Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The next day seemed to go back to normal again ... well, the new norm with the odd person staring at us, and the feeling someone at school was always whispering behind our backs. We even had a history lesson with Mr. Whittering who seemed just about completely normal although every now and then he would glance at Callie and his glance would be just a little bit longer than when he looked at the other students and I could almost detect a slight smile each time. We were both sure that no-one else noticed and for them it was business as usual. For Mr. Whittering no doubt he was having flashbacks of fucking his favorite student while she sat there in his class, looking cute and innocent once again.

The following day was the weekend, and it was nice to be away from the school atmosphere. I had to have lunch and dinner at my uncle's place with my family and spend the afternoon there which would normally have been great. Not that the idea of a nice barbecue in the yard followed by lots of messing around in the pool was a bad thing. My two cousins Holly and Emma were there. They were 16 and 14 and both hot little blondes. There was always harmless flirting going on as we pushed each other into the pool. Today was different however. Callie was going to meet Mr. Jaworski, the photographer from the night at the gentleman's club and although he promised there would not be anything like a hardcore porn shoot going on, I still felt nervous about the whole thing. Afterall, Mr. Jaworski fucked Callie along with everyone else that night and having seen and sampled the incredibly hot and sexy girlfriend of mine, how did I know he had not sold her off for more porn just like the sneaky Ken?

"Don't worry about it." Callie reassured me as I put my shoes on to leave her house. "I'll take care of myself, and I will phone you ok? Keep your phone on."

I smiled and gave her a kiss as I headed back towards my place.

"Are you ok?" My mum asked as I sat in the car headed towards my uncle's place.

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine mum." I replied, woken from my daze.

"You've been very quiet the whole way." she continued.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about school and stuff." I lied.

"Oh ok. Well it's the weekend now. Time to relax. Forget about school for one afternoon and don't worry you can spend all day with Callie tomorrow if you like." She smiled.

"Thanks mum." I smiled back.

Lunch was very tasty. My uncle was quite the chef when it came to a barbecue, but my mind was still thinking about Callie. It was about two in the afternoon by the time we started eating, and I knew that Callie would soon be making her way into town to Mr. Jaworski's studio.

With our stomachs satisfied, everyone lounged around the pool chatting and chilling out. I lay on a deck chair relaxing and trying to get my mind off Callie and what she might be doing. It was not too hard as I watched my cousins mess around with each other in the pool. They both had incredibly hot bodies and I swear that their breasts had grown more since I had last seen them not too long ago. I had always just known them as 'my nerdy cousins' but the last year or so they began to show their true form as athletic goddess-types. The type of girl who everyone liked at school because of their looks, but unlike the typical stereotype of those type of girls, Holly and Emma were really nice. They actually reminded me a lot of Callie who was also obviously gorgeous and liked by everyone.

The two girls were both wearing bikinis that looked far too tight for them. Their boobs looked like they were about to pop out all the time and Holly (The 16year old) was having to adjust her top every now and then as her sister clambered over her trying to push her under the water.

"James! James come on in and join us. The water is so nice and cool!" Shouted Emma.

It was at that moment that I noticed my dick was semi-hard and although I was wearing board shorts so it would not have been too obvious, it would still have been fairly visible that my dick was not totally at rest.

"Um ... yeah sure. Give me a sec, I just want to pop to the bathroom first!" I shouted back smiling.

"Ok. Don't be long!" Emma giggled.

I made my way back into the house without anyone noticing and went upstairs to use the bathroom and splash water on my face. I felt a lot better and wandered downstairs to head back to the pool. The thought of a swim was quite appealing in the heat and sunshine. As I headed down the stairs I noticed a whole bunch of photos hanging on the wall in collages. I smiled as I saw one of my family and me when I was much younger. It was from a few summers ago and I was standing with my cousins by the side of the pool with big grins on our faces. Another one was from Christmas with all of us by the fireplace next to our Christmas stockings. I took a couple more steps down and noticed a fairly recent photo. This one was only from last year and again was taken at one of our summer pool barbecues. One of the photos in the collage was just of Callie hugging me. She was wearing her favorite bikini, just solid blue with white rims which she looked really cute in. Hugging me made her two arms squish her boobs together which the camera captured nicely. I am not sure if my uncle included the photo in the collage just because of that but it certainly made Callie look hot as hell. I was surprised my Aunt overlooked it! The photo made me smile because I remembered that night very well. We all stayed the night here and after everyone had gone to bed Callie and I snuck out to the pool for a bit of skinny dipping. I remember what started as playful touches turned out to be full on sex in the pool. To this day I do not know how no-one noticed! I smiled to myself and as I thought more about that evening my dick started getting hard again. I put my hand down my shorts to readjust myself as I heard a giggle. My heart skipped a beat as I glanced over and saw my two cousins standing at the bottom of the stairs staring up at me.

