Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 17

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

School the next day was surprisingly uneventful. Well, some people stared at us and there were a few comments muttered from one person to another, but strangely it did not really bother Callie and me. Perhaps we were used to it or perhaps we were too busy thinking about what was going to happen that evening. Neither of us knew of course, but there would no doubt be sex involved. My heart beat fast every time I thought about it. Half of me was looking forward to it but the other half was nervous about anything strange happening. I was also conflicted inside with feelings of anticipation battling feelings of not wanting to see my sweet girlfriend in the arms of another man again.

The end of school came quickly at 3:30 pm and we rushed home to get ready. The bus was going to take almost an hour so Callie and I agreed to meet at the bus stop at 5 pm as we split up to get ready. It did not take me long to get into my suit and get ready so I anxiously paced around in my room, lost in my thoughts until it was time to head out. I crept out of the house past mum, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner, and headed outside. My heart pounded as I walked down the street to the bus stop outside Callie's house where she would be waiting.

As I approached, I saw that Callie was already there, standing at the bus stop. She had a beige coat on but it was a pretty short coat, only coming halfway down her thighs so you could see her legs clearly. The dress she was wearing was so short that you could not see it under the coat so it looked like the coat was the only thing she was wearing. Her dress was not exactly conservative so she might as well have only been wearing the coat. She was wearing tall black strappy high heels, which I had not seen before. The straps tied around her ankles and a couple of inches up her tanned slender legs. Her hair was tied up at the back, making her look a little older than normal although she still looked like the cute girl next door.

"God you look sexy" I smiled as I approached her.

"This is just an old coat I found in the back of the wardrobe. I realized that I don't have any long coats unless it is a ski jacket which would just look silly" Callie said, giving me a big hug.

The material of the jacket was not very thick and as she hugged me I could clearly feel that she was not wearing a bra, as her breasts felt free as they pressed against my body.

"Well, you still look sexy especially in those shoes. Are they new?" I asked,

"Nah, believe it or not they are mum's. She never wears them so I just borrowed them. I doubt she'll notice" Callie smiled.

It was not a very long wait before the bus came along. We flagged it down and got on. There were no seats so we just stood up near the back. This bus would go past the mall before heading downtown and from experience we knew it would fill up pretty quickly with all the people visiting and working at the mall getting on to head home downtown. We doubted many people would get off so we resigned ourselves to standing for the 45minute journey.

We just held onto the rail, watching the world go by, both lost in our thoughts as we held hands. It was not long before we reached the mall and pulled up to the bus stop there.

"God there must be a thousand people here!" Callie exclaimed.

Sure enough, there were loads of people standing at the bus stop and soon it was obvious why. There was a broken down bus parked there and all the passengers from that bus plus the passengers from rush hour were standing there and waiting to pile onto our bus.

"It's gonna be a tight squeeze folks!" shouted the bus driver as he opened the doors.

A flood of people came on board, all trying to get onto the bus. There was no way everyone would fit but the problem was that people knew this and it was fast becoming survival of the fittest and soon there was pushing and shoving as the people squeezed their way on.

"Hey watch it!" shouted Callie as some fat guy barged into her, pushing her away from me.

The man grunted and gave her a dirty look as he grabbed onto the rail standing next to her. The gap between us seemed to immediately fill up with people and despite my efforts to grab Callie's hand again, she was standing too far away. She was still only a couple of meters from me, but there were a couple of guys in suits and the fat guy between Callie and me and we were both surrounded by other people also. I suddenly felt claustrophobic and had no idea how I was going to survive the 30 minutes to the high street downtown.

"You ok there Callie?" I called out.

"It's a bit tight but I'm ok" she smiled back.

I few people turned as if to try and let us move closer together but it was impossible to shuffle closer to Callie. I just smiled, shrugged my shoulders and looked out the window.

The journey became slightly faster with all the people on board, as the bus was no longer stopping to pick up passengers. No-one really seemed to be getting off and before long we were on the faster main road. My mind was lost in a daydream about homework, and the fact I was getting sleepy on the warm bus. I glanced at Callie who had her eyes closed. I thought maybe she was trying to nap standing up. It was certainly something I wanted to do but then I noticed that she was biting her bottom lip and her face was flushed.

