Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

We both sank into the tub where we stayed for ages, both lost deep in our thoughts. We were exhausted and although it was now mid morning, we flopped onto my bed and within seconds Callie was fast asleep. All nice and clean and fresh smelling, I gazed down at the gorgeous naked body lying next to me, happy that Callie was my girlfriend and counting my lucky stars. We still needed a way to stop these things happening to us and I had a sneaking suspicion that the gang rape by those black guys was not a matter of being unlucky but something which the sneaky Japanese Ken had something to do with.

As I became lost in my thoughts I ran my hand along the smooth silky skin of Callie's back, leading to her ass. She was lying on her front but with one leg outwards, her pussy mound was exposed. I leaned in to take a closer look. It looked completely different now than it did a few hours ago, all stretched and swollen. Her pussy mound looked tight and her pussy lips had shrunk and retracted back to just peeking out slightly, how they always were. Callie was in deep sleep as I gingerly reached out, resting my fingers against her soft pussy mound. Using my index finger I wiggled past her pussy lips and slowly eased into her pussy. Once that was in, I eased a second finger in and to my amazement felt the tightness of her pussy clamping down on my two fingers. It was amazing but her pussy had recovered back to the teen tightness that I knew Callie for. The pussy really was an amazing thing!! With my curiosity satisfied, I pulled my fingers out giving them a bit of a sniff. They still smelled a little of sperm and wet dog, but I supposed unless Callie had a pussy enema, it would be a few days for the stuff inside her to clear itself.

With that, I flopped back onto the bed and fell into a very deep sleep.

"James! James are you up there?" came a voice stirring me from my deep sleep. I heard a faint knock on my door and as I opened my eyes I saw my dad standing there. "Oh!" he said in a surprised voice.

I suddenly realised that both Callie and I had fallen asleep completely naked on top of the sheets, Callie opened her eyes, and seeing my dad just standing there, yelped, grabbing at pillows to cover herself up.

"Hello Callie" my dad said smiling.

"Um ... er ... hi" said Callie, embarrassed.

"James, dinner is ready" said my dad, not taking his eyes off Callie and no doubt remembering the night he fucked my girlfriend.

"Ok ... we'll be down in a sec" I said

My dad smiled, still staring at Callie as he turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

"My god that was embarrassing" said Callie, getting out of bed.

I almost said 'He's seen it all before' but stopped myself, realising that I was not supposed to know that she had slept with my dad.

Luckily Callie kept some clothes at my place so we dressed and went downstairs for dinner. Dinner was awkward with my dad leering and grinning at Callie all the time. Mum did not seem to notice as she yabbered on about her day.

Callie decided to head home after dinner to do some homework due the next day and after agreeing to forget the school incident and go to school tomorrow like nothing had happened, we hugged each other and went our separate ways.

I slaved over homework which should have been done and finally at 2am it was all finished. Having slept all day however, I was not in the slightest bit sleepy and feeling slightly nervous, I entered Callie's website to see whether there were any updates.

Upon immediately entering the website, a pop-up appeared "Recently Updated". My heart beat fast as I clicked in and went to the photos. The latest was still the photos of the gangbang with the football team so I clicked back and entered the video section, seeing if it was still empty. I was pleasantly surprised and nervous at the same time when I saw that there was a video icon sitting there. With no title I had no idea what it was and as I clicked it and waited while it said 'buffering', I felt a tinge of shame when I realised that my dick was fast getting hard at the prospect of seeing what video was up.

The details of the video finally appeared and I saw that it was a 10 minute video as it started rolling. There was no title or preamble and the video started immediately with the football team running around on the pitch. Within seconds it was halftime and the video changed to the team sitting in the locker room.

"You guys are absolutely pathetic!" shouted the coach. "You are getting hammered out there! We need this win. YOU need this win. Now come on. In a few minutes you had better get out there and give it your best because you have not been so far!" The coach was bad at acting as he stormed off. The team sat there looking dejected when Callie wanders in wearing full cheerleading outfit. This was the video of the football team gangbang! I felt my dick twitch immediately.

Looking as cute as a button, Callie walked right to the middle of the team standing there looking around at the depressed players.