"Do you need a hand with that?" Holly smiled.

"Oh ... er ... sorry, I was just er..." I muttered, feeling my face turn completely red with embarrassment.

Holly slowly came up the stairs followed by her shyer younger sister. I just stood there completely frozen, unsure of what to say or how to react. Holly came up to me, standing on the step below me. She reached up and gently rested her hand on the front of my shorts, feeling my stiff dick through the fabric.

"Oh my." She giggled. "Emma, come and have a feel of this."

"Um ... guys I'm not sure you um..." I stuttered.

"Relax James. I've felt a dick before." Holly said in the sexiest voice ever. It was as if this nerdy cousin of mine had somehow grown into a teenage sexpot since I had last seen her.

"Well I know ... well, I mean I don't know." I was making a fool of myself.

Holly and Emma both giggled like girls; the girls I knew to be my cousins.

"I mean I don't know whether you have felt a dick before ... but I mean you know ... you're my cousin!" I whispered, glancing around nervously to make sure my parents of their parents were not standing around.

"So? There's nothing illegal about it you know." Holly replied in her sexy drawl.

She squeezed a little harder and I had to admit to myself that it felt nice.

"I bet you are reminiscing about that night you and Callie fucked in our pool aren't you?" Holly continued.

My face turned a brighter shade of red, if that was at all possible.

"What? No ... we never..."

""Oh please James. We were awake. We saw it all" Emma interrupted giggling.

"Oh ... um." I muttered, looking at the floor.

"Come on Emma! Don't be shy." Holly motioned to her sister. "You wondered what a stiff dick felt like, well this is your chance!"

Emma slowly came up and stood next to her sister, who moved her hand downwards from merely resting on my dick to grabbing the bottom of the shaft through my shorts. Emma reached forwards and gently placed her hands on the top of my dick, her face changing from a shyness to a look of sheer amazement.

"Wow when they say stiff they aren't kidding!" She beamed. "James you're like a rock!"

"See, I told you didn't I!" Holly laughed.

I was still speechless, unable to decide what to make of what was happening and where it was going or whether or not I should let it go anywhere at all.

"You know James..." Holly whispered, "Emma has never had a boyfriend before and she is still learning about ... you know. Anyway it just wouldn't be fair to let her have a feel and not show her what it is all about don't you think?"

My heart was up in my throat pounding away like crazy. I swallowed, glancing down at the two gorgeous and innocent faces beaming up at me, their stunning blue eyes contrasting their mousy blonde hair, still damp from the pool.

"What are you proposing?" I whispered, almost shaking with adrenaline.

"My bedroom is just upstairs you know." Holly smiled, biting her bottom lip the same way Callie did when she was coming onto me and trying to do that sexy innocent look. It was a look I could not resist despite the sensible side of me ringing alarm bells.

I turned around and slowly made my way upstairs, my progress hampered by Emma and Holly's hands still gripping my rock hard dick as the three of us shuffled like some six-legged monster towards her bedroom. The inside was just like I remembered it, painted light purple with white furniture and a queen sized bed full of stuffed animal toys. The one thing that had changed was that instead of posters of cartoons and ponies, there were several posters of topless celebrities like Justin Timberlake and others. This was definitely the room of a young teenaged girl. I reached the side of the bed and turned around to face Holly and Emma. Holly pushed me gently and I allowed myself to flop onto the edge of the bed.

Having closed the door behind her, Emma came to join her older sister as she bit her bottom lip again and gently pulled the string at the top of my shorts. She glanced up at me smiling and whilst keeping eye contact quickly pulled the front of my shorts apart with the Velcro giving way in a quick and loud rip.

"Oh my god." Emma whispered under her breath.

Her eyes were wide open and her mouth agape as she eyed my stiff dick, freed from its cloth prison and sticking straight up. I glanced back at Holly who was still staring into my eyes, but satisfied that I was looking at her, she grinned even wider and glanced down at my dick which was not just inches from her face.

"Hmmm ... yummy." Holly smiled. "Come on, it won't bite." she continued, gesturing at her sister.

Emma moved forward, her eyes still wide with amazement and curiosity. Holly grabbed my dick and pulled it slightly towards her. With her other hand, she touched the tip with her thumb and index finger.

"Now this is a foreskin." Holly declared, pulling my foreskin down to reveal the purple head of my dick.

"Oh wow." Was all Emma could say.

"Come on. Put your hands around it." Holly motioned.

I felt like I was in a biology lesson; some really strange demonstration in which I was the model. Holly let go and gingerly, Emma placed both her hands on my dick, gripping it hard. She slowly pulled downwards and the head of my dick exposed itself making her smile like she had just discovered a new toy.

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