Callie replied.

'That's nice of him. Maybe we can help out with the studs!' came the magazine reply. 'Thanks for coming today Cassie. Do you think you will be back?'

'Absolutely! I had fun today and hopefully the readers love me too. Perhaps next time one of them can feature in the shoot with me!' She replied.

I sighed, shaking my head at the drivel they make up. I just sat at home, thoughts running through my mind at what the coming few days might be like at school. I hoped that Callie's parents or my parents would not see the magazine. I tried to think of excuses to reasonably explain why my girlfriend was in a porn magazine spreading her pussy. Maybe it was an evil twin? Perhaps she had been hypnotized to do it?

'Don't be ridiculous.' I thought to myself. Perhaps the best answer was just to play it cool, admit that she did it, say how impressed I was at the photo shoot and how much money she made off it. Either way, I knew we were in store for a lot of crap at school from this. I just hoped Callie would handle it well and that there would not be more serious repercussions from her school or worse, the police for being under-aged.

I just lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling when there was a knock on the door. I trundled downstairs, assuming it was the postman with something to sign for. I opened the door and to my surprise stood the twins Zack and Scott holding up a copy of Callie's magazine, to the centerfold page showing Callie on all fours. They both had big grins on their faces and immediately I knew this was going to be trouble.

"What the hell do you two want?" I sneered at them.

"It's a beautiful photo James." Grinned Scott.

"Not as good as our video of her getting fucked, but certainly not bad". Zack smiled.

"We stopped by Callie's house, but no-one was there so we thought we would pay you a visit instead." Scott said, closing the magazine.

"Very good, you've seen her magazine. Now piss off." I said, starting to close the door.

"Ah ah, not so fast!" Zack shook his head, with his hand on the door preventing me from closing it. "We have a proposition for you."

"Well, for Callie really, but since she is not here perhaps you can relay the message for us." Scott added.

"Not interested. Go away." I replied, starting to push against the door only to meet more resistance from Zack.

"I think it is in your best interests to hear this one." Scott nodded.

I stood there listening, looking unimpressed.

"Well, you know we have an older brother called Jimmy?" Zack started.

I shook my head slightly. I had never heard of them having an older sibling. I assumed they did not otherwise Callie would not be needed for baby sitting.

"Well anyway we do. He's 19 now and at the local college. He lives on campus there. Anyway he's on the football team and dropped the ball at the game the other day, which made them lose. Needless to say he isn't that popular at the moment. He's helped us with a couple of things over the years so we owe him and suggested he throw a party for his team-mates and the boys at his frat house. We promised we would provide the entertainment and that's where Callie comes in." Zack explained.

"You mean Cassie." Giggled Scott.

The both of them sniggered like the immature schoolboys they were. I remained unimpressed looking although my mind was already thinking about possible ways out of this one.

"So..." Zack said, still sniggering. " ... we need Callie to serve a few drinks and then do a strip-tease for the boys."

"We won't lie, there will probably be sex involved." Scott added.

"And what makes you think that Callie is going to do any of this?" I scowled.

"Well for starters there's the video of course. I am sure she doesn't want people to see her having sex with minors." Zack said, no longer smiling.

"She's a minor herself dumbass. Besides, you two instigated it all!" I replied.

"Maybe so, but she looks like a very willing participant in the video doesn't she?" Zack smiled.

"She certainly does!" Scott grinned.

"Well with that magazine now out, everyone will have seen her naked anyway. There's little in your video which can force her to do what you want." I replied smugly.

"I do agree with you partially and we did think about that, but not everyone will see this magazine, especially Callie's parents and your parents. It might just be our duty to tell her parents and show them how shocked we are that our innocent baby sitter...

"Their innocent little girl." Scott interrupted.

" ... their innocent girl, is striping for porn money. Also imagine their shock when we tell them that we overheard you ordering Callie to do it, that you would leave her if she didn't do it and give you the proceeds." Zack smugly smiled.

"What?! That's absolute bullshit and you know it is." I angrily replied.

"Either way, her parents think we are trustworthy and adorable. Hell they will see the photos, how do you think they will react? I don't think they will be very pleased about their daughter having you as a boyfriend anymore and you know with college coming soon you need them to like you if you two are going to go to the same town." Zack shrugged.

I stood there in disbelief. It seemed that no matter what happened, no matter how many people got to see Callie naked, that there was still some way to blackmail the pair of us. I tried to quickly find something to say against them. Some way to wiggle out of this one but I could think of nothing. I just stood there speechless.

"I think he finally understands." Scott smiled.

"Well? Do you?" Zack raised his eyebrows.

I nodded ever so slightly, still unable to think of something good to say.

"Of course, at the end of the day it is Callie's choice but I know you have a lot of say, so we expect you to do your bit." Zack continued. "Here's the address and some instructions. Jimmy says you are most welcome to come and join in, after all that's the least he can offer for being able to get a stripper for free." He laughed.

Zack pressed an envelope into my hand and they both turned around and walked away, laughing to themselves. I just stood there in my doorway, in shock and disbelief, wanting to run down the driveway and break their fucking little necks. Instead, I slowly walked into my living room, and flopped onto my sofa, staring dejectedly at the little white envelope scrunched up in my hand.

I was not sure how long I lay there, a hundred thoughts running through my mind but there was a knock on the door. Like a zombie I dragged myself to the door and opened it.

"Hi gorgeous!" Callie smiled, giving me a peck on the cheek before brushing past me into the house.

"Oh ... um ... hi." I replied, unsure of how to break the news to her.

"Whats the matter, did someone die?" Callie smiled jokingly.

I stood there watching my gorgeous girlfriend, so full of life with her beaming happy smile. She had obviously just come from her shower after gymnastics as she stood there looking so fresh, her hair smelling of sweet flowers with a hint of fruitiness. I did not want to be the one to tell the bad news but I had no choice.

"I think we had better go upstairs." I said, taking her hand and starting up the steps.

We went into the bedroom and I closed the door behind us. Callie immediately noticed the Pure Teens magazine sitting on my bed.

"Oh ... it's out". Callie said in a serious tone, walking over and immediately picking it up and thumbing through the magazine.

"I was buying a drink on the way home and saw it sitting on the magazine rack. Was hard to miss actually..."

" ... and if its hard to miss then you won't be the only one who sees it." Callie interrupted.

"Well yeah ... I think there is a pretty strong possibility that within the next few days, everyone at school is going to have a copy of this in their bags. You'll be the talk of the town ... well the school at least." I said, sitting on the bed next to her.

"Yeah. I guess it was inevitable. I knew this photo shoot was going into a magazine, so I guess I knew it would hit the shelves eventually and that everyone would see. It's different when you have the magazine in your hands though." Callie replied quietly, just staring at the centerfold page of her pussy on display.

"Well you know what?" Callie continued, sounding slightly more upbeat. "There's been plenty of whispering already these last few weeks so what's a little more eh?"

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