"Come on guys" said Callie in her cute voice "I know you guys can do better than that."

"We suck" came a voice from the back.

"Yeah" someone says in agreement.

"Awww, don't say that" smiled Callie. "You just need some motivation that's all."

Callie smiled, biting her lower lip in the cutest way that she does when she has a naughty thought. Glancing around to see that she had a captive audience, she lifted her short skirt up, and pausing for just long enough to see eyes begin to bulge, she hooked her thumbs round the elastic of her panties, turning around so that her back is to the team, and slides her panties off, allowing the skirt to fall back down as she does so. There are a few gasps as she does this, although by allowing her skirt to drop back down, none of the guys saw anything. She continues sliding her panties down her legs, now bending at the waist and pushing down till her panties are around her ankles. She is completely bent over at the waist and because her cheerleading skirt is so short, some of the guys smile as they get a glimpse of Callie's teen pussy. Slowly and deliberately, she lifts each leg, pulling her panties over her shoes and in doing so, flashing the entire football team with one leg up and the short skirt riding up over her bum. The guys get a great view of her pussy mound with her pussy lips nestled neatly amongst the light brown layer of fuzz. Seconds later, she turns back round to the team, flinging her panties at one of the guys who grabbed it and takes a deep whiff, looking like he is in heaven.

"If you guys go back out there and win ... Callie smiles at the team. "You can have me. ALL of you can have me"

"Surely Callie Stevens isn't selling her body to us in return for wining a football game" says Ace, sounding all sarcastic.

Callie smiles back. "I've seen the way you guys look at me. I know you want me and I know it drives you nuts with all of the other girls slobbering over you guys, I am the only one that no-one here has ever had the chance to touch." Pausing, Callie glances around the team with the faces practically drooling. "If you guys win, I am all yours. You can do whatever you want to me, and wherever you want it." she smiled, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

The team is speechless as Callie smiles and trots away and out the door. The team cheers and all motivated, they pile out of the door and back onto the pitch. There are a few shots of the team making several tries and the scoreboard shooting up. Within seconds, the game is over. The team has won and the players are all giving each other high-fives.

My heart pounded fast and my stiff dick strained under my pants as I realised what was coming. The photo shoot that gave me a huge orgasm was coming to life in front of my eyes.

The video cut back to the locker room, where the happy guys are cheering alongside the coach when Callie walks in. The guys immediately notice, and the room goes quiet.

"Congratulations guys!" exclaims Callie. "I can't believe you guys did it! Well done!"

"Yeah, well we had good reason to be motivated." says one of the black guys as everyone laughs.

"You do remember what you promised us, right?" says Ace

Callie nodded shyly, keeping quiet.

"Miss Stevens." says the coach smiling "The boys told me about your motivation and I would like to thank you personally for helping us out. After the game I was going to head to my brother's place for the night. He lives in a huge mansion but is out of town this weekend. I think it would be a great place to treat you guys to, and perhaps you can treat the guys while we are there too!"

The video cuts to Callie slowly climbing up the stairs to the bus, pausing at the top and turning her head back to look at the guys below her, just like in the photos. Her legs are parted and the guys cheer as the camera zooms in. It takes a second to focus as the screen quickly fills up with my girlfriend's rounded pussy mound, her pussy lips parted ever so slightly amongst her thin layer of brown pubes. The camera zooms back out and Callie smiles, biting her lower lip in the most cute and innocent yet very naughty and sexy way before she moves into the bus followed by all the guys.

The camera changed to being inside the bus as the guys were getting on. Callie was sitting on the very back seat, right in the middle looking up the aisle. She had put her feet up against the back of the armrests of the seats in front of her and since she was wearing no underwear, everyone getting on the bus was getting an eyeful of her pussy. The guys were in high spirits as they sat down, all staring down the aisle at Callie's spread legs, no doubt all savouring the sight and looking forward to sampling the treasure Callie would soon be offering ... my treasure which was about to be shared.

Neil, one of the white players sat on the seat in front of Callie. He, like everyone else was staring at the teen pussy. He reached his hand out and pressed it against Callie's inner thigh, and slowly slid his hand up and towards the teen pussy. Callie smiled as the hand edged closer and closer to her crotch. No-one said a word as they watched their teammate about to touch the prize they were all waiting for. With Neil's fingers only an inch or so away from the edge of her fleshy pussy, Callie suddenly reached forwards and grabbed Neil's hand, pulling it away.

