Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

Back to the monitors, I saw two men climb onto the bed. I recognized them as the cameramen and they were fully clothed so I guess they were there to get Callie off and cleaned up. I then noticed that they were dragging some strange contraption with them. It was like a low wooden seat with two legs either side. The seat itself was square and about two feet across and looked like black leather. The two sides stretched downwards but then at the base of either side there were long horizontal parts. It was like a very sturdy looking seat, except the seat was only about a foot and a half from the base so it was not very tall.

The men lugged this thing onto the bed and slid it towards Callie. Perhaps they were going to make her sit down? One of the men shifted round to Callie's front, and grabbing her arms, lifted her up so that her upper body was off the bed, but with her knees still on the bed. She was so tired she did not really react, not realizing or caring that someone was moving her around. The other man slid the seat under her stomach while the first man lowered her back down. Callie was now still kneeling, except her upper body was supported by the seat, although her head was still down and her arms dangled down to her sides.

I had no idea what the men were up to then suddenly one of the men grabbed something from under the seat. It looked like a long strap with a buckle. He pulled it up and over Callie's body, wrapping it around her waist before looping it back to the underside of the seat and reaching under he secured it into place. It seemed they were locking Callie into this position and I had no idea why. While one guy was doing that, the other man moved round to Callie's feet. Her ankles were stretched out alongside two of the horizontal legs of this seat and I had not noticed before, but there was a leather strap on the end of these legs, one on each leg. The man leaned down, shifting her ankles and tying them with the straps to the wooden leg so that Callie would not be able to move her legs.

"What the hell are they doing?" I turned to say to the big gangster guy next to me. He simply smiled, not even turning away from the monitor in front of him.

Callie was now on all fours but resting her stomach on the seat. Her arms were not strapped down, but with her torso and her legs strapped, she would not be able to get out of position. Her boobs were loose and hung slightly, glistening with sweat.

'Why on earth would they force her into this position? They had already spent the last few hours fucking Callie in any position they wanted and she complied' I thought to myself. It was very strange and I was curious yet sensed something ominous coming.

One of the cameramen leaned forward and examined her pussy, still gaping with the base of the coke bottle visible. He reached forward, trying to grab the base of the bottle. It looked very slippery and his fingers could not get a grip as it looked like he tried to pull it out. Callie's pussy was so tight against the bottle, and the glass so slippery that the man tried several times without success. If anything he was only succeeding in pushing the bottle further into her abused and sore pussy. Callie moaned gently, unaware that the man was not trying to play with her pussy but trying to take the bottle out.

Getting frustrated after a few more tries, the man inserted his index finger and thumb into the stretched pussy and using all his might, stretched Callie out even more. The bottle started to slip in even further which amazed me as I did not think there was any room in that once-tight teen pussy. Before the bottle could slip too far the man used his fingers on his other hand to grab the base of the bottle. Using his fingernails on the slippery glass, he slowly pulled the bottle. Callie moaned gently again as the length of the glass bottle slowly came out. The glass was smeared with a white slick layer of juices, frothed up a little and very slimy looking. Once a couple of inches of glass came out, the man grabbed it with his hand and unceremoniously pulled it out. With a slurp and a loud pussy fart, the bottle came out and the man did not delay to scuffle off the bed with it.

Callie was alone on the bed again, still unaware what was happening and probably unaware that she was even strapped to a seat. One of the cameras was left zoomed in on her pussy while the cameramen checked some other equipment. Seconds ago, a large glass coke bottle stretched Callie wide open. Now both her ass and pussy were empty. Her pussy gapped wide a couple of inches, leaking sperm. Her pussy lips were red, swollen and ruffled around her gaping hole, looking very stretched. Her pussy mound was red from all the banging and her ass had red streaks where some of the guys had grabbed her hard whilst fucking her. Sperm dripped down her ass cheeks and her pubes were slick with juices.

'She's ruined' I thought to myself, although I consoled myself knowing that she would shrink back to a normal size. I just hoped that it would be back to the normal tightness I had become accustomed to in Callie and not 'normal' for someone who had say, given birth!

