Callie's Downfall - Cover

Callie's Downfall

Copyright© 2008 by Minty

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - My life was great. 17, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Cream Pie   School  

The side door opened with the fat driver standing there smiling. I glanced outside to try and make out where we were. It was pretty dark outside with little street lighting or other lights. The inside of the van had been fairly bright and I found it hard to see anything specific outside while my eyes adjusted to the dark.

With the boy right behind him, the old man stepped out of the van into the darkness with the boy right behind him, but not before grabbingwho grabbing Callie's hand and yanking her outside with him with She let out a yelp of surprise when he did maiking her yelp loudly in surprise. I felt something push against by back and before I could steady myself, someone pushed me hard with their foot. I flew out of the door onto the ground below face first. I cried out though the gag as my cheek scratched against the rough ground drawing blood.

"Bastards!" shouted Callie as she saw me lying there.

"Shut up bitch!" shouted the gold tooth man as the other laughed.

I glanced up to see Callie being pulled away by the boy. The bottom of her dress had fallen to cover her lower half but because the shoulder straps had been snapped, the elastic around the top of her dress still sat on her belly, exposing her breasts to the cool night air.

"Get up" someone said, nudging me lightly in the chest with their foot. I glanced up to see the scary scar faced man towering above me. I slowly got to my feet and glanced around. It looked like we were at some kind of factory. There was a building which looked like a large warehouse but with huge pipes and chimneys everywhere. Maybe it was some sort of chemical factory or distillery. We were parked in the large tarmac area in front but behind a fence, which seemed to surround the place. I could not see the entrance where we would have driven in, or any security. In fact I could not see anyone around at all. At the top of one of the metal chimneys there was a small yellow and blue flame. Apart from that there were some dim lights scattered around but the whole place was very dark. I could not see any other buildings around and did not recognize the place. I tried to think about how long we had been in the van but I had not looked at my watch when we had got in and with my hands tied behind my back I couldn't see it now either.

I stood up with difficulty and as I glanced around, a hand leaned towards my ankle with the large knife cutting the duct tape. Seven of the men walked with Callie towards a dimly lit wooden door on a side wall of the building as I tried to figure out where we were, and how we could escape, if at all.

"Walk" said the scar-faced man as he pushed me from behind.

We walked in a line about 20 meters towards the wooden door. There was a slight chemical smell in the air so this was obviously some sort of chemical plant or somewhere where they use chemicals in whatever they made.

The fat driver reached the door first as I noticed a small dirty intercom on the wall. He pushed the button and waited.

"Yeah?" came a bored voice from the other side.

"Yo, we're here." said the driver.

There was no reply and we all stood there for about 30 seconds without saying a word. Callie glanced around nervously before she suddenly realized that her breasts were still exposed and that everyone was staring at them. Her pink nipples were erect in the cool breeze and she quickly pulled the top of her dress upwards and over her chest with her free hand, holding the top of the dress in place. A couple of the men laughed quietly.

There was a loud unlatching noise from the other side of the door which swung open. Standing there was another black man, probably in his thirties. He was dressed like a gangster that you see in the movies, with a thick gold necklace and loose clothes. He was a big guy at around 6ft 4 and no doubt worked out. He grinned as he saw Callie standing there, looking scared and confused and clutching the top of her summery dress. The innocent white girl standing amongst these large black men made a shiver go up my spine. I was scared too and had no idea what to think or do.

The black guy with the gold chains stood aside as the driver, followed by the boss stepped inside. The young guy followed, dragging Callie whose hand he still held. We all stepped inside and behind us the black man closed the door and locked it again, also dragging a large metal bar into place and sticking a padlock over it. He pocketed the key and followed us.

