Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 21

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

'How do we keep getting ourselves into this sort of situation?' I asked myself. As if it was not bad enough having Ken blackmailing us into all sorts of situations with him and his cronies, we now had the two bratty twins from next door join in as well and of course they could not just keep Callie to themselves but felt as though they had to share with their friends!

"Hey guys" beamed Scott. "Glad you could make it!"

"Hell I figured you guys were lying and this was one of your stupid jokes but credit to ya man!" Said the one with the earring.

"Haha! Surprise!" Zack smiled. "Guys this is Callie and that is James over there." He continued.

Neither Callie or I said anything.

"Callie this is Billy" Zack said, pointing to the guy with the earring. "That's Jason" He motioned towards a shorter fatter kid. " ... and Anthony, but we call him Ant." He said, pointing to the last kid who smiled widely.

"Wow she's gorgeous guys" Ant panted.

"She certainly is, and she is a right little slut aren't you Callie?" Zack laughed.

I wanted to punch the little brat punk but I knew it would only make things worse. I just stood there quietly instead. Callie did her best to hide her emotions but I could see the shame and anger in her face.

"She's the hottest slut I've ever seen." Laughed Billy.

"Why don't you show my friends that gorgeous bod of yours slut?" Zack grinned, as if showing off his favorite new toy.

Callie just stared at Zack.

"Get down onto all fours. Like before." Zack ordered.

"Now!" Zack ordered, raising his voice slightly when he saw Callie hesitate.

Callie slowly got onto all fours on the floor as she was just before the pizza boy interrupted. She arched her back slightly and forced her ass outwards once again giving me and everyone else a nice unexposed view of her newly waxed pussy.

"Oh my god." Jason muttered under his breath, his heart obviously racing.

"This has got to be a dream." Ant said, also mesmerized and scanning every inch of Callie's body with his under-aged eyes.

"She's all yours boys." Scott grinned.

"Um..." Jason said, looking unsure of what to do next.

"You've always wondered what it would be like to have the warm mouth of a hot slut sucking your dick. Now's the chance. Just shove it in her. It's ok, shes a real cock-slut" Zack laughed.

I cringed at the nasty things the twins were saying and further bit my tongue. I wanted more than ever to punch their lights out, even more so than when Callie was gang raped by the black guys who forced her to fuck their dogs. The twins were just so smug they deserved to be punched. Little 14 year old brats.

The three boys needed no further invitation though and almost immediately the three of them had their pants around their ankles and their dicks out. Billy stepped forwards, staking claim to Callie's mouth as he shuffled towards her. His dick was similar to the twins', clearly still developing and still in puberty. He had wiry black tubes around the base of his thin dick. The other two boys watched quietly as Billy's dick moved inches away from Callie's mouth. Callie knew there was nothing she could do to resist and obediently opened her mouth. Billy grinned as he shoved his dick past her lips.

"Ahhhhh" He moaned as Callie closed her lips around the teen dick and started sucking.

As with the twins, Callie just wanted it over as fast as possible and figured the best way was to give them a proper blowjob. Teen boys in puberty would come quickly and that was the goal.

As she started moving her head up and then completely down onto the skinny dick, Jason and Ant moved in closer to get a better look, the both of them slowly rubbing their own dicks. Billy looked like he was in heaven as my girlfriend gave the blowjob her best. Ant moved round to Callie's exposed ass, lowering his head and giving her pussy a big sniff.

"Ahhh, it's like perfume." He smiled.

"It's all yours." Zack said, pointing at Callie's pussy.

"Oh god I can't resist." Ant said, getting onto his knees and gripping his dick.

Ant's dick was the longest of the boys. It was probably a good eight inches although like the other boys it was a skinny one. As his moved his dick closer to Callie's pussy lips the boys glanced over at their friend's dick for the first time.

"Holy shit man." Scott said. "Where have you been hiding that?!"

"Wow." Jason commented.

