Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

I slowly walked home, the short journey taking me almost 20minutes. As I reached home, I just sat on our porch, staring out into oblivion. Then, my phone rang.

"Hi baby, I'm here" Callie's gorgeous and sweet voice came through my cell phone. "I think I have the right place. It's quite a nice looking house, much bigger than yours or mine, but not over the top huge either ... I'm scared James."

"I know you are Callie. Me too ... just ... be calm. Call me later ok? I love you a lot."

"Me too, I love you ... Ok here goes. I'll call you later" and with that, she hung up.

My stomach was twisting around. I ran inside and was sick in the toilet. It was driving me nuts.

"Whats the matter with you?" asked my mum at dinner. "Are you ok? You look pale and white." She put her hand against my forehead "Do you have a fever?"

"No, I'm fine!" I said, pulling away. "I'm just really tired that's all. It was a long day at school."

"Ok, well make sure you have an early night honey." Said my mum, taking away my empty plate.

I went up to my bedroom and switched on the TV, staring at the pictures dancing before me, but not really noticing what was on. I robotically went and had a shower and brushed my teeth, going back to my bed and just sat there. I glanced down at my watch. It was 1am already. My mind was going crazy, wanting to think what was going on at that guys house, yet making myself feel sick every time I did so.

Finally, my cell phone rang. It was 1:30am.


"Hi baby. I'm on my way home now..." she said. It sounded like she was going to say something else, but did not. There was a slight pause.

"So ... um ... how are you?" I asked, feeling awkward. I was not sure how to approach the question which I wanted, yet at the same time, did not want to be answered.

"I'm ok. He did not hurt me ... I just ... I don't really want to talk about it right now. I'm just tired and want to go and have a long bath then sleep. Tomorrow is another day and we can forget the whole thing happened ... listen, I'm driving, so I'll see you tomorrow at school, ok? I love you" She said, sounding very tired.

"I love you too Callie." I replied before she hung up.

I hardly slept that night, unable to stop thinking about that man with my Callie. Doing things ... Callie did not want to talk about it and I did not blame her. I tried to think about other things and forget it, but I could not. I just lay there staring at the ceiling.

A loud continuous sound startled me as I jumped out of bed. It was my alarm clock. I switched it off and yawned. I felt like shit. I dragged my clothes on and left the house. At school I waited outside for Callie and shortly before the school bell, I saw her get off the bus. She looked as beautiful as ever, wearing some beige shorts and one of those t-shirts with the buttons halfway down. We both smiled embarrassingly at each other as she slowly approached. We gave each other a big hug and a big kiss and walked inside. I did not want to mention anything about last night and she did not bring it up, although we both knew we were thinking about it.

Over the next week things slowly got back towards normal and we were both our bright and cheerful selves, although the incident with man was still in the back of my mind. We had not talked about what had happened and I hoped that the memory would slowly fade away for the both of us. We had made love a couple of times and it seemed normal. In fact, better than normal. Sex was great. Callie was extra energetic and I loved it as well. All seemed almost back to normal ... almost.

One day a few days later I was feeling in a particularly good mood. The sky was blue, temperature great, and it make me feel wonderful. I got home and went upstairs to get ready for work at the restaurant. As I entered my bedroom I saw a package addressed for me which must have arrived during the day and mum must have put it on my desk. Packages rarely arrived for me, and I was intrigued as to what it was. It had a local postmark and as I hastily tore open the end, an envelope and a tape fell out.

"What's this?" I muttered to myself. I opened the envelope and almost had a heart attack. It was unmistakable what it was. A photo of Callie standing there, both hands together and covering her crotch. She was completely naked. It was obvious what this was. The Japanese man, Ken, had taken photos of Callie that night. As we had never spoken about what had happened, I was clueless. It had never crossed my mind that he might have done something like this. One of my subjects at school was photography, so I knew a little about it. I could tell that Ken knew a little about it too. Callie was standing in good light and the photo was sharp and colours clear. She was not looking at the camera but looked away to the side, probably embarrassed.

I turned and looked at the second photo. She was sat on a white leather sofa, which brought out her tanned skin. Again, she was not looking at the camera but had her head turned to one side. Her legs were together, but you could see the top of her trimmed light brown pubic hair. Callie shaved her hair into a long strip, thin enough that the hair did not obscure any detail when you looked down there, which is just how I liked it. Fortunately in the photo with her legs together all you could see was the top of her brown patch. She had her hands down by her sides, palms on the sofa which allowed a view of her breasts. Although there were subtle patches from sunbathing with a bikini on, Callie visited the tanning salon every now and then so the patches were not solid white but a lighter tan colour. Her breasts were nice and firm and her nipples in the photo standing out slightly. It must have been cold in the room, I surmised.

There were only four photos in total and as I turned to the next one, I was even more shocked than I already was. Sat on the edge of the same sofa, Callie now had her legs open wide. You could see everything. Her brown pubes not thick enough to cover anything, I could plainly see the slightly darker skin colour of her pussy. Her dark pink pussy lips pulled apart ever so slightly by the angle of her legs. The photos were 6x4, so they were not huge, but big enough for me to see enough detail of my girlfriend's naked privates. Leaning back on the sofa, Callie was this time looking straight into the camera; not smiling, but biting her lip nervously. I was beginning to feel my stomach churning again. I knew that the man would have seen her naked and more, yet I was somehow not prepared to have an image of it burned into my mind.

My breathing fast, I turned to the last photo. It was taken as the man was standing up, but looking down at his feet. He was wearing a white shirt and grey trousers and black socks, obviously home from work not long before. In the center of the photo, was Callie kneeling down directly in front of him but looking up into the camera with her big innocent brown eyes. Her hands were clasped together in her lap, but unmistakably in the center of the photo was the Japanese man's dick. The man was not huge, but his dick was only semi erect in the photo. Probably about 4 inches at that state, it was uncircumcised and had a distinct bend to the left of the photo. Fortunately Callie was not touching the man in the photo. I was not sure how I would feel seeing a photo like that. It was obvious what the 5th photo would have shown had there been a 5th photo. Callie was not scared of giving me oral sex. It was not her favourite and would have no problem never doing it, but I enjoyed it so she obliged when we made love. She did not really like the idea of sperm though, so had never actually tasted it. I always finished off inside her pussy rather than anywhere near her mouth.

I glanced down at the tape lying on my desk and a shiver ran through me as I tried not to think that it could be a tape showing the entire evening. Something I did not really want to see. I went downstairs and popped the tape in the video. The quality was not that great and it took me a second to realize that it was not a tape of Callie and the man. It was the security tape from the shop. Callie was supposed to get this tape from the man on her night there. Maybe she forgot. At least the man had the conscience to send it to me, although I had no idea how he got my address. I watched the black and white image on my TV and although it was that clear, it was obvious that Callie and I were sat at a counter. Suddenly, the words 'slow motion' appeared on the top of the screen in white, and I watched as the man turned his back to attend to the customers sat besides us. As I glanced to look at those customers, I saw Callie's hand quickly slip a necklace into her pocket. God she was fast! I turned back to face Callie and then glanced at the Japanese man again to see him looking towards us and then realizing that stealing anything would be difficult. Little did I know the deed had been done!

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