The smell of chemicals was a little less strong inside as there seemed to be air conditioning along the corridor we were now standing in. The walls were a cold dark brick and the corridor was fairly dimly lit. No-one said a word as Callie and I walked obediently down the corridor with her still holding hands with the young black boy and the other hand holding up the top of her dress. The end of the corridor opened up to a large well lit room. It was some sort of a factory with big machines all banging and churning away. There were lots of moving parts but I could not tell what the machines were doing or making. The strange thing was that there was no staff or workers that I could see. I glanced around trying to get a name or a bearing on where I was. I knew that if this whole thing got ugly I would need all the clues I could get to tell police. We threaded our way past about 10 of these machines, ducking under piping that went overhead from one machine to another. I noticed a few CCTV cameras on the ceiling and walls following our progress as we walked. At the other end of the room was a doorway which the big gangster looking black man held open for us. As he turned around to let us through I could see that he could not keep his eyes off Callie. He grinned widely at her as she walked past him although I was unsure of what facial expression she showed back to him as I was looking at Callie's back. As Callie passed I could see his eyes glance down, trying to get a glimpse of her teen boobs under the dress; boobs which most of these guys had seen already, and boobs which I had a sneaking suspicion these men were going to be seeing a lot more of.

Callie walked past the man and his eyes went straight down to her tight teen ass. The man closed his lips and muttered a quiet "Mmmm, mmm, mmm". He then glanced up at me and laughed. I stayed emotionless as I walked past him, getting a faint whiff of his body odour which smelled sweaty and not very pleasant.

We went into another corridor, again dimly lit and cool. This one had several doors on either side, I assumed leading to offices or other parts of the factory. All were painted wooden doors with no clues as to what lay on the other side. We reached the end of the corridor and the boss man, who was leading the way opened the door and held the door open as we walked through.

"What the hell is this?" Callie asked as she entered through the door, seeing something I could not see yet.

The other men did not reply as they slowed to a standstill one by one as they entered. With the scar face man and the big gangster guy behind me I soon saw what Callie was talking about. The room was large and looked like a part of the factory which was disused. There were some old machines stored against the side of the walls and other things under dusty looking fabric sheets. This part of the factory had a high ceiling and a line of windows high up near the roof but otherwise showed little clue as to our whereabouts. The thing however which prompted Callie's surprise and now mine was the set-up in the middle of the floor.

Surrounded by light stands shining towards their center was an elevated mattress. Higher than a normal bed, the top of the mattress must have been about 4ft off the floor. There were no sheets or pillows, just a mattress surrounded by floodlights. It was hard to see beyond the floodlights but in the shadows I could just about pick out two large TV studio style cameras on stands and on the floor next to one of the light stands was a large obviously high quality portable video camera, like the ones news stations use out in the field. I glanced around at the men in confusion, refusing to believe what I was beginning to realize ... that this looked very much like the set of how a porn film would be and I had a horrible feeling that my 17 year old girlfriend was going to be the unwilling star.

"I said, what the hell is this?!" asked Callie again sternly.

The boss man smiled and calmly stepped over to Callie. He suddenly reached out and pulled a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back. At the same time the big gangster looking man whipped out a large knife and before I knew it, I could feel a cold sharp blade pressed against my throat. Fear charged through my body and time seemed to freeze. I could hear my own heart beating like crazy as I suddenly feared I would be disposed of to make things easier for them.

The boss man slowly turned Callie's head towards me. Her eyes widened like saucers as she saw the big knife to my throat, and no doubt seeing the fear in my eyes also.

"I suggest you do exactly as we say, otherwise you had better kiss goodbye to your boyfriend first..." he moved his head closer to Callie's ear, lowering his voice but still loud enough for everyone to hear " ... and then we will do what we want with you anyway."

Callie was completely motionless. I could see the fear in her eyes and she could see it in mine. She knew she had no choice.

"Well? What's it gonna be?" said the man impatiently.

"Ok." whispered Callie

"Hmm? What was that?" said the man, pretending not to have heard her.

"I said ok" said Callie a little louder but with a definite tone of defeat.

"Ok what?" said the boss man

"Ok ... I will do anything you want me to. Just leave James alone" said Callie, beginning to sob.

"You're a clever girl." said the boss man, releasing her hair.

I felt the knife move away from my throat and I lowered my head again, panting through the gag to regain my breath and wishing my heartbeat to slow down a bit.

