Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

It was a fairly long journey home from my uncle's house and as my mum fell asleep in the car, I could do no such thing as my mind churned away at the thought of Callie and what had happened to me that afternoon. I did feel guilt that I allowed myself to get into a situation, if you can call it that, where my two young cousins crouched totally naked in front of me giving me a blowjob. I tried over and over to justify it because Callie had slept with so many guys the last few weeks and had admitted to me that she had not found it all bad. There was no doubt that she had had several earth-shattering orgasms so surely it was fair that I had one with my cousins? At the same time I was trying to think of what Callie had been up to. Mr. Jaworski had promised there would be no sex or anything but I was still curious whether it was a simple fashion shoot or more. It was getting late and I knew Callie would probably call soon.

When we got home I went straight into my room and grabbed the phone. I could not wait for her to call me so I called first.

"Hello?" Came her sweet voice.

"Hi babe." I smiled, glad to hear her sweet but very tired sounding voice. "Where are you?"

"I just walked into my bedroom. Sorry I didn't call you earlier. It's been a long day and I didn't want to drive and talk on the phone at the same time."

"Oh that's ok. I only just walked into my bedroom too." I said, my heart racing with trepidation and anticipation of hearing about her day. "So ... how was it?"

"Such a long day. I arrived at the studio then we went straight out to the countryside. It was really beautiful out there. I did some modeling of lingerie in a meadow..."

"What kind of lingerie?" I interrupted.

"Bras, panties, thongs ... don't worry it was all tasteful and Mr. Jaworski said we will likely see some of the photos in magazines and mail-order catalogues in the next week or two." Callie explained.

"Oh wow that's good. That's what you have been looking out to do for a while ... well, not necessarily lingerie but you know what I mean."

"Yeah, it was good. He said I would get paid $2000 for it too!" Callie said enthusiastically.

"Wow that's brilliant!" I exclaimed. "So, what happened after?"

"Well after that we went back to the studio for another shoot. He said he is doing a coffee table book on erotic art so I am going to be part of that." Callie said, not quite so enthusiastically.

"Oh ... what erotic art? I thought there was going to be no sex!" I sighed.

"Oh no, there wasn't sex. He showed me some of the photos and they were actually very artistic. I was naked, but it was not perverted or anything." She added.

"Oh ... um ... arty in what way?" I said somewhat dubious.

"Well some were black and white. He used shadows a lot so like some had my side profile in view but the rest of me was not even visible in the shadows. Then there were close-ups of the shape of my butt cheeks and stuff. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the book. He showed me a book by another photographer which had a similar style and I must say it was impressive."

"Uh huh..." I mumbled, trying to picture the photos as she explained.

"Remember when we did art last semester at school and in the textbook there was a small section on nudes?" Callie asked.

"How could I forget!" I laughed "That's the only section the boys looked at!"

"Hmmm ... yes anyway, it was that kind of thing." Callie said mocking disgust in her voice.

"Oh ok. Well, that doesn't sound too bad. Those photos were arty ... not really porn at all." I said.

"Exactly!" Callie replied.

"So how about after?" I asked.

"Well, there was a short-circuit in the lighting which blew a couple of bulbs so his assistant had to go and get some spares for the other shoot."

"Oh, so there were three shoots?" I asked, curiously.

"Yeah" Callie replied, seemingly reluctant to add details.

" ... and so there was an assistant there watching? Um ... was it a he or she?" I asked, hoping it was just an old lady or something.

"Yeah it was some teenage boy and I know what you're thinking. Yes he did see me totally naked which was a bit embarrassing, but he never touched me or anything and never said anything about it." Callie said, almost sounding apologetic in her voice.

"Oh. Was it anyone we know?" I asked, hoping it was not.

"Nah he must go to a different school. We didn't really speak the entire day but he definitely enjoyed the show as I did different poses."

"Oh..." I muttered, not sure what else to say. I supposed it was good that it sounded professional. So yet someone else had seen Callie naked. I supposed I should have been getting used to that thought by now. "So ... er ... what was the other shoot?"

"Well this one I didn't expect so much ... and don't worry it wasn't sex, but it was a lot of posing nude." Callie said slowly.

" ... but you were already naked anyway right?"

"Well yeah, but this was like a naked shoot for a magazine. He didn't say what magazine but it was me fully clothed then peeling clothes off then I ended up naked on a bed." Callie explained, somehow sounding like she had little choice in this third photo shoot.

"Oh I see. What magazine was it? ... or was it one for Ken?" I asked.

"I don't know. He wouldn't say but said it would be also in a couple of weeks and that he would let me know when it was done. He said the original model was not contactable but that he was still trying to contact her and if he managed it, then mine wouldn't be used but the deadline is the end of tomorrow so he was in a hurry." She explained.