"Nuh uh" Callie said, wiggling her index finger at Neil.

"Aw man!!!" laughed the rest of the team.

"Neil you suck!" someone shouted, laughing.

"Awww you tease!!" whined Neil

Callie smiled, and letting go of Neil's hand, she rested her own fingers against her pussy mound then gave her pussy a couple of slow rubs before easing her index finger up as deep as it would go. Slowly she pulled her finger out, the camera zooming in as Callie's tight pussy lips clung to her withdrawing finger, despite the fact you could see she was wet, and her finger was wetter.

She pulled her entire finger out, and slowly lifted it to Neil's mouth. Neil closed his eyes and sighed as Callie pushed her pussy-juice covered finger into Neil's mouth. He sucked on the finger greedily as the rest of the team watched with jealousy.

The next shot cut to Callie getting off the bus and like the photos she made sure she gave everyone another flash of her pussy as she climbed down from above. They all walked towards the mansion behind the coach who opened the doors and led them to the living room. The guys quickly surrounded Callie who crouched down onto the floor.

"So, who's first?" Callie says, looking up at the big footballers surrounding her, with her big innocent eyes.

Neil stepped forwards, quickly dropping his pants to reveal his stiff dick. Callie grabbed it, and wasted no time in slurping the dick into her mouth. A couple of black guys standing to her sides dropped their pants to reveal two huge dicks, which Callie grabbed onto as she sucked on Neil's dick. She sucked harder and deeper until her nose was pressed against his pubes. The guys cheered as Callie gagged. She pulled back and coughed a couple of times, with his dick slick and wet with her shiny saliva. Jamal, one of the black guys shoved his dick forward and Callie turned her head to take it into her mouth. Closing her eyes she moved back and forth, taking the dick deeper and deeper into her mouth with each gentle thrust. Everyone in the room went quiet as they watched inch after inch of this huge snake vanish into the mouth of this cute teen. My heart beat fast and I did not blink. I could feel my dick really straining against my pants. It was such a hot sight watching this cute innocent girl swallowing a huge black dick. A couple of seconds later and her face was pressed against Jamal's curly black pubes. She held her position for a couple of seconds, breathing heavily through her nose and without even gagging slowly pulled her face off the monster dick. Everyone cheered and clapped.

"Yeah, you little slut!" someone shouted from the back. A small wave of anger hit me. How dare someone call my cute girlfriend a slut? She was my little princess. My girl next door and she was doing this against her own will. Despite the fact she was looking very willing, I had still not come to terms that Callie would act like this if not forced to.

My thoughts were interrupted as Callie smiled and turned to take the other black dick into her mouth, sucking it greedily and slowly giving another guy the great sensation of being deep-throated.

Behind her, Ace reached forward to pull her top up, revealing her teen breasts, then kneaded them for a while before reaching down and pulling up her skirt, which he pushed up around her waist.

"Hmmm!!" flinched Callie as Ace reached under the crouching goddess and jammed a couple of fingers straight into her pussy. He roughly fingered her, making her squirm a little as she sucked on the three dicks in her face. Ace pushed Callie forwards and although she was still crouching, it made her bum stick out a bit more. He lowered himself and moved his face close to her pussy mound, closed his eyes and took a deep sniff.

"Hmmm, fresh innocent teen pussy," Ace smiled, "I love it every time."

"It won't be fresh and innocent for long!" Frankie laughed as he and Steve kneeled down by Callie's sides.

Frankie and Steve were the two guys Callie hated. They always made snide remarks when we walked past and tried to pick Callie up, even when I was right there.

It would not have been in the script and despite being made to fuck the entire football team and being forced by Ken to look like she was enjoying it, she turned her head and gave Frankie a death-stare. It was only brief but I knew Callie would be loathing the fact that these two jerks were seeing her naked and sucking dick. As they knelt there they reached out and started to grab and fondle her breasts as Jamal stood up and made way for a white player to kneel down and offer his stiff dick to Callie, who continued sucking on the other black dick.