As Callie lay there I looked around, unsure of what was coming next. Towards the far end of the large room there was some noise of things being moved about; some clanging with the noise of metal clashing together. Someone whimpered but with the bright lights in my view, I could not see beyond to know what the noise was and what was happening. I anxiously watched with baited breathe, my palms sweaty, my heart nervously beating fast, not knowing what the future held. Were they going to torture Callie, or dispose of me as a witness to this ordeal?

A loud dog bark came from the other side of the factory. Guard dogs, I guessed. I became really worried that they were going to get rid of me. I was a witness to their rape of a minor. Why wouldn't they want to get rid of me?

"Go!" I heard someone say in the distance. With that there was a sound of a dog or dogs running towards me. I could not tell how many dogs there were but it was clear that there was more than one. One of the dogs barked and I seized up every muscle expecting to have a big dog lunge out of the darkness at my throat, killing me within seconds.

Suddenly the running sound slowed and appearing into the bright lights of the 'stage' were three large dogs who had stopped to stare at my teen girlfriend, strapped to a bench and leaking cum from her spread pussy.

Movement with the cameras drew my attention back to the monitors. It seemed the cameramen were back at work and were filming the inquisitive look of these three dogs as they neared the mattress.

The three dogs were all different kinds. One was a German Shepherd, with black and gold shaggy hair. Another was a Great Dane and the third was a Saint. Bernard, like the dog from the movie Beethoven. All three dogs were huge, with the Great Dane being the biggest. Its head was easily about four feet high and standing looking menacing it stood as high as a small person. The Saint. Bernard was a little smaller but much bulkier than the relatively slim Great Dane. The German Shepherd was the smallest of the three but was still large enough to look pretty scary.

Callie lay still, not entirely sure what was going on as she recovered slowly. My heart beat quickly, scared that Callie would not be able to defend herself against the attacking dogs. They could easily rip her to shreds if they wanted to, especially the German Shepherd which looked particularly menacing with exposed growling teeth.

The three dogs paced around the edge of the mattress for a few seconds before the German Shepherd climbed onto the mattress. The other two dogs watched as the Shepherd walked around Callie as if it was examining her. It reached her face and paused, putting its snout inches from Callie's face. The cameraman zoomed right in on the exposed teeth as the dog growled. Callie stirred, slowly trying to figure out what was going on. The dog let out a loud bark, startling her. She opened her eyes, flinched and seeing a growling dog in her face she let out a scream. The dog barked again as Callie tried to move.

"What the ... Get it away!! Help!!" Callie shouted "Go away! ... Go!! Shoo!"

I turned to the big black guy next to me, slowly rising to get up. I wanted to run over there and drag those dogs away. Callie was not particularly scared of dogs but was not fond of them either. Seeing a snarling fierce dog in your face would scare even the best dog lovers though and Callie was scared as she struggled against her straps.

"Don't even think about it" said the black man as I put my hands on the table to lift myself up.

I stared at his menacing face for a couple of seconds before letting go of the table and allowing the weight of my body to drop back into the chair.

Callie continued to struggle as the dog stared into her face. A few seconds later the dog stopped growling and trotted round to the back of Callie. She turned her head, not knowing what the dog was going to do. The dog sniffed the air then focused its eyes on Callie's red pussy lips, glistening with moisture. It eased forward, its snout sniffing as it closed in on the source of the smell which peaked it's curiosity.

"No ... no ... go away" Callie said softly, a look of terror in her eyes as the dog grew curious of her exposed pussy.

The dog had stopped growling as its nose eased closer and ever closer to the teen pussy's scent. Now with its snout only a couple of inches away from the spread pussy, Callie had a look of horror as she held her breath, not knowing what was about to happen. I hoped the dog would not bite her as it would cause a lot of damage to such a delicate part of her body. I held my breath as everyone in the factory watched closely, including the other two dogs which were obediently standing to the side of the mattress focusing on their friend the German Shepherd.

One of the cameras zoomed in on the dog's head, looking inquisitively at the pussy spread out in front of him. Suddenly it's long red and raspy tongue darted out and lifted its head, it dragged the tongue upwards along Callie's pussy lips.

Callie screamed as her pussy lips were dragged upwards by the tongue which gripped them.

