Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The alarm sounded loudly as I bolted upright in bed.

"Ugh ... six thirty already?" I mumbled, switching the alarm off and rubbing my eyes. It did not feel like I had been asleep for long and I was sure I hadn't after watching that video of Callie being gangbanged by the entire football team. My dick still ached from being so hard and stiff for so long.

I shuffled out of bed and got ready, still drowsy as I went downstairs and had a quick breakfast before heading over to Callie's house. It was a school day and I knew it was going to be a difficult one. After being dumped out of the van in front of everyone at school I knew it was going to spread like wildfire and before long everyone would be making snide comments. It was going to be especially hard on Callie, who was sensitive, and being a girl, had friends who turned out to be fickle and bitchy for the most part, although a couple of good friends had spoken caringly to her. Callie could not confide in them of course, but it was a small part of remaining comfort for her in this whole ordeal that there were friends standing by her.

I wandered over to Callie's house and waited for her outside, lost in thought of what today at school would be like.

"Morning gorgeous." a voice suddenly said as a pair of lips planted themselves on my cheeks.

"Oh, good morning." I replied, startled as I stared at a smiling Callie.

"You're certainly cheerful today." I said, trying to smile.

"I decided last night..." she said, looking completely cute and gorgeous " ... that I don't care anymore"

"Don't care? What do you mean?"

"My emotions have been all over the place recently with all that's been happening but I told myself it had to stop. I've decided I don't care what people at school are going to say. They are going to say what they are going to say and there is nothing I can do to change that, so I've decided not to care." She smiled.

She was wearing a cute little summery dress; light blue with white flowers on and strappy sandals. She was gorgeous, like something out of a catalogue. With a beaming smile it was hard not to fall in love with her and certainly hard for me to disagree with anything she said. That however, was the problem ... she was so darn likeable that the guys and especially Ken would not leave her alone.

"So ... if those bitchy girls make comments what are you going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know ... ignore it, or if my mind thinks fast enough, have a good comeback." she smiled as we walked hand in hand towards school.

" ... and what if Ace or Steve or someone makes some snide comment about having tried your pussy?"

"Steve?" Callie said, glancing over at me.

I suddenly realized that I was not supposed to know about the footballers gangbang and thus as far as I knew, Steve had not been with her ... only Ace and Butch at the party.

"Well ... I mean, you know one of those guys." I stuttered.

I tried to read her face as she looked back at me. I think there was a hint of suspicion there but she hid it well. It would not have been unreasonable for me to know about the gangbang even if I had not known about Callie's website, after all this was high school and trying to get a bunch of guys to keep secret having screwed the school hottie was never going to happen. Oddly though, the only reason I did know about the gangbang was the website and indeed not hearing it from anyone else.

"If any of those guys mention anything I guess I will play it cool like with the girls. You know the more I shy away embarrassed, or let it get to me, the more they will do it. After all, the only reason they make those comments anyway is to get some sort of a reaction from me."

"Yeah that's true." I replied. "I'm not sure how I will react. People saw me naked too."

"Well, I suggest you try and act the same way. Be indifferent to it. They'll get a kick out of it if you turn bright red and run away you know." Callie confidently said.

"Yeah true."

Of course she was right. Successfully doing what she suggested was another thing though! The rest of the walk to school was fairly quiet, both of us lost in our own thoughts although Callie was definitely confident and walked with a spring in her step as we held hands.

We walked into school and went our separate ways as our first class was not together. I paused outside the classroom, taking a deep breath. I was a few minutes early and with the teacher not there yet this was a prime time to get snide comments from Ace, Frankie and Steve who were all in this class. I grabbed the door handle and went in.

"Hey look who it is!" Ace immediately said. Everyone in the room turned to watch as I came through the door. "Its Callie's poor cuckhold!".

"Morning guys!" I said, with a beaming smile, ignoring the couple of sniggers from the room.

"So..." said Ace, shuffling his seat towards me. "Me and the boys were going to have a party this weekend and were wondering whether Callie could come over and be the entertainment."

Ace had a real smirk on his face as Frankie and Steve laughed. I wanted to punch Ace right there and then but knew that seconds later I would get hammered by all three of them and I was certainly no match for a bunch of footballers.

"Ha ha, man you wish!" I laughed."Firstly you can't afford her, and secondly she would get bored very quickly with you three. Are any real men going to be there?"

Ace's face changed from a content smarminess to shock that I had a comeback. I admit it was not a very good comeback but a couple of people laughed at Ace's face. Although he was popular amongst the people after instant popularity, he was disliked by many people who like me also thought he was a sleazy little shit who treated girls like crap.