Ant grinned as the head of his dick touched Callie's pussy lips. She was clearly not very turned on as her lips were not red and swollen but lay almost hidden in her fleshy mound. A droplet or pre-cum sparkled as it sat on the tip of Ant's dick. You could almost hear a pin drop as the boys watched, their eyes as wide as saucers, about to see this gorgeous goddess of a girl get fucked right in front of their eyes. The room was quiet except for the quiet sucking sounds from Callie's mouth. Ant rubbed the single drop of pre-cum up and down Callie's smooth pussy lips and mound before he pushed forwards against Callie's clit.

"Ngggg" Callie moaned uncomfortably as the head of the stiff dick mashed against her clit.

Realising he had missed the entrance to Callie's passage he rubbed the tip of his dick up and down against her lips, causing them to part slightly and helping him to find her entrance. Satisfied that he now had it, it pushed forwards and smiled as the head of his dick vanished between her tight pussy lips. Judging by his inexperience I guessed he was about to lose his virginity ... lose it to a gorgeous girl; my girlfriend, the lucky bastard!

Ant pushed forwards and grimaced in discomfort as his dick gripped against the Callie's passage which was dry. She also cried a muffled yelp in pain.

"Fuck." Ant muttered as he pulled his dick out.

I could see him swirling his tongue around his mouth and then made an awful gargling sound before spitting a huge lump of spit down onto his dick, which he quickly smeared around with his hand. It was absolutely disgusting to see and I am not sure that Callie knew what he had just done but there was no time to dwell on it as he quickly shoved the head of his dick back between Callie's pussy lips and once again pushed forwards. His dick slid in a few centimeters before he pulled it out and slowly nudged forwards again, this time gaining a few more centimeters. Slowly he moved back and forth, the saliva gradually lubricating as he managed to shove more and more of his dick into my tight girlfriend. A couple of minutes later and the entire eight inches of teen dick was lodged inside Callie. Ant turned to the twins and smiled, giving them a thumbs up. The twins smiled back and suddenly I noticed that they were holding up their video camera. They were now recording their friend losing his virginity and had more blackmail material. Callie had not noticed the camera yet but there was nothing that either of us could do about it. I sat and watched, my blood boiling as Ant started to fuck his teen goddess.

"Fuck this is sooo much better than I ever imagined it could be." Smiled Ant, clearly in heaven.

"She's got a mouth like a porn star." Billy sighed.

"Like you know what a pornstar's mouth is like!" laughed Zack.

The boys all laughed but Callie and I were not laughing. Ant had now worked up a good pace, fucking his long dick into the teen pussy. Jason, who was being left out was clutching his dick and slowly moving his hand back and forth quietly waiting his turn. It was not going to be a very long wait, as Ant cried out, slapping his crotch hard against Callie's pussy.

'That was quick!' I thought to myself as I watched the teenaged boy shoot his very first load into a girl's pussy ... my girl's pussy.

"Fuck that was good." Smiled Ant. "Who would have thought that a dirty whore like you would be so tight."

I wanted so much to punch the guy square in the mouth but resisted. Callie did not react either as she continued to suck on Billy's dick with her mouth closed. Zack and Scott both laughed while Jason nervously smiled, unsure of whether to take Ant's place. Ant backed away, his dick flopping out of Callie's pussy. Zack moved around to Callie's behind with the video camera, zooming in on the teen dick coming out and capturing a stream of sperm which dripped out of her pussy onto the carpet below. I immediately hoped that we would be able to clean up the mess before Callie's parents got home without them suspecting anything.

"Oh that's a good shot right there" I heard Zack mutter under his breath.

"My turn or I'm gonna nut in the slut's mouth." Billy moaned as he pulled out of Callie mouth and quickly shuffled round behind her.

Jason took this as the cue he was waiting for and moved into place in front of Callie, feeding his dick into her mouth. Callie emotionlessly opened her mouth again and started sucking on the teen dick. Meanwhile Billy surveyed her dripping pussy, unsure of what to do next. Her pussy was not stretched wide and nor was it swollen or red from being turned on. Her lips were slightly parted more than her normal 'resting' look and there was a trickle of sperm but I could tell that the fucking she had just got did not turn her on in the slightest despite Ant's dick being a full eight inches.