"Oh ok, well let's hope he doesn't need it then" I said optimistically.

"Yeah ... anyway James, I'm gonna jump in the shower then hit the sack. It's been a long day. See you tomorrow?" She said, yawning.

"Yeah sure. Love you loads." I smiled.

"Love you too. Bye!"

I flopped into bed, trying to picture the photo shoots. I couldn't really imagine them, but I could picture Mr. Jaworski and this teenaged kid with stiff dicks straining in their pants as my gorgeous Callie posed naked right in front of their eyes. I shook the thought out of my head and eventually fell asleep.

The next day was Sunday and Callie and I met up for breakfast at her place. We decided to have a lazy day at her place, doing some homework and watching DVDs. Her parents were heading out for the day to do some stuff so we had her place to ourselves. We had a great morning at home and agreed to do all our homework in the morning then spend the afternoon watching DVDs. I was secretly hoping that there would be some sex involved too!

We had a nice cooked lunch at home and settled down to watch a DVD. It was a lovey-dovey romantic comedy which Callie loved. I sort of enjoyed it as well although we agreed to watch Transformers afterwards. I had missed it at the cinema but had seen enough previews to know it looked like a good movie, especially with Megan Fox!

We were just getting comfortable to watch the second movie on the sofa when the door bell rang.

"Oh perfect timing!" I shook my head.

"I wonder who that is?" Callie said, getting up and walking over to the door.

Callie opened the door and standing there were the Bradley twins; those two 14 year olds who had video-taped us having sex by Callie's window in her bedroom.

"Oh shit" I muttered to myself, knowing that whatever they wanted it was probably not good.

"What do you two want?" Callie asked, clearly annoyed.

"Remember this?" One of the twins said.

I was not sure which was Zack or Scott as they looked the same to me although they were wearing different clothes. They were both grinning and the one who spoke was holding up his video camera, showing Callie the playback screen. It was too far for me to see but I knew exactly what it was.

"What the hell do you two want you brats?" Callie growled.

"Well it seems to me that your boyfriend over there had quite a good time in this video. It would only be polite if he shared you know." The boy smiled confidently.

I got up, walking quickly over to the door. I tried to look intimidating but neither of them seemed scared in the slightest.

"Fuck off!" I scowled.

"Fine ... but I think Mr. and Mrs. Stevens would love to see a copy of this. Don't you? Not to mention all my friends at school, maybe your neighbours, maybe your friends at school too ... maybe?"

"Ok, ok, we get the idea." Callie interrupted.

"No fuck off!" I continued to scowl.

"James..." Callie said to me, lowering her voice.

"Callie, this whole thing is getting out of hand. It's got to end somewhere you know." I replied quietly, although the two brats could clearly hear everything we were saying.

"I know I know, but my parents James. They would freak. Not to mention everyone else. I just ... I don't see a choice." She sighed.

I stared at the two brats smiling cheekily at us. They knew they had her. I did not know what to say. I knew where Callie was coming from and as much as I wanted to slam the door in their faces, I knew I could not. I had hoped that with Ken giving us hope our 'arrangement' would be ending soon that we would finally have control over our lives back. The last thing we needed was someone new on the scene blackmailing us!

Callie stepped aside and the two boys wandered through the door, walking straight into the living room but not before laughing at my expense as they passed me.

"Nice place you have here Callie. Now come over here and get on your knees" Said one of the boys.

"Not so fast." Callie said, walking into the living room. "What is the agreement here? I do this for you two and you give me that tape."

"What do you think Scott?" One of the boys said to the other.

Now I could tell them apart. Scott had longer hair than Zack although apart from that as far as I could tell they were near identical.

"I don't think this is a negotiation. We have the tape. You are not exactly in a position to negotiate anything!" Scott replied.

"My brother is right you know. Maybe if you treat us right then we will be kind to you but let's see first eh? All those years of babysitting you were not exactly nice to us." Zack smiled.

"I was never nasty to you at all! You two perverts were always trying to look up my skirt and spying on me in the toilet!" Callie shouted, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah and you never let us see anything!" Zack shouted back.

"Well, not much anyway" Scott sniggered.

Zack sniggered also, making me wonder what they had seen of Callie and how. Maybe they had successfully spied on her in the toilet. I shook it out of my mind as there were more pressing things happening.

"Assholes!" Callie scowled.

"Hey! There will be less of that thank you. Be nice or we might just decide to send your parents a copy of this. Yours too James. We know where you live." Zack warned.

I just stood there, unsure of what to say but my lack of reaction was a clear sign of agreeing and submitting my Callie to their desires. Callie also remained quiet as she knew they were right. We were not in a position to negotiate.

"So, get on your knees Callie." Scott said.

Slowly, Callie got onto her knees and Scott and Zack both walked forwards till their crotches were just inches away from Callie's head.

