Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 22

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 22 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

I woke up early the next morning and curiosity got the better of me about the state of the living room. I crept downstairs as quietly as I could with the odd creak from the wooden stairs and went into the living room. The smell of sex had gone and there was still a faint hint of air freshener in the air. The sofa looked normal although the carpet did have a stain on it. The sperm had dried up and the bristles of the carpet were hard. I got my foot and gave it a good rub, loosening it as best as I could. Still tired, I satisfied myself that my meager efforts would do, and wandered back upstairs to sleep.

Maybe it was paranoia but during breakfast with Callie and her parents I thought her dad was giving me an odd look every now and then. I hoped he had not suspected anything but there was little I could do about it and acted as cool as I could.

A week or so went by and once again, everything seemed to go back to normal. The twins were nowhere to be seen, thank god! Ken did not try to contact us at all and I checked Callie's website a couple of times and saw there were no updates there either. As much as I wanted to relax and get back to more of a normal life, I knew things were not going to suddenly go back to normal and at the back of my mind I was just waiting for the next thing to happen. I did not have to wait long, as one day walking with Callie back to her house after school we saw a brown package lying on the floor next to her mailbox addressed to her. Thankfully her mum had gone out for the day and her dad was at work, so no-one had picked up the package yet. We hoped it was not another package from Ken! Callie walked ahead and grabbed it, glancing around as we walked towards her house.

"It's heavy whatever it is." Callie said, holding the package up to see if there were any clues about it's sender.

My heart pounded quickly as I wondered what was inside. I was not sure whether it was excitement or fear and I had no idea what we were about to see. I was definitely nervous.

We quickly went inside, closing the front door behind us. Callie couldn't wait and immediately tore open the package.

"Oh it's the book!" Callie smiled excitedly.

"Oh Mr. Jaworski's book?" I asked, wanting to grab it off her and have a flip through.

"Yeah. 'Nudes', its called. Simple I guess. " Callie shrugged, holding the book up to show me the cover.

The cover was black and white and showed a side view of a female upper body. It was a very dark photo with little lighting but you could clearly see the side view of a breast with an erect nipple. Below that, was a toned belly with the lighting highlighting the stomach muscles. Looking further down you could just see the tops of some fuzzy pubes and the beginning of a pussy mound just starting to stick outwards. Everything below that was obscured by the leg close to the camera being slightly forward. The skin on the body glistened as if it has been oiled, or sprayed with a fine mist of liquid. The photo did not show the neck or the head. It all looked very familiar to me.

"Is that you?" I asked, pointing at the book.

"Um ... I think so. Kinda looks like it." She said, scrunching up her cute little face.

"That's a pretty cool photo." I smiled.

I genuinely liked it. I was not sure what to expect from this book but it seemed as though Callie had described it quite well. It was definitely arty judging by the cover and not explict at all. It really was like one of those nude photography books at the big bookstore that all the horny teenagers always tried to look at when the staff were not looking.

"Lets have a look then" I smiled, trying to grab the book off her.

"Nooo, we look together!" Callie giggled.

"Come on then!" I laughed.

"Upstairs!" laughed Callie, running upstairs with me in hot pursuit.

We barged into her bedroom and Callie flung herself onto her bed. I forgot that I was still carrying the rest of the regular mail which I quickly flung to the floor and jumped onto the bed next to Callie. We lay on our bellies and Callie paused, looking at me before giving me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too" I smiled.

"Ready?" she added.

I nodded as Callie opened the cover of the book. The first page was full of text by Mr. Jaworski which Callie immediately skipped past. The first photo in the book was another black and white. It was of a blonde girl who sat on a rocking chair on a porch of a house, staring out into a field of sunflowers. She was naked of course and although not a close-up, you could see her face and anyone who knew her would have no problems recognizing her. I wondered whether there were many photos of Callie that people would recognize.

"Jane, sixteen". Callie read the caption. "Is that her age? Is that even allowed?"

"Umm ... flip back to the previous page" I replied.

Callie flipped back and I scanned the big page of text by Mr. jaworski.

"There" I said, pointing to a paragraph halfway down.

"This book features models of many ages..." Callie read. "There is a distinct difference between child pornography and art. This book does not feature any explict sexual images of children and nor does the author support such images. All images featured here are to exhibit the beauty of the human form in an artistic way and comply with all relevant laws governing such."

There was more but Callie stopped reading there, looking up at me.

"Well there you go!" She said, raising her eyebrows.

"Hell, who am I to complain." I smiled. "She was hot!"

"Hey!" Callie shouted, nudging my sides with her elbow playfully.

She turned back to the page of the sixteen year old. It really was arty and although she was naked, you could not see her pussy and only the side of one of her breasts as she sat in the chair. Callie turned to the next page, which was also a black and white photo. It showed the same girl, asleep in bed. The bed sheets were crumpled up and she was almost completely exposed as she lay on her side. The bed sheet covered her belly but her teen breasts were exposed. Her bottom half was also exposed and you could see a patch of lightly coloured pussy hair and her pussy itself, although with her legs closed together you could not see her lips or anything like that. The photo had a very soft look like it was out of focus slightly. It was definitely what I would still class as arty even though you could see her breasts and pussy. I wondered if she was from our town. I did not recognize her but she was definitely hot!