The people standing around me were slightly shorter than I was so I stood on tip toes and moved around to try and see what was going on. Maybe Callie was getting motion sickness. I could not move very much with the people round me but they moved apart for a couple of seconds which was enough for me to see what was going on. The fat guy, who was standing to the side of Callie, seemed to be moving his arm up and down. I stretched my neck up a little bit more and I gasped quietly as I saw his hand, reaching underneath Callie's coat at the front. There was little doubt as to what he was doing. I shuffled one step closer to them and through the gaps made between the people as the bus swayed on the bumpy road I could see Callie's dress pulled up at the front. It did not have to be pulled up very much to expose her and the guy was clearly fingering my girlfriend's pussy with his middle two fingers!! I glanced at the man's face as he pretended to be innocent, looking out of the window with an emotionless face as we drove along. I wanted to shout out, push people over and make my way towards Callie but somehow I couldn't. I found my eyes transfixed, staring at this fat man fingering my girlfriend's pussy on this crowded city bus, surrounded by strangers who seemed completely oblivious to the fact this 17 year old girl was being molested!

Callie did not seem to be protesting either. She hung her head low and was clearly panting now. Her face blushed red as she continued to bite her bottom lip. I could not believe my eyes. I knew this sort of thing happened in Japan but here?! In our town?! We still had a good 10 minutes till we reached the high street where the majority of people including us would get off but until then there was not much Callie or I could do. The man continued to finger her as she panted away. I was only getting occasional glimpses of what was going on but the man continued to look out the window, looking as if he was innocent and not doing anything.

Minutes passed and Callie's face was getting redder and redder as we approached the bus stop where we would get off. The man seemed to know this as his hand moved faster and faster. Callie looked like her legs were beginning to buckle as she obviously started to orgasm. Her eyes clamped shut and she screwed up her cute little face as waves of orgasm swept through her. She panted heavily, keeping quiet as I saw her body shiver slightly. Glancing around, no-one seemed to be noticing as they listened to their iPods or read newspapers. Even the fat man continued to look completely innocent as he jammed his fingers deep inside Callie.

Callie's orgasm soon subsided and the fat man simply pulled his fingers out and raised his hand to hold onto the rail as the bus slowed down for the bus stop. The man's fingers glistened, damp with Callie's pussy juices with small bits of froth he had made from the fingering. Callie tried to catch her breath as the fat man just stood there, looking oblivious like everyone else. I wondered how often they cleaned these buses, especially those rails which the man was now grasping with his wet pussy-juice covered fingers.

I did not have long to wonder, as the doors flung open and people started piling out of the bus. Callie and I just moved along, or more like we were pushed along by the crowd, and soon we were standing at the bus stop as the bus drove away, the fat man still standing inside. He was staring at Callie and I with a huge grin on his face as he vanished into the distance.

Callie looked at me with an embarrassed look. It was obvious I knew something was up.

"Are you ok"? I said knowingly, lowering my head and raising my eyebrows.

"Oh god James! ... I'm ... I'm so sorry. I don't know how it happened. I ... you know one minute I was standing there trying not to get squeezed by the crowd and the next I have fingers jammed in my pussy! ... Then before I knew it I was just panting away and I couldn't stop it." Callie blabbed at light speed.

I was not sure what to say. I just stood there, my mouth slightly agape.

"God you must think I am such a slut." Callie said ashamed, lowering her head.

I quickly stepped forward and took Callie into my arms, giving her a big squeeze.

"I don't think you're a slut. I think you are a sweet innocent girl who got into a mess of a situation ... partly because of me. I apologize to you, and am willing to accept the consequences."

Callie gave me a tender soft kiss on the lips. My heart melted as I realized that despite everything I was still desperately in love with this gorgeous thing.

"Don't apologize. I'm equally to blame. Let's just see how all this pans out ok? Looks like we will have the choice to end it all soon if Ken sticks to his word." Callie whispered.