"Take him over by the monitors. Sit him down and keep an eye on him" said the boss man to the gangster guy, motioning at me.

Callie just stared, a scared little teen girl, watching the only thing which was familiar to her, me, being led away. I had no idea what monitors the guy was going on about. We walked towards the brightly lit bed and as we went round the side I saw what lie on the other side of the bed. There was a makeshift table with three small tv screens on it and a few chairs. The gangster guy pushed me down into a chair on the end of the table. I looked at the screens and realised that they were the camera angles of the three cameras I saw earlier. I could not believe that not only was someone going to have sex with Callie, but that they were going to film it! I sat not quite believing all the things which had happened to Callie and me over the last few weeks. Were we unlucky or were we just asking for it? I tried to think of what we could have done tonight to prevent this, but it was Ken who ordered Callie to that adult cinema. There was not much we could do to disobey that order.

I heard voices behind me and turned round to see three other black guys. They were standing and chatting amongst themselves drinking coffee. There were two guys of average build and one larger guy who was probably about 250lbs all dressed in black. I was not sure what they were doing here or what they were going to do. For some reason they did not look like they fit in with the others.

"Guys let's get to it." I heard the bossman's voice from behind the bright lights.

The three guys dressed in black put down their coffees and walked towards the bed. One of the skinnier guys and the fat guy took up positions behind the large cameras and the remaining guy picked up the portable camera and put it up on his shoulder. I could not see Callie as she was behind the bright lights, but it was not for long.

"Get up on the bed." I heard the boss man speak. I suddenly realized that there were speakers by the screens that I was sitting next to, and that the cameras could obviously pick up the audio.

I saw Callie come into view as she climbed onto the bed. She was still clutching the top of her dress trying not to expose herself. I thought that it really did not matter at this stage. Everyone was going to see everything anyway. Callie had removed her shoes and sat resting on her knees in the middle of the mattress. I was not close enough to see Callie's face very well but it looked as though she had her head slightly lowered, shy and apprehensive of what was about to take place.

Someone else climbed onto the bed. I recognized him as the gold tooth man who was about to fuck Callie in the van before he was interrupted. He was still fully clothed but I assumed that this time there would be no interruption. Through his jeans I could see a very prominent bulge and knew he was raring to go.

"Ok, you guys ready?" came the voice of the boss man who I still could not see. I could see some faint outlines of the rest of the gang standing on the other side of the bed to where I was, hidden in the shadows behind the bright lights.

"Yeah" said each of the guys behind the cameras. I glanced at the screens in front of me to see that the three different angles were all pointing at Callie, who was very well lit up by the lighting.

"Ok, let's go then." the boss man said.

The gold tooth man leaned forward to give Callie a kiss but Callie leaned back. Not enough to stop their lips touching, but it was obvious Callie was not pleased. I watched on the monitors as one of the cameras zoomed right in close. The man stuck his tongue out, trying to slip it inside Callie but her lips were not budging. I noticed on one of the other screens the boss man entered the scene pushing the gold tooth guy aside. He reached forward and gave Callie a slap on the face. Callie yelped out loud and immediately her hand went to her face, allowing her dress front to drop and exposing her magnificent breasts.

Seeing my sweet girlfriend being slapped I started to get up. I wanted to run over there and kick the shit out of the boss man, but a large black hand suddenly pressed down on my shoulder and I stopped in my tracks.

"Now what did we agree?" said the boss man. "You do whatever we want right? See those cameras? Do you think we are playing a game here? You had better act the part otherwise say goodbye to your boyfriend, got it?!" he said angrily.

Callie nodded in submission and the boss man stepped back out of the frame.

"Now start again." came his voice.

The gold tooth man leaned forward again to kiss Callie and this time she stood her ground, allowing the kiss from the black man and kissing him back slightly. The man put his arms on Callie's shoulder and she put her hands on his allowing her dress to stay down. Two of the cameras zoomed in to the kiss, and I watched in disgust as the man and Callie's tongues intertwined and twisted around each other. The other camera zoomed in on her teen breasts.