The next photo was captioned "Liz, 18" and although not quite black and white, the colours seemed very washed out, like Mr. Jaworski tried to make it as black and white as possible but leave a little bit of tanned skin tone there. The girl was a brunette and facing away from the camera. She stood on a dark street under a lamp post, staring down a row of parked cars and houses. There was no-one else in the photo apart from the girl. She stood there naked, with her legs slightly parted. The camera view was about waist-height but because of the dark shadow, you could see her butt cheeks but nothing of her pussy which would have been exposed between her parted legs. Her long straight hair sat in the small of her back and she stood there with her arms by her sides.

"That's a nice one" Callie nodded.

"Yeah not bad!" I replied.

The next page was in full colour and featured a blonde girl lying on a deck-chair by the side of a private swimming pool in the sun. She had sunglasses on and had her hands behind her head. Her breasts and body glistened in the sun from oil. She had her feet tucked in close to her bum and her knees pointing up. With the low camera angle you could just about see her pussy exposed near her ankles although again it was nothing explicit.

"Jeannie, fifteen" I read outloud.

"Hmmm ... you know she almost looks kinda familiar" Callie said, thinking.

"Definitely no-one I know" I replied, thinking I would definitely remember a girl as hot as she was.

"I think she might be someone from another school I have competed against in gymnastics." Callie said. "Hmmm..." she added before turning the page.

The next page was a black and white photo again and was a close-up of a girl's butt cheeks whilst standing up. It was a dark photo like the one on the front cover and although it was a close-up, everything was quite silhouetted. The butt cheeks were perfectly shaped and rounded. The legs were spread what must have been a little more than shoulder length apart and you could plainly see the shape of the pussy mound which was the main focus of the photo. They were athletic and plump and you could even see the slit in the middle just peeking out between the sides of the smoothly shaven pussy mound.

"Callie, seventeen" I read out, unsurprised that it was a photo of Callie given it looked like the same photoshoot as the one on the cover.

"How come the most explicit photo in here so far just happens to be of you!" I added.

"Well, it's still arty." Callie replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well yes ... I mean it's a very nice shot ... I just want photos of other people like that too, not just you!"

"You just want to perve on other girls you mean!" Callie replied, playfully giving me the elbow again.

"Haha ... you know what I mean!" I laughed, thinking that Callie was partially right. "I don't want yours to be the most explict in here."

"Oh I'm sure it isn't" Callie smiled, turning the page.

The next photo was full colour and featured two nude girls standing on a beach, holding hands and looking out into the distant horizon. 'Alessandra 15, Alexia 17' read the caption.

"That's beautiful." Callie whispered, almost under her breath.

"I wonder where that was taken? Looks like a nice spot for a holiday. You could obviously go nude!" I giggled.

"Oh James." Callie sighed. "I guess its overseas somewhere. Tahiti maybe? The girls' names sound foreign."

"Maybe you can ask Mr. Jaworski to take us there for another photo shoot." I laughed.

"Haha! Yeah." Laughed Callie sarcastically.

The opposite page featured the same two girls standing in the water, which came up to their breasts. They both had no tan lines so I guessed they sunbathed naked a lot, or like Callie perhaps went to the tanning salon although something made me think theirs was all natural. The girls were laughing and splashing water over each other. It did make for a nice photo and not the slightest bit pornographic although the pair both had fantastic perky teen breasts.

"That looks so much fun." Callie smiled sweetly. "Do you think we can go somewhere like that for our honeymoon?"

"Honeymoon?! Who says I'm going to marry you?" I laughed.

"Hey!!" Callie giggled, grabbing a pillow and whacking it over my head.

I grabbed another pillow and swung it at her, laughing. A full-on pillow fight ensued as we wrestled each other. It was not long before I was straddling Callie's belly, pinning her to the floor and tickling her like crazy.

"Ok! Ok! You win!" She panted.

"Haha" I laughed, dipping my head down to give her a long kiss. "I love you Callie Stevens."

"I love you too" She sexily replied, giving me another kiss.

We both crawled back onto the bed to continue looking at the book. It was a strange feeling. We were looking at photos of Callie's naked body and knew that other people possibly around the world would be looking at the same thing. It even had Callie's name on, so it was not anonymous or anything like that but neither of us cared. In fact in a strange way I knew that Callie was proud of her photos and featuring in an arty book and I was proud of her too.

"Now where were we?" Callie panted as she flipped through the previous photos to where we left off.

Callie turned to the page after the two girls. This one was black and white again and showed an attractive brunette sitting on the floor smiling at the camera. Her knees were pointing up and her legs were spread wide open. Right where her spread pussy would be was a big teddy bear she was hugging. 'Michaela,18' The caption read.

"Very strategically placed". I commented.