"Yeah ... that's a big IF." I sighed.

We hugged for a few more minutes, oblivious to the people around us, mostly going about their way after work. Some paused to look at Callie who was showing most of her legs and did look like she was naked under the coat. I glanced at my watch. We had 10 minutes to go till 6pm and we were told not to be late.

"Come on, let's find this place" I said, breaking off the hug.

I took Callie's hand and we started walking, taking note of the numbers of the buildings. We walked a couple of hundred meters and we did it slowly, with Callie struggling to walk a little in her mum's high heels. A few minutes later we were standing outside the building. It did not look like much. In fact it did not look like a club at all. There was no sign and no indication that this was anything more than just a collection of offices and apartments. I looked down at my piece of paper then back at the building.

"Well, this is supposed to be it." I said, glancing at Callie.

"You sure? This just looks like an old office building." Callie shivered, as a gust of wind blew up her coat.

"Number 126 ... I guess this must be it. 2A." I said reaching for the buzzer.

The buzzer rang for a few seconds as Callie clutched my hand tightly.

"Yes?" came a crackly voice from the other side.

"Um ... my name is James ... um ... I'm with Callie. Er ... Ken asked..."

The door clicked open without the voice saying anything. I glanced at Callie who raised one eyebrow. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, leading Callie inside. There were two wooden doors downstairs marked '1A and 1B' so the club must have been upstairs. I led the way with Callie struggling in her high heels. I felt like I was leading Callie to the slaughter as we slowly went up, neither of us saying anything. At the top was another discreet looking door which was unmarked. There was no name of any gentleman's club or any windows. The entrance did not look particularly flashy and I could not help but wonder if Ken had tricked us to go somewhere where something bad would happen once again.

"Are you ready?" I whispered.

"Ready for what?" Callie replied quietly.

"Yeah, good point." I said as I pressed the doorbell.

There were footsteps on a wooden floor and the door opened. It was Ken and he was wearing a black suit, looking very smart and distinctly more clothed than when I saw him on the internet with his dick jammed in my girlfriend.

"Hello James, Callie. Please, come in." He gestured, smiling. "Good to see you are on time. That's a good start to the evening. Can I take your coat?"

Callie glanced at me then undid her coat, handing it to Ken who immediately gazed up and down her dress, smiling.

"Perfect fit!" Ken grinned.

"Well, it's a bit short..." Callie replied, tugging at the bottom of her dress.

"Haha ... I wouldn't worry too much about hiding that pretty body of yours" Ken laughed sleazily.

He started to lead us down the corridor. The club was actually quite nice on the inside. There were antique dark wood floors and oil paintings of people on the walls; portraits of men I did not recognize. The air smelled faintly of whiskey and cigars. The place was quiet, with no other voices or music that I could hear. There were several wooden doors left and right which looked the same as each other. We approached a door on the left which was open and Ken ushered us inside. It was like a large living room area with large brown leather armchairs and sofas. There was an unlit fireplace and more paintings on the wall. In the center of the room was a large wooden coffee table and in the corner there was a bar, with a man in a bow tie standing behind it. Next to him was a hole in the wall which obviously linked to the kitchen.

"Matthew," Ken called out to the barman as we approached. "This is James and Callie."

"Good evening, pleased to meet you". The man had a posh English accent like James Bond although he was slightly balding and not nearly as cool looking.

"Callie, the first of the guests should be arriving shortly. We plan to have some drinks here then a little before 8pm we will adjourn into the dining room for dinner. I'd like you to be the waitress while we are in the bar. Nothing too difficult, just carry drinks to people and of course you are expected to socialize with the guests if they wish to." Ken explained.

"Ok ... I guess I can do that." Callie replied nervously.

"Just relax" Ken smiled. '"These people are not monsters. They come from high ranking places in society. You might even recognize one or two of them but I must stress that who you see and what happens here remains a secret ok? There is a reason these people like a club which is discreet. If things go well tonight I will stick to my promise."