"Come on. I am sure you know what to do. You did it to your boyfriend over there before." Scott said as they both sniggered.

Without saying a word, Callie reached up and pulled the elastic of the shorts Scott was wearing. The pants slid down easily and it seemed he was not wearing any underwear. Scott's dick sprung free. Being only part way through puberty, his dick was nowhere near as big as any of those Callie had experienced the last few weeks. It was fairly long, but was a skinny one. He had only a thin patch of blonde pubes above his dick and his balls were small and hairless. Callie reached over to Zack and pulled his pants down. He too, was not wearing any underwear and as his dick sprang free I saw that they were identical down there too.

Callie grabbed both of their dicks with each hand and glanced at me. I did not know what to say so I shrugged my shoulders. Callie glanced down at the floor then back at the two teen dicks in her face. Having no other choice, she took Scott's dick into her mouth. Both the dicks were uncircumcised and as she began sucking she pulled the shaft downwards to expose the cockhead. Callie almost immediately started slurping and sucking and licking like a pro. It was obvious that she just wanted these boys to cum as fast as possible and then leave.

"Haha yeah that's it. Suck it like you suck your boyfriend." Scott laughed.

"James, when are her parents back?" Zack asked me, suddenly realizing they were sitting in the living room and fairly exposed.

"Not till almost midnight." I replied. Callie's parents had gone to visit a friend in hospital a few hours drive away and said they would have dinner with other friends before driving home. They would be late and told Callie not to wait up for them. It gave the two brats time unfortunately.

Zack smiled and brought his attention back to my girlfriend who was sucking away at his brother's dick as she slowly stroked his own dick.

"Sucking like a pro." Scott laughed. "Are you sure you don't work the streets?"

"Haha yeah, or maybe she's a closet porn star!" Zack laughed.

"Hell we have her on tape, maybe we can make her one!" Scott sniggered.

It was clear they had no idea of all the things Callie had been through over the last few weeks. Truth was that she was not far from basically 'working the streets' with her having had sex with a whole host of guys. She was not far from being a porn star either, since she had her own website showing her having all sorts of sex including a gangbang even. Callie and I kept quiet as the two boys continued to berate her, clearly enjoying the happiest day of their spoilt bratty lives.

"Don't forget me." Zack said.

Callie obediently lifted her mouth off Scott's dick, leaving it shiny and covered with saliva. His dick head was red and swollen compared to before and it was clear she had worked hard and was well on the way to making him cum. She pulled on Zack's dick to expose his dick head before sinking her mouth over it.

"Ahhhhh." Zack sighed. "That feels good. Yeah suck it you slut."

"This is like being in one of those porno movies." Scott smiled. "Except the star is a lot hotter!"

" ... but just as slutty!" Zack exclaimed as they both laughed.

Callie stared at Zack as if looks could kill...

I sat on the bottom step of the stairs at the edge of the living room keeping an eye on them but not wanting to be too close. I shook my head at the scene before me and once again lamented us being in this position. It seemed like life was becoming a never ending list of people using and abusing Callie for their own amusement and we were getting tangled deeper and deeper into it. Here I was sitting here watching my girlfriend giving blowjobs to two under aged boys. It was not legal but then clearly blackmail is not either. Did things like this even out?

Callie's head bobbed up and down Zack's dick and with her spare hand she caressed his balls while she stroked Scott's dick with the other hand.

"Fuck ... she's really getting into it!" Scott laughed.

Zack stayed quiet with his eyes closed as he enjoyed the pleasure of getting a blowjob from my girlfriend. It might even have been his very first blowjob but I was not sure. One thing I was sure about was that Callie was not 'getting into it'. She wanted this thing over and done with as fast as possible and was doing everything possible to make the boys cum as fast as possible.

"Fuuuuuck!" Zack moaned as his bum jerked forwards, planting his pubes up against Callie's nose as his dick went deep into her mouth. He was shooting his teen cum down her throat and I could see Callie swallowing. Before long, Zack stumbled back and planted himself onto the sofa clearly exhausted. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at Callie who was now moving towards his brother. There was no sperm on her face or lips as she had swallowed the entire lot into her belly. She quickly started sucking Scott's dick and as with his brother started caressing his balls as she slurped.

"Ahh fuck that's the way." Moaned Scott.

"Cum into the slut's throat Scotty." Zack laughed.

Hearing this only made Callie suck faster and harder as she tried to finish Scott. It worked and after a minute or two Scott cried out and pumped his young teen sperms into my girlfriend's belly. Callie swallowed obediently and once she was done she stepped back, panting to catch her breath as Scott flopped onto the sofa. It was at this point that I noticed that Zack was no longer in the living room. I stood up, glancing around for him and saw him coming out of the kitchen talking on his phone.

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