Ace looked like he was about to punch me when the teacher walked through the door.

"Good morning class." Said Mr. Whittering, our history teacher who was also the headmaster.

Ace scorned at me as he shuffled his chair back to his own table.

"Whew!" I thought to myself as class started.

The rest of the day went surprisingly well. Maybe I was in a good mood after my encounter with Ace in the morning. Maybe I had taken on Callie's advice and ignored the stares and comments of which there were a few, stares especially.

That evening, Callie and I had dinner at her house before falling asleep in her bed. It was a great night's sleep too. I was coming round to Callie's way of thinking. Part of me was amazed that Callie could be so relaxed about it, after all she was the one who had been raped so many times now, including by dogs! Perhaps she had learned to ignore it and desensitize herself from it. Maybe that was wise ... maybe it was not.

The next few days went fairly well also. There were a couple of comments made in my presence but they were not to my face and I ignored them. People stared but even this faded after a day or two, or perhaps I was getting better at ignoring it. Callie had even gone and had dinner with her friends one night in a good sign she had decided to get some normality back into her life.

A few days later after school, Callie and I were walking home when my cell phone rang. It was Ken. I knew we hadn't heard the last of him and that it was only a matter of time until he called again with new demands. I looked at the caller display and showed Callie as 'Ken' flashed on the screen. Callie shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'Oh well.'. A reaction which despite all her playing it cool the last few days surprised me. How could she adapt so easily to being used and abused by this guy? I knew some of the orgasms she had over the last few weeks were undoubtedly real, but surely that did not mean she had enjoyed the experience. I glanced back at the phone, took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hello Ken." I said, trying to sound calm and confident.

"Hello James, how are you?" asked Ken sounding very friendly.

"Oh we're good."

"Excellent, excellent. Look I'll get right to it James. I belong to this err ... lets say gentleman's club ... Anyway, this year it is my turn to be the grand master and that means I have to organize the club's dinners, meetings and special events. It also marks the club's fortieth anniversary and there is going to be a special ceremonial dinner where we also inaugurate new members to the club." Ken explained, pausing.

"Riiiight, go on." I said, sort of knowing where this was going.

"Anyway I need Callie to be there. She is going to be helping out, you know waitressing and providing some entertainment".

"Why do I have a feeling it is not quite that simple." I said, slightly cockily.

"Ha ha, you are a smart man James." Ken laughed. "Anyway you should find a package in front of your house with a dress in it. There are directions on how to get to the club. It starts at 6pm tomorrow night, and James you are invited. Do you own a tuxedo?"

"Er ... no. I have a black suit though." I said, intrigued.

"Hmmm. I guess that will do. Anyway I need to impress these people so here's the deal; if you and Callie behave and co-operate, and the night goes well, then I'll make sure it is one of the last times I make you guys do anything ok?" He said sounding actually quite genuine.

"You mean we'll be off the hook? Call it even?" Hoping it was true.

"I might have one or two more small favours to ask of Callie but yeah I promise to wind it up. I give you my word James. If tomorrow night goes well then as I say I might need Callie one or two more times but after that you needn't hear from me ever again if you don't want to."

My heart beat away quickly, overjoyed that finally we had a way out, even if it did involved this and maybe a couple more small things.

"James? You still there?" Ken said, still sounding kind.

"Er ... yeah I'm here"

"So? What do you say?"

"Er, yeah sure. Sounds good." I said, unsure of how to answer.

Callie was looking at me curious as to what Ken was saying and giving me a look that told me she was impatiently waiting for me to tell her.

"Ok brilliant. Instructions are all in the package. See you tomorrow James." Ken said, hanging up before I had the chance to say anything else.

I hung up, staring at my phone for a while before Callie interrupted my thoughts.

"Well? What did he say?" She said raising her eyebrows.

"He said he was a head guy of some gentleman's club although he paused when he said that so god knows what it is."

"Ok ... and?" Callie interrupted.

"Anyway he said he needs to impress everyone at their anniversary dinner and needs you to be there to help." I said, motioning with my fingers to make inverted commas with the word 'help'.

"OK ... well that doesn't sound TOO bad I suppose, considering what I've been through." Callie said, fairly calmly.

"Yeah ... I guess not although I have heard that some wacky shit happens at those clubs."

"Can't be that bad. We've seen pretty wacky already." Callie smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"Ha ha yeah that's true" I smiled. "Anyway the good part is that Ken said if it goes well and we co-operate, he will think about calling it quits."

"Oh!" said Callie surprised.

It was not obvious if she was happy or not but just surprised.

" ... and he wants you there?" Callie asked.