Callie smiled as did I. Ken sounded fairly genuine about letting us off the hook soon and I could not wait.

"James, you are also my guest tonight. You will join us for dinner and feel free to join us for some drinks. Don't worry I won't tell your parents!" Ken laughed.

At that moment the doorbell went and Ken quickly left the room.

"Callie would you like to help me at the bar?" Matthew asked holding out his hand.

Callie glanced at me and back at Matthew, reaching out and grabbing the man's hand. He smiled and they walked hand in hand towards the bar.

"James, would you like a drink?" he called out.

I felt awkward. He was holding hands with my girlfriend and I felt jealous. I had seen Callie on screen doing lots of disgusting things and also seen her in real life doing lots of things to other people, but the simple act of holding hands I still found hard to see. I mean sex was sex, but Callie and I had something more than that. The long gazes into each other's eyes, holding hands, the little kisses. These were all things which no-one else had done. Everyone else was just sex. Callie and I were in love. Seeing the two of them hold hands seemed to be worse in some way than seeing Callie impaled on a big dick.

"James?" Matthew called out again.

"Oh, er ... sorry. Yeah could I get a coke?" I stuttered.

"A coke? Are you sure? You can have anything you want here."

"A coke is fine for starters, thanks" I called back.

Matthew led Callie to the side of the bar as he went behind it and poured me a glass of coke.

Ken reappeared, chatting to an older man also wearing a black suit. Carrying a briefcase, he looked like he had just come in from work. He and Ken were laughing as Callie came up and handed me my drink.

"Ah Callie." Called out Ken.

Callie wandered across to them as they approached.

" ... and this is Callie" Ken said to the man.

"Ah Callie, it is lovely to meet you." the man said, taking Callie's hand and giving it a gentle kiss. "I've heard a lot about you and have been looking forward to tonight" he smiled.

"Callie this is Mr. Smith." Ken introduced.

"Hello." Callie blushed as the man released her hand. "Can I get you a drink Mr. Smith?"

"Whiskey and soda would be great. Thanks my dear". The man said, turning to face me as Callie turned around and headed towards the bar.

"Ah yes, this is James. He's with Callie." Ken gestured towards me.

I leaned forwards and shook Mr. Smith's hand. "Nice to meet you" I smiled.

"It's a pleasure young man" he smiled.

The two men sat down on the sofa as I wandered slowly closer to them, unsure of whether to help myself to a seat or to stand. I wandered close to the sofa and then next to the window, glancing out on the street below and the rush hour traffic going about its business.

Callie served the man his drink and they chatted for a couple of minutes as another man appeared through the doorway. The man was about the same age as Mr. Smith, possibly late fifties with white hair. Ken immediately stood up and introduced him to Callie and I as Mr. Hallett, who ordered a drink and sat down. He paid little attention to Callie despite her revealing dress and her young beautiful looks. I continued to stand to one side, trying not to look uneasy as I glanced out the window and around the room. More people started to arrive and all were men, unsurprisingly. They were all more or less the same age, from mid forties onwards to their sixties. Ken made sure they were all introduced to Callie and me and soon I was standing between two men who were chatting about the economy. I stood nodding pretending to be interested as I watched Callie. She was being kept busy wandering back and forth to and from the bar with drinks, empty glasses and dishes of nuts. I noticed that every time she bent down to place a drink on the low coffee table, the front of her dress would hang forwards a little bit and for a fleeting moment, the sleeve holes in the side of her dress would open up exposing her breast and nipple. This had not gone unnoticed by some of the men standing up chatting who were also keeping a close eye on Callie. Some of the men sitting down had noticed Callie's tight bum in the short dress as well and although they were not doing anything as ungentlemanly as glancing under her dress, they were getting an eyeful of her long slender and toned legs as she bent over. The strappy high heels helped accentuate her legs and gorgeous legs they were too.

"Callie, I believe you two do not need an introduction" I overheard Ken say.

I glanced over and saw Mr. Whittering, our history teacher who was also the school headmaster! I was speechless. I had no idea that he would be here tonight and although I had no idea what was planned for tonight, I imagined it would not be as simple as Callie waitressing and whatever it was I would never have imagined that the school headmaster would be involved!