Finally after what seemed an eternity their tongues moved apart and the gold tooth man slid his hands down Callie's arms, holding them by her side. He lowered his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking it then opening his mouth to flick his tongue along it and biting it softly. Callie remained fairly motionless and emotionless, trying to glance over her shoulder towards where I was sitting.

"Now now, come on." came the boss man's voice persuasively.

The gold tooth man grabbed both of her breasts squeezing them and kneading them. Callie took the hint from the boss and pretended to enjoy what she was doing and ignoring the blackmail and rape that it actually was. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as the man rubbed and sucked her nipples till they were pointy and erect.

The gold tooth man then grabbed the sides of Callie's dress pulling it upwards. Callie lifted her arms up as the man slid the dress up and over her head. He scrunched it up into a ball and threw it as hard as he could to the edge of the factory floor. I heard a dull thud as it landed on the top of one of the machines and thought to myself that it would be a hard one to retrieve.

"Stand up." said the gold tooth man.

Callie slowly stood up on the mattress, with her arms by her side. The man manhandled and moved Callie's legs apart so that they were wider than shoulder width. The lighting hid nothing and the cameras were there to find it all. One camera stayed zoomed out as the man's hand roamed around on Callie's smooth teen skin. The man with the portable camera stood right at the edge of the mattress and on the screen I could see him zooming into Callie's pussy. Standing the way she was, you could just see the folds of her pussy peeping out from her pussy mound, her light brown hairs all lit up and even lighter looking under the spotlights. The camera man crouched down and because Callie was standing on the tall bed, he could zoom right up to her pussy lips which glistened slightly, still damp from the finger fucking in the van and no doubt the fucking she had earlier in the adult cinema.

Gold tooth man continued to caress her skin and since he was still kneeling on the bed, his head was at her waist level. He turned Callie around and told her to bend over at the waist. Callie leaned forward and rested her hands on her knees with her ass facing the man. The cameras zoomed and scanned, getting every detail of my girlfriend's body as her ass stuck outwards. Callie's cute round ass filled the monitor in front of me, with her pussy rotating backwards and outwards for all to see. The man grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them hard. Callie flinched as her pussy lips parted and her damp hole opened up slightly showing her dark tunnel. Her brown asshole also stretched and elongated as the man leaned forward and sniffed the scent of teen pussy ... my teen pussy.

One of the cameras continued to zoom in as the man's tongue reached out and flicked along Callie's now exposed and stretched clit, making her flinch slightly. The man sucked on Callie's clit and after about a minute I could start to hear very feint moans. Callie was again getting good at acting. I watched the screen as the man flicked his tongue along her slit, occasionally dipping it into her pussy. I laughed inside as I knew there was still sperm inside. It served him right, the bastard. He did not seem to mind the taste but he probably did not realize where the taste was from.

After a couple of minutes, the man moved away and leaned back onto his arms, gesturing towards his crotch. Callie took the hint and dropped to her knees, unbuttoning the man's jeans. Callie tugged his jeans down to his knees and stared at the huge bulge in the man's shorts.

"Come on you slut, take it out." he said.

Callie paused for a second, I am sure hurt by the man's words, then tugged down on his boxers. The man's big dick sprang out like a jack in the box and stood to attention. She paused again, surveying the man's dick before slowly leaning forward and grabbing it at the base. The man had shaved all his pubic hair off, making his dick look longer and even with Callie's hand at the base there were quite a few inches left on above it. She leaned her head forward and closing her eyes, opened her mouth. The head of the man's dick vanished as she clamped her lips onto it and started to gently bob her head backwards and forwards. One of the cameras zoomed in as she sucked gently, moving her head a little more with each movement and taking more and more of the black dick into her mouth. After a couple of minutes the portable camera was brought round to the other side of the mattress, zooming on Callie's ass and pussy as she sucked the black man's dick. Whereas her privates would normally be in a shadow in her position, they were brightly lit up from the spotlights positioned around. The screen in front of me filled up with teen pussy as the cameraman moved to get a good angle. To my left another one of the screens zoomed in on Callie's face. Her eyes closed as I watched her lips rhythmically slide up then down, then up the gold tooth man's big dick. The skin of his black dick glistened under the lights where it was wet with Callie's saliva. I could hear feint slurping sounds through one of the speakers. The other monitor was a zoomed out view of Callie on her knees giving this black man a blowjob. I watched as the cameraman zoomed in on the man's face. He was truly an ugly guy with bad teeth, bad skin a big nose and looking 100% dodgy and here he was getting the blowjob of his life from a young teen goddess.