The camera cut and now Callie was crouching over a white guy, whose 7 inch dick was stiff and pointing straight up at her pussy. Frankie had his dick in Callie's mouth as she held Steve's dick with her other hand. All the other guys from the football team stood surrounding them, all naked and all holding their stiff dicks.

There was a flash as someone took a photo. So far the video was following the set of photos I had seen before of this gangbang. The video was so much better, if you can say seeing your beloved girlfriend fuck an entire football team is 'better', as there was movement and sounds.

"Oh yeah Callie" muttered Frankie as she sucked him. "I bet you've wanted this for years. Now that your sissy boyfriend isn't here, you show yourself as the true slut you are."

Callie didn't say anything but I knew she would be fuming inside, being spoken to by such a jerk who she hated.

"You know you're gonna fuck all of us right?" Spoke Steve "There's twenty of us here and like you promised, we're gonna do whatever we want to you." He laughed.

"You've got to be the hottest little slut the team has had." smiled Frankie. "Just think what your sissy boyfriend is going to say when he watches this video and sees these photos." Everyone in the room laughed. "Seeing his sweet girlfriend fucking so many dicks. In fact I bet he is watching this right now and his dick is as stiff as a board. I bet he can't wait to see you drop yourself onto that stiff dick that's right under you."

It was true. I felt embarrassed and pissed off that Frankie and Steve were talking that way. They always spoke that way but watching it now so directly was different. I felt anger and shame. They were completely right of course. My dick was completely stiff in anticipation of seeing my cute 17 year old girlfriend get fucked by this gang of muscle-bound footballers.

Callie remained quiet but after hearing Frankie and almost as if on cue, lowered herself towards the stiff dick. It nudged up against her clit and she shifted forwards ever so slightly and lowered herself. The video suddenly changed to slow motion and I watched as the dick edged closer to her pussy lips which protruded slightly and sat a little parted from Ace's finger-fucking and Callie being crouched.

The head of the white dick nudged up against the folds of Callie's pussy and in slow motion she moved her ass around in a slight circular motion, allowing her pussy lips to spread around the head of the dick. The top centimeter or so of the dick found its way between the slightly swollen teen pussy lips when Callie slowly eased herself downwards. The dick slowly slid into my girlfriend. My heart beat faster and faster as I watched someone fucking my teen sweetheart once again. Her pussy was damp enough that her lips just stayed open and slid against the rippled skin of the dick as it disappeared into her. A few agonizing seconds later, the curly blonde pubes of the white dick were nestled against Callie's pussy mound. At this point the movie went back to regular speed but was still zoomed into her pussy as Callie lifted herself off the dick, almost completely before lowering herself on the entire length of the dick again.

The camera zoomed out as Callie slowly slid herself up and down on the dick while Frankie started to thrust gently back and forth, sliding his dick in and out of her mouth. Her hand was pumping up and down over Steve's dick. I could not imagine what Callie must have been feeling servicing two of the guys who she hated so much. The video made it look like Callie had voluntarily submitted to this, giving the guys a prize for winning the game but I was sure it was just an act and Ken had been up to his tricks again.

The guys were really going at it now, with Frankie thrusting his dick quite hard into Callie's mouth. She was doing her best to relax but still gagged a couple of times. As she reached up to press her free hand against his pelvis, Frankie grabbed it and held it as he continued to ram her mouth.

"Yeah bitch" he said in between deep breaths, now with his eyes closed "suck it ... suck it you FILTHY WHORE."

While this was happening the guy whose dick Callie was sliding up and down was getting frustrated at the speed she was going and grabbed her waist, pulling her down hard onto his dick then pushing her up again. The guy had thick arms with bulging muscles and lifted and dropped Callie as if she hardly weighed anything.

"Mmpfh ... mmpfh" muttered Callie as the mystery guy bounced her up and down.

"Right, my turn" said Steve as Frankie pulled his dick out of Callie's mouth, leaving a trail of saliva dripping down her chin.

Frankie shuffled to one side and Callie panted to catch her breath for a few short seconds as Steve rammed his dick without mercy straight down her throat making her gag a couple of times.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff" sighed Steve as he started fucking my girlfriend's sweet mouth.