"The slut's got a pretty messy pussy" Billy said, scrunching up his face in disgust.

"Just shove your dick in there!" Scott said impatiently.

"Yeah but Ant's cum is all squished up inside." Billy replied.

"Yeah but at least her cunt won't be dry and I bet you it is still as tight as a nun's ass" Scott laughed.

Billy hesitated for a little bit then positioned his dick against Callie's pussy entrance. His dick was still wet with saliva and with her pussy still dripping with cum there was no problem taking yet another dick up her passage. Billy's dick slid in easily and Zack zoomed in on all the detail as more of Ant's sperms squished out and dripped onto the carpet below.

"Fuck you are tight, even if you are a slut!" Billy moaned.

It did not take him long to work up a pace sliding in and out of Callie, all captured on HD quality film. Meanwhile Jason continued to have the blowjob of his life and Zack made sure he moved round to capture that on camera as well.

"Oh god!" Moaned Jason loudly as he shuddered and shot his teen sperm into Callie's mouth.

As she gulped and swallowed the load, the sight was obviously too much for Billy to bear as he also cried out, emptying his under-aged teen balls into Callie's already dripping pussy.

"Oh fucking hell." Billy moaned, trying to catch his breath as he spasmed a few more times, his dick still lodged in Callie.

Zack moved round to zoom in on her pussy as Billy pulled his softening dick out. More sperm dripped onto the carpet as Billy flopped backwards onto the floor looking exhausted.

Jason also pulled his dick out and staggered backwards leaving Callie on all fours on her own. She was not even panting, it was as if what she had done was easy. I knew she was not turned on by it and maybe it was not easy in the emotional sense but physically she just stayed in position and allowed herself to be fucked whilst she sucked on the teen dicks.

None of the boys lasted more than a few minutes each it was all over very quickly. Callie slowly got to her knees and stood up. Looking down she noticed the wet patch of sperm on the carpet.

"Shit!" she said, quickly reaching down and catching another blob of sperm which had just dripped from her pussy.

"Nice catch." Said Zack, still filming. "Now eat it." He ordered.

Callie scowled at him, partly for ordering her to eat sperm and partly as she had just noticed that Zack had been filming. She brought her hand to her mouth and slurped quickly, sucking the sperm into her mouth and swallowing, before giving Zack a deliberately sarcastic smile.

"You don't want to make more of a mess of your parent's lovely carpet do you? I think you should dig around up there and eat more of the sperm before the carpet it totally ruined, what do you think guys?" Zack smiled.

"Yeah slut. I bet you love the taste of our sperms! Haha." Laughed Billy.

Callie scowled again as she obediently reached down and shoved two fingers up her pussy, wiggling them around and allowing more sperm to drip onto the palm of her hand. After 30 seconds or so or digging around, most of the sperm had come out and there was a small pool of it sitting in her palm. Slowly she brought her hand towards her mouth and paused, looking at the cloudy mixture. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, lapping it into her mouth in several strokes and swallowing. She licked her palm clean when held her now empty hand out for Zack to see.

"There you go, wasn't that tasty?" Zack asked, zooming the camera towards her face.

"Delicious" Callie sarcastically replied. "Now can you leave us alone?"

"Sick of us already?" Scott smiled. "We certainly aren't sick of you yet!"

"Besides, remember neither Scotty or me have fucked you yet." Zack added.

"Hmpff" Callie muttered in disgust.

Scotty stood up smiling slyly and wandered over to the window peeking out into the street outside. It was pretty dark out there now but I could see there were a couple of guys across the street standing having a cigarette and chatting. I could not see who they were but assumed they must have been some neighbours of Callie's. It was after dinner time and there were a few cars driving back and forth outside as well; no doubt people coming home after dinner. Scott looked back at Callie then at Zack with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Callie I think there might be mail in the mailbox out there." Scott grinned.