Callie continued to suck this stranger's dick for a couple of minutes while everyone watched quietly. The gold tooth man just lay there with a big smile on his face until he obviously wanted a change. He put his hands on Callie's head and lifted it gently off his dick. One of the cameras zoomed in on the dick, and the thick trail of bubbly saliva coating his dick.

"Lay down" said the gold tooth man, gently pressing on Callie's bare shoulders.

Callie leaned back and lay flat on her back, her feet resting near her bum with her knees pointing upwards. The man got onto his knees, clutching the base of his big dick and angled it downwards. My heart raced as she shuffled forwards and into position. He leaned forward and rested one of his hands by Callie's head. Once again I was about to see someone rape my girlfriend and yet again there was nothing I could do about it. One of the cameras got into position low down and behind the man who was now hovering above Callie. The camera zoomed into his black spotty ass. It was not a pleasant view however the subject of the shot was not the man's ass but, pointing downwards and larger than life was the man's dick. In the background and getting closer and closer to the tip of the black intruder was Callie's little pussy, still clamped together with her pussy lips barely visible.

One of the other cameras showed the side-on, zoomed out view of the pair with the other camera zoomed in on Callie's face. She closed her eyes and turned her head away from the black man's hand, which happened to make her unknowingly face directly into the camera. Looking back at the other monitor I watched as the gold tooth man lowered himself and shuffled forwards more. Callie flinched slightly as the tip of his dick touched her pussy lips. His dick was still wet with her saliva and he brushed it up and down the length of her pussy lips, wetting them and the pubes close to her crack. Finally, with his dick angled down, he positioned it to where he thought was right and pushed forward slightly. Callie flinched again. Her pussy lips flared and bulged as the man refined the positioning of his tip. With an inaudible 'pop' her pussy lips seemed to part as the man hit the spot. He paused for a second before he eased forward. Almost millimeter by millimeter the deep purple head of his dick started to vanish out of sight. Callie's pussy lips continued to flare outwards as her private passage became stretched.

My stomach felt weak as one of the screens filled up with the pussy I was so familiar with. The gold tooth man's dick was thick and veiny and I might have been imagining it, but I could swear that Callie's pussy lips flared wider ever so slightly as the thick veins slid over her delicate pussy lips. I glanced over to one of the other screens which was zoomed in on Callie's face. She had her eyes clamped shut and was trying to hide what appeared to be slight pain as she was stretched by this large black intruder.

"Ahhh, fuck that's it." muttered the man as his dick continued to sink into Callie in slow motion. He was not pulling back and it seemed he was determined to sink his entire length into the tight teen pussy. The front part of the man's dick was slick with Callie's saliva but on the monitor close to me, it was obvious that the bottom part of his dick was dry and as the dry part reached Callie's pussy he continued easing it in. Callie flinched and moved slightly as the man forced his dick deeper. No doubt she was feeling uncomfortable. Her pussy lips were stretched thin, but allowed the dick to slide in until he met up with some resistance. The man continued to push and the pussy lips looked like they were being pushed inside with his dick. They seemed to retract slightly as the dick dragged them inside.

"Nggggg" muttered Callie quietly as she took the pain bravely. The dick continued its attack and a few short seconds later, the man's balls rested against Callie's pussy mound. He held his position for a few seconds, no doubt savouring the moment.