"Hello Miss Stevens" Mr. Whittering smiled.

Callie blushed bright red, glancing at the floor embarrassed.

"Oh ... Hello Mr. Whittering." Callie said quietly, clearly also uncomfortable about being in such a revealing dress in front of her school headmaster.

Glancing up, he also saw me standing to one side.

"Hello James" He called.

I waved my hand up smiling.

"That's a very nice little dress you have there." He smiled at Callie.

"Yes ... erm ... Ken picked it out for me." Callie said quietly.

"Ken, you clearly have good taste." Mr. Whittering laughed. "When you told us you had something special lined up for tonight I had no idea it was this. I'm very pleased indeed, well done" He said, shaking Ken's hand.

Ken smiled widely, clearly pleased he was impressing everyone so far. Mr. Whittering ordered his drink, watching Callie's bum as she walked away to the bar. He smiled to himself and launched into conversation with some of the other men there.

It was very embarrassing seeing Mr. Whittering. He was the epitomy of the kind old school teacher who most people respected and liked but who could dish out discipline when needed too. That he was seeing one of his teen and underaged students here and knowing what was to come was a very weird thing.

Another man arrived and it was immediately obvious who it was and why we had to be discreet about the evening. It was the mayor, Mr. Goldfield! Ken introduced him to Callie and me like he had done with the other people, making no mention of who they were or what they did.

Some more people arrived and then someone else Callie and I knew. It was Dr. Outhwaite, our family doctor! Callie and I both used the same doctor and he had seen us grow up. He had given us injections and done all our regular check-ups and now he was here and seeing Callie in a slut dress.

"Callie, it is nice to see you here." he smiled. "James, long time, no see, how have you two been?"

"Oh good, thanks doctor." Callie said embarrassingly.

"I'm fine as well." I replied also embarrassed.

"Excellent, excellent." he replied. It was something he always said about everything, especially when we told him we were feeling better after any illness. He wandered off to chat to the other people.

"Oh my god James ... this is embarrassing. I only saw Dr. Outhwaite the other day for a mammogram and to get more of the pill and now he's here, seeing me like this!" Callie whispered to me.

"Yeah I know ... I had no idea these people would be here! Did you meet the mayor?" I whispered back.

"Yeah, isn't it crazy?!"

"Callie could you get us another round of drinks please." Ken called over from the coffee table area, where he was chatting with some men including the Mayor and Mr. Whittering. The chatting was getting louder as the men had more drinks. It was approaching 7:30 and the men had been drinking for about an hour. They all seemed to be drinking spirits with the odd person having a beer or wine. I was also feeling more relaxed now as one of the men had approached me with a glass of wine to 'loosen me up' as he put it. The men were actually all very nice and one of them saw that I was standing there by myself and started chatting to me. He called himself Mr. Paulson, and was a slightly overweight man in his fifties who told me he was a lawyer. We started chatting about school and soon I was loosening up.

After a few minutes I glanced over at Callie who was standing at the coffee table. She was placing some drinks down but the most noticeable thing was that Mr. Smith had his hand on her bum. He was moving it around, obviously feeling the tightness and pertness of it. Callie stood up after serving the drinks but stayed standing there as Mr. Smith chatted to her. She was chatting back and making no obvious movements to remove the man's hand as it slowly pulled the bottom of the dress upwards. A couple of the other men standing nearby began to notice as Callie's teen bum came into view. As the dress was so tight, the man let go of the material and instead of falling back down, it sat on her hips at the back and stayed hitched up at the front too. He started to caress her bum but his eyes were clearly transfixed on Callie's pussy which was in his face as she stood next to him. Mr. Smith made no attempt to touch her pussy as another man started chatting to Callie who stood there, being felt up, unsure of what to do.

Noticing that my attention was drawn away from the conversation, Mr. Paulson glanced over and saw Callie's bum being caressed.

"You're a lucky young man James" He said, patting me on the shoulder.