"Yeah, he said I could go as well. Its good I guess, I can keep an eye on you."

"Yeah guess so, although if we want Ken to really let us off the hook then you had better behave and just go with the flow no matter what happens."

"Yeah true. I'll just be there to keep an eye on you and make sure we don't end up naked in front of the school again!" I laughed.

Callie laughed as well and squeezed my hand as we continued walking.

"Oh yeah, so when is this happening then?"

"Oh right um, tomorrow night. Ken said there is a package at my place with instructions." I said, as we turned the corner to the street where my house was.

A couple of minutes later we turned the corner into my driveway and sure enough there was a small brown box sitting in front of the front door. We grabbed the box, taking it upstairs into my room. I quickly opened it, as we both glanced inside. Sitting on top of what looked like a dress was an envelope. I took out the envelope as Callie took out the dress.

"Hmmm." She said questioningly as she held the dress up against herself.

It was certainly not the biggest dress in the world but then I expected no less. It was a Chinese or Japanese looking black dress. The neck was high; strangely conservative looking although the rest of the dress certainly wasn't. The black fabric had red trim all around with small white flowers on the dress. It was not unattractive actually although it was too small to be sensible.

"I'll try it on." said Callie, pulling off her shirt.

I watched, still mesmerized at the sight of Callie despite having seen her naked so many times. I could never get bored at the sight of Callie and her gorgeous body.

"You're taking your bra off?" I said, as she unclipped herself.

"Well yeah. It's obvious that you can't wear one with this dress" Callie said, slipping the dress over her head.

"Oh." That's all I could say not knowing how it was so obvious. Maybe it was a woman thing.

Soon I realized why it was meant to be braless. Despite the conservatively high neckline, the dress showed off Callie's full breasts and the arm holes were unusually large. You could see her armpits and quite a bit of side boob. In fact running down the side of the dress were a series of criss-cross straps holding the front and back of the dress together.

"Hmmm" Callie said in a pensive tone.

She slipped her jeans off and slid them to the floor as well, but you could still see her underwear through the sides of the dress.

"Hmmm" she said again, reaching to slip her underwear down her legs.

"Wow." I said, unable to say anything else as I looked at Callie standing there looking incredibly sexy in the dress.

You basically could not wear anything with the dress as the straps went all the way down, so any under wear, whether bra or undies would be painfully visible. Callie turned around and I saw that they had not bothered with too much fabric at the back either. There were a number of criss-cross straps at the back too, which was wide and very open. You could see just about all of her back right down to where the top of her butt-crack was just visible. The bottom of her dress was very high and you could see the bottom of her butt cheeks by leaning down slightly. It was about as short as the skirt she had worn on the bus the time she went to see Ken and her friend.

"Oh at least we will be in a private club." Callie said, trying in vain to pull the dress down to make it longer.

"Well, let's read the letter first!" I said, opening it without taking my eyes off my gorgeous girlfriend and aware of my dick quickly rising.

Callie sat down on the bed and immediately I realized how revealing this dress truly was. Her legs were only slightly parted but because the dress was so short I could see her pussy between her legs. My room was not lit up like a studio but even then there was enough light getting through to reveal the detail between her legs. I could see Callie's pussy mound, covered in her thin fuzzy layer of brown pubes. I could even see her pussy lips nestled away neatly, peeking at ever so slightly as they do when they are 'at rest'.

Callie realized I was staring at her pussy and leaned forward slightly, glancing down between her own legs. She did not have to lean forwards much to see her own pussy and realize how revealing this dress really was. As she leaned forwards, the fabric of the top of the dress became more loose and glancing through her sleeve holes I could see her entire right breast including her nipple, which looked slightly swollen I guess from the cool air in my room.

"Hmmm, I think I am going to have to be careful how I sit!" she said, sitting back up straight and closing her legs.

"Yeah definitely!" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Anyway..." I started as I unfolded the letter. "Dear Callie and James. I am very glad that you have agreed to help me out at the dinner I am organizing. Enclosed is the address on a separate piece of paper. There is no parking available to guests so please take the city bus. The club is an exclusive one, and you will be required to be discreet and polite while you are there. Our members come from high ranking places in society who may not want the world to know of their interest and extracurricular activities. Your secrecy is essential and in return there will be no photos or video of the dinner. Please wear this dress tomorrow; you will be expected to do some waitressing for the drinks portion of the evening, help out for dinner and provide the entertainment for the rest of the evening. Your complete cooperation is essential throughout the evening and with it, hopefully I can start to let you two off the hook. Please be there at 6pm sharp. See you tomorrow, Ken."

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