Callie was of course speechless apart from continuing to let out quiet muffled yelps every time her pussy was pulled downwards to be filled with stiff white dick. Frankie grabbed Callie's hand, placing it over his dick which she then started to pump.

The camera zoomed out a bit and showed that the guy fucking Callie's pussy was Ace.

"Oh of course." I muttered under my breath, remembering from the photo set that I had seen previously, that Callie had started this session by fucking Ace and blowing Frankie and Steve at the same time. Three of her mortal enemies, now ramming their dicks into her and no doubt making her filled with rage. Hell, I was filled with rage once again. I also hated these three guys for acting like pigs towards girls and always trying to pick Callie up, despite me being right there. They were male chauvinist pigs of the first order and now they were fucking my sweet girlfriend, close-up and right in front of me. Not only that, but here it was on the internet for the world to see. I still had no idea how many people had seen this website, but I imagined that it was probably a few. A thought suddenly popped into my head of all the men right now around the world that could be sitting in front of a computer screen pumping away furiously at their dicks as they watched my sweet teen girlfriend being gangbanged by this group of muscle-bound footballers. I felt my dick twitch as both guilt and passion flowed through me.

"Aw fuck, I gotta get out." Said Ace panting. "I don't wanna cum yet" He lifted Callie high up as the camera zoomed in. Ace's dick popped out of Callie and snapped back, pointing back towards Ace's head as he began to shuffle out from under Callie.

Callie's pussy closed back up but remained slightly parted from Ace's dick. Her pussy lips glistened slightly in the light as the camera zoomed back out. Steve was now shuffling himself underneath Callie and it was not long before he was in position. Jamal, the black guy with the big dick stepped forwards, shoving his dick into Callie's mouth as Steve grabbed the base of his dick and angled it towards her slightly parted hole. Feeling the tip of the dick nudge against her passage, Callie lowered herself onto Steve. I assumed that she had given in to her fate and just wanted it to be over as fast as possible. Giving in to the guys would be the fastest and easiest way of doing that.

Callie's pussy was wet from the fingering and fucking from Ace, so when she lowered herself onto Steve's more or less average sized dick, its full length slid inside her without much trouble. Once his pubes nudged up against Callie's bum, she lifted herself almost clean off the dick before plunging herself down onto it again. Meanwhile Jamal gently rocked back and forth easing his big dick deeper and deeper into Callie's mouth and throat.

Callie slapped away at Steve's dick for a while, his shaft easily sliding in and out of Callie's pussy which looked as if it was becoming accustomed to being stretched by the second dick to be in her pussy so far in the movie. She also continued to suck away at Jamal's dick struggling but finally managing to take almost the full 10 inches into her mouth and throat.

"For a dirty fucking slut you've got a very tight pussy!" panted Steve.

"Hmpfh" Callie mumbled in reply.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum if I continue." Said Steve as he grabbed Callie's ass and pushed it upwards off his dick which sprung out of Callie's pussy with a wet slurp.

"Right, I guess it's my turn." laughed Jamal as he pulled his dick out of Callie's mouth. His 10 inch dick glistened with saliva which coated the thick shaft, all rippled with angry looking veins.

Jamal stepped to his side as Steve slid out from underneath Callie. Frankie gave Jamal the evil eye as he had been standing there longer than Jamal, however since he was half the size of the huge black guy he wisely decided to stay quiet.

The movie cut a little and now Jamal was lying down, pointing his huge dick upwards towards Callie's still parted pussy. Frankie had his dick in Callie's mouth and with his hands on the back of her head, was fucking her furiously. Callie was protesting slightly, grunting with each thrust as the dick nudged the back of her throat. Frankie seemed pissed off and was taking his frustrations about not being next to fuck my girlfriend out on her mouth.

The camera zoomed into Callie's pussy as Jamal pulled her down slowly. The head of the big dick nudged against her pussy lips and although her passage still parted slightly with her pussy lips also parted around her hole, the head of the 10 inch black dick dwarfed her tight teen pussy. Jamal paused briefly before gently pulling Callie downwards.