"Yeah ... I guess I am." I replied, my eyes fixed on Callie.

"It isn't often we get a girl of this caliber here. We have had some very good ones ... many from your school actually, but when we appointed Ken as the leader this year we somehow knew we were in for something special."

'Something special?' I thought to myself. Just what did they have planned?

"So, have you two been together long?" Mr. Paulson asked.

"Yeah, years. I guess you can say we are one of those school couples which always stick together through the years." I smiled.

"That's very admirable James. Do you think you will get married?"

"Oh er ... well that isn't something I have really thought about ... you know we are still young, and there's college..." I said pensively.

"Yes sure, but you do plan to stay together?" He continued, drawing me away from Callie.

"Yeah I guess. I mean we love each other a lot." I glanced over at Callie who was now making her way back towards the bar, although she still had her skirt hitched up showing her fuzz covered pussy and her cute little ass as she walked.

Mr. Paulson and I continued chatting and every now and then I glanced to see where Callie was and it was chatting to different people, or getting drinks. Whenever she was standing still she seemed to have a hand on her bare bum and the men were giving her bum cheeks a squeeze as she walked by. Callie seemed to be making no effort to hide herself or to stop the men. No doubt she was letting the men do as they wish in the hope that Ken would be pleased, and let us off the hook sooner.

After a while Mr. Paulson excused himself to the bathroom and while I stood by myself, Callie came up to me with a man who I had not spoken to. He was a fairly tall and slim man, in his forties and probably the youngest man here.

"James I want you to meet Mr. Jaworski. He is a professional fashion photographer." Callie said happily.

"Nice to meet you." I said, shaking the man's hand.

"James, you have a very beautiful young lady here." The man smiled. "We were chatting and I was not at all surprised to hear that Callie has done some fashion shoots before. Anyway I have a couple of shoots coming up and in the works which I am finding models for and I think your Callie would be absolutely perfect."

"Oh ... that's good." I said, unsure of what kind of shots the man was talking about exactly.

"Isn't that great James? It has been a while since I have had a modeling gig. It would be great to get back into it and get a bit of cash on the side." Callie blurted excitedly.

"Um ... what kind of..." I started

"Oh don't worry" the man laughed, picking up on my insecurity. "It isn't hardcore porn or anything like that! The first one is a swimsuit for one of the big names and the other I am still finalizing."

"Oh that sounds good." I smiled, clearly relieved.

"Anyway Callie has my name card. I have a deadline approaching so I have set it all up for the day after tomorrow. I hope that's not too rushed"

"No that's fine!" Callie gushed.

"Brilliant, then let's say 3 pm at the address on my card. See you then." Mr. Jaworski smiled as he walked to chat with some other people.

"Wow..." I started

"Isn't it great? It's been a while since I did modeling and the money all helps." Callie said happily.

"Oh damnit." I said "I just remembered the day after tomorrow I have to go to my uncle's place for the afternoon and dinner with mum and dad."

"Oh don't worry James. Mr. Jaworski was the perfect gentleman. It will be fine. Anyway I had better get back to work" Callie smiled as she gave me a peck on the cheek and walked off to the bar, her dress still hitched up exposing her butt and pussy.

It was a very surreal feeling, watching Callie standing there exposed to the group of middle aged men, serving them, being groped but continuing on as the perfect host, chatting and not batting an eyelid. It felt strangely perverse. I felt a bit like Callie's pimp, watching her work. I shook the thought out of my head and sipped more of my drink.

I watched as Ken approached Callie and quietly said some things to her. She listened then nodded, and Ken guided her out of the room. I had no idea where they were going but was very curious. It was approaching 8pm so I assumed that she had gone to help set-up the dinner in the other room. At this point Mr. Paulson came back from the toilet and started chatting to me again. Somehow I ended up with another drink in my hand (my fourth) and I was thirstily drinking it and beginning to feel the effects. I was not a big drinker but recognized that I was amongst seasoned drinkers who showed little evidence of drink apart from being happier and chattier. I reminded myself to slow down a little.

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