"Get away!! Get off me!" shouted Callie to the dog. Someone in the shadows laughed.

I could not believe my eyes as the dog stared at her pussy once again, almost thinking about what it had sitting in front of it, and whether it liked the taste.

"No ... no, no, no." Callie whimpered quietly as the dog stared at her pussy.

Suddenly the tongue shot out again and the dog gave Callie a big lick, starting down on her pubes and swiping all the way up over her pussy lips and to her ass.

"Ahhh" said Callie as she flinched in slight pain, feeling the rough tongue against her well-fucked and sensitive clit and pussy.

This time the dog did not pause for thought and it continued to lick, moving its head up and down as it gave Callie's pussy long swipes of it's rough tongue.

Callie clenched her face together in disgust and slight pain at the thought of having an animal lick her private area. I just stared at the monitors, in total disbelief at what I was seeing. Seeing my teen girlfriend being gang raped was one think but now watching her being licked by a dog was disgusting. It was pure filth on a level I never knew existed. How could these men do this and why on earth was that dog enjoying the taste?

The German Shepherd for some reason liked what it was tasting and licked away, faster and faster. The camera zoomed right in on Callie's pussy as the tip of the tongue found the entrance to her treasure. It was not long before the dog figured that the source of the taste was coming from inside of the small hole. The tongue must have been about three inches long and pretty wide at a couple of inches but it managed to curl up its tongue and shove the entire thing between her pussy lips and into her passage.

"Nggggg" Callie muttered through her gritted teeth as the dog relentlessly licked her pussy.

With one camera zoomed in on Callie's face and the other on her pussy being attacked, I noticed the third camera panning around and zooming into the German Shepherd's body. Shifting to a lower angle my eyes opened as wide as saucers as I saw what was hiding behind the dog's fur. It had not occurred to me, but it was now very obvious that this dog was a male dog. Hiding behind the fur was a bright red dick. It stuck out a good six inches and seemed to be growing as is dangled lower and away from its belly. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen and a very odd shape. The tip was very pointy, almost like a pen but soon opened up to be at least a couple of inches across. The dick was quite lumpy looking with some darker red, almost blueish veins wrapping around it. Looking to the base, after the six inches or so dangling down was a big ball shaped thing the size of a tennis ball. It looked like a snake in those nature programs which had swallowed a relatively large animal which you could see as a lump in its body. The tennis ball sized thing was shiny with a relatively smooth surface. Behind it, the dick continued for a couple of inches before its base vanished amongst the fur. Dangling behind, were two big wrinkly balls which did not look unlike the dangly balls of the black men Callie had just fucked, although the dog's were bigger and swung more, as the German Shepherd continued its oral attack on Callie.

I watched as the dog's dick continued to grow and realizerealized in horror that it was getting horny! 'How was this possible?' I asked myself. Surely dogs were turned on by other dogs, not humans! I wondered if the dog was going to try and do it with Callie and wondered whether it was even possible. I had never heard of such a disgusting thing in my life and never in a million years would have thought about a dog and a human in any kind of sexual way, let alone what I was watching now happen to my sweet girlfriend.

The dog suddenly pulled away, taking a step back from Callie's pussy which now shone slick with dog saliva. There was little sign of any sperm and it was obvious the dog had cleaned her pretty well, enjoying its meal. Callie opened her eyes, staring back at the dog and visibly glad that it was over. The dog had other ideas though and stepping to the side slightly. Callie's eyes opened as wide as saucers again as she saw the huge dog dick dangling down beneath its belly. She was speechless until the dog raised up and put its front legs on Callie's back. It was going to mount her!!

"NOO!!! Go away! Get off!" Shouted Callie as she realizerealized what the dog was trying to do. My eyes were also as wide as saucers as the dog shuffled forwards, its angry looking dick dangling away nudging against her thighs.

Callie's protests were ignored by all except the dog, who barked loudly as it shuffled forwards more. One of the camera men quickly got behind the dog at a low angle as the dog thrust forwards repeatedly against Callie's thighs, leaving sticky shiny marks of dog juice.