"Nnnnggggg" mumbled Callie as her pussy lips first stretched to where Ace and Steve had taken them and then stretched further. Her pussy lips stretched thin and subtly looked a lighter shade of pink as the head of the 10 inch monster slowly vanished into Callie's pussy.

"Fucking hell!" Panted Callie, who must have pushed Frankie away from her to speak. "It's fucking huge."

"It's hardly in there yet!" laughed Jamal as he continued to pull Callie downwards.

"Oh my god!" mumbled Callie under her breath as inch after inch of Jamal disappeared into my girlfriend's 17 year old pussy. Her panting was heavy on the audio as she was stretched by the third dick of the day.

Since Jamal's dick was wet with saliva, he continued to slide himself deeper and deeper into the pussy. A few seconds later and Callie's brown fluffy pubes nestled against the short black curls of Jamal, just like in the photo I remember seeing.

"Yeah, there you go, bitch!" laughed Ace off-screen. "All stretched out by a big black dick! Just imagine if James was here to see this. His sweet, precious girlfriend jammed full of nigger cock." Several people in the room laughed.

The camera did not show it, but I knew Callie would have felt hurt and embarrassed by Ace's comments. She did not say anything as Jamal slowly lifted her upwards. Despite her pussy being wet, her stretched lips dragged outwards as the dick slipped out of her. With his dick almost completely outside, and tip of his dick left inside her, Jamal pulled Callie downwards again.

"Ahhhhhh" muttered Callie as she was filled with the cock again.

Jamal quickly worked up a good pace sliding his dick with increasing ease in and out of Callie as she cried out muffled cries with each thrust while someone else jammed their dick into her mouth. Several different guys rotated around Callie, each jamming their dicks into her throat for a few seconds before moving around. This continued for several minutes with the camera looking from different angles, at Callie's crumpled face, at Jamal in pleasure and then back to the stretched pussy.

"Come on man, it's my turn" whined Frankie who stood idly by Callie's side, slowly pumping his dick with his hand.

"'Ha ha' Ok man." laughed Jamal as he slowly lifted Callie off his still very stiff dick.

The camera zoomed in as Jamal's cock head popped free of the abused teen pussy. Callie was stretched much more than before and although her pussy was visibly shrinking again, it was doing so slowly and her passage was the size of a quarter. Her lips, which had been stretched thin were no longer wrapped around a stiff dick and appeared ruffled as they slowly pulled towards each other. Callie and I had slept together since this mega gangbang and her pussy felt pretty much as tight to me as it always had done. It amazed me once again how great a thing a pussy was. I was seeing it on screen stretched wide like some of those old slut porn stars, yet I know it would shrink back to the 17 year old tightness it should be.

"Finally, my turn with you" smiled Frankie as he shuffled underneath Callie, who gave him a death stare.

Frankie's dick was not small but was nowhere near to the size of Jamal's and I wondered how loose Callie would feel. The camera zoomed in as the dick easily slid into her. The ruffled pussy lips did stretch lengthways again but did not become thin and light coloured as with Jamal's dick. I laughed to myself as this asshole would not have had the full pleasure of Callie's tight pussy. He deserved it. I hated the guy. Nevertheless, I realised, he was still fucking my cute girlfriend and I bet he and his two sleaze ball friends were loving every second of seeing this incredibly hot and sexy but conservative and unattainable girl being gangbanged by the entire football team and being stretched wide by black dicks.

"Oh yeah, you like it don't you?" laughed Frankie. "All those years of ignoring us but actually you wanted us to all fuck you didn't you?"

Callie remained quiet as she sucked on someone else's dick.

"Too embarrassed to answer? You know I'm right." Frankie continued as he panted away, jamming his dick into my girlfriend. "A girl who doesn't want to be fucked doesn't have a pussy this wet" he laughed.

What did he mean? I could not tell how wet Callie's pussy was but I could tell it was not dry. After fucking four different guys I was not surprised it was a bit wet. When I had first seen the photos of this gangbang a few weeks ago I had been shocked and surprised and despite the lack of resistance on Callie's face in some of the shots, I was convinced that she had been forced into this, was an unwilling participant and maybe towards the end of the shoot had her body betray her a bit by sending feelings of pleasure from her pussy to her brain. That is unavoidable right? After all that's what a pussy is for.

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