"Maybe there's not many more of me. Mr. Jaworski did say that out of the hundreds of photos he takes at every shoot he often only uses a few." Callie said, quickly turning to the next page.

"Well that does make sense, especially since digital photos cost no money to take. Might as well take more than you need." I replied.

The next pages Callie flipped past fairly quickly. They featured similar poses to the ones before and all of girls from 15 to 19, some in colour and some in black and white. Then came a page which denoted the next chapter, or section of the book.

"Couples. Hmmm." I read, unsure of exactly what this featured and whether Callie was involved in any of it.

The first photo was again black and white and featured the sixteen year old Jane who lay asleep on the upper body of a well-muscled guy. The guy's face was out of the photo but you could see the teen's head lying there, her hand on the guy's chest muscles and one of her breasts pressing against him. A bed sheet covered their bottom halves but you could just see the tops of both their pubes. Although not pornographic in itself, the photo clearly made it look like the sixteen year old had just had sex with the muscled guy.

"That's a bit suggestive isn't it?" I commented.

"Yeah certainly is, but I guess it doesn't actually show anything. It's just our imaginations, so its ok I guess." Callie replied.

"Yeah 'suppose so." I shrugged. "Whats next?"

Callie turned the page and I was immediately shocked at what I saw. It was Callie and a guy standing in a lake. The guy was facing away from the camera so you could not see his face but you could see his toned and muscled body. He was clearly nude although the water came up to above his waist so you could not see his bum clearly which was submerged. With his big muscled arms, he was holding up Callie, who had her legs wrapped around the guy's body and her arms wrapped around his neck. Her head tilted back slightly and the guy had his face in her neck, giving it a kiss. They were both naked although you could not see Callie's breasts, which were pressed against the guy's chest, or her pussy which was also hidden from view. Although you could not see as much, it was pretty obvious that he was supposed to be fucking her in the water.

"I thought you said there was no sex!" I said, obviously a bit annoyed.

"Relax baby, there was no sex. Its just made to look like that in the photo." Callie smiled, giving me a peck on the cheek.

"It really does look like that!" I pointed to the photo. " ... but his dick must have been right there."

"Well, yeah it was, but we didn't have sex. It was all above board." She smiled.

"Did he try? I mean, he is standing there butt naked with a gorgeous girl wrapped around him! His dick would have only been inches away from your pussy. Um ... was it hard?" I continued.

"Well yeah, I won't lie, he was as stiff as a board" Callie giggled, sounding proud of having such an effect on the guy.

" ... and he didn't try it on?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well he is a guy ... so yeah he tried, but Mr. Jaworski said there did not have to be any sex and that I shouldn't feel pressured to do anything I didn't want to do, so we didn't do anything."

"Oh ... well that's good." I smiled. " ... but how did he try it on? Did he say something?"

"Why you so curious baby? Nothing happened."

"I don't know. I just ... I wasn't there, so I'm just curious." I shrugged.

"Hmmm" Callie sighed. "Well, when we were like that in the photo, we had to hold the pose for a couple of minutes while Mr. Jaworski took photos from different angles and tried different settings on his camera. The tip of Flavio's dick nudged against my pussy lips a couple of times and he whispered that we could do it if I wanted ... hey you're turning red!"

"What? No ... I..." I stuttered.

Callie reached down and grabbed my dick through my pants. There was no hiding it. My dick was rock hard. Books full of beautiful girls tended to have that effect on me and again there was something about seeing Callie in that sort of position with someone else ... It was sick I know. Callie was my girlfriend but inexplicably it turned me on.

"Your dick is hard! You pervert!" Callie pointed at me, half smiling.

"Well ... I ... It isn't my fault! Those are sexy photos ... and ... and you are one extremely gorgeous girl so of course you turn me on." I babbled, clearly trying to defend myself pointlessly.

"Really? You really think I am gorgeous?" Callie purred.

"Well, of course. I think you are the most gorgeous thing ever. That's why I'm so turned on." I smiled.

Callie made a face like she was considering it for a second.

"Nah!" she laughed. "You're just a perv, face it!"

She was clearly not offended, so I was off the hook!

"Well..." she continued, lowering her voice as if it was a secret. " ... Flavio has been a model for years and I can see why. He is quite a hunk, and that Italian accent of his is extremely sexy."

Callie could see that I was turning red again and with a wry smile, she continued, enjoying the torment her sexy talk was doing.

"You know he had a pretty big dick and he was purposely nudging it up against me." She whispered, giving my stiff dick a squeeze. "He was a bit persistent, telling me that I was the most beautiful model he had worked with and that I should go back to Italy with him."

"Oh ... and um..." I croaked.

Callie was clearly enjoying the effect this was having on me. Clearing my voice I tried again in my proper voice.

"So err, what did you say?"

"I told him I had a great boyfriend at home and that I was definitely not going anywhere with him" She beamed.

"Good answer!" I smiled.

Callie leaned in and gave me a kiss, our tongues softly touching as she gave my dick another squeeze.

"But I have to admit James..." Callie whispered. " ... part of me just wanted to sink my tight pussy down his entire length of Italian dick."

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