Callie glanced out of the window and saw what I saw; the two people across the road.

"I'm sure the mail can wait." Callie replied, knowing exactly what Scott was thinking.

"Hmmm, I don't think it can." Scott replied. "What if there is something important in there? You wouldn't want to miss it now would you?" he grinned.

"You're a bastard." Callie scowled.

"Make sure you don't run. You wouldn't want to trip up." Scott laughed.

Callie scowled at Scott as she wandered across to the front door. Scott, Zack and the boys peered discreetly out of the window sniggering. Callie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reaching for the door and opening it. I too was hiding but I felt the rush of cool air come into the house as Callie stepped outside. She slowly walked down the driveway to the mailbox which was on the edge of the property by the pavement. The two men across the road did not notice her until she was halfway down the driveway. We could not hear them but one of them pointed at Callie and the conversation stopped and they stood there watching as Callie walked towards them, her breasts swinging slightly, her nipples erect in the cool evening breeze. Calmly and coolly she reached the end of the driveway and turned to open the mailbox flap.

"Hi Mr. Walker." Callie called out across the street.

"Um ... hi Callie." The man called back.

A white car turned into the street and drove towards us, deliberately slowing down but not stopping, no doubt getting an eyeful of the naked teen standing in the street. I hoped that no police would come by, or perhaps a neighbour who would tell Callie's parents. We could all be in a lot of trouble if that happened. I also hoped that this Mr. Walker would not say anything. I had no idea who he was but assumed he knew Callie's family.

Another car going the opposite direction caught sight of Callie standing there naked and slowed down, as she turned and walked back up the driveway clutching a couple of letters. Coming in the door Callie dumped the letters on the sidetable and quickly shut the door behind her, not looking very amused.

"Happy?" Callie asked quietly.

"God that was so hot, look at me." Scott said, pointing to his dick which was standing stiff. "Go and lie down on the coffee table". He ordered.

Callie wandered across and lay onto the coffee table as asked. We both knew there was no point in arguing. She lay on her back with her ass at the edge of the table next to her feet which were tucked in close to her bum with her knees pointing at the ceiling. The boys all gathered round to survey Callie's pussy displayed before them. Zack made sure the camera roamed up and down her body capturing her in her full glory. Scott shuffled forwards, aiming his dick towards Callie.

"Wait wait." Billy said. "We need to get her moaning first."

"What? And how do you want to do that? I ain't licking that mess!" Scott said, pointing at Callie's pussy.

"Grab the phone and call me". Billy said, holding up his mobile phone.

"Brilliant!" Ant laughed.

"Yeah. I just won't pick up and it will vibrate away like crazy. Now let me put it on silent first..." Billy smiled, happy with his idea.

Ant grabbed the house phone and called Billy's mobile. The screen lit up and I could hear the faint buzzing it made. Billy handed the phone to Scott, who immediately pressed it against Callie's clit. She tried to keep a straight face but the vibrating phone made her squirm slightly as she shifted her bum on the table.

"Yeah baby!" Scott smiled.

Callie turned her head away from the boys, closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip. She was trying to fight it, but the buzzing of the phone against her clit was too much to ignore. Within a few seconds she started breathing more heavily and her pussy lips were getting visibly redder and more swollen. Her clit moved out of it's hood more which only served to give herself more sensation from the vibrating phone. A couple of minutes later with the boys all smiling widely, Callie was writhing on the table, moaning and panting as she approached orgasm. Her sweaty bum slid around on the wooden surface of the table and she knocked over a small stack of magazines without even noticing, or caring. I could tell she was getting very close to orgasm as her moans were getting louder. Right then, Billy removed the phone and in one swift motion jammed his entire dick into Callie.

"Ooooh" Callie signed.

"Yeah take my cock you fucking slut!" laughed Billy as he started to pound away at the now very wet pussy.

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