Callie did her best to shuffle her ass left and right, making it hard for the dog as it shifted its posture upwards. Unfortunately one of the thrusts coincided with the dog's own and the tip of the dick nudged up against Callie's pussy lips which were still spread from both the fucking and the licking. The dog seemed to sense immediately that it had found its target and lunged forwards, slamming the entire six inches into Callie in one go. Callie let out a blood curdling scream as her pussy stretched to accommodate being violated by a dog.

I stared in complete disbelief and disgust as my sweet teen girlfriend struggled against the straps. A dog was fucking my girlfriend. It was wrong and completely vile. I could not believe it. The dog wasted no time as it quickly thrust forwards and backwards, much faster than a human could ever do. It was like a machine and Callie could do nothing. She stopped struggling and accepted her fate, hanging her head down in shame and panting hard as the dog mercilessly slammed into her. This was like watching two dogs mate at the park but instead of a bitch it was my own girlfriend. Callie was in perfect doggy style position strapped into the contraption as she was and this doggy was loving it.

One of the cameras zoomed in as I watched the tennis ball sized thing slap against Callie's pussy lips. I wondered what this thing was as I had never seen anything like it in my life.

"Go away ... shoo" said Callie through the speakers.

I glanced at one of the other monitors to see that the Saint Bernard had climbed onto the mattress. With its shorter fur, it was harder to hide what was under its belly and like the German Shepherd, the Saint Bernard's dick was fully exposed. It was shaped similarly to the Shepherd's, with a long thick dick dangling away with a big ball looking thing towards the base. This dick was a good 8 inches long though and the ball thing was even bigger than a tennis ball.

Shaking her head Callie could not remove her gaze from the huge dick dangling in front of her. She looked at it in horror getting a close-up look at a dog dick and knowing that a similar thing was right now slapping into her teen pussy.

The Saint Bernard suddenly reached up, putting its front legs on the exposed sides of the bench. With its front paws by Callie's shoulders, the dick raised up and poked her in the cheek. She turned her head away as the dog's belly rested on her head. Firmly closing her mouth, she refused what the dog obviously wanted, which was for Callie to suck on the dog dick.

The Saint Bernard was clearly getting impatient and barked loudly.

"There's no way doggy." Callie said to the dog which barked again, this time lowering its head and nudging Callie in her back.

"Ooopf it smells bad" She said, still turning her face away as the dick nudged against her cheek.

The dog barked yet again and growled, this time lowering its head and giving Callie a small bite on the side of her back. It was not enough to draw blood but enough for Callie to realize that she had no choice. The dogs had won and were prepared to hurt her to get what they wanted.

Submissively, Callie turned her head and opened her mouth, gingerly taking the tip of the dick between her lips. The dog needed no further prompting and feeling the warm wetness of Callie's mouth the Saint Bernard lunged forwards, slamming all eight inches of dick into my girlfriend's mouth and throat. Callie coughed and gagged as the dog started to pound forwards. Having learned how to deep throat against her will, she quickly relaxed her throat and held still, allowing the dog to do all the work as the dick thrust in and out of her mouth with the large ball thing nudging up against her lips with every forward thrust.

I continued to stare at the monitors in disbelief. Despite Callie's downfall slide, I would never have thought in a million years that I would be seeing her being fucked by a big dog as another rammed it's dick down her throat. It was the strangest sight I had ever seen. Disturbing yet after the initial shock, I felt what I could only describe as curiosity.

The dogs continued to jack hammer Callie from both ends for several more minutes and she had learned to relax. I was not sure, but I was thinking that I was even hearing the odd moan from the speakers.

The monitor zoomed in on her pussy caught my attention once again as I gazed upon that tennis ball sized thing on the dog's dick. With every slap against Callie's pussy lips, the ball thing seemed to be stretching her more and more. The ball thing was not only slapping against her pussy lips but actually seemed to be parting it more! The ball must have been a good four inches across but Callie's already stretched pussy seemed to be stretching even more as this thing tried to enter her! 'Was this supposed to happen? What on earth was that thing anyway?' I thought to myself.

With every slap the ball seemed to ease inside Callie just a little bit more until with a slurping popping sound, her pussy lips stretched just that little bit more to allow the entire ball thing to slide into her passage.

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