"How's it feel to have a real dick inside you bitch?" laughed the man.

Callie did not respond.

"I'm talking to you bitch!" said the man impatiently.

"It's ... it's great." muttered Callie shyly.

"Whats that bitch? I can't hear you." Said the man on purpose and sarcastically.

"I said, it's great." said Callie more loudly. She realized that the man wanted her to speak dirty and decided to go along with it to keep her from getting slapped again or me getting hurt. Callie turned her head towards the man now above and behind her. "Fuck me with your huge black cock." she said seductively.

"That's my girl." said the gold tooth man, pleased "I will happily oblige.".

He slowly pulled his dick backwards and the screen showed it in full glory as the entire length of the smooth black skin now glistened under the harsh lighting. Callie's pussy lips dragged outwards slightly despite the dampness of the cock as he continued pulling back. A few seconds later and the bottom of the man's cock head appeared, just peeking out from behind the pink pussy lips. The man stopped for a split second before he lunged forward, slamming his entire length straight into Callie's tight 17 year old pussy.

"Ugh!!!!" grunted Callie as if she was winded. There was a loud 'slap' sound as the black skin of the man smacked against the smooth tanned skin of my teenaged girlfriend. The camera showing the zoomed out bodies of the two caught my attention as Callie arched her back involuntarily by the attacking dick. This had the undesired effect of rotating Callie's pussy mound outwards even more, no doubt making the penetration even deeper than it was a few seconds ago. The man pulled his dick back again till almost the entire length was out and slammed back into Callie making her grunt again. He did this a few more times until he started working up a rhythm. The camera zoomed in at her pussy zoomed out slightly and I could see Callie's ass rippling with every hard slap of the black man's body. The other camera showed her eyes closed, biting her bottom lip as her pussy slowly stretched wider to comfortably accommodate such a large intruder.

"Slap, slap, slap, slap" came the sounds from my girlfriend being raped. Everyone watched in silence as this perverted stage show continued. Callie grunted softly with every hard slap and the black man panted as he feverishly fucked her teenaged pussy. The camera zoomed in on Callie's sweet face moved upwards as I once again saw the gold tooth man's ugly face. He really was quite ugly and here he was fucking a sweet innocent looking under aged teen. It was probably his dream come true and his face looked like he was in pure heaven fucking my girlfriend.

The slapping sounds continued for a few minutes and under the harsh lighting I could see Callie's body becoming shiny with sweat. The black man was getting sweaty too; quite a bit sweatier than Callie, with sweat beginning to run down his face. The man thrust a few more times and then slowed to a stop, propping himself up with his arms and glancing down at his dick as she slowly pulled it out. The screen next to me was still zoomed right in on her pussy and I watched as the dick slid out, immediately springing upwards. Callie's pussy lips looked deeper in colour and a little more ruffled, but her tight teen pussy immediately clamped shut again. I wondered how long it would continue to do that, now that she had been raped repeatedly by a growing list of men, some with very big dicks. I hoped that her teen pussy would remain tight forever but something inside me told me that this would not happen.

"Turn onto your side." ordered the man as she shuffled round and lay down on the bed. Callie turned towards one of the cameras, looking back over her shoulder at the man who was also laying on his side, but behind her. The man grabbed Callie's leg and lifted it high, spreading her crotch. He shuffled and with a bit of aiming positioned his dick at Callie's pussy lips. He pushed upwards, missing the mark. He moved down slightly and tried again, his dick nudging against Callie's clit this time. It made her flinch but was not what the man was aiming for. He tried again a couple of times, effectively only rubbing the tip along Callie's slit. Getting frustrated, he used his spare hand, positioning the tip of his dick at Callie's pussy lips, pushing forwards against them. Her lips resisted for a second before spreading and letting the dick slide inside once again. The man wasted no time in working up to his previous pace. The camera hid no detail as the black dick fucked the teen pussy. The man closed his eyes and grunted away. Callie had her mouth open, breathing with her eyes closed and occasionally scrunching up her eyebrows, I assumed in pain from the large dick.

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